General Gardening Discussion

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  1. daisybelle

    Ivy leaved toadflax

    I think I am the GC member that you are thinking about Liz, I have it every where.The recent weather has brought it on hugely and with me letting my yard get on with it (again due to the...
    I think I am the GC member that you are thinking about Liz, I have it every where.The recent weather has brought it on hugely and with me letting my yard get on with it (again due to the weather) this year, it has popped up all over the place.
    I think I am the GC member that you are thinking about Liz, I have it every where.The recent weather has brought it on hugely and with me letting my yard get on with it (again due to the weather) this year, it has popped up all over the...
    I think I am the GC member that you are thinking about Liz, I have it every where.The recent weather has brought it on hugely and with me letting my yard get on with it (again due to the...
  2. daisybelle

    Designing a border

    Experience tells me that you need to try lots of different plants in order to help select those which look right. I constantly make mistakes by not staking things or using Poppies for early colour...
    Experience tells me that you need to try lots of different plants in order to help select those which look right. I constantly make mistakes by not staking things or using Poppies for early colour when I know they will take over too much space. My dream is to have lots of floweres which will...
    Experience tells me that you need to try lots of different plants in order to help select those which look right. I constantly make mistakes by not staking things or using Poppies for early colour when I know they will take over too much space....
    Experience tells me that you need to try lots of different plants in order to help select those which look right. I constantly make mistakes by not staking things or using Poppies for early colour...
  3. jjordie

    Aloe Vera problem

    Yes I'de just wipe them off and keep an eye out, I regularly clean my house plants cos they don't half pick up the dust! ;)
    Yes I'de just wipe them off and keep an eye out, I regularly clean my house plants cos they don't half pick up the dust! ;)
    Yes I'de just wipe them off and keep an eye out, I regularly clean my house plants cos they don't half pick up the dust! ;)
    Yes I'de just wipe them off and keep an eye out, I regularly clean my house plants cos they don't half pick up the dust! ;)
  4. Helofadigger

    Garden sale at tesco

    Welcome HenryW hope you enjoy your time in the forums.
    Welcome HenryW hope you enjoy your time in the forums.
    Welcome HenryW hope you enjoy your time in the forums.
    Welcome HenryW hope you enjoy your time in the forums.
  5. daz and debs

    Alocssia Macrorrhizos

    Would these rhyzome be a good size plant?Or is this a daft thing to ask lol.
    Would these rhyzome be a good size plant?Or is this a daft thing to ask lol.
    Would these rhyzome be a good size plant?Or is this a daft thing to ask lol.
    Would these rhyzome be a good size plant?Or is this a daft thing to ask lol.
  6. OogieBoogie

    Soil used for seedlings

    Thanks guys. Cajary gets my vote - my soil is naturally sandy but I have a friends whose is clay - I'll pop it in a compost bag and take it over net time. Stingo I do the same with general use...
    Thanks guys. Cajary gets my vote - my soil is naturally sandy but I have a friends whose is clay - I'll pop it in a compost bag and take it over net time. Stingo I do the same with general use compost or Innes 2 or 3.
    Thanks guys. Cajary gets my vote - my soil is naturally sandy but I have a friends whose is clay - I'll pop it in a compost bag and take it over net time. Stingo I do the same with general use compost or Innes 2 or 3.
    Thanks guys. Cajary gets my vote - my soil is naturally sandy but I have a friends whose is clay - I'll pop it in a compost bag and take it over net time. Stingo I do the same with general use...
  7. Leonie

    deadheading a clematis

    [Hi Leonie, I've managed to grow quite a few clematis over the years and have never dead headed any of them. You should get a lovely seed head in place of the flower when it's finished. Nelly...
    [Hi Leonie, I've managed to grow quite a few clematis over the years and have never dead headed any of them. You should get a lovely seed head in place of the flower when it's finished. Nelly Moser QUOTE]Originally posted by Leonie: We have a nice purple-flowered clematis which seems to be...
    [Hi Leonie, I've managed to grow quite a few clematis over the years and have never dead headed any of them. You should get a lovely seed head in place of the flower when it's finished. Nelly Moser QUOTE]Originally posted by Leonie: We have a...
    [Hi Leonie, I've managed to grow quite a few clematis over the years and have never dead headed any of them. You should get a lovely seed head in place of the flower when it's finished. Nelly...
  8. humulus

