General Gardening Discussion

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  1. chilliheaven

    Potted plants for shaded area (pergola)

    Begonias, new guinea impatients, fatsia will be evergreen, mimulus, theres lots
    Begonias, new guinea impatients, fatsia will be evergreen, mimulus, theres lots
    Begonias, new guinea impatients, fatsia will be evergreen, mimulus, theres lots
    Begonias, new guinea impatients, fatsia will be evergreen, mimulus, theres lots


    Thanks Oktarine, yes I have been busy as usual but it is very rewarding and satisfying, your updates are very good as well I have been following them with interest when I can, regards Steve.
    Thanks Oktarine, yes I have been busy as usual but it is very rewarding and satisfying, your updates are very good as well I have been following them with interest when I can, regards Steve.
    Thanks Oktarine, yes I have been busy as usual but it is very rewarding and satisfying, your updates are very good as well I have been following them with interest when I can, regards Steve.
    Thanks Oktarine, yes I have been busy as usual but it is very rewarding and satisfying, your updates are very good as well I have been following them with interest when I can, regards Steve.
  3. Hugh Ball


    Roy some of us have a limited amount of room I would love to let things grow to their full potential but not really practical, I think you can obtain the same effect as you describe if you scale...
    Roy some of us have a limited amount of room I would love to let things grow to their full potential but not really practical, I think you can obtain the same effect as you describe if you scale down your plantings with careful pruning. Dendy you are forgiven ;)
    Roy some of us have a limited amount of room I would love to let things grow to their full potential but not really practical, I think you can obtain the same effect as you describe if you scale down your plantings with careful pruning. Dendy you...
    Roy some of us have a limited amount of room I would love to let things grow to their full potential but not really practical, I think you can obtain the same effect as you describe if you scale...
  4. tiggs&oscar

    Carnivorous plants

    Funnily enough, I got them a couple of years ago when greenfly attacked my indoor herbs and wrecked them.Depending on the weather I also get those horrible small harvest flies so having decided...
    Funnily enough, I got them a couple of years ago when greenfly attacked my indoor herbs and wrecked them.Depending on the weather I also get those horrible small harvest flies so having decided to grow my tomatoes inside on a sunnny windowsill this year I've got the carnies in with them. So...
    Funnily enough, I got them a couple of years ago when greenfly attacked my indoor herbs and wrecked them.Depending on the weather I also get those horrible small harvest flies so having decided to grow my tomatoes inside on a sunnny windowsill...
    Funnily enough, I got them a couple of years ago when greenfly attacked my indoor herbs and wrecked them.Depending on the weather I also get those horrible small harvest flies so having decided...
  5. whis4ey

    Flowers and samaras on Japanese maples

    It might One way to find out is to 'plant a seed'
    It might One way to find out is to 'plant a seed'
    It might One way to find out is to 'plant a seed'
    It might One way to find out is to 'plant a seed'
  6. PeterS

    Air roots

    Yes, you are right Pete. After making the post I removed all my other cuttings and I saw Diascia had lots of roots on the surface of the soil as well.I suppose it is back to basics. Plants need...
    Yes, you are right Pete. After making the post I removed all my other cuttings and I saw Diascia had lots of roots on the surface of the soil as well.I suppose it is back to basics. Plants need heat, light, air (at leaves and roots), water, and nutrients. And if they get them they can grow...
    Yes, you are right Pete. After making the post I removed all my other cuttings and I saw Diascia had lots of roots on the surface of the soil as well.I suppose it is back to basics. Plants need heat, light, air (at leaves and roots), water,...
    Yes, you are right Pete. After making the post I removed all my other cuttings and I saw Diascia had lots of roots on the surface of the soil as well.I suppose it is back to basics. Plants need...
  7. Rie


    Thanks I'll put them into the fridge for awhile and see how they do.
    Thanks I'll put them into the fridge for awhile and see how they do.
    Thanks I'll put them into the fridge for awhile and see how they do.
    Thanks I'll put them into the fridge for awhile and see how they do.
  8. kryssy

