General Gardening Discussion

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  1. flowerpotty

    possible problem with callisteman citrinus splendens?

    Strongylodon is the expert on Callistemon he will probably know.
    Strongylodon is the expert on Callistemon he will probably know.
    Strongylodon is the expert on Callistemon he will probably know.
    Strongylodon is the expert on Callistemon he will probably know.
  2. naepace

    Esveld Mail Order Plants

    They look pretty decent, I may give them a bash & post my experience for the benefit of others. Cheers.
    They look pretty decent, I may give them a bash & post my experience for the benefit of others. Cheers.
    They look pretty decent, I may give them a bash & post my experience for the benefit of others. Cheers.
    They look pretty decent, I may give them a bash & post my experience for the benefit of others. Cheers.
  3. Scotkat

    Snowdrop walk this afternoon Ecclesgrieg Castle

    Thanks Helen, I was trying to think of the place we used to go and look at snowdrops. It was Hodsock Priory! So many different varieties but our photos are non-digital so I can't post them.
    Thanks Helen, I was trying to think of the place we used to go and look at snowdrops. It was Hodsock Priory! So many different varieties but our photos are non-digital so I can't post them.
    Thanks Helen, I was trying to think of the place we used to go and look at snowdrops. It was Hodsock Priory! So many different varieties but our photos are non-digital so I can't post them.
    Thanks Helen, I was trying to think of the place we used to go and look at snowdrops. It was Hodsock Priory! So many different varieties but our photos are non-digital so I can't post them.
  4. craig

    Lidl Gardening specials

    If theres another apple tree within several hundred yards thats usually enough.
    If theres another apple tree within several hundred yards thats usually enough.
    If theres another apple tree within several hundred yards thats usually enough.
    If theres another apple tree within several hundred yards thats usually enough.
  5. Dan King

    Please help dying plant

    Hi Dan & Welcome to GC.... I am sure someone will be able to advise you, but really we need to know what it is.... Here are the instructions for loading photos on to the...
    Hi Dan & Welcome to GC.... I am sure someone will be able to advise you, but really we need to know what it is.... Here are the instructions for loading photos on to the site....;f=31;t=000174Get yourself an accout with...
    Hi Dan & Welcome to GC.... I am sure someone will be able to advise you, but really we need to know what it is.... Here are the instructions for loading photos on to the...
    Hi Dan & Welcome to GC.... I am sure someone will be able to advise you, but really we need to know what it is.... Here are the instructions for loading photos on to the...
  6. cattwoman25

    woke up this morning and am gutted

    Thanks for that Catt Woman I'm sure hubbie will be pleased to hear that I just wish he would make his blooming mind up what he wants and what size! :D
    Thanks for that Catt Woman I'm sure hubbie will be pleased to hear that I just wish he would make his blooming mind up what he wants and what size! :D
    Thanks for that Catt Woman I'm sure hubbie will be pleased to hear that I just wish he would make his blooming mind up what he wants and what size! :D
    Thanks for that Catt Woman I'm sure hubbie will be pleased to hear that I just wish he would make his blooming mind up what he wants and what size! :D
  7. Barra

    around the world in 80 gardens

    Bum missed it yet again although I did catch the tail end of it!
    Bum missed it yet again although I did catch the tail end of it!
    Bum missed it yet again although I did catch the tail end of it!
    Bum missed it yet again although I did catch the tail end of it!
  8. Victoria

    Blossoms 2008

    Why not :confused: :confused: :confused:
    Why not :confused: :confused: :confused:
    Why not :confused: :confused: :confused:
    Why not :confused: :confused: :confused:
  9. intermiplants

    it was that windy

    thanks all ,suppose when you think that some people wake up to floods i shouldnt moan really.oh well at least the next generation look healthy,anyone know how much a new one say 4 -6 ft high will...
    thanks all ,suppose when you think that some people wake up to floods i shouldnt moan really.oh well at least the next generation look healthy,anyone know how much a new one say 4 -6 ft high will cost. as the younger ones left behind are going to grow in about 6 different directions and lady imp...
    thanks all ,suppose when you think that some people wake up to floods i shouldnt moan really.oh well at least the next generation look healthy,anyone know how much a new one say 4 -6 ft high will cost. as the younger ones left behind are going to...
    thanks all ,suppose when you think that some people wake up to floods i shouldnt moan really.oh well at least the next generation look healthy,anyone know how much a new one say 4 -6 ft high will...
  10. compost maker

    Sage Does it need pruning? or is it dying?

    Before you prune the sage back. Sage gets woody, and straggly as it gets older, and it doesn't take kindly to being pruned back on to old wood. I find the best way to keep a compact healthy bush...
    Before you prune the sage back. Sage gets woody, and straggly as it gets older, and it doesn't take kindly to being pruned back on to old wood. I find the best way to keep a compact healthy bush is to layer a few stems each spring. Find a stem with some healthy shoots on it and pin the stem down...
    Before you prune the sage back. Sage gets woody, and straggly as it gets older, and it doesn't take kindly to being pruned back on to old wood. I find the best way to keep a compact healthy bush is to layer a few stems each spring. Find a stem...
    Before you prune the sage back. Sage gets woody, and straggly as it gets older, and it doesn't take kindly to being pruned back on to old wood. I find the best way to keep a compact healthy bush...
  11. Ethansmum

