General Gardening Discussion

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  1. jimbo1951


    Try this website they have 4 for £7 something. Reversible Hinges.html
    Try this website they have 4 for £7 something. Reversible Hinges.html
    Try this website they have 4 for £7 something. Reversible Hinges.html
    Try this website they have 4 for £7 something. Reversible Hinges.html
  2. gardeningsolutions

    Adding gardening

    Hi all,I was wondering about adding a garden care/cleaning area to my siteAny experience gardeners willing to assist me then I would welcome any helpCheers all.
    Hi all,I was wondering about adding a garden care/cleaning area to my siteAny experience gardeners willing to assist me then I would welcome any helpCheers all.
    Hi all,I was wondering about adding a garden care/cleaning area to my siteAny experience gardeners willing to assist me then I would welcome any helpCheers all.
    Hi all,I was wondering about adding a garden care/cleaning area to my siteAny experience gardeners willing to assist me then I would welcome any helpCheers all.
  3. carlnorwich

    Caring for Clematis

    Thanks Peter, I haven't trained it particularly well or provided very good support so I think I'll cut back and train it properly. I can't wait to see it next spring x
    Thanks Peter, I haven't trained it particularly well or provided very good support so I think I'll cut back and train it properly. I can't wait to see it next spring x
    Thanks Peter, I haven't trained it particularly well or provided very good support so I think I'll cut back and train it properly. I can't wait to see it next spring x
    Thanks Peter, I haven't trained it particularly well or provided very good support so I think I'll cut back and train it properly. I can't wait to see it next spring x
  4. xxhazexx

    What do i do !!!

    Hi Haze welcome to the forum. Like others have already mentioned don't be put off by what you think is a BIG JOB as it really isn't and that is spoken by my own experience like yourself my hubby...
    Hi Haze welcome to the forum. Like others have already mentioned don't be put off by what you think is a BIG JOB as it really isn't and that is spoken by my own experience like yourself my hubby has major health issues but he does manage to do quite a bit about the garden maybe too much at...
    Hi Haze welcome to the forum. Like others have already mentioned don't be put off by what you think is a BIG JOB as it really isn't and that is spoken by my own experience like yourself my hubby has major health issues but he does manage to do...
    Hi Haze welcome to the forum. Like others have already mentioned don't be put off by what you think is a BIG JOB as it really isn't and that is spoken by my own experience like yourself my hubby...
  5. bristolpotman

    advice on Zinnias

    Claire. did you see Gardeners World from Malvern show last week. ? There was a lady whp hold thec National collection of hostas in pots who has come up with a wash made up from garlic bulbs...
    Claire. did you see Gardeners World from Malvern show last week. ? There was a lady whp hold thec National collection of hostas in pots who has come up with a wash made up from garlic bulbs boiled up which seems worthy of investigation.for slug control, I wiil need to watch again to get the...
    Claire. did you see Gardeners World from Malvern show last week. ? There was a lady whp hold thec National collection of hostas in pots who has come up with a wash made up from garlic bulbs boiled up which seems worthy of investigation.for slug...
    Claire. did you see Gardeners World from Malvern show last week. ? There was a lady whp hold thec National collection of hostas in pots who has come up with a wash made up from garlic bulbs...
  6. Steve R

    Cold frame glass?

    I managed to get hold of an old perspex type shower screen from our recycling centre ( tip!) works and treat and is safe too.
    I managed to get hold of an old perspex type shower screen from our recycling centre ( tip!) works and treat and is safe too.
    I managed to get hold of an old perspex type shower screen from our recycling centre ( tip!) works and treat and is safe too.
    I managed to get hold of an old perspex type shower screen from our recycling centre ( tip!) works and treat and is safe too.
  7. Tiarella

    Trailing Geraniums - help please

    Okay, they are outside now and seem to be recovering. Thanks guys.
    Okay, they are outside now and seem to be recovering. Thanks guys.
    Okay, they are outside now and seem to be recovering. Thanks guys.
    Okay, they are outside now and seem to be recovering. Thanks guys.
  8. BekiMac

    coming up blind

    Hi Beki,I tend to just leave my bulbs where they are, with a few exceptions, they multiply and come up very well - unless Arnie plants his hairy backside on them that is :D
    Hi Beki,I tend to just leave my bulbs where they are, with a few exceptions, they multiply and come up very well - unless Arnie plants his hairy backside on them that is :D
    Hi Beki,I tend to just leave my bulbs where they are, with a few exceptions, they multiply and come up very well - unless Arnie plants his hairy backside on them that is :D
    Hi Beki,I tend to just leave my bulbs where they are, with a few exceptions, they multiply and come up very well - unless Arnie plants his hairy backside on them that is :D
  9. gazzak

    Need some privacy

    Nobody is taking the pee Gaz. Mile a Minute is a sort of ivy (or weed). Try this site:
    Nobody is taking the pee Gaz. Mile a Minute is a sort of ivy (or weed). Try this site:
    Nobody is taking the pee Gaz. Mile a Minute is a sort of ivy (or weed). Try this site:
    Nobody is taking the pee Gaz. Mile a Minute is a sort of ivy (or weed). Try this site:
  10. littleorme

    Hibiscus help please...

    Pete, having bad hair is not a laughing matter.:D:p
    Pete, having bad hair is not a laughing matter.:D:p
    Pete, having bad hair is not a laughing matter.:D:p
    Pete, having bad hair is not a laughing matter.:D:p
  11. gioia mia

    What to do?

