General Gardening Discussion

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  1. GardenGuru

    Pain in the a**!

    hmm, well i saw a blackbird eying up our patch the other day, wondered what the little ****** was up to!
    hmm, well i saw a blackbird eying up our patch the other day, wondered what the little ****** was up to!
    hmm, well i saw a blackbird eying up our patch the other day, wondered what the little ****** was up to!
    hmm, well i saw a blackbird eying up our patch the other day, wondered what the little ****** was up to!
  2. Steve R

    Cold Frame 101

    South facing is best I think. It'll get more sun that way. John
    South facing is best I think. It'll get more sun that way. John
    South facing is best I think. It'll get more sun that way. John
    South facing is best I think. It'll get more sun that way. John
  3. Scotkat

    Has anyone propagated clematis

    David the clematis in ? I was speaking about that wanted to use as a cutting is in planted in hanging baskets so only thing could think of was to peg it down in the hanging basket and not the...
    David the clematis in ? I was speaking about that wanted to use as a cutting is in planted in hanging baskets so only thing could think of was to peg it down in the hanging basket and not the groud.Should think that should work ok.And Helen shall post photos of clematis in H/baskets at night...
    David the clematis in ? I was speaking about that wanted to use as a cutting is in planted in hanging baskets so only thing could think of was to peg it down in the hanging basket and not the groud.Should think that should work ok.And Helen...
    David the clematis in ? I was speaking about that wanted to use as a cutting is in planted in hanging baskets so only thing could think of was to peg it down in the hanging basket and not the...
  4. potty potter


    Hi Potty Potter been there done that...know what you are going through so very hectic! :eek:I had the good fortune of knowing a year or so in advance on our move so dug up or took cuttings of...
    Hi Potty Potter been there done that...know what you are going through so very hectic! :eek:I had the good fortune of knowing a year or so in advance on our move so dug up or took cuttings of all the plants I wanted to take with me and it's a good job I did as our new house only had Lily of...
    Hi Potty Potter been there done that...know what you are going through so very hectic! :eek:I had the good fortune of knowing a year or so in advance on our move so dug up or took cuttings of all the plants I wanted to take with me and it's...
    Hi Potty Potter been there done that...know what you are going through so very hectic! :eek:I had the good fortune of knowing a year or so in advance on our move so dug up or took cuttings of...
  5. Loofah

    Wilkos rocks!

    O2 I already know about Tesco although it's good for others to know about the sell offs too :D .I brought an amazing amount of gardening gloves last year some as low as 10p a pair needless to...
    O2 I already know about Tesco although it's good for others to know about the sell offs too :D .I brought an amazing amount of gardening gloves last year some as low as 10p a pair needless to say you can never have too many gardening gloves...wish I had brought more as I go through the...
    O2 I already know about Tesco although it's good for others to know about the sell offs too :D .I brought an amazing amount of gardening gloves last year some as low as 10p a pair needless to say you can never have too many gardening...
    O2 I already know about Tesco although it's good for others to know about the sell offs too :D .I brought an amazing amount of gardening gloves last year some as low as 10p a pair needless to...
  6. grimmer


    Hi Grimmer welcome to the forum.Most plants will be more than happy in pots it's just that they need more attention than those that are in the ground with watering and such like.Not sure which...
    Hi Grimmer welcome to the forum.Most plants will be more than happy in pots it's just that they need more attention than those that are in the ground with watering and such like.Not sure which sorts of plants you are after growing? Bedding plants such as Busy Lizzies, Geraniums, Marigolds,...
    Hi Grimmer welcome to the forum.Most plants will be more than happy in pots it's just that they need more attention than those that are in the ground with watering and such like.Not sure which sorts of plants you are after growing? Bedding...
    Hi Grimmer welcome to the forum.Most plants will be more than happy in pots it's just that they need more attention than those that are in the ground with watering and such like.Not sure which...
  7. daisybelle

    Cheap clear netting?

    Be careful Paul :eek:
    Be careful Paul :eek:
    Be careful Paul :eek:
    Be careful Paul :eek:
  8. postman pat

    Do i chop all my grasses down to the roots?

    Hi Pat I have a quite a few grasses and although it does state with some of them to give them a little chop back (although not right down to the roots lol)in spring I have left mine and none of...
    Hi Pat I have a quite a few grasses and although it does state with some of them to give them a little chop back (although not right down to the roots lol)in spring I have left mine and none of them seem any worst because of it.All your new growth will replace and covered up the old stuff but...
    Hi Pat I have a quite a few grasses and although it does state with some of them to give them a little chop back (although not right down to the roots lol)in spring I have left mine and none of them seem any worst because of it.All your new...
    Hi Pat I have a quite a few grasses and although it does state with some of them to give them a little chop back (although not right down to the roots lol)in spring I have left mine and none of...
  9. Revnick

