General Gardening Discussion

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  1. geoffhandley

    Stunning Echiums

    Really good plant Geoff, wish I could grow them like that, one frosty night last winter killed all the flowers on mine. You must be milder up that way.
    Really good plant Geoff, wish I could grow them like that, one frosty night last winter killed all the flowers on mine. You must be milder up that way.
    Really good plant Geoff, wish I could grow them like that, one frosty night last winter killed all the flowers on mine. You must be milder up that way.
    Really good plant Geoff, wish I could grow them like that, one frosty night last winter killed all the flowers on mine. You must be milder up that way.
  2. elliegreenwellie

    Pruning privet hedge

    Thanks guys - a fun job for my husband this week then - if it ever stops raining! :(
    Thanks guys - a fun job for my husband this week then - if it ever stops raining! :(
    Thanks guys - a fun job for my husband this week then - if it ever stops raining! :(
    Thanks guys - a fun job for my husband this week then - if it ever stops raining! :(
  3. Sunshine P


    thanks again Kandy will do my youngest Jordan he was the one who started it and is over the moon with it at the mo so hopefully fingers crossed there will be something at the end of it he cant...
    thanks again Kandy will do my youngest Jordan he was the one who started it and is over the moon with it at the mo so hopefully fingers crossed there will be something at the end of it he cant wait to see the outcome, try and tell kids you have to wait is impossible, but will let you see its...
    thanks again Kandy will do my youngest Jordan he was the one who started it and is over the moon with it at the mo so hopefully fingers crossed there will be something at the end of it he cant wait to see the outcome, try and tell kids you have...
    thanks again Kandy will do my youngest Jordan he was the one who started it and is over the moon with it at the mo so hopefully fingers crossed there will be something at the end of it he cant...
  4. oktarine

    Cheap Seeds

    Oh dear oh dear oh dear :D
    Oh dear oh dear oh dear :D
    Oh dear oh dear oh dear :D
    Oh dear oh dear oh dear :D
  5. Small orange giraffe

    LED solar powered lights?

    Small orange giraffe (I love your name BTW), I think your "horrid bright yellow ...." did more than my hard-to-be-seen one which I bought a couple of years ago. It gave our next-door-neighbours...
    Small orange giraffe (I love your name BTW), I think your "horrid bright yellow ...." did more than my hard-to-be-seen one which I bought a couple of years ago. It gave our next-door-neighbours had a good laugh every time they saw it giving off a weak glow in the evening. It was on sale for...
    Small orange giraffe (I love your name BTW), I think your "horrid bright yellow ...." did more than my hard-to-be-seen one which I bought a couple of years ago. It gave our next-door-neighbours had a good laugh every time they saw it giving off...
    Small orange giraffe (I love your name BTW), I think your "horrid bright yellow ...." did more than my hard-to-be-seen one which I bought a couple of years ago. It gave our next-door-neighbours...
  6. floris

    foxglove gone to seed

    hi floris, this years seedlings will flower next year. they will germinate and grow into a rosette of leaves this year and if in the ground will survive through the winter no probs( they probably...
    hi floris, this years seedlings will flower next year. they will germinate and grow into a rosette of leaves this year and if in the ground will survive through the winter no probs( they probably will be ok in pots outside over winter too). next year they will then flower.
    hi floris, this years seedlings will flower next year. they will germinate and grow into a rosette of leaves this year and if in the ground will survive through the winter no probs( they probably will be ok in pots outside over winter too). next...
    hi floris, this years seedlings will flower next year. they will germinate and grow into a rosette of leaves this year and if in the ground will survive through the winter no probs( they probably...
  7. mgn

    anyone have a seaside theme garen?

