General Gardening Discussion

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  1. oktarine

    Blog Update w/e 19th Aug

    Check it out !Managed to complete this on time for once - while Ruby still asleep!By the way, she's growing fast - 12.5 lbs already.
    Check it out !Managed to complete this on time for once - while Ruby still asleep!By the way, she's growing fast - 12.5 lbs already.
    Check it out !Managed to complete this on time for once - while Ruby still asleep!By the way, she's growing fast - 12.5 lbs already.
    Check it out !Managed to complete this on time for once - while Ruby still asleep!By the way, she's growing fast - 12.5 lbs already.
  2. lakeside

    Mock Orange Pruning

    Thanks. I had thought previously that I might have to sacrifice one year of flowers.
    Thanks. I had thought previously that I might have to sacrifice one year of flowers.
    Thanks. I had thought previously that I might have to sacrifice one year of flowers.
    Thanks. I had thought previously that I might have to sacrifice one year of flowers.
  3. Gardening Paradise

    Commercial Content removed from Topic Title

    I agree, get rid of the InstantBuzz thing, extremely annoying.
    I agree, get rid of the InstantBuzz thing, extremely annoying.
    I agree, get rid of the InstantBuzz thing, extremely annoying.
    I agree, get rid of the InstantBuzz thing, extremely annoying.
  4. Rick Stevens

    Gardeners Journal

    Oh yes! I like that - thank you
    Oh yes! I like that - thank you
    Oh yes! I like that - thank you
    Oh yes! I like that - thank you
  5. Dixon of Dock Green

    Winter basket plants

    Hi Thanks once again for your help. Dixon of dock green.
    Hi Thanks once again for your help. Dixon of dock green.
    Hi Thanks once again for your help. Dixon of dock green.
    Hi Thanks once again for your help. Dixon of dock green.
  6. WitchyWoman

    Aster/British flowers

    Thanks very much everyone. I'll take a look at that site WOO
    Thanks very much everyone. I'll take a look at that site WOO
    Thanks very much everyone. I'll take a look at that site WOO
    Thanks very much everyone. I'll take a look at that site WOO
  7. manderson60

    Unknown clematis

    Yip the flowers are double. Thank you.
    Yip the flowers are double. Thank you.
    Yip the flowers are double. Thank you.
    Yip the flowers are double. Thank you.
  8. WitchyWoman

    My garden

    Hi Witchy and welcome, I think you have some stunning views there. As far as your ideas for the front garden are concerned I think that bright orange amongst pinks and purples would be fantastic,(...
    Hi Witchy and welcome, I think you have some stunning views there. As far as your ideas for the front garden are concerned I think that bright orange amongst pinks and purples would be fantastic,( I would not use white it is such a negative shade ). David.
    Hi Witchy and welcome, I think you have some stunning views there. As far as your ideas for the front garden are concerned I think that bright orange amongst pinks and purples would be fantastic,( I would not use white it is such a negative...
    Hi Witchy and welcome, I think you have some stunning views there. As far as your ideas for the front garden are concerned I think that bright orange amongst pinks and purples would be fantastic,(...
  9. maplewood

    Beech Hedge - Side Crew Cut

    Hi Maplewood and welcome, I would not make such a massive cut all at one go. I would be inclined to cut it back by about 6 inches now, and then take it back by another 6 inches in ...
    Hi Maplewood and welcome, I would not make such a massive cut all at one go. I would be inclined to cut it back by about 6 inches now, and then take it back by another 6 inches in January/February. I would repeat this procedure again next year in August/September and the following...
    Hi Maplewood and welcome, I would not make such a massive cut all at one go. I would be inclined to cut it back by about 6 inches now, and then take it back by another 6 inches in January/February. I would repeat this procedure again next year...
    Hi Maplewood and welcome, I would not make such a massive cut all at one go. I would be inclined to cut it back by about 6 inches now, and then take it back by another 6 inches in ...
  10. starflower

    east facing border

    that all sounds wonderfull, thanks for the tips
    that all sounds wonderfull, thanks for the tips
    that all sounds wonderfull, thanks for the tips
    that all sounds wonderfull, thanks for the tips
  11. treehugger

    Dieback on Sorbus

    I don't think it's down to the rain, as the leaves are changing colour. I think they would just turn brown if it were waterlogged, though I'm not sure. Have you fed them at all over the time...
    I don't think it's down to the rain, as the leaves are changing colour. I think they would just turn brown if it were waterlogged, though I'm not sure. Have you fed them at all over the time you've had the trees?
    I don't think it's down to the rain, as the leaves are changing colour. I think they would just turn brown if it were waterlogged, though I'm not sure. Have you fed them at all over the time you've had the trees?
    I don't think it's down to the rain, as the leaves are changing colour. I think they would just turn brown if it were waterlogged, though I'm not sure. Have you fed them at all over the time...
  12. steveb1973

    i must be doing something right ....(at last)

