General Gardening Discussion

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  1. Liz

    Bad year in the garden

    Strongy, thank you very much for your seed offer- I have some seedlings from seed you sent me last year! still tiny though. This was a larger bush which I had for 5 years. On the bright side my...
    Strongy, thank you very much for your seed offer- I have some seedlings from seed you sent me last year! still tiny though. This was a larger bush which I had for 5 years. On the bright side my sunflowers were enormous and the morning glories have been beautiful.
    Strongy, thank you very much for your seed offer- I have some seedlings from seed you sent me last year! still tiny though. This was a larger bush which I had for 5 years. On the bright side my sunflowers were enormous and the morning glories...
    Strongy, thank you very much for your seed offer- I have some seedlings from seed you sent me last year! still tiny though. This was a larger bush which I had for 5 years. On the bright side my...
  2. Paul West Sussex

    Sun Flower Seeds

    You can gather the seeds and keep some back for planting next year, then spreasd the others on a baking tray and cook in the over for several hours on a low gas, when cool pop them in air tight...
    You can gather the seeds and keep some back for planting next year, then spreasd the others on a baking tray and cook in the over for several hours on a low gas, when cool pop them in air tight tins, and sprinkle on your cereal or use as snacks, very good for you. Buzzing around!
    You can gather the seeds and keep some back for planting next year, then spreasd the others on a baking tray and cook in the over for several hours on a low gas, when cool pop them in air tight tins, and sprinkle on your cereal or use as snacks,...
    You can gather the seeds and keep some back for planting next year, then spreasd the others on a baking tray and cook in the over for several hours on a low gas, when cool pop them in air tight...
  3. Willo


    I agree with daitheplant, cut it back in Spring and give it a feed then.
    I agree with daitheplant, cut it back in Spring and give it a feed then.
    I agree with daitheplant, cut it back in Spring and give it a feed then.
    I agree with daitheplant, cut it back in Spring and give it a feed then.
  4. carrie

    How many seeds?

    Thanks for the advice. It's all making more sense to me now.To answer 'youngdaisydee's question, i'm not 100% sure...they are to be sown Jul-Sept and Dec-March if that helps.
    Thanks for the advice. It's all making more sense to me now.To answer 'youngdaisydee's question, i'm not 100% sure...they are to be sown Jul-Sept and Dec-March if that helps.
    Thanks for the advice. It's all making more sense to me now.To answer 'youngdaisydee's question, i'm not 100% sure...they are to be sown Jul-Sept and Dec-March if that helps.
    Thanks for the advice. It's all making more sense to me now.To answer 'youngdaisydee's question, i'm not 100% sure...they are to be sown Jul-Sept and Dec-March if that helps.
  5. Shaun

    Leylandii Bush not Growing

    Thanks all for your very kind advise. We are using the leylandii to screen our garden from our neighbours who are 'Network Rail'. The railway embankment on the other side of our fence is extremely...
    Thanks all for your very kind advise. We are using the leylandii to screen our garden from our neighbours who are 'Network Rail'. The railway embankment on the other side of our fence is extremely ugly, there are brambles growing into our garden and Network rail are extremely noisy neighbours....
    Thanks all for your very kind advise. We are using the leylandii to screen our garden from our neighbours who are 'Network Rail'. The railway embankment on the other side of our fence is extremely ugly, there are brambles growing into our garden...
    Thanks all for your very kind advise. We are using the leylandii to screen our garden from our neighbours who are 'Network Rail'. The railway embankment on the other side of our fence is extremely...
  6. billrobo

    hi all, i have got a problem

    Hi Billrobo, I bought a camelia this year and reading up on them before purchasing I found that some prefer a particular aspect for example east facing not west facing for best results. I don't...
    Hi Billrobo, I bought a camelia this year and reading up on them before purchasing I found that some prefer a particular aspect for example east facing not west facing for best results. I don't know about the flowering part yet but it has put on a lot of new growth this year and looks very...
    Hi Billrobo, I bought a camelia this year and reading up on them before purchasing I found that some prefer a particular aspect for example east facing not west facing for best results. I don't know about the flowering part yet but it has put on...
    Hi Billrobo, I bought a camelia this year and reading up on them before purchasing I found that some prefer a particular aspect for example east facing not west facing for best results. I don't...
  7. intermiplants

    let us know "price watch"