    Oh cool, thank you!! Plenty options there...
    Oh cool, thank you!! Plenty options there...
    Oh cool, thank you!! Plenty options there...
    Oh cool, thank you!! Plenty options there...
  12. Helofadigger

    Refused to empty my green bin!

    Mine got left once because it was 2" inside the garden gate (which was open) and not on the edge! I phoned the council and they were made to come back and get it ....Val
    Mine got left once because it was 2" inside the garden gate (which was open) and not on the edge! I phoned the council and they were made to come back and get it ....Val
    Mine got left once because it was 2" inside the garden gate (which was open) and not on the edge! I phoned the council and they were made to come back and get it ....Val
    Mine got left once because it was 2" inside the garden gate (which was open) and not on the edge! I phoned the council and they were made to come back and get it ....Val
  13. Harmony Arb

    Filling in patio gaps

    Cheers, guys.
    Cheers, guys.
    Cheers, guys.
    Cheers, guys.
  14. Leucojum

    John Weathers

    Yup, we got morals - still looking - found John Weathers was assistant secretary to the RHS London late 1800's early 1900's - but can't find anything else - yet. Regards Leucojum
    Yup, we got morals - still looking - found John Weathers was assistant secretary to the RHS London late 1800's early 1900's - but can't find anything else - yet. Regards Leucojum
    Yup, we got morals - still looking - found John Weathers was assistant secretary to the RHS London late 1800's early 1900's - but can't find anything else - yet. Regards Leucojum
    Yup, we got morals - still looking - found John Weathers was assistant secretary to the RHS London late 1800's early 1900's - but can't find anything else - yet. Regards Leucojum
  15. pete3933

    Rotovate Compacted ground

    Thanks for the reply .Gave the ground a light soaking and broke up ground using fork ( didn't have pickaxe !).Did the trick and turned over well in the end .Cheers ,Pete
    Thanks for the reply .Gave the ground a light soaking and broke up ground using fork ( didn't have pickaxe !).Did the trick and turned over well in the end .Cheers ,Pete
    Thanks for the reply .Gave the ground a light soaking and broke up ground using fork ( didn't have pickaxe !).Did the trick and turned over well in the end .Cheers ,Pete
    Thanks for the reply .Gave the ground a light soaking and broke up ground using fork ( didn't have pickaxe !).Did the trick and turned over well in the end .Cheers ,Pete
  16. rosietutu


    Thanks for the info chaps I will pop across and tell her, so netting it is. Cripes it is hot here today reckon better go water me beans !
    Thanks for the info chaps I will pop across and tell her, so netting it is. Cripes it is hot here today reckon better go water me beans !
    Thanks for the info chaps I will pop across and tell her, so netting it is. Cripes it is hot here today reckon better go water me beans !
    Thanks for the info chaps I will pop across and tell her, so netting it is. Cripes it is hot here today reckon better go water me beans !
  17. Aesculus

    Looking to buy a loupe?

    :) They are very handy KL if you want real detail in close up... Mind you, you have to put it right by your eye & then close to the plant KL..! So you very often block out the light..!!!!:D Very...
    :) They are very handy KL if you want real detail in close up... Mind you, you have to put it right by your eye & then close to the plant KL..! So you very often block out the light..!!!!:D Very good for seeing whether you have spider mites or not I agree Pete, as I can't see them anymore...
    :) They are very handy KL if you want real detail in close up... Mind you, you have to put it right by your eye & then close to the plant KL..! So you very often block out the light..!!!!:D Very good for seeing whether you have spider mites or not...
    :) They are very handy KL if you want real detail in close up... Mind you, you have to put it right by your eye & then close to the plant KL..! So you very often block out the light..!!!!:D Very...
  18. Rekusu

    watering / Hose fittings

    Thanks for the replies.Good idea, I will check the Yellow pages tomorrow. Unfortunately, I had to buy a couple of O rings from the local hardware store and certainly feel I contributed to his...
    Thanks for the replies.Good idea, I will check the Yellow pages tomorrow. Unfortunately, I had to buy a couple of O rings from the local hardware store and certainly feel I contributed to his and Hozelock's excessive profit.Rex
    Thanks for the replies.Good idea, I will check the Yellow pages tomorrow. Unfortunately, I had to buy a couple of O rings from the local hardware store and certainly feel I contributed to his and Hozelock's excessive profit.Rex
    Thanks for the replies.Good idea, I will check the Yellow pages tomorrow. Unfortunately, I had to buy a couple of O rings from the local hardware store and certainly feel I contributed to his...
  19. bellapinkpink

    Twisted Corkscrew help, please!

    Thank you David. Any special compost? Could I plant it in the ground?
    Thank you David. Any special compost? Could I plant it in the ground?
    Thank you David. Any special compost? Could I plant it in the ground?
    Thank you David. Any special compost? Could I plant it in the ground?
  20. mattd

    how best to cut back my ivy?

    Yes, Youngdaisydee, I am going to leave the bit where the robins were nesting until the Autumn and even then I may only thin it a bit as Robins over winter here so probably use it 12 months of the...
    Yes, Youngdaisydee, I am going to leave the bit where the robins were nesting until the Autumn and even then I may only thin it a bit as Robins over winter here so probably use it 12 months of the year - anyone know for sure.
    Yes, Youngdaisydee, I am going to leave the bit where the robins were nesting until the Autumn and even then I may only thin it a bit as Robins over winter here so probably use it 12 months of the year - anyone know for sure.
    Yes, Youngdaisydee, I am going to leave the bit where the robins were nesting until the Autumn and even then I may only thin it a bit as Robins over winter here so probably use it 12 months of the...

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