    forsythia cuttings

    If possible humulus you could try layering, but thats providing you can pull the shoots down to ground level. Its just an idea, but a cutting rooted this year would grow like a rocket next year...
    If possible humulus you could try layering, but thats providing you can pull the shoots down to ground level. Its just an idea, but a cutting rooted this year would grow like a rocket next year if fed and watered and kept to a single stem.
    If possible humulus you could try layering, but thats providing you can pull the shoots down to ground level. Its just an idea, but a cutting rooted this year would grow like a rocket next year if fed and watered and kept to a single stem.
    If possible humulus you could try layering, but thats providing you can pull the shoots down to ground level. Its just an idea, but a cutting rooted this year would grow like a rocket next year...
  9. OogieBoogie

    Ornamental grasses from seed

    Oh dear - I guess I should have read up on that first then - I haven't counted how many have come through but it could be far too many for my garden!
    Oh dear - I guess I should have read up on that first then - I haven't counted how many have come through but it could be far too many for my garden!
    Oh dear - I guess I should have read up on that first then - I haven't counted how many have come through but it could be far too many for my garden!
    Oh dear - I guess I should have read up on that first then - I haven't counted how many have come through but it could be far too many for my garden!
  10. accidentalgardener

    Root growing hormone

    I recall a gardener saying that RHC is not needed. He or she, I can't remember now, never used it and had no problem. This is only one opinion of course, others may swear by it!
    I recall a gardener saying that RHC is not needed. He or she, I can't remember now, never used it and had no problem. This is only one opinion of course, others may swear by it!
    I recall a gardener saying that RHC is not needed. He or she, I can't remember now, never used it and had no problem. This is only one opinion of course, others may swear by it!
    I recall a gardener saying that RHC is not needed. He or she, I can't remember now, never used it and had no problem. This is only one opinion of course, others may swear by it!
  11. gymrat

    re-planting laurel ?

    hi Thanks very much for your help..i will leave the laurel until autumn then..but think i will get the maple now.Thankyou very much both.
    hi Thanks very much for your help..i will leave the laurel until autumn then..but think i will get the maple now.Thankyou very much both.
    hi Thanks very much for your help..i will leave the laurel until autumn then..but think i will get the maple now.Thankyou very much both.
    hi Thanks very much for your help..i will leave the laurel until autumn then..but think i will get the maple now.Thankyou very much both.
  12. Dorsetmike

    Rampant climbers/ramblers.

    Thanks for that Liz,Was wondering the same thing as Mike
    Thanks for that Liz,Was wondering the same thing as Mike
    Thanks for that Liz,Was wondering the same thing as Mike
    Thanks for that Liz,Was wondering the same thing as Mike
  13. lilacfox


    Hi Lilacfox & Welcome. For a plant.. Have you tried here at Burncoose. They have the variety "striata" listed as in stock.. Give them a try.. ;) ...
    Hi Lilacfox & Welcome. For a plant.. Have you tried here at Burncoose. They have the variety "striata" listed as in stock.. Give them a try.. ;) if you are feeling brave. You can buy seeds for Cissuss...
    Hi Lilacfox & Welcome. For a plant.. Have you tried here at Burncoose. They have the variety "striata" listed as in stock.. Give them a try.. ;) if you are...
    Hi Lilacfox & Welcome. For a plant.. Have you tried here at Burncoose. They have the variety "striata" listed as in stock.. Give them a try.. ;) ...
  14. daz and debs

    For mallisa

    Hi i just wanted to show the t rex mallisa so kindly gave to me about 6 weeks ago.The progress is comming on great.Can anybody advise me on what to do for overwintering please.thanks..daz
    Hi i just wanted to show the t rex mallisa so kindly gave to me about 6 weeks ago.The progress is comming on great.Can anybody advise me on what to do for overwintering please.thanks..daz
    Hi i just wanted to show the t rex mallisa so kindly gave to me about 6 weeks ago.The progress is comming on great.Can anybody advise me on what to do for overwintering please.thanks..daz
    Hi i just wanted to show the t rex mallisa so kindly gave to me about 6 weeks ago.The progress is comming on great.Can anybody advise me on what to do for overwintering please.thanks..daz
  15. Liz

    New Buddleia?

