General Gardening Discussion

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  1. Slinky

    Arum lily Eater

    Quite simply .............touché
    Quite simply .............touché
    Quite simply .............touché
    Quite simply .............touché
  2. JarBax


    Hehehe! Slinky, that makes me feel so at home! Cheers! Love Lucifer, though think it might be a bit on the large side? If I thought I could keep grasses going from one season to the next, I...
    Hehehe! Slinky, that makes me feel so at home! Cheers! Love Lucifer, though think it might be a bit on the large side? If I thought I could keep grasses going from one season to the next, I would give them a go...hmmm Thanks Daisy, I'm so glad now that it's done! Makes me feel so much...
    Hehehe! Slinky, that makes me feel so at home! Cheers! Love Lucifer, though think it might be a bit on the large side? If I thought I could keep grasses going from one season to the next, I would give them a go...hmmm Thanks Daisy, I'm...
    Hehehe! Slinky, that makes me feel so at home! Cheers! Love Lucifer, though think it might be a bit on the large side? If I thought I could keep grasses going from one season to the next, I...
  3. ray.finch

    Azalea, Acer, Magnolia and Camelia

    Dont forget that the horse manure has to be well rotted or it will burn the plant. You need to gove camelias a good feed after flowering so that they are well set up for next years...
    Dont forget that the horse manure has to be well rotted or it will burn the plant. You need to gove camelias a good feed after flowering so that they are well set up for next years flowers. Personally i dont use horse manure. But thats my preference
    Dont forget that the horse manure has to be well rotted or it will burn the plant. You need to gove camelias a good feed after flowering so that they are well set up for next years flowers. Personally i dont use horse manure. But thats my...
    Dont forget that the horse manure has to be well rotted or it will burn the plant. You need to gove camelias a good feed after flowering so that they are well set up for next years...
  4. SpringsHere

    What USDA Zone am I in please??

    Thing is, if I plant on my allotment certain plants, they will not survive the winter, plant them in the garden near the house and they make it though. As our cilmate is so much," not one thing...
    Thing is, if I plant on my allotment certain plants, they will not survive the winter, plant them in the garden near the house and they make it though. As our cilmate is so much," not one thing or the other," the hardiness maps tend to be missleading, I think. As a gereral guide yes, but...
    Thing is, if I plant on my allotment certain plants, they will not survive the winter, plant them in the garden near the house and they make it though. As our cilmate is so much," not one thing or the other," the hardiness maps tend to be...
    Thing is, if I plant on my allotment certain plants, they will not survive the winter, plant them in the garden near the house and they make it though. As our cilmate is so much," not one thing...
  5. peatfree


    Hi peatfree, ive sown some zinnia, this year for the first time. Ive got some in my tiny plastic makeshift green house, and some out side in the ground, to see which do best. Those in the...
    Hi peatfree, ive sown some zinnia, this year for the first time. Ive got some in my tiny plastic makeshift green house, and some out side in the ground, to see which do best. Those in the greenhouse sprouted in 3 days, so maybe it wont be to late to set some more off. Good luck! 02:D
    Hi peatfree, ive sown some zinnia, this year for the first time. Ive got some in my tiny plastic makeshift green house, and some out side in the ground, to see which do best. Those in the greenhouse sprouted in 3 days, so maybe it wont be to late...
    Hi peatfree, ive sown some zinnia, this year for the first time. Ive got some in my tiny plastic makeshift green house, and some out side in the ground, to see which do best. Those in the...
  6. Rosiemongrel

    What would you do?

    They'd probably like me on toast wouldn't they???;)
    They'd probably like me on toast wouldn't they???;)
    They'd probably like me on toast wouldn't they???;)
    They'd probably like me on toast wouldn't they???;)
  7. Helofadigger

    B & Q's sale

    Well got this bargain
    Well got this bargain
    Well got this bargain
    Well got this bargain
  8. Roz

    Total Beginnger!

    Hi Roz you are doing a fab job with your plot. Seeing how you have a small child how about doing your daughter a sand pit? It would give your little girl a safe and soft area to play in of which...
    Hi Roz you are doing a fab job with your plot. Seeing how you have a small child how about doing your daughter a sand pit? It would give your little girl a safe and soft area to play in of which I'm sure she will have many hours of fun in. You can knock one together quite cheaply out of wood...
    Hi Roz you are doing a fab job with your plot. Seeing how you have a small child how about doing your daughter a sand pit? It would give your little girl a safe and soft area to play in of which I'm sure she will have many hours of fun in. You...
    Hi Roz you are doing a fab job with your plot. Seeing how you have a small child how about doing your daughter a sand pit? It would give your little girl a safe and soft area to play in of which...
  9. PeterS


    Back to report that the cleome are doing well, and so are the cannas - plenty of new growth coming through. They're both still in the greenhouse, although I'm putting the cannas outside during...
    Back to report that the cleome are doing well, and so are the cannas - plenty of new growth coming through. They're both still in the greenhouse, although I'm putting the cannas outside during the day now that it's warmer.
    Back to report that the cleome are doing well, and so are the cannas - plenty of new growth coming through. They're both still in the greenhouse, although I'm putting the cannas outside during the day now that it's warmer.
    Back to report that the cleome are doing well, and so are the cannas - plenty of new growth coming through. They're both still in the greenhouse, although I'm putting the cannas outside during...
  10. Loofah

    From rockery to hothouse

    one option is to upload your picture on a Webiste like Photobucket or Imageshack, then you will get an IMG link which you can past on the message and VOILA' if you need more detailed explanation...
    one option is to upload your picture on a Webiste like Photobucket or Imageshack, then you will get an IMG link which you can past on the message and VOILA' if you need more detailed explanation let me know :thumb:
    one option is to upload your picture on a Webiste like Photobucket or Imageshack, then you will get an IMG link which you can past on the message and VOILA' if you need more detailed explanation let me know :thumb:
    one option is to upload your picture on a Webiste like Photobucket or Imageshack, then you will get an IMG link which you can past on the message and VOILA' if you need more detailed explanation...
  11. ray.finch

