General Gardening Discussion

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  1. wiseowl


    Thank you Kedi and Walnut I will do exactly as you say,Many thanks
    Thank you Kedi and Walnut I will do exactly as you say,Many thanks
    Thank you Kedi and Walnut I will do exactly as you say,Many thanks
    Thank you Kedi and Walnut I will do exactly as you say,Many thanks
  2. miraflores

    Dyer's woad (Isatis tinctoria L.)

    One would not imagine that you can get "indigo blue" dye from this plant...
    One would not imagine that you can get "indigo blue" dye from this plant...
    One would not imagine that you can get "indigo blue" dye from this plant...
    One would not imagine that you can get "indigo blue" dye from this plant...
  3. miraflores

    what to do in November

    Thank you for the reminders Mira.Dont forget to buy you crackers ;)
    Thank you for the reminders Mira.Dont forget to buy you crackers ;)
    Thank you for the reminders Mira.Dont forget to buy you crackers ;)
    Thank you for the reminders Mira.Dont forget to buy you crackers ;)
  4. Celia

    my winter pots

    and not only the dry ones, i think. Sometimes I had some fresh flowers lasting for a very longtime yes, but releasing different colours in the water...
    and not only the dry ones, i think. Sometimes I had some fresh flowers lasting for a very longtime yes, but releasing different colours in the water...
    and not only the dry ones, i think. Sometimes I had some fresh flowers lasting for a very longtime yes, but releasing different colours in the water...
    and not only the dry ones, i think. Sometimes I had some fresh flowers lasting for a very longtime yes, but releasing different colours in the water...
  5. NewbieGreen

    Moist air in cold frame

    Thanks all, kind of what i suspected. Once i had thought about it i was kind of thinking along the lines of PeterS. It is more like a moring dew. Also i do ventilate it and it does dry up quite...
    Thanks all, kind of what i suspected. Once i had thought about it i was kind of thinking along the lines of PeterS. It is more like a moring dew. Also i do ventilate it and it does dry up quite quickly.
    Thanks all, kind of what i suspected. Once i had thought about it i was kind of thinking along the lines of PeterS. It is more like a moring dew. Also i do ventilate it and it does dry up quite quickly.
    Thanks all, kind of what i suspected. Once i had thought about it i was kind of thinking along the lines of PeterS. It is more like a moring dew. Also i do ventilate it and it does dry up quite...
  6. oktarine

    Reads Retreat Blog

    Has been updated !Go on, take a look ?
    Has been updated !Go on, take a look ?
    Has been updated !Go on, take a look ?
    Has been updated !Go on, take a look ?
  7. James K

    plastic wood chopping windmills

    Hi Janes and welcome, I know that up to 3 years ago they were still being sold, so you should ask at your nearest independent garden centre, they are more likely to help you than one of the...
    Hi Janes and welcome, I know that up to 3 years ago they were still being sold, so you should ask at your nearest independent garden centre, they are more likely to help you than one of the multiples. David.
    Hi Janes and welcome, I know that up to 3 years ago they were still being sold, so you should ask at your nearest independent garden centre, they are more likely to help you than one of the multiples. David.
    Hi Janes and welcome, I know that up to 3 years ago they were still being sold, so you should ask at your nearest independent garden centre, they are more likely to help you than one of the...
  8. PeterS

    Improved clay - update

    Many thanks everyone for your kind words.borrowers - this is a picture of the back garden. Not the best photo as it was taken through a window. But it gives an idea. The same sort of style of...
    Many thanks everyone for your kind words.borrowers - this is a picture of the back garden. Not the best photo as it was taken through a window. But it gives an idea. The same sort of style of perennials and gravel. Very simple, and pretty low maintenance.
    Many thanks everyone for your kind words.borrowers - this is a picture of the back garden. Not the best photo as it was taken through a window. But it gives an idea. The same sort of style of perennials and gravel. Very simple, and pretty...
    Many thanks everyone for your kind words.borrowers - this is a picture of the back garden. Not the best photo as it was taken through a window. But it gives an idea. The same sort of style of...
  9. miraflores

    hawaiian beauties...