    Gardeners World Cosmos Trial- free seeds

    For those that may have missed it last night, heres the link to the information about the Gardeners World Cosmos trial. It gives you a choice from 5 different types.Hope this helps...
    For those that may have missed it last night, heres the link to the information about the Gardeners World Cosmos trial. It gives you a choice from 5 different types.Hope this helps someone. Tracy the...
    For those that may have missed it last night, heres the link to the information about the Gardeners World Cosmos trial. It gives you a choice from 5 different types.Hope this helps...
    For those that may have missed it last night, heres the link to the information about the Gardeners World Cosmos trial. It gives you a choice from 5 different types.Hope this helps...
  12. ljasmine

    Few questions and pics :)

    :D :D :D
    :D :D :D
    :D :D :D
    :D :D :D
  13. miraflores

    Habelmoschus manihot

    and here, I found out a special drink...
    and here, I found out a special drink...
    and here, I found out a special drink...
    and here, I found out a special drink...
  14. nathan7

    Fatsia Propagation

    Failing that, wait till it flowers then collect the black seeds they germinate dead easy, even when they drop on the ground you will see them poping up everywhere.
    Failing that, wait till it flowers then collect the black seeds they germinate dead easy, even when they drop on the ground you will see them poping up everywhere.
    Failing that, wait till it flowers then collect the black seeds they germinate dead easy, even when they drop on the ground you will see them poping up everywhere.
    Failing that, wait till it flowers then collect the black seeds they germinate dead easy, even when they drop on the ground you will see them poping up everywhere.
  15. Terry K


    They do seem to seed quite readily, and the seedlings do come up. I have them all over the place. But I don't think the seedlings always retain the character of the parent, and they will take a...
    They do seem to seed quite readily, and the seedlings do come up. I have them all over the place. But I don't think the seedlings always retain the character of the parent, and they will take a while to make decent-sized plants.
    They do seem to seed quite readily, and the seedlings do come up. I have them all over the place. But I don't think the seedlings always retain the character of the parent, and they will take a while to make decent-sized plants.
    They do seem to seed quite readily, and the seedlings do come up. I have them all over the place. But I don't think the seedlings always retain the character of the parent, and they will take a...
  16. linlin

    Weather forecast

    B/Man have you changed sides :eek:
    B/Man have you changed sides :eek:
    B/Man have you changed sides :eek:
    B/Man have you changed sides :eek:
  17. NewbieGreen

    Only 3 winter flowers have opened!

    Newbie that sounds pretty bad although I had planted a hundred or so pansy's and primroses (another bargain from B & Q)only the ones in the front garden seem to have done well...the others in the...
    Newbie that sounds pretty bad although I had planted a hundred or so pansy's and primroses (another bargain from B & Q)only the ones in the front garden seem to have done well...the others in the side garden have been eaten!You shouldn't worry too much about your daffs only my little ones...
    Newbie that sounds pretty bad although I had planted a hundred or so pansy's and primroses (another bargain from B & Q)only the ones in the front garden seem to have done well...the others in the side garden have been eaten!You shouldn't worry...
    Newbie that sounds pretty bad although I had planted a hundred or so pansy's and primroses (another bargain from B & Q)only the ones in the front garden seem to have done well...the others in the...
  18. bristolrich

    Alkaline soil

    I would test the pH of the tap water by itself. I wouldn't expect it to be very far from neutral. If it is I would defrost the fridge and use the water from the ice around the freezer. Thats as...
    I would test the pH of the tap water by itself. I wouldn't expect it to be very far from neutral. If it is I would defrost the fridge and use the water from the ice around the freezer. Thats as close to distilled water as you can easily get, without paying for it.pH7 is neutral chemically...
    I would test the pH of the tap water by itself. I wouldn't expect it to be very far from neutral. If it is I would defrost the fridge and use the water from the ice around the freezer. Thats as close to distilled water as you can easily get,...
    I would test the pH of the tap water by itself. I wouldn't expect it to be very far from neutral. If it is I would defrost the fridge and use the water from the ice around the freezer. Thats as...
  19. Arroch08

    Pruning Euphorbia amygdaloides Purpurea

    Hello Arroch - the late Christopher Lloyd's bookof Garden Flowers talks about E. Amygloides and says it used to be called E. Robbiae. A spreading 'spurge' which becomes weak at the centre as it...
    Hello Arroch - the late Christopher Lloyd's bookof Garden Flowers talks about E. Amygloides and says it used to be called E. Robbiae. A spreading 'spurge' which becomes weak at the centre as it 'suckers'. He also says that cutting it back in August helps to sustain a healthy plant.
    Hello Arroch - the late Christopher Lloyd's bookof Garden Flowers talks about E. Amygloides and says it used to be called E. Robbiae. A spreading 'spurge' which becomes weak at the centre as it 'suckers'. He also says that cutting it back in...
    Hello Arroch - the late Christopher Lloyd's bookof Garden Flowers talks about E. Amygloides and says it used to be called E. Robbiae. A spreading 'spurge' which becomes weak at the centre as it...
  20. weekend gardener

    glass wall

    thanks wg but i tried to sign up with live video and clicked on the picture i wanted in my pictures, but afterwards there was no where to click on to log in after i had given my details
    thanks wg but i tried to sign up with live video and clicked on the picture i wanted in my pictures, but afterwards there was no where to click on to log in after i had given my details
    thanks wg but i tried to sign up with live video and clicked on the picture i wanted in my pictures, but afterwards there was no where to click on to log in after i had given my details
    thanks wg but i tried to sign up with live video and clicked on the picture i wanted in my pictures, but afterwards there was no where to click on to log in after i had given my details

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