    Feeding Azalea, Acer, Magnolia and Camelia

    Hi Can I feed Azalea, Acer, Magnolia and Camelia etc with horse manure Many Thanks Ray
    Hi Can I feed Azalea, Acer, Magnolia and Camelia etc with horse manure Many Thanks Ray
    Hi Can I feed Azalea, Acer, Magnolia and Camelia etc with horse manure Many Thanks Ray
    Hi Can I feed Azalea, Acer, Magnolia and Camelia etc with horse manure Many Thanks Ray
  12. daz and debs

    Looks like spring is here hurray[video]

    Yes yd.Infact the banana's grew better i belive cos of the waterlol.But yes it was pritty scary i can tell ya.Under all that water was a tiny trex plant that survived under water for 3 days.
    Yes yd.Infact the banana's grew better i belive cos of the waterlol.But yes it was pritty scary i can tell ya.Under all that water was a tiny trex plant that survived under water for 3 days.
    Yes yd.Infact the banana's grew better i belive cos of the waterlol.But yes it was pritty scary i can tell ya.Under all that water was a tiny trex plant that survived under water for 3 days.
    Yes yd.Infact the banana's grew better i belive cos of the waterlol.But yes it was pritty scary i can tell ya.Under all that water was a tiny trex plant that survived under water for 3 days.
  13. Slinky

    Sweet Pea Curse

    It looks like Mildew, to me. We suffer from this but only later in the season when they've almost finished. The spores remain overwinter so I make sure I clear all the old leaves away and...
    It looks like Mildew, to me. We suffer from this but only later in the season when they've almost finished. The spores remain overwinter so I make sure I clear all the old leaves away and sterilize the troughs and trellis with Jeyes fluid at the end of the season. I think you're supposed to...
    It looks like Mildew, to me. We suffer from this but only later in the season when they've almost finished. The spores remain overwinter so I make sure I clear all the old leaves away and sterilize the troughs and trellis with Jeyes fluid at the...
    It looks like Mildew, to me. We suffer from this but only later in the season when they've almost finished. The spores remain overwinter so I make sure I clear all the old leaves away and...
  14. GMV


    Hi folks. For my part, I`d say there`s nothing better than `home` grown spuds. Go for it, GMV ;)
    Hi folks. For my part, I`d say there`s nothing better than `home` grown spuds. Go for it, GMV ;)
    Hi folks. For my part, I`d say there`s nothing better than `home` grown spuds. Go for it, GMV ;)
    Hi folks. For my part, I`d say there`s nothing better than `home` grown spuds. Go for it, GMV ;)
  15. amateural

    potting soli mixture

    I use 6 parts general purpose 1part co**** sand and 1 part vermiculite.
    I use 6 parts general purpose 1part co**** sand and 1 part vermiculite.
    I use 6 parts general purpose 1part co**** sand and 1 part vermiculite.
    I use 6 parts general purpose 1part co**** sand and 1 part vermiculite.
  16. Slinky

    Gloves or No gloves that is the Question

    I won't quote you Makka. Just - YUK!
    I won't quote you Makka. Just - YUK!
    I won't quote you Makka. Just - YUK!
    I won't quote you Makka. Just - YUK!
  17. gabbydcs


    Hi thanks for replying, they are just wee black flies. I have never thought avout trying the guttering. Will get the hubby up on ladders to check. I just do not know what to do, apart from offer...
    Hi thanks for replying, they are just wee black flies. I have never thought avout trying the guttering. Will get the hubby up on ladders to check. I just do not know what to do, apart from offer all visitors a drink to wash down there fly.Gabby
    Hi thanks for replying, they are just wee black flies. I have never thought avout trying the guttering. Will get the hubby up on ladders to check. I just do not know what to do, apart from offer all visitors a drink to wash down there fly.Gabby
    Hi thanks for replying, they are just wee black flies. I have never thought avout trying the guttering. Will get the hubby up on ladders to check. I just do not know what to do, apart from offer...
  18. fmay


    I like ferns because they grow from one base but the bracken invades the garden and the fields and is hellish to get rid of once it's growing. We have 5 acres of land and in some areas the bracken...
    I like ferns because they grow from one base but the bracken invades the garden and the fields and is hellish to get rid of once it's growing. We have 5 acres of land and in some areas the bracken (and brambles) have lost us up to 10 foot of grazing all along the length of the field.
    I like ferns because they grow from one base but the bracken invades the garden and the fields and is hellish to get rid of once it's growing. We have 5 acres of land and in some areas the bracken (and brambles) have lost us up to 10 foot of...
    I like ferns because they grow from one base but the bracken invades the garden and the fields and is hellish to get rid of once it's growing. We have 5 acres of land and in some areas the bracken...
  19. pete

    Anybody taken advantage of this great offer?

    Get mine from gardening club lovely compost £3.20 80 litres
    Get mine from gardening club lovely compost £3.20 80 litres
    Get mine from gardening club lovely compost £3.20 80 litres
    Get mine from gardening club lovely compost £3.20 80 litres
  20. Slinky

    Phoenix Palm

    Thanks Gaz,I was seriously thinking of getting rid but after your comment i am going to keep them.
    Thanks Gaz,I was seriously thinking of getting rid but after your comment i am going to keep them.
    Thanks Gaz,I was seriously thinking of getting rid but after your comment i am going to keep them.
    Thanks Gaz,I was seriously thinking of getting rid but after your comment i am going to keep them.

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