General Gardening Discussion

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  1. Bashy

    Another hardening question...sorry

    Hi Bashy. Sounds to ME that you`ve done all the right things. Nightime temps are pretty good at the moment and if it was me, I`d have no fear about leaving the vents open. Cheers...freddy.
    Hi Bashy. Sounds to ME that you`ve done all the right things. Nightime temps are pretty good at the moment and if it was me, I`d have no fear about leaving the vents open. Cheers...freddy.
    Hi Bashy. Sounds to ME that you`ve done all the right things. Nightime temps are pretty good at the moment and if it was me, I`d have no fear about leaving the vents open. Cheers...freddy.
    Hi Bashy. Sounds to ME that you`ve done all the right things. Nightime temps are pretty good at the moment and if it was me, I`d have no fear about leaving the vents open. Cheers...freddy.
  2. Lisamel


    Hi, and thank you so much, i want to plant outsside,do i need to seal the pot first, is PVA ok to use, then gloss?
    Hi, and thank you so much, i want to plant outsside,do i need to seal the pot first, is PVA ok to use, then gloss?
    Hi, and thank you so much, i want to plant outsside,do i need to seal the pot first, is PVA ok to use, then gloss?
    Hi, and thank you so much, i want to plant outsside,do i need to seal the pot first, is PVA ok to use, then gloss?
  3. badsal72


    You need to keep it growing right through the summer to build up the bulb for next year, feed it occasionally with tomato food. Start to dry it off in early Sept, when the leaves will die. After...
    You need to keep it growing right through the summer to build up the bulb for next year, feed it occasionally with tomato food. Start to dry it off in early Sept, when the leaves will die. After the initial flowering I tend to leave mine in a cool place right through the winter, bone dry. I...
    You need to keep it growing right through the summer to build up the bulb for next year, feed it occasionally with tomato food. Start to dry it off in early Sept, when the leaves will die. After the initial flowering I tend to leave mine in a...
    You need to keep it growing right through the summer to build up the bulb for next year, feed it occasionally with tomato food. Start to dry it off in early Sept, when the leaves will die. After...
  4. galaxysue


    I have found a weed growing and was told it is mandrake, what is the best way to get rid, I have started to dig them out but will they keep coming back?
    I have found a weed growing and was told it is mandrake, what is the best way to get rid, I have started to dig them out but will they keep coming back?
    I have found a weed growing and was told it is mandrake, what is the best way to get rid, I have started to dig them out but will they keep coming back?
    I have found a weed growing and was told it is mandrake, what is the best way to get rid, I have started to dig them out but will they keep coming back?
  5. Alladin

    Laying new patio - advice

    I am a professional landscaper and I advise 75mm of hardcore compacted with a plate vibrator then a 6/1 to 10/1 gritsand or limestone dust to cement ratio at about 40mm thickness for a garden...
    I am a professional landscaper and I advise 75mm of hardcore compacted with a plate vibrator then a 6/1 to 10/1 gritsand or limestone dust to cement ratio at about 40mm thickness for a garden patio. I prefer to use it damp and consolidate each flag with a maul. Be sure t haunch the free edges of...
    I am a professional landscaper and I advise 75mm of hardcore compacted with a plate vibrator then a 6/1 to 10/1 gritsand or limestone dust to cement ratio at about 40mm thickness for a garden patio. I prefer to use it damp and consolidate each...
    I am a professional landscaper and I advise 75mm of hardcore compacted with a plate vibrator then a 6/1 to 10/1 gritsand or limestone dust to cement ratio at about 40mm thickness for a garden...
  6. JanetB

