General Gardening Discussion

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  1. Paladin

    Early/Late Spring?

    Pal,the weather is certainly going mad this year because I have cowslips in flower.Never have I known them to be in flower in August :eek: :rolleyes:
    Pal,the weather is certainly going mad this year because I have cowslips in flower.Never have I known them to be in flower in August :eek: :rolleyes:
    Pal,the weather is certainly going mad this year because I have cowslips in flower.Never have I known them to be in flower in August :eek: :rolleyes:
    Pal,the weather is certainly going mad this year because I have cowslips in flower.Never have I known them to be in flower in August :eek: :rolleyes:
  2. jazz

    Sweetpeas Grown from seed

    I've planted some seeds now in peat pots, they have already germinated and will overwinter outside in a coldframe. I'll also plant more in the spring as insuarnce but normally overwintered ones...
    I've planted some seeds now in peat pots, they have already germinated and will overwinter outside in a coldframe. I'll also plant more in the spring as insuarnce but normally overwintered ones perform well and give an early flowering.I reckon nature knows best and the ideal time to plant...
    I've planted some seeds now in peat pots, they have already germinated and will overwinter outside in a coldframe. I'll also plant more in the spring as insuarnce but normally overwintered ones perform well and give an early flowering.I reckon...
    I've planted some seeds now in peat pots, they have already germinated and will overwinter outside in a coldframe. I'll also plant more in the spring as insuarnce but normally overwintered ones...
  3. Gillypetunia

    Morning Glory

    I can't believe it, I have flowers on my Morning Glory plant. I had planted lots of seeds in the spring and they were doing great until the slugs got at them, I thought I had lost them all, well I...
    I can't believe it, I have flowers on my Morning Glory plant. I had planted lots of seeds in the spring and they were doing great until the slugs got at them, I thought I had lost them all, well I am so chuffed! The flowers seem to be comming out only two at a time but they still look lovely. :cool:
    I can't believe it, I have flowers on my Morning Glory plant. I had planted lots of seeds in the spring and they were doing great until the slugs got at them, I thought I had lost them all, well I am so chuffed! The flowers seem to be comming out...
    I can't believe it, I have flowers on my Morning Glory plant. I had planted lots of seeds in the spring and they were doing great until the slugs got at them, I thought I had lost them all, well I...
  4. linlin

    Seed heads

    Surely a self-perpetuating annual would set seed now and flower again next year?
    Surely a self-perpetuating annual would set seed now and flower again next year?
    Surely a self-perpetuating annual would set seed now and flower again next year?
    Surely a self-perpetuating annual would set seed now and flower again next year?
  5. Norfolk Numpty

    Hemlock as a hedge

    Thanks for reassurring me and correcting my poor spelling of poisonous. Looks like Hemlock hedge then .
    Thanks for reassurring me and correcting my poor spelling of poisonous. Looks like Hemlock hedge then .
    Thanks for reassurring me and correcting my poor spelling of poisonous. Looks like Hemlock hedge then .
    Thanks for reassurring me and correcting my poor spelling of poisonous. Looks like Hemlock hedge then .
  6. Gillypetunia

    Lovely Lily!

    Yep, same here Fred (except i have just the one lily), but I have hopes for next year :D Gilly, that's really really pretty, and great timing (assuming you had a bank holiday day off and some...
    Yep, same here Fred (except i have just the one lily), but I have hopes for next year :D Gilly, that's really really pretty, and great timing (assuming you had a bank holiday day off and some nice weather and time to be out in the garden and enjoy it!) - thanks for sharing with us.
    Yep, same here Fred (except i have just the one lily), but I have hopes for next year :D Gilly, that's really really pretty, and great timing (assuming you had a bank holiday day off and some nice weather and time to be out in the garden and...
    Yep, same here Fred (except i have just the one lily), but I have hopes for next year :D Gilly, that's really really pretty, and great timing (assuming you had a bank holiday day off and some...
  7. Mel


    I go along with that, ensete maurelii. Thought it might be musa coccinea at first.
    I go along with that, ensete maurelii. Thought it might be musa coccinea at first.
    I go along with that, ensete maurelii. Thought it might be musa coccinea at first.
    I go along with that, ensete maurelii. Thought it might be musa coccinea at first.
  8. mipak

    heather and grass

    back in april this year, i very successfully transplanted around 150 sq.ft of heather to the bank in my garden where it's now flowering with a bed of purple. should look even better next...
    back in april this year, i very successfully transplanted around 150 sq.ft of heather to the bank in my garden where it's now flowering with a bed of purple. should look even better next year! however, there is a considerable amount of grass growing amongst it which, at the moment, i have to...
    back in april this year, i very successfully transplanted around 150 sq.ft of heather to the bank in my garden where it's now flowering with a bed of purple. should look even better next year! however, there is a considerable amount of grass...
    back in april this year, i very successfully transplanted around 150 sq.ft of heather to the bank in my garden where it's now flowering with a bed of purple. should look even better next...
  9. fred1935

