General Gardening Discussion

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  1. netty

    Old bath!

    Something I'm going to have a go at this summer Woo..... finger's crossed I'll have a good crop as I'm fed up with the supermarket stuff! :eek:
    Something I'm going to have a go at this summer Woo..... finger's crossed I'll have a good crop as I'm fed up with the supermarket stuff! :eek:
    Something I'm going to have a go at this summer Woo..... finger's crossed I'll have a good crop as I'm fed up with the supermarket stuff! :eek:
    Something I'm going to have a go at this summer Woo..... finger's crossed I'll have a good crop as I'm fed up with the supermarket stuff! :eek:
  2. Whiley

    Plant for burying Morgan with :(

    Whiley whatever you buy it will always remind you of your beloved baby in fact there's no better way to remember your lost love.As Dee says if you can get a plant that has some connection with...
    Whiley whatever you buy it will always remind you of your beloved baby in fact there's no better way to remember your lost love.As Dee says if you can get a plant that has some connection with your pet be it name, colour or habit then all the more better for it.My Flamingo Tree was planted...
    Whiley whatever you buy it will always remind you of your beloved baby in fact there's no better way to remember your lost love.As Dee says if you can get a plant that has some connection with your pet be it name, colour or habit then all the...
    Whiley whatever you buy it will always remind you of your beloved baby in fact there's no better way to remember your lost love.As Dee says if you can get a plant that has some connection with...
  3. Scotkat

    Friends plug plants

    All planted untill she gets another delivery she has broken her wrist so I was asked if I coudl take her plantys to my greenhouse.So between hers an dmyb own was very busy in greenhouse.Moved...
    All planted untill she gets another delivery she has broken her wrist so I was asked if I coudl take her plantys to my greenhouse.So between hers an dmyb own was very busy in greenhouse.Moved all my trays of plants in to greenhouse where I can put on heat ,from my conservatory in the...
    All planted untill she gets another delivery she has broken her wrist so I was asked if I coudl take her plantys to my greenhouse.So between hers an dmyb own was very busy in greenhouse.Moved all my trays of plants in to greenhouse where I...
    All planted untill she gets another delivery she has broken her wrist so I was asked if I coudl take her plantys to my greenhouse.So between hers an dmyb own was very busy in greenhouse.Moved...
  4. Tay


    thinking of getting one myself now got to bring the flutterbys in to the garden for kids to look at very prity little things
    thinking of getting one myself now got to bring the flutterbys in to the garden for kids to look at very prity little things
    thinking of getting one myself now got to bring the flutterbys in to the garden for kids to look at very prity little things
    thinking of getting one myself now got to bring the flutterbys in to the garden for kids to look at very prity little things
  5. The Lost Antheus

    gentiana failing

    Thanks for that. I'll source out some bovine country pancakes, shame cat poo doesn't have the same effect.
    Thanks for that. I'll source out some bovine country pancakes, shame cat poo doesn't have the same effect.
    Thanks for that. I'll source out some bovine country pancakes, shame cat poo doesn't have the same effect.
    Thanks for that. I'll source out some bovine country pancakes, shame cat poo doesn't have the same effect.
  6. Mappy


    I had to spread the old slug pellets round it last year as they even attacked the stems!!Thanks for the advice Peter I will persevere with the seeds
    I had to spread the old slug pellets round it last year as they even attacked the stems!!Thanks for the advice Peter I will persevere with the seeds
    I had to spread the old slug pellets round it last year as they even attacked the stems!!Thanks for the advice Peter I will persevere with the seeds
    I had to spread the old slug pellets round it last year as they even attacked the stems!!Thanks for the advice Peter I will persevere with the seeds
  7. nickp

    How to prune overgrown Hebes

    I agree with Pete and to be honest some of the ones that don't have great flowers more than makes up with their nice dense, evergreen, rounded balls alhough not all are green some come in a very...
    I agree with Pete and to be honest some of the ones that don't have great flowers more than makes up with their nice dense, evergreen, rounded balls alhough not all are green some come in a very lovely shade of greeny/blue ...whoops sorry guys didn't mean for that to sound rude but I have to...
    I agree with Pete and to be honest some of the ones that don't have great flowers more than makes up with their nice dense, evergreen, rounded balls alhough not all are green some come in a very lovely shade of greeny/blue ...whoops sorry guys...
    I agree with Pete and to be honest some of the ones that don't have great flowers more than makes up with their nice dense, evergreen, rounded balls alhough not all are green some come in a very...
  8. lauraloo

    Shady climbers for year round interest

    Celia sweetie your old garden was very lovely and I like your poker method of planting too 'All in! :D
    Celia sweetie your old garden was very lovely and I like your poker method of planting too 'All in! :D
    Celia sweetie your old garden was very lovely and I like your poker method of planting too 'All in! :D
    Celia sweetie your old garden was very lovely and I like your poker method of planting too 'All in! :D
  9. Scotkat

    Some of my purchase with Kathy retail therapy :)

    Ah Scotkat I'm sure you two girls had the bestest time together! ;)
    Ah Scotkat I'm sure you two girls had the bestest time together! ;)
    Ah Scotkat I'm sure you two girls had the bestest time together! ;)
    Ah Scotkat I'm sure you two girls had the bestest time together! ;)
  10. gardenlearner

    Need some dirt

    If you've got transport, try Freecycle. There's always people wanting to get rid of rubble.
    If you've got transport, try Freecycle. There's always people wanting to get rid of rubble.
    If you've got transport, try Freecycle. There's always people wanting to get rid of rubble.
    If you've got transport, try Freecycle. There's always people wanting to get rid of rubble.
  11. weekend gardener

    catch a thief

    At least you weren't "bittern" about itI'll get me coat
    At least you weren't "bittern" about itI'll get me coat
    At least you weren't "bittern" about itI'll get me coat
    At least you weren't "bittern" about itI'll get me coat
  12. NewbieGreen