    Advice needed

    I had similarly bad luck with climbers over the gate to my allotment (I know, I know, but I didn't have a garden then and I needed some flowers!) - I'm not entirely sure of the cause but the main...
    I had similarly bad luck with climbers over the gate to my allotment (I know, I know, but I didn't have a garden then and I needed some flowers!) - I'm not entirely sure of the cause but the main difference between there and my garden here (where I am managing to grow them) was that I just dug...
    I had similarly bad luck with climbers over the gate to my allotment (I know, I know, but I didn't have a garden then and I needed some flowers!) - I'm not entirely sure of the cause but the main difference between there and my garden here (where...
    I had similarly bad luck with climbers over the gate to my allotment (I know, I know, but I didn't have a garden then and I needed some flowers!) - I'm not entirely sure of the cause but the main...
  7. loopyloo

    lillies but no flowers

    First year they were gorgeous but now the lillies have no flowers at all,either last year or this year...just leaves and it appears to have a blight on them.Should I get rid of them as I want...
    First year they were gorgeous but now the lillies have no flowers at all,either last year or this year...just leaves and it appears to have a blight on them.Should I get rid of them as I want flowers and not just leaves.
    First year they were gorgeous but now the lillies have no flowers at all,either last year or this year...just leaves and it appears to have a blight on them.Should I get rid of them as I want flowers and not just leaves.
    First year they were gorgeous but now the lillies have no flowers at all,either last year or this year...just leaves and it appears to have a blight on them.Should I get rid of them as I want...
  8. paraguayanto

    Getting rid of Green Alkanet

    David,Thanks so much for the quick response.Clear and simple advice that someone new to all this can follow. Perfect.Anto
    David,Thanks so much for the quick response.Clear and simple advice that someone new to all this can follow. Perfect.Anto
    David,Thanks so much for the quick response.Clear and simple advice that someone new to all this can follow. Perfect.Anto
    David,Thanks so much for the quick response.Clear and simple advice that someone new to all this can follow. Perfect.Anto
  9. daisybelle


    Ooh, partial shade os good news-that's most of my border. I'll give them a go in there. Thanks
    Ooh, partial shade os good news-that's most of my border. I'll give them a go in there. Thanks
    Ooh, partial shade os good news-that's most of my border. I'll give them a go in there. Thanks
    Ooh, partial shade os good news-that's most of my border. I'll give them a go in there. Thanks
  10. jimbo1951

    Lemon scented Conifers

    :mad:I brought 4 lemon scented conifers about 6 weeks ago I noticed 2 have gone brown and the other 2 are ok Wondering why this was I suddenly stummbled on the reason My dog has lernded to open the...
    :mad:I brought 4 lemon scented conifers about 6 weeks ago I noticed 2 have gone brown and the other 2 are ok Wondering why this was I suddenly stummbled on the reason My dog has lernded to open the gate to the garden from the patio and used um as his loo will they recover or has he killed um? oh I...
    :mad:I brought 4 lemon scented conifers about 6 weeks ago I noticed 2 have gone brown and the other 2 are ok Wondering why this was I suddenly stummbled on the reason My dog has lernded to open the gate to the garden from the patio and used um as his...
    :mad:I brought 4 lemon scented conifers about 6 weeks ago I noticed 2 have gone brown and the other 2 are ok Wondering why this was I suddenly stummbled on the reason My dog has lernded to open the...
  11. Paul West Sussex

    South Facing Garden

    Hi folks. As already stated a bit pricey, but a nice collection, good for ideas. Cheers...freddy.
    Hi folks. As already stated a bit pricey, but a nice collection, good for ideas. Cheers...freddy.
    Hi folks. As already stated a bit pricey, but a nice collection, good for ideas. Cheers...freddy.
    Hi folks. As already stated a bit pricey, but a nice collection, good for ideas. Cheers...freddy.
  12. Freddy


    Hi folks, thanks for all your replies. For some reason I thought maybe they were only good for one year, happy days :thumb:
    Hi folks, thanks for all your replies. For some reason I thought maybe they were only good for one year, happy days :thumb:
    Hi folks, thanks for all your replies. For some reason I thought maybe they were only good for one year, happy days :thumb:
    Hi folks, thanks for all your replies. For some reason I thought maybe they were only good for one year, happy days :thumb:
  13. Stingo


    Thanks John, I have bought from 'Val's plants' before, more money!!
    Thanks John, I have bought from 'Val's plants' before, more money!!
    Thanks John, I have bought from 'Val's plants' before, more money!!
    Thanks John, I have bought from 'Val's plants' before, more money!!
  14. Paladin

    Pot Luck!

