General Gardening Discussion

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  1. Time


    About 10 years ago Aspidistra were selling at around �£15 per leaf. David
    About 10 years ago Aspidistra were selling at around �£15 per leaf. David
    About 10 years ago Aspidistra were selling at around �£15 per leaf. David
    About 10 years ago Aspidistra were selling at around �£15 per leaf. David
  2. elainefiz

    No joke!!

    Hahahaha Lol. Brilliant. Pickled Squab Pigeon :D How fab is that :cool: There you go elaine REVENGE..
    Hahahaha Lol. Brilliant. Pickled Squab Pigeon :D How fab is that :cool: There you go elaine REVENGE..
    Hahahaha Lol. Brilliant. Pickled Squab Pigeon :D How fab is that :cool: There you go elaine REVENGE..
    Hahahaha Lol. Brilliant. Pickled Squab Pigeon :D How fab is that :cool: There you go elaine REVENGE..
  3. compost maker
  4. ruffmeister

    bumper ocober update

    Hi there,just to let you know that we have acumulated our latest updates into one massive bumper update for october. Jobs inlcude strange produce that is...
    Hi there,just to let you know that we have acumulated our latest updates into one massive bumper update for october. Jobs inlcude strange produce that is still growing, new equipment being built as well as winter prep startinglet us know what you think.
    Hi there,just to let you know that we have acumulated our latest updates into one massive bumper update for october. Jobs inlcude strange produce that is still growing, new equipment being built as well as...
    Hi there,just to let you know that we have acumulated our latest updates into one massive bumper update for october. Jobs inlcude strange produce that is...
  5. miraflores

    agave>>>>>aloe !!!!

    No it's not an aloe vera. My vera produces offsets like its nobody's business. I knew I shouldn't have let it meet the neighbour's rabbit. If anyone wants one ever, give me a shout.
    No it's not an aloe vera. My vera produces offsets like its nobody's business. I knew I shouldn't have let it meet the neighbour's rabbit. If anyone wants one ever, give me a shout.
    No it's not an aloe vera. My vera produces offsets like its nobody's business. I knew I shouldn't have let it meet the neighbour's rabbit. If anyone wants one ever, give me a shout.
    No it's not an aloe vera. My vera produces offsets like its nobody's business. I knew I shouldn't have let it meet the neighbour's rabbit. If anyone wants one ever, give me a shout.
  6. floris


    Thanks LoL for your advice - will comply and report next year.
    Thanks LoL for your advice - will comply and report next year.
    Thanks LoL for your advice - will comply and report next year.
    Thanks LoL for your advice - will comply and report next year.
  7. lapod

    so smug

    well done Lapod.. your catching the gardening bug..
    well done Lapod.. your catching the gardening bug..
    well done Lapod.. your catching the gardening bug..
    well done Lapod.. your catching the gardening bug..
  8. miraflores


    Had a christmas cactus for years and was easy to keep. A little water and feed and it was happy, untill it was picked up to clean the surface to whit it was place, and snapped off at the base of...
    Had a christmas cactus for years and was easy to keep. A little water and feed and it was happy, untill it was picked up to clean the surface to whit it was place, and snapped off at the base of the stem. Decided to gid rid of it, as it was getting to big for the window sill any way.
    Had a christmas cactus for years and was easy to keep. A little water and feed and it was happy, untill it was picked up to clean the surface to whit it was place, and snapped off at the base of the stem. Decided to gid rid of it, as it was...
    Had a christmas cactus for years and was easy to keep. A little water and feed and it was happy, untill it was picked up to clean the surface to whit it was place, and snapped off at the base of...
  9. Fonzie

    terracotta pots. Frost proofing.

    Use heavy duty bubblewrap INSIDE the pot to create an expansion gap. Use more bubble wrap laid on top of the compost to limit the amount of rain getting into pot in winter also to protect roots...
    Use heavy duty bubblewrap INSIDE the pot to create an expansion gap. Use more bubble wrap laid on top of the compost to limit the amount of rain getting into pot in winter also to protect roots from the cold.
    Use heavy duty bubblewrap INSIDE the pot to create an expansion gap. Use more bubble wrap laid on top of the compost to limit the amount of rain getting into pot in winter also to protect roots from the cold.
    Use heavy duty bubblewrap INSIDE the pot to create an expansion gap. Use more bubble wrap laid on top of the compost to limit the amount of rain getting into pot in winter also to protect roots...
  10. whis4ey

    A P 'Osakasuki' ... a beacon of light

    Lovely colour Whis4ey.
    Lovely colour Whis4ey.
    Lovely colour Whis4ey.
    Lovely colour Whis4ey.
  11. Garden Apprentice