    Daisybelle, my thoughts too. The times we go into Wilkos and admire their skills in producing dried flowers and plants from living ones.They must dispose of double what they sell. I thought B&Q...
    Daisybelle, my thoughts too. The times we go into Wilkos and admire their skills in producing dried flowers and plants from living ones.They must dispose of double what they sell. I thought B&Q were bad enough but Wilkos must be the worst. :mad: As a grower it sickens me to see this kind of...
    Daisybelle, my thoughts too. The times we go into Wilkos and admire their skills in producing dried flowers and plants from living ones.They must dispose of double what they sell. I thought B&Q were bad enough but Wilkos must be the worst. :mad: As...
    Daisybelle, my thoughts too. The times we go into Wilkos and admire their skills in producing dried flowers and plants from living ones.They must dispose of double what they sell. I thought B&Q...
  8. Rosie99

    Coconut Palm

    These novelty palms unfortunately never normally live more than a year in this country, high light intensity and salt air are two requirements but even those here don't seem to extend their lives....
    These novelty palms unfortunately never normally live more than a year in this country, high light intensity and salt air are two requirements but even those here don't seem to extend their lives. :(
    These novelty palms unfortunately never normally live more than a year in this country, high light intensity and salt air are two requirements but even those here don't seem to extend their lives. :(
    These novelty palms unfortunately never normally live more than a year in this country, high light intensity and salt air are two requirements but even those here don't seem to extend their lives....
  9. Banana Man

    BM's September Hide-out

    Hi BM,I have been trying to narrow down the search area for your hideout and have decided that you must live under a dome like at Centre Parcs :D
    Hi BM,I have been trying to narrow down the search area for your hideout and have decided that you must live under a dome like at Centre Parcs :D
    Hi BM,I have been trying to narrow down the search area for your hideout and have decided that you must live under a dome like at Centre Parcs :D
    Hi BM,I have been trying to narrow down the search area for your hideout and have decided that you must live under a dome like at Centre Parcs :D
  10. Dave_In_His_Garden

    Succession Planting Advice

    Haha - and more, Newbie! My Great Uncle, whose garden it was before mine, was 96 when he died, and was still learning! At least, he used to teach me all the time! ;)
    Haha - and more, Newbie! My Great Uncle, whose garden it was before mine, was 96 when he died, and was still learning! At least, he used to teach me all the time! ;)
    Haha - and more, Newbie! My Great Uncle, whose garden it was before mine, was 96 when he died, and was still learning! At least, he used to teach me all the time! ;)
    Haha - and more, Newbie! My Great Uncle, whose garden it was before mine, was 96 when he died, and was still learning! At least, he used to teach me all the time! ;)
  11. Foamcutter

    Designers for RHS Chelsea 2008

    Thanks Walnut, I did check the RHS site no news their yet.......... I thought someone might have heard something on the grapevine.
    Thanks Walnut, I did check the RHS site no news their yet.......... I thought someone might have heard something on the grapevine.
    Thanks Walnut, I did check the RHS site no news their yet.......... I thought someone might have heard something on the grapevine.
    Thanks Walnut, I did check the RHS site no news their yet.......... I thought someone might have heard something on the grapevine.
  12. Brilliard

    Border plants

    Peter that's a really traditional planting scheme it always works well and looks nice.I'ave done it in the past with pink tulips and it did look amazing!I think the trick is that whatever...
    Peter that's a really traditional planting scheme it always works well and looks nice.I'ave done it in the past with pink tulips and it did look amazing!I think the trick is that whatever your planting is to keep to only a couple of colours, a for-get-me-not and red tulip scheme looks...
    Peter that's a really traditional planting scheme it always works well and looks nice.I'ave done it in the past with pink tulips and it did look amazing!I think the trick is that whatever your planting is to keep to only a couple of colours,...
    Peter that's a really traditional planting scheme it always works well and looks nice.I'ave done it in the past with pink tulips and it did look amazing!I think the trick is that whatever...
  13. jervis

    Leggy lavender

    That makes sense Marley because those shrubs did flower well before mine did. Mine are still flowering so I'll follow your advice and give them a light clip this year.Sarraceniac, I'll have a...
    That makes sense Marley because those shrubs did flower well before mine did. Mine are still flowering so I'll follow your advice and give them a light clip this year.Sarraceniac, I'll have a look in my shed for the label.TO
    That makes sense Marley because those shrubs did flower well before mine did. Mine are still flowering so I'll follow your advice and give them a light clip this year.Sarraceniac, I'll have a look in my shed for the label.TO
    That makes sense Marley because those shrubs did flower well before mine did. Mine are still flowering so I'll follow your advice and give them a light clip this year.Sarraceniac, I'll have a...
  14. Prastio