    Yes I turned a little part of my garden into a beach ,with a piece of drift wood sea seashells ,pebbles and used sharp sand to give th eeffect of the beach and planted small grasses lie what you...
    Yes I turned a little part of my garden into a beach ,with a piece of drift wood sea seashells ,pebbles and used sharp sand to give th eeffect of the beach and planted small grasses lie what you sea on the dunes.And bought at Focus at the weekend a solar lighthouse light.So I have my own...
    Yes I turned a little part of my garden into a beach ,with a piece of drift wood sea seashells ,pebbles and used sharp sand to give th eeffect of the beach and planted small grasses lie what you sea on the dunes.And bought at Focus at the...
    Yes I turned a little part of my garden into a beach ,with a piece of drift wood sea seashells ,pebbles and used sharp sand to give th eeffect of the beach and planted small grasses lie what you...
  8. Scotkat

    Plastic Potting Bench

    Walnut,thanks for the link. A little more research to be done.
    Walnut,thanks for the link. A little more research to be done.
    Walnut,thanks for the link. A little more research to be done.
    Walnut,thanks for the link. A little more research to be done.
  9. Waco

    Lean-to project

    ;) :D
    ;) :D
    ;) :D
    ;) :D
  10. elliegreenwellie

    Fast Growing, Snail proof climber?

    It does sound as if your slugs and snails have found a lovely hidey place somewhere, maybe in the wall.How about a couple of beer traps on the ground, this should appeal to them much more than...
    It does sound as if your slugs and snails have found a lovely hidey place somewhere, maybe in the wall.How about a couple of beer traps on the ground, this should appeal to them much more than the plants and maybe you could free slops from the pub next door to fill them!TO
    It does sound as if your slugs and snails have found a lovely hidey place somewhere, maybe in the wall.How about a couple of beer traps on the ground, this should appeal to them much more than the plants and maybe you could free slops from the...
    It does sound as if your slugs and snails have found a lovely hidey place somewhere, maybe in the wall.How about a couple of beer traps on the ground, this should appeal to them much more than...
  11. Small orange giraffe

    Decorative pot extender ideas?

    Reclamation yards and look up on ebay - they sometimes have them listed on there, you will need them to be local though or the postage could be pretty pricey! You can search on nearest to you.
    Reclamation yards and look up on ebay - they sometimes have them listed on there, you will need them to be local though or the postage could be pretty pricey! You can search on nearest to you.
    Reclamation yards and look up on ebay - they sometimes have them listed on there, you will need them to be local though or the postage could be pretty pricey! You can search on nearest to you.
    Reclamation yards and look up on ebay - they sometimes have them listed on there, you will need them to be local though or the postage could be pretty pricey! You can search on nearest to you.
  12. netty

    going on holiday

    I'm with Blackthorn !!!Seriously, we usually ask the elderly folk at our nearby residents home to pop in occasionally, and also in the past, the scouts have helped out after we donated to their...
    I'm with Blackthorn !!!Seriously, we usually ask the elderly folk at our nearby residents home to pop in occasionally, and also in the past, the scouts have helped out after we donated to their summer camping fund.
    I'm with Blackthorn !!!Seriously, we usually ask the elderly folk at our nearby residents home to pop in occasionally, and also in the past, the scouts have helped out after we donated to their summer camping fund.
    I'm with Blackthorn !!!Seriously, we usually ask the elderly folk at our nearby residents home to pop in occasionally, and also in the past, the scouts have helped out after we donated to their...
  13. Small orange giraffe

    Fast growing colourful climbers?