    End of the perfect longest day

    NO, NO, NO, NO, NO!! I wasn't referring to you Miraflores. You'll have to go to Mole to see what I meant. I loved your poem and I sang it out loud too - not that I can sing very well. Sorry...
    NO, NO, NO, NO, NO!! I wasn't referring to you Miraflores. You'll have to go to Mole to see what I meant. I loved your poem and I sang it out loud too - not that I can sing very well. Sorry for the confusion.
    NO, NO, NO, NO, NO!! I wasn't referring to you Miraflores. You'll have to go to Mole to see what I meant. I loved your poem and I sang it out loud too - not that I can sing very well. Sorry for the confusion.
    NO, NO, NO, NO, NO!! I wasn't referring to you Miraflores. You'll have to go to Mole to see what I meant. I loved your poem and I sang it out loud too - not that I can sing very well. Sorry...
  9. chan

    Geissorhiza radians

    thanks blackthorn - for a minute there i thought i'd actually managed to stump gardeners corner... oh me of little faith...think i'll give it a go, saw it at a mail order nursery called bertrams...
    thanks blackthorn - for a minute there i thought i'd actually managed to stump gardeners corner... oh me of little faith...think i'll give it a go, saw it at a mail order nursery called bertrams blooms. they've got some really interesting stuff there.
    thanks blackthorn - for a minute there i thought i'd actually managed to stump gardeners corner... oh me of little faith...think i'll give it a go, saw it at a mail order nursery called bertrams blooms. they've got some really interesting...
    thanks blackthorn - for a minute there i thought i'd actually managed to stump gardeners corner... oh me of little faith...think i'll give it a go, saw it at a mail order nursery called bertrams...
  10. windy miller


    Thanks Pete Looks like it will be Operation 'Colonize the Summerhouse' this Winter then Which requires much cunning and it's currently spawn 3s playhouseI've put a lot...
    Thanks Pete Looks like it will be Operation 'Colonize the Summerhouse' this Winter then Which requires much cunning and it's currently spawn 3s playhouseI've put a lot of thought into their positioning...and think I've got the ideal spots for them...only time will...
    Thanks Pete Looks like it will be Operation 'Colonize the Summerhouse' this Winter then Which requires much cunning and it's currently spawn 3s playhouseI've put a lot of thought into their positioning...and think...
    Thanks Pete Looks like it will be Operation 'Colonize the Summerhouse' this Winter then Which requires much cunning and it's currently spawn 3s playhouseI've put a lot...
  11. oktarine

    Isn't it lovely ........

    I take it you don't have a snail problem then. I remember a quote I once read" you don't have a snail problem, you just have a duck deficit"
    I take it you don't have a snail problem then. I remember a quote I once read" you don't have a snail problem, you just have a duck deficit"
    I take it you don't have a snail problem then. I remember a quote I once read" you don't have a snail problem, you just have a duck deficit"
    I take it you don't have a snail problem then. I remember a quote I once read" you don't have a snail problem, you just have a duck deficit"
  12. Grassclipper

    Pruning garrya eliptica

    Hi everyone; Two years ago I bought a young Garrya eliptica (tassel Bush)from our local garden centre, but because it was only 1ft tall I pruned all the fruiting tassels off in order to divert its...
    Hi everyone; Two years ago I bought a young Garrya eliptica (tassel Bush)from our local garden centre, but because it was only 1ft tall I pruned all the fruiting tassels off in order to divert its energies into growth instead of flowering with the tassels but now it has reached a decent height...
    Hi everyone; Two years ago I bought a young Garrya eliptica (tassel Bush)from our local garden centre, but because it was only 1ft tall I pruned all the fruiting tassels off in order to divert its energies into growth instead of flowering with...
    Hi everyone; Two years ago I bought a young Garrya eliptica (tassel Bush)from our local garden centre, but because it was only 1ft tall I pruned all the fruiting tassels off in order to divert its...
  13. windy miller

