General Gardening Discussion

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  1. TH

    North facing garden.

    wot ya wonna do is grow sunflowrs the chickenks will grow with them 8 foot tall chickens . :D
    wot ya wonna do is grow sunflowrs the chickenks will grow with them 8 foot tall chickens . :D
    wot ya wonna do is grow sunflowrs the chickenks will grow with them 8 foot tall chickens . :D
    wot ya wonna do is grow sunflowrs the chickenks will grow with them 8 foot tall chickens . :D
  2. Passion Flower

    Camellia - Problem with Leaves

    This is mine late yesterday afternoon.As you can see it has been battered by the wind just a little but still has lots of flowers. Lives happily in this stone trough but I think it will...
    This is mine late yesterday afternoon.As you can see it has been battered by the wind just a little but still has lots of flowers. Lives happily in this stone trough but I think it will need moving soon. PS. You can see the black sooty bits on the leaves :mad:
    This is mine late yesterday afternoon.As you can see it has been battered by the wind just a little but still has lots of flowers. Lives happily in this stone trough but I think it will need moving soon. PS. You can see the black sooty...
    This is mine late yesterday afternoon.As you can see it has been battered by the wind just a little but still has lots of flowers. Lives happily in this stone trough but I think it will...
  3. CavemanUK

    My Homemade high power soil mix!

    Hi Peter thats a really constructive post thank you, Perlite is supposed to retain moisture as well as keep the soil loose for root development and drainage so i guess its multi functional, but...
    Hi Peter thats a really constructive post thank you, Perlite is supposed to retain moisture as well as keep the soil loose for root development and drainage so i guess its multi functional, but for my garden its not really needed more sand will do fine next time and be half the price. It does...
    Hi Peter thats a really constructive post thank you, Perlite is supposed to retain moisture as well as keep the soil loose for root development and drainage so i guess its multi functional, but for my garden its not really needed more sand will...
    Hi Peter thats a really constructive post thank you, Perlite is supposed to retain moisture as well as keep the soil loose for root development and drainage so i guess its multi functional, but...
  4. Dave_In_His_Garden

    Garden Wall

    Good luck with it Dave,bobj & PeterS - what can i say. Absolutely gorgeous.cheers
    Good luck with it Dave,bobj & PeterS - what can i say. Absolutely gorgeous.cheers
    Good luck with it Dave,bobj & PeterS - what can i say. Absolutely gorgeous.cheers
    Good luck with it Dave,bobj & PeterS - what can i say. Absolutely gorgeous.cheers
  5. Kathy3


    lifted and put in pot
    lifted and put in pot
    lifted and put in pot
    lifted and put in pot
  6. Sarraceniac

    Musa velutina from seed,

    How did you get on with the velutina seeds? They are apparantly one of the easier nana seeds to germinate, although I havent tried - yet.Gaz
    How did you get on with the velutina seeds? They are apparantly one of the easier nana seeds to germinate, although I havent tried - yet.Gaz
    How did you get on with the velutina seeds? They are apparantly one of the easier nana seeds to germinate, although I havent tried - yet.Gaz
    How did you get on with the velutina seeds? They are apparantly one of the easier nana seeds to germinate, although I havent tried - yet.Gaz
  7. Blackthorn

    Melianthus Major

    I have a young plant in the garden. It sailed though most of the winter and was still producing new green leaves. However the cold snap in early March has cut it back to the ground. Poking around...
    I have a young plant in the garden. It sailed though most of the winter and was still producing new green leaves. However the cold snap in early March has cut it back to the ground. Poking around in the mulch, i have found buds forming so it should come back fine (i hope).But yes get it in the...
    I have a young plant in the garden. It sailed though most of the winter and was still producing new green leaves. However the cold snap in early March has cut it back to the ground. Poking around in the mulch, i have found buds forming so it...
    I have a young plant in the garden. It sailed though most of the winter and was still producing new green leaves. However the cold snap in early March has cut it back to the ground. Poking around...
  8. gardenlearner

    Planting seeds

    Hello again My last reply got wiped when the computer crashed. You can grow quite a lot of plants in a north facing bed surprisingly, certainly the woodland ones would do well. I have a bed...
    Hello again My last reply got wiped when the computer crashed. You can grow quite a lot of plants in a north facing bed surprisingly, certainly the woodland ones would do well. I have a bed with 2 trees in it and shaded by an enormous leylandii hedge. In it I grow: foxgloves, primroses,...
    Hello again My last reply got wiped when the computer crashed. You can grow quite a lot of plants in a north facing bed surprisingly, certainly the woodland ones would do well. I have a bed with 2 trees in it and shaded by an enormous...
    Hello again My last reply got wiped when the computer crashed. You can grow quite a lot of plants in a north facing bed surprisingly, certainly the woodland ones would do well. I have a bed...
  9. Bashy

    Thanks for the warning Bashy - I'll tell all my gardening contacts to steer clear of them!
    Thanks for the warning Bashy - I'll tell all my gardening contacts to steer clear of them!
    Thanks for the warning Bashy - I'll tell all my gardening contacts to steer clear of them!
    Thanks for the warning Bashy - I'll tell all my gardening contacts to steer clear of them!
  10. Scotkat