    Dierama help needed

    They`re not called Angels Fishing Rods for nothing.
    They`re not called Angels Fishing Rods for nothing.
    They`re not called Angels Fishing Rods for nothing.
    They`re not called Angels Fishing Rods for nothing.
  10. Webmaster

    Avatars !!

    just a test
    just a test
    just a test
    just a test
  11. RYDALL


    Hi Rydall,thats a job I'll be doing today.02
    Hi Rydall,thats a job I'll be doing today.02
    Hi Rydall,thats a job I'll be doing today.02
    Hi Rydall,thats a job I'll be doing today.02
  12. gardenlearner

    evergreen garden

    Hi GL heathers are really good for year round show just stear clear of those nasty unnatural colours!There is also an awful lot of evergreen shrubs my favourites are the ones with variegated...
    Hi GL heathers are really good for year round show just stear clear of those nasty unnatural colours!There is also an awful lot of evergreen shrubs my favourites are the ones with variegated foliage which you can get the following forms in; Aucuba japonica, Euonymus, Hebe, Ilex, Pieris...
    Hi GL heathers are really good for year round show just stear clear of those nasty unnatural colours!There is also an awful lot of evergreen shrubs my favourites are the ones with variegated foliage which you can get the following forms in;...
    Hi GL heathers are really good for year round show just stear clear of those nasty unnatural colours!There is also an awful lot of evergreen shrubs my favourites are the ones with variegated...
  13. postman pat

    When do you divide snowdrops?

  14. postman pat

    Can you prune a leggy rhodadendrum?

    Im going to prune in a month and will try the nicking of the plant on the other branch. Many thanks
    Im going to prune in a month and will try the nicking of the plant on the other branch. Many thanks
    Im going to prune in a month and will try the nicking of the plant on the other branch. Many thanks
    Im going to prune in a month and will try the nicking of the plant on the other branch. Many thanks
  15. postman pat

    Can you prune a leggy rhodadendrum?

    Many thanks i will have a go. Yes I poster twice.
    Many thanks i will have a go. Yes I poster twice.
    Many thanks i will have a go. Yes I poster twice.
    Many thanks i will have a go. Yes I poster twice.
  16. Poppydigger1


    Spiders are good to have about. Why not leave them to it and work around them?
    Spiders are good to have about. Why not leave them to it and work around them?
    Spiders are good to have about. Why not leave them to it and work around them?
    Spiders are good to have about. Why not leave them to it and work around them?
  17. Mel

    ASG hi-lo device

    That answers my question then! Will buy myself some ready for when I put my baskets up. Thanks for your help!
    That answers my question then! Will buy myself some ready for when I put my baskets up. Thanks for your help!
    That answers my question then! Will buy myself some ready for when I put my baskets up. Thanks for your help!
    That answers my question then! Will buy myself some ready for when I put my baskets up. Thanks for your help!
  18. weekend gardener

    A real heron this time called helen

    Borrowers, We have a mirror carb 2 common carbs a leather carp and a gold fish the carbs are quite big so we think that's why the heron couldn't take them. I don't like the carbs as they are...
    Borrowers, We have a mirror carb 2 common carbs a leather carp and a gold fish the carbs are quite big so we think that's why the heron couldn't take them. I don't like the carbs as they are brown. We had all the fish given to us because the guy who gave them to us was moving house. We had 5...
    Borrowers, We have a mirror carb 2 common carbs a leather carp and a gold fish the carbs are quite big so we think that's why the heron couldn't take them. I don't like the carbs as they are brown. We had all the fish given to us because the guy...
    Borrowers, We have a mirror carb 2 common carbs a leather carp and a gold fish the carbs are quite big so we think that's why the heron couldn't take them. I don't like the carbs as they are...
  19. peacelily

    Grape hyacinths and Cornflowers !

    Hello Peacelily."DON'T" say you hate Grape hyacinths on here; you are likely to be "hung drawn and quartered" by some posters!Oi!!!!!!!
    Hello Peacelily."DON'T" say you hate Grape hyacinths on here; you are likely to be "hung drawn and quartered" by some posters!Oi!!!!!!!
    Hello Peacelily."DON'T" say you hate Grape hyacinths on here; you are likely to be "hung drawn and quartered" by some posters!Oi!!!!!!!
    Hello Peacelily."DON'T" say you hate Grape hyacinths on here; you are likely to be "hung drawn and quartered" by some posters!Oi!!!!!!!
  20. Vince

    The stakes have been raised!

    Sod the allotment. Rosie's waggy tails are more interesting. Then we'll tell you how to grow Bonio. :D
    Sod the allotment. Rosie's waggy tails are more interesting. Then we'll tell you how to grow Bonio. :D
    Sod the allotment. Rosie's waggy tails are more interesting. Then we'll tell you how to grow Bonio. :D
    Sod the allotment. Rosie's waggy tails are more interesting. Then we'll tell you how to grow Bonio. :D

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