    Sycamore sap damage

    What it will be is that the aphids are feeding on the sap. They produce excess sugary stuff as honeydew which drips off on to the plants underneath. Sooty mould would then grow on the honeydew....
    What it will be is that the aphids are feeding on the sap. They produce excess sugary stuff as honeydew which drips off on to the plants underneath. Sooty mould would then grow on the honeydew. That is then going to affect the plants ability to photosynthesise.
    What it will be is that the aphids are feeding on the sap. They produce excess sugary stuff as honeydew which drips off on to the plants underneath. Sooty mould would then grow on the honeydew. That is then going to affect the plants ability to...
    What it will be is that the aphids are feeding on the sap. They produce excess sugary stuff as honeydew which drips off on to the plants underneath. Sooty mould would then grow on the honeydew....
  15. plantaholic

    your favourite tv gardener??

    Thanks for the info on Geoffrey Smith, Geoff.
    Thanks for the info on Geoffrey Smith, Geoff.
    Thanks for the info on Geoffrey Smith, Geoff.
    Thanks for the info on Geoffrey Smith, Geoff.
  16. cattwoman25

    fencing question/problem

    hi all thanks for your input the bamboo looks like it may be up next yr i know next doors is itching to put up a new fence ,but im not giving in even if he asks me instead of my mum which he...
    hi all thanks for your input the bamboo looks like it may be up next yr i know next doors is itching to put up a new fence ,but im not giving in even if he asks me instead of my mum which he does'nt seem to do for some reason !i just think that he thinks that because its in view of my garden...
    hi all thanks for your input the bamboo looks like it may be up next yr i know next doors is itching to put up a new fence ,but im not giving in even if he asks me instead of my mum which he does'nt seem to do for some reason !i just think...
    hi all thanks for your input the bamboo looks like it may be up next yr i know next doors is itching to put up a new fence ,but im not giving in even if he asks me instead of my mum which he...
  17. Muddy

    Weed proof membrane

    The cardboard method should work well, and is a good idea - you could also use newspaper. Weeds are capable of pushing their way up through tarmac and even concrete (osmotic pressure - if you...
    The cardboard method should work well, and is a good idea - you could also use newspaper. Weeds are capable of pushing their way up through tarmac and even concrete (osmotic pressure - if you remembrer your school days). Consequently membranes are no barrier to them. What stops them growing is...
    The cardboard method should work well, and is a good idea - you could also use newspaper. Weeds are capable of pushing their way up through tarmac and even concrete (osmotic pressure - if you remembrer your school days). Consequently membranes...
    The cardboard method should work well, and is a good idea - you could also use newspaper. Weeds are capable of pushing their way up through tarmac and even concrete (osmotic pressure - if you...
  18. Daisies


    didnt see it but glad you got rid,well done webmaster,and everyone that reported it
    didnt see it but glad you got rid,well done webmaster,and everyone that reported it
    didnt see it but glad you got rid,well done webmaster,and everyone that reported it
    didnt see it but glad you got rid,well done webmaster,and everyone that reported it
  19. elainefiz

    Promises, promises.

    I just want to wish you both the best of everything for the future.
    I just want to wish you both the best of everything for the future.
    I just want to wish you both the best of everything for the future.
    I just want to wish you both the best of everything for the future.
  20. Sarraceniac

    Weird weather.

    Hi JohnLots of strange things happening this season. I am getting a second flowering of late winter/early spring viburnum and the mexican organge blossoms which were stunning this year are...
    Hi JohnLots of strange things happening this season. I am getting a second flowering of late winter/early spring viburnum and the mexican organge blossoms which were stunning this year are also flowering again.Some of my leeks have shot .... already!! and our weather has been...
    Hi JohnLots of strange things happening this season. I am getting a second flowering of late winter/early spring viburnum and the mexican organge blossoms which were stunning this year are also flowering again.Some of my leeks have...
    Hi JohnLots of strange things happening this season. I am getting a second flowering of late winter/early spring viburnum and the mexican organge blossoms which were stunning this year are...

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