    March came in like a lion but

    After a miserable walk to the station this morning there's now hardly a cloud in the sky over central London! :cool: Hope it stays like that as I thought I'd go to Green Park and watch the Red Arrows...
    After a miserable walk to the station this morning there's now hardly a cloud in the sky over central London! :cool: Hope it stays like that as I thought I'd go to Green Park and watch the Red Arrows fly over at lunchtime.
    After a miserable walk to the station this morning there's now hardly a cloud in the sky over central London! :cool: Hope it stays like that as I thought I'd go to Green Park and watch the Red Arrows fly over at lunchtime.
    After a miserable walk to the station this morning there's now hardly a cloud in the sky over central London! :cool: Hope it stays like that as I thought I'd go to Green Park and watch the Red Arrows...
  11. dancing queen

    clematis damage

    thanks David just wanted to check before i start spraying everything in sight :D
    thanks David just wanted to check before i start spraying everything in sight :D
    thanks David just wanted to check before i start spraying everything in sight :D
    thanks David just wanted to check before i start spraying everything in sight :D
  12. lazy-gardener

    what should I be planting now??

    Your tomatos should now go into 3inch pots,and your peppers into grow-bags
    Your tomatos should now go into 3inch pots,and your peppers into grow-bags
    Your tomatos should now go into 3inch pots,and your peppers into grow-bags
    Your tomatos should now go into 3inch pots,and your peppers into grow-bags
  13. Rich

    Orchids and billbergia

    They like plenty of air to the roots Kat, they are epiphytes. If you have some bark chippings try mixing about 50/50 with compost. Mrs S uses a mixture of bark, perlite, charcoal and silver sand...
    They like plenty of air to the roots Kat, they are epiphytes. If you have some bark chippings try mixing about 50/50 with compost. Mrs S uses a mixture of bark, perlite, charcoal and silver sand but Mr S thinks that is OTT.
    They like plenty of air to the roots Kat, they are epiphytes. If you have some bark chippings try mixing about 50/50 with compost. Mrs S uses a mixture of bark, perlite, charcoal and silver sand but Mr S thinks that is OTT.
    They like plenty of air to the roots Kat, they are epiphytes. If you have some bark chippings try mixing about 50/50 with compost. Mrs S uses a mixture of bark, perlite, charcoal and silver sand...
  14. Marley Farley

    Useful "Hints & Tips"....

    John :D :D :D
    John :D :D :D
    John :D :D :D
    John :D :D :D
  15. Johnny

    Small star shaped purple flowering bulb

    That does look very close to what I have, I just don't remember ever planting them?This year though I an having a lot of bulbs I planted two years ago coming up for the first time and so making...
    That does look very close to what I have, I just don't remember ever planting them?This year though I an having a lot of bulbs I planted two years ago coming up for the first time and so making it very hard for me to remember what I planted!?
    That does look very close to what I have, I just don't remember ever planting them?This year though I an having a lot of bulbs I planted two years ago coming up for the first time and so making it very hard for me to remember what I planted!?
    That does look very close to what I have, I just don't remember ever planting them?This year though I an having a lot of bulbs I planted two years ago coming up for the first time and so making...
  16. Barra

    Uses of Vinegar in the Gardan

    In a jar of white distilled vinegar :D :D ... :D :D :D ;)
    In a jar of white distilled vinegar :D :D ... :D :D :D ;)
    In a jar of white distilled vinegar :D :D ... :D :D :D ;)
    In a jar of white distilled vinegar :D :D ... :D :D :D ;)
  17. Steve R


    Thanks for the advice here, will take some cuttings this week and at the end of the season before cutting back or replacing.Many thanksSteve...
    Thanks for the advice here, will take some cuttings this week and at the end of the season before cutting back or replacing.Many thanksSteve...
    Thanks for the advice here, will take some cuttings this week and at the end of the season before cutting back or replacing.Many thanksSteve...
    Thanks for the advice here, will take some cuttings this week and at the end of the season before cutting back or replacing.Many thanksSteve...
  18. Diziblonde

    My Windowsills

    Hi dee, thanks for your comment but am wondering that if I did I may infringe some sort of copywright as it's the what christine used to say as an opening to her programme during her series. It...
    Hi dee, thanks for your comment but am wondering that if I did I may infringe some sort of copywright as it's the what christine used to say as an opening to her programme during her series. It was a great series, she realy down to earth and I loved her neighbour reg. Did anyone else watch it...
    Hi dee, thanks for your comment but am wondering that if I did I may infringe some sort of copywright as it's the what christine used to say as an opening to her programme during her series. It was a great series, she realy down to earth and I...
    Hi dee, thanks for your comment but am wondering that if I did I may infringe some sort of copywright as it's the what christine used to say as an opening to her programme during her series. It...
  19. potty potter

    moving plants

    Depnding on the plant it is always best to move it before the sap rises which because of the weather we have had will be hard to determine this year.
    Depnding on the plant it is always best to move it before the sap rises which because of the weather we have had will be hard to determine this year.
    Depnding on the plant it is always best to move it before the sap rises which because of the weather we have had will be hard to determine this year.
    Depnding on the plant it is always best to move it before the sap rises which because of the weather we have had will be hard to determine this year.
  20. Kathy3


    thanks Paul,great quick responce
    thanks Paul,great quick responce
    thanks Paul,great quick responce
    thanks Paul,great quick responce

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