General Gardening Discussion

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  1. compost maker

    Amelanchier Snowy Mesphilus What to plant next to?

    Hi, I would like something to compliment it. Do I prune it /
    Hi, I would like something to compliment it. Do I prune it /
    Hi, I would like something to compliment it. Do I prune it /
    Hi, I would like something to compliment it. Do I prune it /
  2. Flowerchild

    Blackcurrent Sage

    Or how about BBQ Thyme
    Or how about BBQ Thyme
    Or how about BBQ Thyme
    Or how about BBQ Thyme
  3. duckyjuk


  4. accidentalgardener

    Do i prune these back now?

    Don't prune your Pieris, it doesn't need it.
    Don't prune your Pieris, it doesn't need it.
    Don't prune your Pieris, it doesn't need it.
    Don't prune your Pieris, it doesn't need it.
  5. PeterS

    Dead seeds

    Dear me, that's a bit discouraging. I thought it was me too. I guess it'd be good to collect your own seed, where possible, or do a seed swap with other gardeners?
    Dear me, that's a bit discouraging. I thought it was me too. I guess it'd be good to collect your own seed, where possible, or do a seed swap with other gardeners?
    Dear me, that's a bit discouraging. I thought it was me too. I guess it'd be good to collect your own seed, where possible, or do a seed swap with other gardeners?
    Dear me, that's a bit discouraging. I thought it was me too. I guess it'd be good to collect your own seed, where possible, or do a seed swap with other gardeners?
  6. intermiplants

    where have the winters gone

    Seems like a long time since we had a really cold, snowy winter - here in the South anyway. I haven't seen a prediction for this coming winter but then they can't predict accurately for the next...
    Seems like a long time since we had a really cold, snowy winter - here in the South anyway. I haven't seen a prediction for this coming winter but then they can't predict accurately for the next 5 days!!!
    Seems like a long time since we had a really cold, snowy winter - here in the South anyway. I haven't seen a prediction for this coming winter but then they can't predict accurately for the next 5 days!!!
    Seems like a long time since we had a really cold, snowy winter - here in the South anyway. I haven't seen a prediction for this coming winter but then they can't predict accurately for the next...
  7. Scotkat

    Good Morniing on a beautiful sunny day.

    Scotkat,Here it is:
    Scotkat,Here it is:
    Scotkat,Here it is:
    Scotkat,Here it is:
  8. Kedi-Gato

    Indian Red Peach

    Hi..i actually work for Airbus(wing manufacture)pretty boring.....but it`s a job! freddy.
    Hi..i actually work for Airbus(wing manufacture)pretty boring.....but it`s a job! freddy.
    Hi..i actually work for Airbus(wing manufacture)pretty boring.....but it`s a job! freddy.
    Hi..i actually work for Airbus(wing manufacture)pretty boring.....but it`s a job! freddy.


    Hello all, just to let you know that I have posted my latest update and to say thanks to those of you who have ordered some of my Sweet Pea seeds, thanks Steve.
    Hello all, just to let you know that I have posted my latest update and to say thanks to those of you who have ordered some of my Sweet Pea seeds, thanks Steve.
    Hello all, just to let you know that I have posted my latest update and to say thanks to those of you who have ordered some of my Sweet Pea seeds, thanks Steve.
    Hello all, just to let you know that I have posted my latest update and to say thanks to those of you who have ordered some of my Sweet Pea seeds, thanks Steve.
  10. Victoria

    Garden Lights

    Ola CactusLady ... and welcome from one Lady to another.Depends on where you are in Spain ... it takes us 13 hours non-stop driving from here to Santander. However, if you're somewhere on...
    Ola CactusLady ... and welcome from one Lady to another.Depends on where you are in Spain ... it takes us 13 hours non-stop driving from here to Santander. However, if you're somewhere on the Med ... I'm 1.5 hours from the border.I've been gardening here for ten years so am well...
    Ola CactusLady ... and welcome from one Lady to another.Depends on where you are in Spain ... it takes us 13 hours non-stop driving from here to Santander. However, if you're somewhere on the Med ... I'm 1.5 hours from the border.I've...
    Ola CactusLady ... and welcome from one Lady to another.Depends on where you are in Spain ... it takes us 13 hours non-stop driving from here to Santander. However, if you're somewhere on...
  11. PLOTTY


    Hi plotty, you are doing a great job, like Paula I do a lot of veg growing in containers. Buzzing around!
    Hi plotty, you are doing a great job, like Paula I do a lot of veg growing in containers. Buzzing around!
    Hi plotty, you are doing a great job, like Paula I do a lot of veg growing in containers. Buzzing around!
    Hi plotty, you are doing a great job, like Paula I do a lot of veg growing in containers. Buzzing around!
  12. Sar