    That's OK mira - when we were out there Mrs shiney wore hers on the right :D :D - maybe she was trying to tell me something
    That's OK mira - when we were out there Mrs shiney wore hers on the right :D :D - maybe she was trying to tell me something
    That's OK mira - when we were out there Mrs shiney wore hers on the right :D :D - maybe she was trying to tell me something
    That's OK mira - when we were out there Mrs shiney wore hers on the right :D :D - maybe she was trying to tell me something
  10. pip

    Our new garden

    Hi Pip sorry I missed this thread the first time round,just looking through and found it!Just wanted to say what a lovely garden the last owner has left for you I'm sure you will enjoy it next...
    Hi Pip sorry I missed this thread the first time round,just looking through and found it!Just wanted to say what a lovely garden the last owner has left for you I'm sure you will enjoy it next year...that's if we have a summer next year! :D
    Hi Pip sorry I missed this thread the first time round,just looking through and found it!Just wanted to say what a lovely garden the last owner has left for you I'm sure you will enjoy it next year...that's if we have a summer next year! :D ...
    Hi Pip sorry I missed this thread the first time round,just looking through and found it!Just wanted to say what a lovely garden the last owner has left for you I'm sure you will enjoy it next...
  11. miraflores

    and here we are...

    my production...(although they are in Italy at the moment)1)Chrysanthemum, if I remember right...(I clearly remember though that it grew unbelievably slowly) 2)plumeria my beautiful...
    my production...(although they are in Italy at the moment)1)Chrysanthemum, if I remember right...(I clearly remember though that it grew unbelievably slowly) 2)plumeria my beautiful...
    my production...(although they are in Italy at the moment)1)Chrysanthemum, if I remember right...(I clearly remember though that it grew unbelievably slowly) 2)plumeria my beautiful...
    my production...(although they are in Italy at the moment)1)Chrysanthemum, if I remember right...(I clearly remember though that it grew unbelievably slowly) 2)plumeria my beautiful...
  12. RavenMad

    One day this might resemble a garden...

    raven, if had that i,my husband & dog would run, albeit slowly, round that garden! what are you going to do with it? it's lovely. i would want it as is, just to enjoy it. run! keep it up & let...
    raven, if had that i,my husband & dog would run, albeit slowly, round that garden! what are you going to do with it? it's lovely. i would want it as is, just to enjoy it. run! keep it up & let us know with pics etc how you're getting on.
    raven, if had that i,my husband & dog would run, albeit slowly, round that garden! what are you going to do with it? it's lovely. i would want it as is, just to enjoy it. run! keep it up & let us know with pics etc how you're getting on.
    raven, if had that i,my husband & dog would run, albeit slowly, round that garden! what are you going to do with it? it's lovely. i would want it as is, just to enjoy it. run! keep it up & let...
  13. grahamdeepwell

    Suggestions for a small area

    You're quite right about Dobbies (yes, Barlborough). Almost impossible to find things, the staff try but it's so big.I know Spring Bank also, bought from there before.
    You're quite right about Dobbies (yes, Barlborough). Almost impossible to find things, the staff try but it's so big.I know Spring Bank also, bought from there before.
    You're quite right about Dobbies (yes, Barlborough). Almost impossible to find things, the staff try but it's so big.I know Spring Bank also, bought from there before.
    You're quite right about Dobbies (yes, Barlborough). Almost impossible to find things, the staff try but it's so big.I know Spring Bank also, bought from there before.
  14. hakakahn

    URGENT!! Withering indoor clematis

    Ok I'll put it outside, not that there's much left of her. Thanks for all your help, I've tried everywhere for advice!!!the other reason I keep plants inside is they get eaten by slugs and I've...
    Ok I'll put it outside, not that there's much left of her. Thanks for all your help, I've tried everywhere for advice!!!the other reason I keep plants inside is they get eaten by slugs and I've tried everything to stop em ( egg shells, garlic, onion, beer traps, fir tree needles, coffee...
    Ok I'll put it outside, not that there's much left of her. Thanks for all your help, I've tried everywhere for advice!!!the other reason I keep plants inside is they get eaten by slugs and I've tried everything to stop em ( egg shells, garlic,...
    Ok I'll put it outside, not that there's much left of her. Thanks for all your help, I've tried everywhere for advice!!!the other reason I keep plants inside is they get eaten by slugs and I've...
  15. BekiMac

    Calling Pete! Quadrangularis taking over!

