General Gardening Discussion

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  1. daisybelle

    Where to buy big logs cheap?

    Yes, I want them 18" cubes which I think is about the right size to make them comfortable to perch on. Using the old pythagorus, I worked out you'd need 27" diameter to get an 18" square, and I...
    Yes, I want them 18" cubes which I think is about the right size to make them comfortable to perch on. Using the old pythagorus, I worked out you'd need 27" diameter to get an 18" square, and I want 4 of them, so that's 72" long. Am I right in thinking, if you use a tree surgeon, the wood is...
    Yes, I want them 18" cubes which I think is about the right size to make them comfortable to perch on. Using the old pythagorus, I worked out you'd need 27" diameter to get an 18" square, and I want 4 of them, so that's 72" long. Am I right in...
    Yes, I want them 18" cubes which I think is about the right size to make them comfortable to perch on. Using the old pythagorus, I worked out you'd need 27" diameter to get an 18" square, and I...
  2. PeterS

    Botanical terms

    great site very useful..thanks for posting that PeterS and lol Hyla..i couldnt even SAY that!
    great site very useful..thanks for posting that PeterS and lol Hyla..i couldnt even SAY that!
    great site very useful..thanks for posting that PeterS and lol Hyla..i couldnt even SAY that!
    great site very useful..thanks for posting that PeterS and lol Hyla..i couldnt even SAY that!
  3. daz and debs

    T rex

    Stingo lol
    Stingo lol
    Stingo lol
    Stingo lol
  4. Lizz

    Trailing Begonias

    Yea ,sorta mid March /early April time .(i was a bit late setting them off this year)
    Yea ,sorta mid March /early April time .(i was a bit late setting them off this year)
    Yea ,sorta mid March /early April time .(i was a bit late setting them off this year)
    Yea ,sorta mid March /early April time .(i was a bit late setting them off this year)
  5. littleorme

    A very ugly wall

    Well really do have a beautiful..I love your edgings..I did'nt think that was log on a looks so professional,also the sleepers look certainly have given me some...
    Well really do have a beautiful..I love your edgings..I did'nt think that was log on a looks so professional,also the sleepers look certainly have given me some wonderful ideas....Many thanks.. your replies are much appreciated...
    Well really do have a beautiful..I love your edgings..I did'nt think that was log on a looks so professional,also the sleepers look certainly have given me some wonderful ideas....Many thanks.. your replies are...
    Well really do have a beautiful..I love your edgings..I did'nt think that was log on a looks so professional,also the sleepers look certainly have given me some...
  6. prettypolly


    Oo arr, oo arr! A foine phalaenopsis to be sure!!Looks in pretty good nick, too - give it a bit o' what it fancies (!) and you'll have it for years!!!
    Oo arr, oo arr! A foine phalaenopsis to be sure!!Looks in pretty good nick, too - give it a bit o' what it fancies (!) and you'll have it for years!!!
    Oo arr, oo arr! A foine phalaenopsis to be sure!!Looks in pretty good nick, too - give it a bit o' what it fancies (!) and you'll have it for years!!!
    Oo arr, oo arr! A foine phalaenopsis to be sure!!Looks in pretty good nick, too - give it a bit o' what it fancies (!) and you'll have it for years!!!
  7. Liz

    Passiflora Edulis

    I have surrounded them with slug pellets but have also put aclear dome over so nothing else can eat the pellets. Now I'll see....
    I have surrounded them with slug pellets but have also put aclear dome over so nothing else can eat the pellets. Now I'll see....
    I have surrounded them with slug pellets but have also put aclear dome over so nothing else can eat the pellets. Now I'll see....
    I have surrounded them with slug pellets but have also put aclear dome over so nothing else can eat the pellets. Now I'll see....
  8. johnbinkley

    Sleepers for raised beds!

    Agree with Tortuosa and Whis4ey, but if you can't change the sleepers then I would use blue DPM polythene from a builders merchant and sandwich a layer of tough geotextile like Terram between the...
    Agree with Tortuosa and Whis4ey, but if you can't change the sleepers then I would use blue DPM polythene from a builders merchant and sandwich a layer of tough geotextile like Terram between the polythene and the sleeper. I would also take the polythene down to at least a foot below the lower...
    Agree with Tortuosa and Whis4ey, but if you can't change the sleepers then I would use blue DPM polythene from a builders merchant and sandwich a layer of tough geotextile like Terram between the polythene and the sleeper. I would also take the...
    Agree with Tortuosa and Whis4ey, but if you can't change the sleepers then I would use blue DPM polythene from a builders merchant and sandwich a layer of tough geotextile like Terram between the...
  9. daz and debs


    I dont think it was anywhere near a frost last night in most parts of the country.
    I dont think it was anywhere near a frost last night in most parts of the country.
    I dont think it was anywhere near a frost last night in most parts of the country.
    I dont think it was anywhere near a frost last night in most parts of the country.
  10. penguin

    spotted laurel roots

    Thanks :D
    Thanks :D
    Thanks :D
    Thanks :D
  11. Liz

    What seeds to sow next year...