    Growing Orchids

    My son gave me this beautiful orchid in March end of August it stopped blooming flowered till then.I forgot to water and did not feed untill end of Sept.And now you can see she is in bud...
    My son gave me this beautiful orchid in March end of August it stopped blooming flowered till then.I forgot to water and did not feed untill end of Sept.And now you can see she is in bud again,I no water once a week with tap water let it sit for half an hr to get aclimitised then put orhid...
    My son gave me this beautiful orchid in March end of August it stopped blooming flowered till then.I forgot to water and did not feed untill end of Sept.And now you can see she is in bud again,I no water once a week with tap water let it sit...
    My son gave me this beautiful orchid in March end of August it stopped blooming flowered till then.I forgot to water and did not feed untill end of Sept.And now you can see she is in bud...
  12. carolla

    garden weeds

    Here's what the RHS say you can give in to it and make it a feature
    Here's what the RHS say you can give in to it and make it a feature
    Here's what the RHS say you can give in to it and make it a feature
    Here's what the RHS say you can give in to it and make it a feature
  13. carolla

    garden weeds

    can anyone help me get rid of aplant or weed invading my garden and lawn called babys tears as it is only surface rooting . lawn weedkiller doesnt touch it.thanks carolla.
    can anyone help me get rid of aplant or weed invading my garden and lawn called babys tears as it is only surface rooting . lawn weedkiller doesnt touch it.thanks carolla.
    can anyone help me get rid of aplant or weed invading my garden and lawn called babys tears as it is only surface rooting . lawn weedkiller doesnt touch it.thanks carolla.
    can anyone help me get rid of aplant or weed invading my garden and lawn called babys tears as it is only surface rooting . lawn weedkiller doesnt touch it.thanks carolla.
  14. Wrenhere

    narcissus bulbs - just received - and they're sprouting!

    Paula, I`ve planted tulips for 1 of my clients and they are already through the ground, he will probably be picking them for Christmas :D . So I would say yes, get them in. David.
    Paula, I`ve planted tulips for 1 of my clients and they are already through the ground, he will probably be picking them for Christmas :D . So I would say yes, get them in. David.
    Paula, I`ve planted tulips for 1 of my clients and they are already through the ground, he will probably be picking them for Christmas :D . So I would say yes, get them in. David.
    Paula, I`ve planted tulips for 1 of my clients and they are already through the ground, he will probably be picking them for Christmas :D . So I would say yes, get them in. David.
  15. miraflores


    Sublimates is where a solid turns into a gas without going through a liquid stage.It's what carbon dioxide does when you get that dry ice smoke effect in discos.
    Sublimates is where a solid turns into a gas without going through a liquid stage.It's what carbon dioxide does when you get that dry ice smoke effect in discos.
    Sublimates is where a solid turns into a gas without going through a liquid stage.It's what carbon dioxide does when you get that dry ice smoke effect in discos.
    Sublimates is where a solid turns into a gas without going through a liquid stage.It's what carbon dioxide does when you get that dry ice smoke effect in discos.
  16. chengjing

    RHS Seed scheme

    Thanks chengjing. I have just put my request in. I tried a couple of days ago but it wasn't working. It's certainly good value, and a lot of the seeds are ones that you don't usually see for sale.
    Thanks chengjing. I have just put my request in. I tried a couple of days ago but it wasn't working. It's certainly good value, and a lot of the seeds are ones that you don't usually see for sale.
    Thanks chengjing. I have just put my request in. I tried a couple of days ago but it wasn't working. It's certainly good value, and a lot of the seeds are ones that you don't usually see for sale.
    Thanks chengjing. I have just put my request in. I tried a couple of days ago but it wasn't working. It's certainly good value, and a lot of the seeds are ones that you don't usually see for sale.
  17. golfer


    Hi Golfer If its below the Graft union Its usually a Root Sucker,I personally always twist these off as If they are cut off I find that it stimulates growth of the Sucker and you get twice as many...
    Hi Golfer If its below the Graft union Its usually a Root Sucker,I personally always twist these off as If they are cut off I find that it stimulates growth of the Sucker and you get twice as many next year,Just follow the branch down to make sure It is below the Graft Union.Hope this is off...
    Hi Golfer If its below the Graft union Its usually a Root Sucker,I personally always twist these off as If they are cut off I find that it stimulates growth of the Sucker and you get twice as many next year,Just follow the branch down to make...
    Hi Golfer If its below the Graft union Its usually a Root Sucker,I personally always twist these off as If they are cut off I find that it stimulates growth of the Sucker and you get twice as many...
  18. terrier

    Clay and sand

    Clay and sand together can be inclined to become very compacted You would need to mix in lots and lots of lighter material, farmyard manure, compost etc to get the right balance If the resulting...
    Clay and sand together can be inclined to become very compacted You would need to mix in lots and lots of lighter material, farmyard manure, compost etc to get the right balance If the resulting mix is too heavy it will be difficult for the roots of anything to develop easily
    Clay and sand together can be inclined to become very compacted You would need to mix in lots and lots of lighter material, farmyard manure, compost etc to get the right balance If the resulting mix is too heavy it will be difficult for the roots...
    Clay and sand together can be inclined to become very compacted You would need to mix in lots and lots of lighter material, farmyard manure, compost etc to get the right balance If the resulting...
  19. Fairynuff


    you can say that
    you can say that
    you can say that
    you can say that
  20. Palustris

    Gamekeeper's Request

    Leycesteria formosa (Pheasant Berry). Tough and easy, and birds like the berries. Very easy to grow from seed.
    Leycesteria formosa (Pheasant Berry). Tough and easy, and birds like the berries. Very easy to grow from seed.
    Leycesteria formosa (Pheasant Berry). Tough and easy, and birds like the berries. Very easy to grow from seed.
    Leycesteria formosa (Pheasant Berry). Tough and easy, and birds like the berries. Very easy to grow from seed.

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