    That's the one glen!
    That's the one glen!
    That's the one glen!
    That's the one glen!
  15. Laurie

    Foxtail Fern

    a google gives it as Asparagus densiflorus or asparagus meyeri or Protasparagus densiflorus
    a google gives it as Asparagus densiflorus or asparagus meyeri or Protasparagus densiflorus
    a google gives it as Asparagus densiflorus or asparagus meyeri or Protasparagus densiflorus
    a google gives it as Asparagus densiflorus or asparagus meyeri or Protasparagus densiflorus
  16. carlnorwich

    Trimming a laurel hedge

    This weekend I trimmed ny Laurel hedge, I checked the dimensions and it was 15 foot long and 12 foot high; I lopped 3 foot off the top and took the trimmer down the front. It took me under 4...
    This weekend I trimmed ny Laurel hedge, I checked the dimensions and it was 15 foot long and 12 foot high; I lopped 3 foot off the top and took the trimmer down the front. It took me under 4 hours. It was fortunate I had space left over in a skip I was using for building works otherwise it...
    This weekend I trimmed ny Laurel hedge, I checked the dimensions and it was 15 foot long and 12 foot high; I lopped 3 foot off the top and took the trimmer down the front. It took me under 4 hours. It was fortunate I had space left over in a...
    This weekend I trimmed ny Laurel hedge, I checked the dimensions and it was 15 foot long and 12 foot high; I lopped 3 foot off the top and took the trimmer down the front. It took me under 4...
  17. Jamista

    Blank Canvas

    Jamista welcome to the forum. For privacy along the back of the border bed you could plant a hedge of laurel this keeps it's leaves all year round so your privacy is covered throughout the year...
    Jamista welcome to the forum. For privacy along the back of the border bed you could plant a hedge of laurel this keeps it's leaves all year round so your privacy is covered throughout the year too. Flowering shrubs there is a nice range to choose from; Joseph's Coat (Spirarea Shirobana,...
    Jamista welcome to the forum. For privacy along the back of the border bed you could plant a hedge of laurel this keeps it's leaves all year round so your privacy is covered throughout the year too. Flowering shrubs there is a nice range to...
    Jamista welcome to the forum. For privacy along the back of the border bed you could plant a hedge of laurel this keeps it's leaves all year round so your privacy is covered throughout the year...
  18. BostonPatriot

    Weeds starting to grow through the stones on the driveway

    BP,Welcome to the forum in case I missed you in the Introductions:) We have one of those Parasene Weed Wands and they are very good but havn't used one to get rid of weeds inbetween paths as I use...
    BP,Welcome to the forum in case I missed you in the Introductions:) We have one of those Parasene Weed Wands and they are very good but havn't used one to get rid of weeds inbetween paths as I use mine at the lottie {Allotment}especially when I am going to have a bonnie{bonfire}they are great for...
    BP,Welcome to the forum in case I missed you in the Introductions:) We have one of those Parasene Weed Wands and they are very good but havn't used one to get rid of weeds inbetween paths as I use mine at the lottie {Allotment}especially when I am...
    BP,Welcome to the forum in case I missed you in the Introductions:) We have one of those Parasene Weed Wands and they are very good but havn't used one to get rid of weeds inbetween paths as I use...
  19. PinkFinger

    Which? .... Bathroom plant?

    Glen you almost gave me a heart attack! :eek:Here is a pic of my new lily in the bathroom
    Glen you almost gave me a heart attack! :eek:Here is a pic of my new lily in the bathroom
    Glen you almost gave me a heart attack! :eek:Here is a pic of my new lily in the bathroom
    Glen you almost gave me a heart attack! :eek:Here is a pic of my new lily in the bathroom
  20. Muddy_Boots

    Bizzy Lizzie - Spellbound

    Try this website and see what you think:
    Try this website and see what you think:
    Try this website and see what you think:
    Try this website and see what you think:

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