    And Windy Miller, Here are a few flowers i 'borrowed' from a wood on Trencrom Hill, just outside St, Ives. Cornwall!!
    And Windy Miller, Here are a few flowers i 'borrowed' from a wood on Trencrom Hill, just outside St, Ives. Cornwall!!
    And Windy Miller, Here are a few flowers i 'borrowed' from a wood on Trencrom Hill, just outside St, Ives. Cornwall!!
    And Windy Miller, Here are a few flowers i 'borrowed' from a wood on Trencrom Hill, just outside St, Ives. Cornwall!!
  13. Celia

    opinions please

    It looks superb as it is celia. Now I know what a cornish hedge is too thanks. John
    It looks superb as it is celia. Now I know what a cornish hedge is too thanks. John
    It looks superb as it is celia. Now I know what a cornish hedge is too thanks. John
    It looks superb as it is celia. Now I know what a cornish hedge is too thanks. John
  14. Victoria

    Alocasia Polly

    The thingies are flowers I think, we had some on the alocasias in the garden centre and I asked what they were, I was told flowers.
    The thingies are flowers I think, we had some on the alocasias in the garden centre and I asked what they were, I was told flowers.
    The thingies are flowers I think, we had some on the alocasias in the garden centre and I asked what they were, I was told flowers.
    The thingies are flowers I think, we had some on the alocasias in the garden centre and I asked what they were, I was told flowers.
  15. bfg


    There are lots of hazel trees around where I live - beautiful. Have to be quick for the nuts! I love hazelnuts - gorgeous roasted!
    There are lots of hazel trees around where I live - beautiful. Have to be quick for the nuts! I love hazelnuts - gorgeous roasted!
    There are lots of hazel trees around where I live - beautiful. Have to be quick for the nuts! I love hazelnuts - gorgeous roasted!
    There are lots of hazel trees around where I live - beautiful. Have to be quick for the nuts! I love hazelnuts - gorgeous roasted!
  16. how does your

    Update on Website

    My blog is updated weekly !
    My blog is updated weekly !
    My blog is updated weekly !
    My blog is updated weekly !
  17. Norfolk Numpty

    Privit hedge

    Rick, assuming you want a hedge about 6ft high and about 3ft thick, then cut your hedge to a height of 6ft and a thickness of 3ft. It will look like a load of sticks but I promise you, you will...
    Rick, assuming you want a hedge about 6ft high and about 3ft thick, then cut your hedge to a height of 6ft and a thickness of 3ft. It will look like a load of sticks but I promise you, you will end up with a beautiful privet hedge. David.
    Rick, assuming you want a hedge about 6ft high and about 3ft thick, then cut your hedge to a height of 6ft and a thickness of 3ft. It will look like a load of sticks but I promise you, you will end up with a beautiful privet hedge. David.
    Rick, assuming you want a hedge about 6ft high and about 3ft thick, then cut your hedge to a height of 6ft and a thickness of 3ft. It will look like a load of sticks but I promise you, you will...
  18. fushia

    delphinium seeds ?

    thank you for your reply, sorry for my mispelling to sow ha! well i'm going to sow a few seeds tomorrow and leave them in the greenhouse for the winter. now if it doesn't work then i'll have to...
    thank you for your reply, sorry for my mispelling to sow ha! well i'm going to sow a few seeds tomorrow and leave them in the greenhouse for the winter. now if it doesn't work then i'll have to sow the rest of the delphiniums in the spring.
    thank you for your reply, sorry for my mispelling to sow ha! well i'm going to sow a few seeds tomorrow and leave them in the greenhouse for the winter. now if it doesn't work then i'll have to sow the rest of the delphiniums in the spring.
    thank you for your reply, sorry for my mispelling to sow ha! well i'm going to sow a few seeds tomorrow and leave them in the greenhouse for the winter. now if it doesn't work then i'll have to...
  19. Thorrun

    Heavy soil

    My whole garden seems to be clay. It is getting better though just after 1 year of turning it all over Titchmarsh style. I do need more organic material in it though, but i need to get rid of...
    My whole garden seems to be clay. It is getting better though just after 1 year of turning it all over Titchmarsh style. I do need more organic material in it though, but i need to get rid of some of my current soil because my beds getting too high according to my g/f
    My whole garden seems to be clay. It is getting better though just after 1 year of turning it all over Titchmarsh style. I do need more organic material in it though, but i need to get rid of some of my current soil because my beds getting too...
    My whole garden seems to be clay. It is getting better though just after 1 year of turning it all over Titchmarsh style. I do need more organic material in it though, but i need to get rid of...
  20. pip

    Early signs of autumn.

    Most of the blackberrys have finished round us!!
    Most of the blackberrys have finished round us!!
    Most of the blackberrys have finished round us!!
    Most of the blackberrys have finished round us!!

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