    I tried five spot last yr and they failed. I`ve used the same packet of seed this yr and they`ve grown.Very strange.I don`t think there are that many seeds you can`t keep and use again. In fact...
    I tried five spot last yr and they failed. I`ve used the same packet of seed this yr and they`ve grown.Very strange.I don`t think there are that many seeds you can`t keep and use again. In fact the only one i can think of is parsnip. I was talking to a friend at allotment about sweet william...
    I tried five spot last yr and they failed. I`ve used the same packet of seed this yr and they`ve grown.Very strange.I don`t think there are that many seeds you can`t keep and use again. In fact the only one i can think of is parsnip. I was...
    I tried five spot last yr and they failed. I`ve used the same packet of seed this yr and they`ve grown.Very strange.I don`t think there are that many seeds you can`t keep and use again. In fact...
  12. blue

    Protea Seeds

    Thanks everyone for your help,she is still managing to hold on to it and it is doing quite well fingers crossed
    Thanks everyone for your help,she is still managing to hold on to it and it is doing quite well fingers crossed
    Thanks everyone for your help,she is still managing to hold on to it and it is doing quite well fingers crossed
    Thanks everyone for your help,she is still managing to hold on to it and it is doing quite well fingers crossed
  13. elainefiz

    She`s grown

    I seem to remember the name is short and begins with an O but i should also say i think that the packaging wasn`t in English.Probably the reason they sell them so cheap. ...and yes,it does smell...
    I seem to remember the name is short and begins with an O but i should also say i think that the packaging wasn`t in English.Probably the reason they sell them so cheap. ...and yes,it does smell lovely.I never realised last yr as there weren`t so many flowers then,but this yr, i can even smell...
    I seem to remember the name is short and begins with an O but i should also say i think that the packaging wasn`t in English.Probably the reason they sell them so cheap. ...and yes,it does smell lovely.I never realised last yr as there weren`t...
    I seem to remember the name is short and begins with an O but i should also say i think that the packaging wasn`t in English.Probably the reason they sell them so cheap. ...and yes,it does smell...
  14. Nicky Green Fingers

    Recommend Me A Plant

    I would say a jasmine would grow up there ok but my concern might be with any of these climbers the pot might not be big enough for the roots, honeysuckle is lovely but it gets very woody and...
    I would say a jasmine would grow up there ok but my concern might be with any of these climbers the pot might not be big enough for the roots, honeysuckle is lovely but it gets very woody and thick, having a balcony myself fairly enclosed i have a lot of clematis growing extremely well maybe...
    I would say a jasmine would grow up there ok but my concern might be with any of these climbers the pot might not be big enough for the roots, honeysuckle is lovely but it gets very woody and thick, having a balcony myself fairly enclosed i have...
    I would say a jasmine would grow up there ok but my concern might be with any of these climbers the pot might not be big enough for the roots, honeysuckle is lovely but it gets very woody and...
  15. jjdecay


    [ 04. June 2007, 11:22 PM: Message edited by: geoffhandley ]
    [ 04. June 2007, 11:22 PM: Message edited by: geoffhandley ]
    [ 04. June 2007, 11:22 PM: Message edited by: geoffhandley ]
    [ 04. June 2007, 11:22 PM: Message edited by: geoffhandley ]
  16. StuartA

    Opinions on what to do please

    But would you be in a fit state to take out a conifer???I go along with the selective thinning out of the shrubbery - makes alot of sense.As for the aeration of the grass, and adding sand for...
    But would you be in a fit state to take out a conifer???I go along with the selective thinning out of the shrubbery - makes alot of sense.As for the aeration of the grass, and adding sand for drainage - yes - that's always a good move.I'd suggest doing all of this. The extra thing I've...
    But would you be in a fit state to take out a conifer???I go along with the selective thinning out of the shrubbery - makes alot of sense.As for the aeration of the grass, and adding sand for drainage - yes - that's always a good move.I'd...
    But would you be in a fit state to take out a conifer???I go along with the selective thinning out of the shrubbery - makes alot of sense.As for the aeration of the grass, and adding sand for...
  17. snoo

    3 mm glass or 4mm

    Hi Snoo, go with the 3mm toughened, it`s unlikely that you are going to have Dutch Lights ( 56" x 28 3/4") so the weight problem does`nt exist. David.
    Hi Snoo, go with the 3mm toughened, it`s unlikely that you are going to have Dutch Lights ( 56" x 28 3/4") so the weight problem does`nt exist. David.
    Hi Snoo, go with the 3mm toughened, it`s unlikely that you are going to have Dutch Lights ( 56" x 28 3/4") so the weight problem does`nt exist. David.
    Hi Snoo, go with the 3mm toughened, it`s unlikely that you are going to have Dutch Lights ( 56" x 28 3/4") so the weight problem does`nt exist. David.
  18. duckyjuk


    Yes you can get seeds from Foxgloves{Digitalis}as long as they have been pllinated by the bees,as the flower dies the dead flower should drop off and leave a green seed pod behind.Leave it to...
    Yes you can get seeds from Foxgloves{Digitalis}as long as they have been pllinated by the bees,as the flower dies the dead flower should drop off and leave a green seed pod behind.Leave it to swell and mature.When it goes brown and as they open cut off the whole stem and place upside down in a...
    Yes you can get seeds from Foxgloves{Digitalis}as long as they have been pllinated by the bees,as the flower dies the dead flower should drop off and leave a green seed pod behind.Leave it to swell and mature.When it goes brown and as they open...
    Yes you can get seeds from Foxgloves{Digitalis}as long as they have been pllinated by the bees,as the flower dies the dead flower should drop off and leave a green seed pod behind.Leave it to...
  19. Rich

    Mad epiphylum in bloom

    that is fantastic. I have a red flowered one of these it has already had 2 flowers on it at different times this year
    that is fantastic. I have a red flowered one of these it has already had 2 flowers on it at different times this year
    that is fantastic. I have a red flowered one of these it has already had 2 flowers on it at different times this year
    that is fantastic. I have a red flowered one of these it has already had 2 flowers on it at different times this year
  20. Diziblonde

    They are all at it today!

    Thanks Geoff we'll give that a go
    Thanks Geoff we'll give that a go
    Thanks Geoff we'll give that a go
    Thanks Geoff we'll give that a go

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