    :D I know! I've been looking through all the other seeds I've collected this year too and told Mr Mac we're definately going to need to do something! We only have a town garden, and not enough...
    :D I know! I've been looking through all the other seeds I've collected this year too and told Mr Mac we're definately going to need to do something! We only have a town garden, and not enough room for a green house!
    :D I know! I've been looking through all the other seeds I've collected this year too and told Mr Mac we're definately going to need to do something! We only have a town garden, and not enough room for a green house!
    :D I know! I've been looking through all the other seeds I've collected this year too and told Mr Mac we're definately going to need to do something! We only have a town garden, and not enough...
  16. TechieInGarden

    Advice on Wisteria and foundations

    I dont know really either, but I do know they have a very extensive root system, I dug mine out years ago but the roots under my pond liner are still alive and throw up the occasional sucker. I...
    I dont know really either, but I do know they have a very extensive root system, I dug mine out years ago but the roots under my pond liner are still alive and throw up the occasional sucker. I think if the house foundation is in good order there is probably no real problem. Problems occur with...
    I dont know really either, but I do know they have a very extensive root system, I dug mine out years ago but the roots under my pond liner are still alive and throw up the occasional sucker. I think if the house foundation is in good order...
    I dont know really either, but I do know they have a very extensive root system, I dug mine out years ago but the roots under my pond liner are still alive and throw up the occasional sucker. I...
  17. pip

    Ice plant - can I split it?

    I have one of these plants, but have never split it. However I would imagine that spring would be the best time to do it since if you did it now you would spoil the flowering display.Same would...
    I have one of these plants, but have never split it. However I would imagine that spring would be the best time to do it since if you did it now you would spoil the flowering display.Same would apply (with exceptions) to other autumn flowering perennials.Hope this helps
    I have one of these plants, but have never split it. However I would imagine that spring would be the best time to do it since if you did it now you would spoil the flowering display.Same would apply (with exceptions) to other autumn flowering...
    I have one of these plants, but have never split it. However I would imagine that spring would be the best time to do it since if you did it now you would spoil the flowering display.Same would...
  18. TeaTree

    Plant Taxanomy?

    Hi TeaTree. Just thinking about my last post. I didn't mean to be rude or condescending when I said you should be doing your own. You are very welcome to a copy of my spreadsheet. However I found...
    Hi TeaTree. Just thinking about my last post. I didn't mean to be rude or condescending when I said you should be doing your own. You are very welcome to a copy of my spreadsheet. However I found that the act of doing the research was really more valuable than the finished taxonomic tree.
    Hi TeaTree. Just thinking about my last post. I didn't mean to be rude or condescending when I said you should be doing your own. You are very welcome to a copy of my spreadsheet. However I found that the act of doing the research was really...
    Hi TeaTree. Just thinking about my last post. I didn't mean to be rude or condescending when I said you should be doing your own. You are very welcome to a copy of my spreadsheet. However I found...
  19. minton

    New big plot advice

    I would concur with geofs advice.To qualify if your desperate to get started then glyphosate will kill off the majority of weeds if you act fast within the next couple of weeks but remember that...
    I would concur with geofs advice.To qualify if your desperate to get started then glyphosate will kill off the majority of weeds if you act fast within the next couple of weeks but remember that any bind weed is certainly slowing down and is unlikely to be efectivly killed until a spring...
    I would concur with geofs advice.To qualify if your desperate to get started then glyphosate will kill off the majority of weeds if you act fast within the next couple of weeks but remember that any bind weed is certainly slowing down and is...
    I would concur with geofs advice.To qualify if your desperate to get started then glyphosate will kill off the majority of weeds if you act fast within the next couple of weeks but remember that...
  20. Edward R6

    Hello, seeking some help in designing a garden storage unit.

    Edward, are you trying to start world war 3? :( ;) :D
    Edward, are you trying to start world war 3? :( ;) :D
    Edward, are you trying to start world war 3? :( ;) :D
    Edward, are you trying to start world war 3? :( ;) :D

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