    Water Butt

    So sorry, just read another on the same subject, like they say if all else fails read the instructions. :D I too will try charcoal I think, and maybe the tights idea. I would hate to have...
    So sorry, just read another on the same subject, like they say if all else fails read the instructions. :D I too will try charcoal I think, and maybe the tights idea. I would hate to have to do without.
    So sorry, just read another on the same subject, like they say if all else fails read the instructions. :D I too will try charcoal I think, and maybe the tights idea. I would hate to have to do without.
    So sorry, just read another on the same subject, like they say if all else fails read the instructions. :D I too will try charcoal I think, and maybe the tights idea. I would hate to have...
  10. floris

    taming a lavender bush

    Lavender does tend to get "leggy" in other words when the lower stems are bare it will never regrow. I would be tempted to take cuttings every few years and start afresh but trimming the top...
    Lavender does tend to get "leggy" in other words when the lower stems are bare it will never regrow. I would be tempted to take cuttings every few years and start afresh but trimming the top growth will certainly help.
    Lavender does tend to get "leggy" in other words when the lower stems are bare it will never regrow. I would be tempted to take cuttings every few years and start afresh but trimming the top growth will certainly help.
    Lavender does tend to get "leggy" in other words when the lower stems are bare it will never regrow. I would be tempted to take cuttings every few years and start afresh but trimming the top...
  11. Banana Man

    BM's August Rainforest !!!

    Want to come and polish Isabel ?????????Feet are nice ... I like nice feet and hands.I won't comment on your garden because this is a garden forum. :rolleyes:
    Want to come and polish Isabel ?????????Feet are nice ... I like nice feet and hands.I won't comment on your garden because this is a garden forum. :rolleyes:
    Want to come and polish Isabel ?????????Feet are nice ... I like nice feet and hands.I won't comment on your garden because this is a garden forum. :rolleyes:
    Want to come and polish Isabel ?????????Feet are nice ... I like nice feet and hands.I won't comment on your garden because this is a garden forum. :rolleyes:
  12. accidentalgardener

    Clematis Montana gone mad!

    Well Nick,First day i've been able to type (one fingered and with the right - not easy when u r left handed and it's the left that went), note to self - do not lift dogs over 55kg :(So ya...
    Well Nick,First day i've been able to type (one fingered and with the right - not easy when u r left handed and it's the left that went), note to self - do not lift dogs over 55kg :(So ya wedding was hot then :cool:Lovely locatoin as you said :D the lake/river reminds me of mine all...
    Well Nick,First day i've been able to type (one fingered and with the right - not easy when u r left handed and it's the left that went), note to self - do not lift dogs over 55kg :(So ya wedding was hot then :cool:Lovely locatoin as you...
    Well Nick,First day i've been able to type (one fingered and with the right - not easy when u r left handed and it's the left that went), note to self - do not lift dogs over 55kg :(So ya...
  13. Hedgetrimmer

    Sweet Peas

    Ooops seems I'm not the only one that makes mistakes in the threads....don't worry guys it happens to us all but remember it's better to go hungry then end up in hospital!
    Ooops seems I'm not the only one that makes mistakes in the threads....don't worry guys it happens to us all but remember it's better to go hungry then end up in hospital!
    Ooops seems I'm not the only one that makes mistakes in the threads....don't worry guys it happens to us all but remember it's better to go hungry then end up in hospital!
    Ooops seems I'm not the only one that makes mistakes in the threads....don't worry guys it happens to us all but remember it's better to go hungry then end up in hospital!
  14. steveb1973

    All you BARGAIN hunters !!!!!!!!!!CHEAP PALMS

    BekiMac, you can get Tacca seed from Thompson and Morgan. David.
    BekiMac, you can get Tacca seed from Thompson and Morgan. David.
    BekiMac, you can get Tacca seed from Thompson and Morgan. David.
    BekiMac, you can get Tacca seed from Thompson and Morgan. David.
  15. daz and debs

