General Gardening Discussion

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  1. Zippy

    Flowering Evergreen Climber

    OK, I changed my mind again! Just looked up the Trachelospermum - I like to look of that one - thanks for the suggestion 'bayleaf'. I 'll see if I can get hold of one this weekend.
    OK, I changed my mind again! Just looked up the Trachelospermum - I like to look of that one - thanks for the suggestion 'bayleaf'. I 'll see if I can get hold of one this weekend.
    OK, I changed my mind again! Just looked up the Trachelospermum - I like to look of that one - thanks for the suggestion 'bayleaf'. I 'll see if I can get hold of one this weekend.
    OK, I changed my mind again! Just looked up the Trachelospermum - I like to look of that one - thanks for the suggestion 'bayleaf'. I 'll see if I can get hold of one this weekend.
  2. The Lost Antheus

    Favourite spring flowers

    What! about Hellebores?I grow lots in my allotment, and take them to the garden club to sell for club funds.The ladies fight over them, and they are not the washed out colours that are for...
    What! about Hellebores?I grow lots in my allotment, and take them to the garden club to sell for club funds.The ladies fight over them, and they are not the washed out colours that are for sale in G Centres.Only problem with them is, they take about 3 years from seed to flower,and they do...
    What! about Hellebores?I grow lots in my allotment, and take them to the garden club to sell for club funds.The ladies fight over them, and they are not the washed out colours that are for sale in G Centres.Only problem with them is, they...
    What! about Hellebores?I grow lots in my allotment, and take them to the garden club to sell for club funds.The ladies fight over them, and they are not the washed out colours that are for...
  3. Micky V

    New Garden - Help Please

    Thanks for the tip but I'd rather not use any chemicals so guess I'll stick to the hard work.
    Thanks for the tip but I'd rather not use any chemicals so guess I'll stick to the hard work.
    Thanks for the tip but I'd rather not use any chemicals so guess I'll stick to the hard work.
    Thanks for the tip but I'd rather not use any chemicals so guess I'll stick to the hard work.
  4. GardenGuru


    hifollow this link GardenguruHope it helps;f=32;t=000004
    hifollow this link GardenguruHope it helps;f=32;t=000004
    hifollow this link GardenguruHope it helps;f=32;t=000004
    hifollow this link GardenguruHope it helps;f=32;t=000004
  5. pinklady

    hanging basket too early ??

    Your photos are good PL and Yes I would keep them in your conservatory for now ,away for the slugs:).Be nice to post photos at different stages of their growth plant look healthy.
    Your photos are good PL and Yes I would keep them in your conservatory for now ,away for the slugs:).Be nice to post photos at different stages of their growth plant look healthy.
    Your photos are good PL and Yes I would keep them in your conservatory for now ,away for the slugs:).Be nice to post photos at different stages of their growth plant look healthy.
    Your photos are good PL and Yes I would keep them in your conservatory for now ,away for the slugs:).Be nice to post photos at different stages of their growth plant look healthy.
  6. Crazy Colin

    Photinia Fraseria

    Hi Crazy Colin,Yellowing of the leaves is usually a sign of potassium deficiency called chlorosis. Chlorosis, the yellowing and shrinking of leaves, will turn into necrosis (dead leaves) if it...
    Hi Crazy Colin,Yellowing of the leaves is usually a sign of potassium deficiency called chlorosis. Chlorosis, the yellowing and shrinking of leaves, will turn into necrosis (dead leaves) if it remains unchecked.Applying some all purpose general plant fertiliser with a balanced N-P-K mix...
    Hi Crazy Colin,Yellowing of the leaves is usually a sign of potassium deficiency called chlorosis. Chlorosis, the yellowing and shrinking of leaves, will turn into necrosis (dead leaves) if it remains unchecked.Applying some all purpose...
    Hi Crazy Colin,Yellowing of the leaves is usually a sign of potassium deficiency called chlorosis. Chlorosis, the yellowing and shrinking of leaves, will turn into necrosis (dead leaves) if it...
  7. Paladin


    I have a rose called Constance Spry,just one flower from it can fill a room with fragrance
    I have a rose called Constance Spry,just one flower from it can fill a room with fragrance
    I have a rose called Constance Spry,just one flower from it can fill a room with fragrance
    I have a rose called Constance Spry,just one flower from it can fill a room with fragrance
  8. lazy-gardener

    am i too late this year?

    you could plant peas in a length of plastic drainpipe,then just slide them into a little trench when they are about an inch high.Also it saves then from mice eating them J
    you could plant peas in a length of plastic drainpipe,then just slide them into a little trench when they are about an inch high.Also it saves then from mice eating them J
    you could plant peas in a length of plastic drainpipe,then just slide them into a little trench when they are about an inch high.Also it saves then from mice eating them J
    you could plant peas in a length of plastic drainpipe,then just slide them into a little trench when they are about an inch high.Also it saves then from mice eating them J
  9. PeterS

    Variation on a theme

    like the gel idea,will try it,will be nice to see what is happening
    like the gel idea,will try it,will be nice to see what is happening
    like the gel idea,will try it,will be nice to see what is happening
    like the gel idea,will try it,will be nice to see what is happening
  10. pip

    Pieris cold damage.

