General Gardening Discussion

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  1. Paladin


    :rolleyes:...My son did the mowing in the week and I've just noticed the clover is no more:D
    :rolleyes:...My son did the mowing in the week and I've just noticed the clover is no more:D
    :rolleyes:...My son did the mowing in the week and I've just noticed the clover is no more:D
    :rolleyes:...My son did the mowing in the week and I've just noticed the clover is no more:D
  2. accidentalgardener

    Bald Wisteria

    At the moment it is looking like a yound triffid, all leaves and fronds. I need to attach it to the wall. Craig used to do that sort of thing but i think maybe i will have to get my gardener...
    At the moment it is looking like a yound triffid, all leaves and fronds. I need to attach it to the wall. Craig used to do that sort of thing but i think maybe i will have to get my gardener neighbour to do it for me :DI have taken the pic but Alex is the computer genius so he has to put...
    At the moment it is looking like a yound triffid, all leaves and fronds. I need to attach it to the wall. Craig used to do that sort of thing but i think maybe i will have to get my gardener neighbour to do it for me :DI have taken the pic...
    At the moment it is looking like a yound triffid, all leaves and fronds. I need to attach it to the wall. Craig used to do that sort of thing but i think maybe i will have to get my gardener...
  3. joe90

    Calla Lilies

    Hi Kazy, Try taking root cuttings of your Dicentra the can be taken now and grown in 3" pots of cutting compost. Take some thickish roots and lay them flat on the compost and cover with about 1cm...
    Hi Kazy, Try taking root cuttings of your Dicentra the can be taken now and grown in 3" pots of cutting compost. Take some thickish roots and lay them flat on the compost and cover with about 1cm on top and keep moist but not too wet. They should show signs of life in about a few weeks. Good...
    Hi Kazy, Try taking root cuttings of your Dicentra the can be taken now and grown in 3" pots of cutting compost. Take some thickish roots and lay them flat on the compost and cover with about 1cm on top and keep moist but not too wet. They...
    Hi Kazy, Try taking root cuttings of your Dicentra the can be taken now and grown in 3" pots of cutting compost. Take some thickish roots and lay them flat on the compost and cover with about 1cm...
  4. Leucojum

    Antirrhinum wilting

    Oh dear Leucojum, i am 'trying' to grow these but not having much success so far. Sorry i couldn't help. cheers
    Oh dear Leucojum, i am 'trying' to grow these but not having much success so far. Sorry i couldn't help. cheers
    Oh dear Leucojum, i am 'trying' to grow these but not having much success so far. Sorry i couldn't help. cheers
    Oh dear Leucojum, i am 'trying' to grow these but not having much success so far. Sorry i couldn't help. cheers
  5. sawfish

    Asimina Triloba (hardy paw paw)

    Yes I tasted it sawfish, it didn't get as big as some of the pics I have seen. It had yellow flesh, a very sweet flavour, perhaps too sweet, embedded in the pulp was loads of very lareg seeds. I...
    Yes I tasted it sawfish, it didn't get as big as some of the pics I have seen. It had yellow flesh, a very sweet flavour, perhaps too sweet, embedded in the pulp was loads of very lareg seeds. I dont think its going to catch on in sainsburys some how. But maybe there are good fruiting...
    Yes I tasted it sawfish, it didn't get as big as some of the pics I have seen. It had yellow flesh, a very sweet flavour, perhaps too sweet, embedded in the pulp was loads of very lareg seeds. I dont think its going to catch on in sainsburys...
    Yes I tasted it sawfish, it didn't get as big as some of the pics I have seen. It had yellow flesh, a very sweet flavour, perhaps too sweet, embedded in the pulp was loads of very lareg seeds. I...
  6. SunflowerValley