    Hi Liz, I have this Buddleja weyeriana 'Moonlight' as a cutting from a Lady Sombody-or-Other's garden (my sister was a tenant on her estate and a bit fell in my pocket as I brushed by). I took...
    Hi Liz, I have this Buddleja weyeriana 'Moonlight' as a cutting from a Lady Sombody-or-Other's garden (my sister was a tenant on her estate and a bit fell in my pocket as I brushed by). I took more cuttings this spring and they all 'took' and are very vigorous, more so than the davidii cuttings...
    Hi Liz, I have this Buddleja weyeriana 'Moonlight' as a cutting from a Lady Sombody-or-Other's garden (my sister was a tenant on her estate and a bit fell in my pocket as I brushed by). I took more cuttings this spring and they all 'took' and are...
    Hi Liz, I have this Buddleja weyeriana 'Moonlight' as a cutting from a Lady Sombody-or-Other's garden (my sister was a tenant on her estate and a bit fell in my pocket as I brushed by). I took...
  16. seeker of knowledge

    My White Elephant

    I quite fancy one of those Euphorbias and it would probably be a perennail here.OogieBoogie, baby's breath is Gypsophilia, the lovely billowy shrub which comes in white or pink. I've tried...
    I quite fancy one of those Euphorbias and it would probably be a perennail here.OogieBoogie, baby's breath is Gypsophilia, the lovely billowy shrub which comes in white or pink. I've tried twice with it here and can't get it to grow ... actually, come to think of it, I had no luck with it in...
    I quite fancy one of those Euphorbias and it would probably be a perennail here.OogieBoogie, baby's breath is Gypsophilia, the lovely billowy shrub which comes in white or pink. I've tried twice with it here and can't get it to grow ......
    I quite fancy one of those Euphorbias and it would probably be a perennail here.OogieBoogie, baby's breath is Gypsophilia, the lovely billowy shrub which comes in white or pink. I've tried...
  17. Brackenbeds2

    How do i get rid of this?

    Yes they are an eyesore, but why are people complaining about them being dangerous? Did you never do anything dangerous as a kid? I know i sure did, climbing trees and stuff.
    Yes they are an eyesore, but why are people complaining about them being dangerous? Did you never do anything dangerous as a kid? I know i sure did, climbing trees and stuff.
    Yes they are an eyesore, but why are people complaining about them being dangerous? Did you never do anything dangerous as a kid? I know i sure did, climbing trees and stuff.
    Yes they are an eyesore, but why are people complaining about them being dangerous? Did you never do anything dangerous as a kid? I know i sure did, climbing trees and stuff.
  18. Sinclair2

    Fatsia problem

    I have at last found just two leaves with some sign of living things! These are highly magnified photos, the tiny 'bug' is no more than 2mm long, and the tiny collection of...
    I have at last found just two leaves with some sign of living things! These are highly magnified photos, the tiny 'bug' is no more than 2mm long, and the tiny collection of 'eggs' are about 0.5mm and shiny copper coloured. By the leaf vein are some other kind of 'eggs'. Ican...
    I have at last found just two leaves with some sign of living things! These are highly magnified photos, the tiny 'bug' is no more than 2mm long, and the tiny collection of 'eggs' are about 0.5mm and shiny copper coloured. By...
    I have at last found just two leaves with some sign of living things! These are highly magnified photos, the tiny 'bug' is no more than 2mm long, and the tiny collection of...
  19. miraflores

    rafflesia arnoldii

    Wow, that's amazing! :eek: Nice one Miraflores x
    Wow, that's amazing! :eek: Nice one Miraflores x
    Wow, that's amazing! :eek: Nice one Miraflores x
    Wow, that's amazing! :eek: Nice one Miraflores x
  20. jjordie


    This is my first attempt at aquilegias.I think these are summer bonnet but i have a packet of Mckana giants unopened if anyone wants em.I`ve no clue as to where i`m gonna put them for next...
    This is my first attempt at aquilegias.I think these are summer bonnet but i have a packet of Mckana giants unopened if anyone wants em.I`ve no clue as to where i`m gonna put them for next yr.Maybe dig a circle in mr.fiz`s lawn??
    This is my first attempt at aquilegias.I think these are summer bonnet but i have a packet of Mckana giants unopened if anyone wants em.I`ve no clue as to where i`m gonna put them for next yr.Maybe dig a circle in mr.fiz`s lawn??
    This is my first attempt at aquilegias.I think these are summer bonnet but i have a packet of Mckana giants unopened if anyone wants em.I`ve no clue as to where i`m gonna put them for next...

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