    Sprouting Root Ginger

    PeterS, thanks for the picture It looks quite similar in stature to a bamboo - not how I imagined it to look.JarBax, good luck with your ginger, we'll have to compare our progress
    PeterS, thanks for the picture It looks quite similar in stature to a bamboo - not how I imagined it to look.JarBax, good luck with your ginger, we'll have to compare our progress
    PeterS, thanks for the picture It looks quite similar in stature to a bamboo - not how I imagined it to look.JarBax, good luck with your ginger, we'll have to compare our progress
    PeterS, thanks for the picture It looks quite similar in stature to a bamboo - not how I imagined it to look.JarBax, good luck with your ginger, we'll have to compare our progress
  13. golfer

    Snowball Shrub

    Make sure you have the space or youll be forever pruning it, however for masking a shed it would be ideal
    Make sure you have the space or youll be forever pruning it, however for masking a shed it would be ideal
    Make sure you have the space or youll be forever pruning it, however for masking a shed it would be ideal
    Make sure you have the space or youll be forever pruning it, however for masking a shed it would be ideal
  14. elainefiz

    Big`ns, but not mine...

    ... just make sure they don't have foot and mouth or blue tongue disease ... :eek: :eek:Have my pork with crackling ready for tomorrow ...
    ... just make sure they don't have foot and mouth or blue tongue disease ... :eek: :eek:Have my pork with crackling ready for tomorrow ...
    ... just make sure they don't have foot and mouth or blue tongue disease ... :eek: :eek:Have my pork with crackling ready for tomorrow ...
    ... just make sure they don't have foot and mouth or blue tongue disease ... :eek: :eek:Have my pork with crackling ready for tomorrow ...
  15. Victoria

    Succulents plus Palm

    looks like Agave Americana Marginata in the first pic, in the darkened pic it looks more like Variegata!Nice plants.www.palmsnexotics.zoomshare.comPaul M Murray
    looks like Agave Americana Marginata in the first pic, in the darkened pic it looks more like Variegata!Nice plants.www.palmsnexotics.zoomshare.comPaul M Murray
    looks like Agave Americana Marginata in the first pic, in the darkened pic it looks more like Variegata!Nice plants.www.palmsnexotics.zoomshare.comPaul M Murray
    looks like Agave Americana Marginata in the first pic, in the darkened pic it looks more like Variegata!Nice plants.www.palmsnexotics.zoomshare.comPaul M Murray
  16. daisybelle

    Can I see your rockeries please? :)

    Hmm, yes, I was thinking now would be good too. The weather's just turned now so that I don't want to be outside though-I may have to summon assistance :D
    Hmm, yes, I was thinking now would be good too. The weather's just turned now so that I don't want to be outside though-I may have to summon assistance :D
    Hmm, yes, I was thinking now would be good too. The weather's just turned now so that I don't want to be outside though-I may have to summon assistance :D
    Hmm, yes, I was thinking now would be good too. The weather's just turned now so that I don't want to be outside though-I may have to summon assistance :D
  17. intermiplants

    favourite season for walking

    I love all the seasons, but spring and autumn are my favourites, and anytime after or during rain (call me crazy :D ).I just strole along and watch my four legged friends enjoying the new...
    I love all the seasons, but spring and autumn are my favourites, and anytime after or during rain (call me crazy :D ).I just strole along and watch my four legged friends enjoying the new smells and sights, aaaaaaah the perfect day :D
    I love all the seasons, but spring and autumn are my favourites, and anytime after or during rain (call me crazy :D ).I just strole along and watch my four legged friends enjoying the new smells and sights, aaaaaaah the perfect day :D
    I love all the seasons, but spring and autumn are my favourites, and anytime after or during rain (call me crazy :D ).I just strole along and watch my four legged friends enjoying the new...
  18. Laurie

    Perputually Flowering Carnations

    Laurie,Firstly hello :DSecondly, you had more luck with yours than i had with mine, one started to bloom and the rest just couldn't be asked :(
    Laurie,Firstly hello :DSecondly, you had more luck with yours than i had with mine, one started to bloom and the rest just couldn't be asked :(
    Laurie,Firstly hello :DSecondly, you had more luck with yours than i had with mine, one started to bloom and the rest just couldn't be asked :(
    Laurie,Firstly hello :DSecondly, you had more luck with yours than i had with mine, one started to bloom and the rest just couldn't be asked :(
  19. elf

    Advice please!

    elf, very important - don't add the nettles and your own urine at the same time :eek: :eek: ouch :D
    elf, very important - don't add the nettles and your own urine at the same time :eek: :eek: ouch :D
    elf, very important - don't add the nettles and your own urine at the same time :eek: :eek: ouch :D
    elf, very important - don't add the nettles and your own urine at the same time :eek: :eek: ouch :D
  20. Helofadigger

    Do you read first?

    I don't think I'd be drawn to a gardening book that didn't have any pictures. One likes to see what the results might be, after all.
    I don't think I'd be drawn to a gardening book that didn't have any pictures. One likes to see what the results might be, after all.
    I don't think I'd be drawn to a gardening book that didn't have any pictures. One likes to see what the results might be, after all.
    I don't think I'd be drawn to a gardening book that didn't have any pictures. One likes to see what the results might be, after all.

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