    I have a 'cat', and it does the job beautifully in seeing off the little tree rats when they are raiding my Hazel tree....Her name is 'Black Widow', and she propels marbles at a fair rate of...
    I have a 'cat', and it does the job beautifully in seeing off the little tree rats when they are raiding my Hazel tree....Her name is 'Black Widow', and she propels marbles at a fair rate of knots!:thumb:
    I have a 'cat', and it does the job beautifully in seeing off the little tree rats when they are raiding my Hazel tree....Her name is 'Black Widow', and she propels marbles at a fair rate of knots!:thumb:
    I have a 'cat', and it does the job beautifully in seeing off the little tree rats when they are raiding my Hazel tree....Her name is 'Black Widow', and she propels marbles at a fair rate of...
  7. Emma (confused)

    When people say they are novice gardeners..

    Good advice! :)
    Good advice! :)
    Good advice! :)
    Good advice! :)
  8. Ethansmum

    I've got a baby!!!

    Well folks we've really opened another can of worms here!
    Well folks we've really opened another can of worms here!
    Well folks we've really opened another can of worms here!
    Well folks we've really opened another can of worms here!
  9. cherry

    Tetrapanax Rex growers

    No probs mate you can have one.I hope it will sucker this year that would be brill.......daz
    No probs mate you can have one.I hope it will sucker this year that would be brill.......daz
    No probs mate you can have one.I hope it will sucker this year that would be brill.......daz
    No probs mate you can have one.I hope it will sucker this year that would be brill.......daz
  10. fmay

    Swimming Pool

    Thanks for the replies - it's looking white now instead of green, chlorine is high, pH is low so adjusting slowly. Have bought clarifier and algicide but thought I would leave them out of the...
    Thanks for the replies - it's looking white now instead of green, chlorine is high, pH is low so adjusting slowly. Have bought clarifier and algicide but thought I would leave them out of the equation until I get the other balances right.
    Thanks for the replies - it's looking white now instead of green, chlorine is high, pH is low so adjusting slowly. Have bought clarifier and algicide but thought I would leave them out of the equation until I get the other balances right.
    Thanks for the replies - it's looking white now instead of green, chlorine is high, pH is low so adjusting slowly. Have bought clarifier and algicide but thought I would leave them out of the...
  11. acer

    Round-up around hedging...

    Im suprised John isnt sudgesting sodium clorate or peeing in the wind....Actually, his advice on this particular thread is fine.
    Im suprised John isnt sudgesting sodium clorate or peeing in the wind....Actually, his advice on this particular thread is fine.
    Im suprised John isnt sudgesting sodium clorate or peeing in the wind....Actually, his advice on this particular thread is fine.
    Im suprised John isnt sudgesting sodium clorate or peeing in the wind....Actually, his advice on this particular thread is fine.
  12. Victoria


    It is lovely, isn't it walnut. :) This is more or less two meters, strongy, and I bought it at 50cm perhaps so it's growing at a fast pace.. It is leggy so I will take your good advice and cut...
    It is lovely, isn't it walnut. :) This is more or less two meters, strongy, and I bought it at 50cm perhaps so it's growing at a fast pace.. It is leggy so I will take your good advice and cut it back when I'm sure it's finished it's flower(ing). Thanks for that. x :thumb:
    It is lovely, isn't it walnut. :) This is more or less two meters, strongy, and I bought it at 50cm perhaps so it's growing at a fast pace.. It is leggy so I will take your good advice and cut it back when I'm sure it's finished it's...
    It is lovely, isn't it walnut. :) This is more or less two meters, strongy, and I bought it at 50cm perhaps so it's growing at a fast pace.. It is leggy so I will take your good advice and cut...
  13. BekiMac

    Spanish Holiday Palms

    The photo didn't even come up! haha! here goes..... (If that doesn't work I give up, just follow the link, lol)
    The photo didn't even come up! haha! here goes..... (If that doesn't work I give up, just follow the link, lol)
    The photo didn't even come up! haha! here goes..... (If that doesn't work I give up, just follow the link, lol)
    The photo didn't even come up! haha! here goes..... (If that doesn't work I give up, just follow the link, lol)
  14. carlnorwich