    Plantaholics Anonymous

    Home-baking by my MIL is well worth coming for! Honest! Her scones in particular.... it's a good thing I get plenty of exercise!We all like you as you are, Windy - don't change! :D
    Home-baking by my MIL is well worth coming for! Honest! Her scones in particular.... it's a good thing I get plenty of exercise!We all like you as you are, Windy - don't change! :D
    Home-baking by my MIL is well worth coming for! Honest! Her scones in particular.... it's a good thing I get plenty of exercise!We all like you as you are, Windy - don't change! :D
    Home-baking by my MIL is well worth coming for! Honest! Her scones in particular.... it's a good thing I get plenty of exercise!We all like you as you are, Windy - don't change! :D
  14. frogesque


    I just bought a pale yellow one earlier in the week, lots of buds but no flowers yet. Will post a pic when they open.
    I just bought a pale yellow one earlier in the week, lots of buds but no flowers yet. Will post a pic when they open.
    I just bought a pale yellow one earlier in the week, lots of buds but no flowers yet. Will post a pic when they open.
    I just bought a pale yellow one earlier in the week, lots of buds but no flowers yet. Will post a pic when they open.
  15. Fran

    Whats your view

    wonderful to hear that your views accord with mine and indeed the coucils. I made a complaint to the council - whose officer reacted in much the same way - its fly tipping they said, and he can't...
    wonderful to hear that your views accord with mine and indeed the coucils. I made a complaint to the council - whose officer reacted in much the same way - its fly tipping they said, and he can't just cut down trees that are not on his land - there will be a registered or unregistered land...
    wonderful to hear that your views accord with mine and indeed the coucils. I made a complaint to the council - whose officer reacted in much the same way - its fly tipping they said, and he can't just cut down trees that are not on his land -...
    wonderful to hear that your views accord with mine and indeed the coucils. I made a complaint to the council - whose officer reacted in much the same way - its fly tipping they said, and he can't...
  16. Palustris

    Odd tree/shrub

    I'd agree that Cornus is a real possibility, based on that leaf - how about...
    I'd agree that Cornus is a real possibility, based on that leaf - how about philadelphus? ...
    I'd agree that Cornus is a real possibility, based on that leaf - how about...
    I'd agree that Cornus is a real possibility, based on that leaf - how about...
  17. Banana Man

    Hosepipe Bans

    :DBabe, what connector do I need for an AquaStorm Oscillating Sprinkler and do they do an in line feed to plug my butt ?
    :DBabe, what connector do I need for an AquaStorm Oscillating Sprinkler and do they do an in line feed to plug my butt ?
    :DBabe, what connector do I need for an AquaStorm Oscillating Sprinkler and do they do an in line feed to plug my butt ?
    :DBabe, what connector do I need for an AquaStorm Oscillating Sprinkler and do they do an in line feed to plug my butt ?
  18. Victoria

    Birds of Paradise

    Please don't talk to me about improving with aga ....... but I'm doing okay!
    Please don't talk to me about improving with aga ....... but I'm doing okay!
    Please don't talk to me about improving with aga ....... but I'm doing okay!
    Please don't talk to me about improving with aga ....... but I'm doing okay!
  19. Sam1974x

    Rain damage to plants

    I am hoping a few days of sun and no rain might help. We have sun today, so I have my fingers crossed!Thank you all for your replies
    I am hoping a few days of sun and no rain might help. We have sun today, so I have my fingers crossed!Thank you all for your replies
    I am hoping a few days of sun and no rain might help. We have sun today, so I have my fingers crossed!Thank you all for your replies
    I am hoping a few days of sun and no rain might help. We have sun today, so I have my fingers crossed!Thank you all for your replies
  20. mgn

    Bulb advice needed

    lol thanks, youre right i've got enthusiasm all right - i had to force myself to come in from the wind and do the washing and dishes (why didnt i realise before gardening could get me out of these...
    lol thanks, youre right i've got enthusiasm all right - i had to force myself to come in from the wind and do the washing and dishes (why didnt i realise before gardening could get me out of these tasks?? ;))i may be picking your brains in future as when it comes to doing the concrete raised bit...
    lol thanks, youre right i've got enthusiasm all right - i had to force myself to come in from the wind and do the washing and dishes (why didnt i realise before gardening could get me out of these tasks?? ;))i may be picking your brains in future...
    lol thanks, youre right i've got enthusiasm all right - i had to force myself to come in from the wind and do the washing and dishes (why didnt i realise before gardening could get me out of these...

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