    I would just leave it alone meantime If you get another cold snap, removing it will simply leave the new buds open to invasion from the dreaded cold
    I would just leave it alone meantime If you get another cold snap, removing it will simply leave the new buds open to invasion from the dreaded cold
    I would just leave it alone meantime If you get another cold snap, removing it will simply leave the new buds open to invasion from the dreaded cold
    I would just leave it alone meantime If you get another cold snap, removing it will simply leave the new buds open to invasion from the dreaded cold
  11. serene

    Heavy clay soil

    This is sooooo true. I thought when i moved in and started in the garden, especially as a brand new gardener, this is going to take forever to sort. But if i wasn't a lazy arse i could have...
    This is sooooo true. I thought when i moved in and started in the garden, especially as a brand new gardener, this is going to take forever to sort. But if i wasn't a lazy arse i could have probably sorted it all in a few months. Instead of the two years so far :(See my sig, i've still...
    This is sooooo true. I thought when i moved in and started in the garden, especially as a brand new gardener, this is going to take forever to sort. But if i wasn't a lazy arse i could have probably sorted it all in a few months. Instead of...
    This is sooooo true. I thought when i moved in and started in the garden, especially as a brand new gardener, this is going to take forever to sort. But if i wasn't a lazy arse i could have...
  12. GardenGuru

    Too Early?

    i have been out wrapping the cloches in fleece!! a tedious job with 20 small cloches to do!i planted them out at the beginning of we shall see. i think they will be fine
    i have been out wrapping the cloches in fleece!! a tedious job with 20 small cloches to do!i planted them out at the beginning of we shall see. i think they will be fine
    i have been out wrapping the cloches in fleece!! a tedious job with 20 small cloches to do!i planted them out at the beginning of we shall see. i think they will be fine
    i have been out wrapping the cloches in fleece!! a tedious job with 20 small cloches to do!i planted them out at the beginning of we shall see. i think they will be fine
  13. Scotkat

    jersey plants arrived thsiafternoon

    Trailing begonia healthy plants and replacement trailing busy lizzies again healthy plants.
    Trailing begonia healthy plants and replacement trailing busy lizzies again healthy plants.
    Trailing begonia healthy plants and replacement trailing busy lizzies again healthy plants.
    Trailing begonia healthy plants and replacement trailing busy lizzies again healthy plants.
  14. Paladin

    Keep Out!

    I wish I could ban them from my plot of land. My wildlife project took a turn for the worse when I looked over the weekend and found the lavender and sage I'd planted for the bees has all been eaten.
    I wish I could ban them from my plot of land. My wildlife project took a turn for the worse when I looked over the weekend and found the lavender and sage I'd planted for the bees has all been eaten.
    I wish I could ban them from my plot of land. My wildlife project took a turn for the worse when I looked over the weekend and found the lavender and sage I'd planted for the bees has all been eaten.
    I wish I could ban them from my plot of land. My wildlife project took a turn for the worse when I looked over the weekend and found the lavender and sage I'd planted for the bees has all been eaten.
  15. GardenGuru

    Me once agin!!! too cold?

    Still eating last years beetroot GardenGuru, very yummy
    Still eating last years beetroot GardenGuru, very yummy
    Still eating last years beetroot GardenGuru, very yummy
    Still eating last years beetroot GardenGuru, very yummy
  16. GardenGuru

    Tucking the children in for the night....

    i knowits MEANT to be minus 1 tonight.better safe then sorry as you said!!once my peas get too big for the cloches will they be ok uncoverd?
    i knowits MEANT to be minus 1 tonight.better safe then sorry as you said!!once my peas get too big for the cloches will they be ok uncoverd?
    i knowits MEANT to be minus 1 tonight.better safe then sorry as you said!!once my peas get too big for the cloches will they be ok uncoverd?
    i knowits MEANT to be minus 1 tonight.better safe then sorry as you said!!once my peas get too big for the cloches will they be ok uncoverd?
  17. daz and debs

    brugmansia help

    Thanks walnut you a star....daz
    Thanks walnut you a star....daz
    Thanks walnut you a star....daz
    Thanks walnut you a star....daz
  18. Bashy

    Edging - Advice please.

    I have brick edging around my front lawn which is easy - just mow over and it helps stop the creep from either side/no edging to do/can mow without cutting down plants in their prime . I have ...
    I have brick edging around my front lawn which is easy - just mow over and it helps stop the creep from either side/no edging to do/can mow without cutting down plants in their prime . I have used everedge in clients' gardens, feedback has been generally good - the stainless steel version...
    I have brick edging around my front lawn which is easy - just mow over and it helps stop the creep from either side/no edging to do/can mow without cutting down plants in their prime . I have used everedge in clients' gardens, feedback has...
    I have brick edging around my front lawn which is easy - just mow over and it helps stop the creep from either side/no edging to do/can mow without cutting down plants in their prime . I have ...
  19. GardenGuru

    Yellow flag iris

    Shiney is that the Formula 1 Driver :D
    Shiney is that the Formula 1 Driver :D
    Shiney is that the Formula 1 Driver :D
    Shiney is that the Formula 1 Driver :D
  20. OogieBoogie

    What has caused my spindly plants?

    That old "chestnut" again. :D
    That old "chestnut" again. :D
    That old "chestnut" again. :D
    That old "chestnut" again. :D

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