    Buxus Sempervirens

    Just prune them to your own taste when they are big enough Carl. pruning is usually cosmetic.
    Just prune them to your own taste when they are big enough Carl. pruning is usually cosmetic.
    Just prune them to your own taste when they are big enough Carl. pruning is usually cosmetic.
    Just prune them to your own taste when they are big enough Carl. pruning is usually cosmetic.
  15. galaxysue


    I was under the impression that washing up water is not such a good idea for watering as it's mainly the presence of food particles and grease which impart the damage by attracting vermin etc.
    I was under the impression that washing up water is not such a good idea for watering as it's mainly the presence of food particles and grease which impart the damage by attracting vermin etc.
    I was under the impression that washing up water is not such a good idea for watering as it's mainly the presence of food particles and grease which impart the damage by attracting vermin etc.
    I was under the impression that washing up water is not such a good idea for watering as it's mainly the presence of food particles and grease which impart the damage by attracting vermin etc.
  16. Anthony


    Thanks once again everyone.I'm not going to be able to go down the goat route (bummer!) as I live in suburbia. I think I'll give the Roundup in polythene bags a stab. That's the off the shelf...
    Thanks once again everyone.I'm not going to be able to go down the goat route (bummer!) as I live in suburbia. I think I'll give the Roundup in polythene bags a stab. That's the off the shelf liquid weed killer I'd mentioned in my original post. With the following days in Bristol making a...
    Thanks once again everyone.I'm not going to be able to go down the goat route (bummer!) as I live in suburbia. I think I'll give the Roundup in polythene bags a stab. That's the off the shelf liquid weed killer I'd mentioned in my original...
    Thanks once again everyone.I'm not going to be able to go down the goat route (bummer!) as I live in suburbia. I think I'll give the Roundup in polythene bags a stab. That's the off the shelf...
  17. Shelby

    When/How to remove dead/dying palm leaves?

    Ok,Thanks for the info :)Now my palm looks nice and fresh :p
    Ok,Thanks for the info :)Now my palm looks nice and fresh :p
    Ok,Thanks for the info :)Now my palm looks nice and fresh :p
    Ok,Thanks for the info :)Now my palm looks nice and fresh :p
  18. craig

    Sarah Raven Cut Flowers Books

    It was meant to be Libra, the scales, weighing up one possibility against the other! Anyway, have fun with your cuttings/cottage garden, and we will be expecting to see photos in the fullness of...
    It was meant to be Libra, the scales, weighing up one possibility against the other! Anyway, have fun with your cuttings/cottage garden, and we will be expecting to see photos in the fullness of time, of course!!!
    It was meant to be Libra, the scales, weighing up one possibility against the other! Anyway, have fun with your cuttings/cottage garden, and we will be expecting to see photos in the fullness of time, of course!!!
    It was meant to be Libra, the scales, weighing up one possibility against the other! Anyway, have fun with your cuttings/cottage garden, and we will be expecting to see photos in the fullness of...
  19. jackross47

    Fungus in Lawwn

    In short, nothing you can do.There are profeshional products for use on sports turf desighned for treating fairy rings and etc but these are expensive and not easily obtainable to ameturs
    In short, nothing you can do.There are profeshional products for use on sports turf desighned for treating fairy rings and etc but these are expensive and not easily obtainable to ameturs
    In short, nothing you can do.There are profeshional products for use on sports turf desighned for treating fairy rings and etc but these are expensive and not easily obtainable to ameturs
    In short, nothing you can do.There are profeshional products for use on sports turf desighned for treating fairy rings and etc but these are expensive and not easily obtainable to ameturs
  20. messypup

    Theft of plants!!

    What is the world coming to?
    What is the world coming to?
    What is the world coming to?
    What is the world coming to?

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