    Hebe not grown last year

    I planted three last year in different areas of the garden (three for two I think at B & Q) Not sure which one it is but it has variagated leaves and purple flowers in autumn, non of them have...
    I planted three last year in different areas of the garden (three for two I think at B & Q) Not sure which one it is but it has variagated leaves and purple flowers in autumn, non of them have grown much and they look sickly, I am going to dig them out and put them in containers
    I planted three last year in different areas of the garden (three for two I think at B & Q) Not sure which one it is but it has variagated leaves and purple flowers in autumn, non of them have grown much and they look sickly, I am going to dig...
    I planted three last year in different areas of the garden (three for two I think at B & Q) Not sure which one it is but it has variagated leaves and purple flowers in autumn, non of them have...
  13. TH

    North facing garden.

    wot ya wonna do is grow sunflowrs the chickenks will grow with them 8 foot tall chickens . :D
    wot ya wonna do is grow sunflowrs the chickenks will grow with them 8 foot tall chickens . :D
    wot ya wonna do is grow sunflowrs the chickenks will grow with them 8 foot tall chickens . :D
    wot ya wonna do is grow sunflowrs the chickenks will grow with them 8 foot tall chickens . :D
  14. Passion Flower

    Camellia - Problem with Leaves

    This is mine late yesterday afternoon.As you can see it has been battered by the wind just a little but still has lots of flowers. Lives happily in this stone trough but I think it will...
    This is mine late yesterday afternoon.As you can see it has been battered by the wind just a little but still has lots of flowers. Lives happily in this stone trough but I think it will need moving soon. PS. You can see the black sooty bits on the leaves :mad:
    This is mine late yesterday afternoon.As you can see it has been battered by the wind just a little but still has lots of flowers. Lives happily in this stone trough but I think it will need moving soon. PS. You can see the black sooty...
    This is mine late yesterday afternoon.As you can see it has been battered by the wind just a little but still has lots of flowers. Lives happily in this stone trough but I think it will...
  15. CavemanUK

    My Homemade high power soil mix!

    Hi Peter thats a really constructive post thank you, Perlite is supposed to retain moisture as well as keep the soil loose for root development and drainage so i guess its multi functional, but...
    Hi Peter thats a really constructive post thank you, Perlite is supposed to retain moisture as well as keep the soil loose for root development and drainage so i guess its multi functional, but for my garden its not really needed more sand will do fine next time and be half the price. It does...
    Hi Peter thats a really constructive post thank you, Perlite is supposed to retain moisture as well as keep the soil loose for root development and drainage so i guess its multi functional, but for my garden its not really needed more sand will...
    Hi Peter thats a really constructive post thank you, Perlite is supposed to retain moisture as well as keep the soil loose for root development and drainage so i guess its multi functional, but...
  16. Dave_In_His_Garden

    Garden Wall

    Good luck with it Dave,bobj & PeterS - what can i say. Absolutely gorgeous.cheers
    Good luck with it Dave,bobj & PeterS - what can i say. Absolutely gorgeous.cheers
    Good luck with it Dave,bobj & PeterS - what can i say. Absolutely gorgeous.cheers
    Good luck with it Dave,bobj & PeterS - what can i say. Absolutely gorgeous.cheers
  17. Kathy3


    lifted and put in pot
    lifted and put in pot
    lifted and put in pot
    lifted and put in pot
  18. Sarraceniac

    Musa velutina from seed,

    How did you get on with the velutina seeds? They are apparantly one of the easier nana seeds to germinate, although I havent tried - yet.Gaz
    How did you get on with the velutina seeds? They are apparantly one of the easier nana seeds to germinate, although I havent tried - yet.Gaz
    How did you get on with the velutina seeds? They are apparantly one of the easier nana seeds to germinate, although I havent tried - yet.Gaz
    How did you get on with the velutina seeds? They are apparantly one of the easier nana seeds to germinate, although I havent tried - yet.Gaz
  19. Blackthorn

    Melianthus Major

    I have a young plant in the garden. It sailed though most of the winter and was still producing new green leaves. However the cold snap in early March has cut it back to the ground. Poking around...
    I have a young plant in the garden. It sailed though most of the winter and was still producing new green leaves. However the cold snap in early March has cut it back to the ground. Poking around in the mulch, i have found buds forming so it should come back fine (i hope).But yes get it in the...
    I have a young plant in the garden. It sailed though most of the winter and was still producing new green leaves. However the cold snap in early March has cut it back to the ground. Poking around in the mulch, i have found buds forming so it...
    I have a young plant in the garden. It sailed though most of the winter and was still producing new green leaves. However the cold snap in early March has cut it back to the ground. Poking around...
  20. gardenlearner

    Planting seeds

    Hello again My last reply got wiped when the computer crashed. You can grow quite a lot of plants in a north facing bed surprisingly, certainly the woodland ones would do well. I have a bed...
    Hello again My last reply got wiped when the computer crashed. You can grow quite a lot of plants in a north facing bed surprisingly, certainly the woodland ones would do well. I have a bed with 2 trees in it and shaded by an enormous leylandii hedge. In it I grow: foxgloves, primroses,...
    Hello again My last reply got wiped when the computer crashed. You can grow quite a lot of plants in a north facing bed surprisingly, certainly the woodland ones would do well. I have a bed with 2 trees in it and shaded by an enormous...
    Hello again My last reply got wiped when the computer crashed. You can grow quite a lot of plants in a north facing bed surprisingly, certainly the woodland ones would do well. I have a bed...

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