    I have two vigorous climbers which are part shade by an old lilac. Clematis montana and honeysuckle - both seem not to mind it being a tad shady.
    I have two vigorous climbers which are part shade by an old lilac. Clematis montana and honeysuckle - both seem not to mind it being a tad shady.
    I have two vigorous climbers which are part shade by an old lilac. Clematis montana and honeysuckle - both seem not to mind it being a tad shady.
    I have two vigorous climbers which are part shade by an old lilac. Clematis montana and honeysuckle - both seem not to mind it being a tad shady.
  14. kryssy

    Another Morning Glory Question

    Sorry you got diddy ones, Mef. I got big ones but they are not much good. So you see, size just doesn't matter in some circumstances.It's nice to see how they should look. I'll try feeding...
    Sorry you got diddy ones, Mef. I got big ones but they are not much good. So you see, size just doesn't matter in some circumstances.It's nice to see how they should look. I'll try feeding them as Royster suggested. In the meantime will just keep snipping away at the leaves.
    Sorry you got diddy ones, Mef. I got big ones but they are not much good. So you see, size just doesn't matter in some circumstances.It's nice to see how they should look. I'll try feeding them as Royster suggested. In the meantime will...
    Sorry you got diddy ones, Mef. I got big ones but they are not much good. So you see, size just doesn't matter in some circumstances.It's nice to see how they should look. I'll try feeding...
  15. Small orange giraffe

    Colourful plants for shady bed?

    That's a goodly list! I can't think of much to add except heuchera, nepeta and hardy geraniums.
    That's a goodly list! I can't think of much to add except heuchera, nepeta and hardy geraniums.
    That's a goodly list! I can't think of much to add except heuchera, nepeta and hardy geraniums.
    That's a goodly list! I can't think of much to add except heuchera, nepeta and hardy geraniums.
  16. daz and debs

    my flooded garden

    been there many times, but as long as its not in the house you are ok it just calls for right plants in right place.Hang in there my friends!
    been there many times, but as long as its not in the house you are ok it just calls for right plants in right place.Hang in there my friends!
    been there many times, but as long as its not in the house you are ok it just calls for right plants in right place.Hang in there my friends!
    been there many times, but as long as its not in the house you are ok it just calls for right plants in right place.Hang in there my friends!
  17. PLOTTY


    Hi Steve, glad to see you are surviving the elements.
    Hi Steve, glad to see you are surviving the elements.
    Hi Steve, glad to see you are surviving the elements.
    Hi Steve, glad to see you are surviving the elements.
  18. fred1935

    A Giant

    Sorry windy missed your post, of course your a gardener, your garden looks better than mine.Seeker of knowledge, Insignificant but still spectacular, if you know what I mean. :D
    Sorry windy missed your post, of course your a gardener, your garden looks better than mine.Seeker of knowledge, Insignificant but still spectacular, if you know what I mean. :D
    Sorry windy missed your post, of course your a gardener, your garden looks better than mine.Seeker of knowledge, Insignificant but still spectacular, if you know what I mean. :D
    Sorry windy missed your post, of course your a gardener, your garden looks better than mine.Seeker of knowledge, Insignificant but still spectacular, if you know what I mean. :D
  19. Gogs

    My Aspidistra aka "cast iron plant "

    A very healthy plant Gogs Allways fancied a variagated one never seen them for sale, love the pictures of your dog.
    A very healthy plant Gogs Allways fancied a variagated one never seen them for sale, love the pictures of your dog.
    A very healthy plant Gogs Allways fancied a variagated one never seen them for sale, love the pictures of your dog.
    A very healthy plant Gogs Allways fancied a variagated one never seen them for sale, love the pictures of your dog.
  20. PeterS

    Fresh seed

    Thanks rosietu - you have encouraged me. I do find quite a bit of bought seed doesn't germinate. I always thought it was me - and obviously some is - but I do think some purchased seed is not viable.
    Thanks rosietu - you have encouraged me. I do find quite a bit of bought seed doesn't germinate. I always thought it was me - and obviously some is - but I do think some purchased seed is not viable.
    Thanks rosietu - you have encouraged me. I do find quite a bit of bought seed doesn't germinate. I always thought it was me - and obviously some is - but I do think some purchased seed is not viable.
    Thanks rosietu - you have encouraged me. I do find quite a bit of bought seed doesn't germinate. I always thought it was me - and obviously some is - but I do think some purchased seed is not viable.

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