    T rex help

    Hi guys i planted a tetrapanax rex out about 8 weeks ago.I now know iv planted it in the wrong place. {its growing like wildfire lol}So im wanting to move it to an area where its got lots of...
    Hi guys i planted a tetrapanax rex out about 8 weeks ago.I now know iv planted it in the wrong place. {its growing like wildfire lol}So im wanting to move it to an area where its got lots of room.What i whant to know is can i move it now?if not when should i .Also i understand that i should give...
    Hi guys i planted a tetrapanax rex out about 8 weeks ago.I now know iv planted it in the wrong place. {its growing like wildfire lol}So im wanting to move it to an area where its got lots of room.What i whant to know is can i move it now?if not...
    Hi guys i planted a tetrapanax rex out about 8 weeks ago.I now know iv planted it in the wrong place. {its growing like wildfire lol}So im wanting to move it to an area where its got lots of...
  16. snowflake


    Hi Snowflake I think foxgloves are biennials, so they don't flower until the year after they were sown - is it possible that although the non-flowering one is bigger, it's a first year plant and...
    Hi Snowflake I think foxgloves are biennials, so they don't flower until the year after they were sown - is it possible that although the non-flowering one is bigger, it's a first year plant and the other two are second year ones (but maybe a smaller growing variety?) other than that i'd have...
    Hi Snowflake I think foxgloves are biennials, so they don't flower until the year after they were sown - is it possible that although the non-flowering one is bigger, it's a first year plant and the other two are second year ones (but maybe a...
    Hi Snowflake I think foxgloves are biennials, so they don't flower until the year after they were sown - is it possible that although the non-flowering one is bigger, it's a first year plant and...
  17. snowflake


    Ah that could well be it, thank you Celia.John I would take a photo but have no idea how to put them on this website! I am pretty sure it is a foxglove as bought it at reputable garden centre...
    Ah that could well be it, thank you Celia.John I would take a photo but have no idea how to put them on this website! I am pretty sure it is a foxglove as bought it at reputable garden centre .....Snowflake
    Ah that could well be it, thank you Celia.John I would take a photo but have no idea how to put them on this website! I am pretty sure it is a foxglove as bought it at reputable garden centre .....Snowflake
    Ah that could well be it, thank you Celia.John I would take a photo but have no idea how to put them on this website! I am pretty sure it is a foxglove as bought it at reputable garden centre...
  18. PeterS


    I have had some success with midsummer cuttings of Spirea Arguta, Kerria Japonica,Forsythia, Lavatera,Hebe Midsummer Beauty, Solanum,Various Fuchsias,Clematis Various, Lupinus Arboreas and...
    I have had some success with midsummer cuttings of Spirea Arguta, Kerria Japonica,Forsythia, Lavatera,Hebe Midsummer Beauty, Solanum,Various Fuchsias,Clematis Various, Lupinus Arboreas and Penstemon. I put them round the rim of a 6 inch pot Sometimes with rooting hormone, sometimes not. I have...
    I have had some success with midsummer cuttings of Spirea Arguta, Kerria Japonica,Forsythia, Lavatera,Hebe Midsummer Beauty, Solanum,Various Fuchsias,Clematis Various, Lupinus Arboreas and Penstemon. I put them round the rim of a 6 inch pot...
    I have had some success with midsummer cuttings of Spirea Arguta, Kerria Japonica,Forsythia, Lavatera,Hebe Midsummer Beauty, Solanum,Various Fuchsias,Clematis Various, Lupinus Arboreas and...
  19. richardd2007

    product design: water butt - improvements?

    yes most are round or rounded because they are easier and cheaper to manufacture than square ones. however i personally think they do look quite out of place so what im looking at is to blend them...
    yes most are round or rounded because they are easier and cheaper to manufacture than square ones. however i personally think they do look quite out of place so what im looking at is to blend them more into the shape/style of the house. wayne hemingway has designed a water butt in the shape of a...
    yes most are round or rounded because they are easier and cheaper to manufacture than square ones. however i personally think they do look quite out of place so what im looking at is to blend them more into the shape/style of the house. wayne...
    yes most are round or rounded because they are easier and cheaper to manufacture than square ones. however i personally think they do look quite out of place so what im looking at is to blend them...
  20. annej

    Viburnum Bodnantense

    Hi Folks, When should I prune my Viburnum Bodnantense it's now in flower again
    Hi Folks, When should I prune my Viburnum Bodnantense it's now in flower again
    Hi Folks, When should I prune my Viburnum Bodnantense it's now in flower again
    Hi Folks, When should I prune my Viburnum Bodnantense it's now in flower again

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