General Gardening Discussion

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  1. jjdecay


    [ 04. June 2007, 11:22 PM: Message edited by: geoffhandley ]
    [ 04. June 2007, 11:22 PM: Message edited by: geoffhandley ]
    [ 04. June 2007, 11:22 PM: Message edited by: geoffhandley ]
    [ 04. June 2007, 11:22 PM: Message edited by: geoffhandley ]
  2. StuartA

    Opinions on what to do please

    But would you be in a fit state to take out a conifer???I go along with the selective thinning out of the shrubbery - makes alot of sense.As for the aeration of the grass, and adding sand for...
    But would you be in a fit state to take out a conifer???I go along with the selective thinning out of the shrubbery - makes alot of sense.As for the aeration of the grass, and adding sand for drainage - yes - that's always a good move.I'd suggest doing all of this. The extra thing I've...
    But would you be in a fit state to take out a conifer???I go along with the selective thinning out of the shrubbery - makes alot of sense.As for the aeration of the grass, and adding sand for drainage - yes - that's always a good move.I'd...
    But would you be in a fit state to take out a conifer???I go along with the selective thinning out of the shrubbery - makes alot of sense.As for the aeration of the grass, and adding sand for...
  3. snoo

    3 mm glass or 4mm

    Hi Snoo, go with the 3mm toughened, it`s unlikely that you are going to have Dutch Lights ( 56" x 28 3/4") so the weight problem does`nt exist. David.
    Hi Snoo, go with the 3mm toughened, it`s unlikely that you are going to have Dutch Lights ( 56" x 28 3/4") so the weight problem does`nt exist. David.
    Hi Snoo, go with the 3mm toughened, it`s unlikely that you are going to have Dutch Lights ( 56" x 28 3/4") so the weight problem does`nt exist. David.
    Hi Snoo, go with the 3mm toughened, it`s unlikely that you are going to have Dutch Lights ( 56" x 28 3/4") so the weight problem does`nt exist. David.
  4. duckyjuk


    Yes you can get seeds from Foxgloves{Digitalis}as long as they have been pllinated by the bees,as the flower dies the dead flower should drop off and leave a green seed pod behind.Leave it to...
    Yes you can get seeds from Foxgloves{Digitalis}as long as they have been pllinated by the bees,as the flower dies the dead flower should drop off and leave a green seed pod behind.Leave it to swell and mature.When it goes brown and as they open cut off the whole stem and place upside down in a...
    Yes you can get seeds from Foxgloves{Digitalis}as long as they have been pllinated by the bees,as the flower dies the dead flower should drop off and leave a green seed pod behind.Leave it to swell and mature.When it goes brown and as they open...
    Yes you can get seeds from Foxgloves{Digitalis}as long as they have been pllinated by the bees,as the flower dies the dead flower should drop off and leave a green seed pod behind.Leave it to...
  5. Rich

    Mad epiphylum in bloom

    that is fantastic. I have a red flowered one of these it has already had 2 flowers on it at different times this year
    that is fantastic. I have a red flowered one of these it has already had 2 flowers on it at different times this year
    that is fantastic. I have a red flowered one of these it has already had 2 flowers on it at different times this year
    that is fantastic. I have a red flowered one of these it has already had 2 flowers on it at different times this year
  6. Diziblonde

    They are all at it today!

    Thanks Geoff we'll give that a go
    Thanks Geoff we'll give that a go
    Thanks Geoff we'll give that a go
    Thanks Geoff we'll give that a go
  7. daz and debs

    musa lasiocarpa

    Ok pete thanks mate..daz
    Ok pete thanks mate..daz
    Ok pete thanks mate..daz
    Ok pete thanks mate..daz
  8. oktarine

    Top tip!

    I use a cheapo electric soldering iron to make holes - you don't have to keep heating it up then! Holes are a bit smaller, it's true - but you can make more of 'em... You can buy them for not a...
    I use a cheapo electric soldering iron to make holes - you don't have to keep heating it up then! Holes are a bit smaller, it's true - but you can make more of 'em... You can buy them for not a lotta money and keep one just for that! (Although mine goes back to normal duties afterwards....!)
    I use a cheapo electric soldering iron to make holes - you don't have to keep heating it up then! Holes are a bit smaller, it's true - but you can make more of 'em... You can buy them for not a lotta money and keep one just for that! (Although...
    I use a cheapo electric soldering iron to make holes - you don't have to keep heating it up then! Holes are a bit smaller, it's true - but you can make more of 'em... You can buy them for not a...
  9. UsedtobeDendy

    Dendy's garden keeps growing......

    It would be lovely if the weather would let us sit out there..... well, one day soon, maybe!Yes - it's been a lot of hard work, and there's still a lot to do, but nothing quite so major as...
    It would be lovely if the weather would let us sit out there..... well, one day soon, maybe!Yes - it's been a lot of hard work, and there's still a lot to do, but nothing quite so major as everything so far.Don't forget to give me weeding time, Scotkat!
    It would be lovely if the weather would let us sit out there..... well, one day soon, maybe!Yes - it's been a lot of hard work, and there's still a lot to do, but nothing quite so major as everything so far.Don't forget to give me weeding...
    It would be lovely if the weather would let us sit out there..... well, one day soon, maybe!Yes - it's been a lot of hard work, and there's still a lot to do, but nothing quite so major as...
  10. pip

    Buddleia pruning

    One point to add, is that the Buddleja most often seen is B. davidii and its multifarious forms. they are pruned as hard as you chose in Feb/March. They flower on wood produced in the current...
    One point to add, is that the Buddleja most often seen is B. davidii and its multifarious forms. they are pruned as hard as you chose in Feb/March. They flower on wood produced in the current growing season. Buddleja globosa and its crosses with B. davidii like Sungold, B. alternifolia are...
    One point to add, is that the Buddleja most often seen is B. davidii and its multifarious forms. they are pruned as hard as you chose in Feb/March. They flower on wood produced in the current growing season. Buddleja globosa and its crosses with...
    One point to add, is that the Buddleja most often seen is B. davidii and its multifarious forms. they are pruned as hard as you chose in Feb/March. They flower on wood produced in the current...
  11. glenw

    late frost

    brilliant idea oktarine..thats very helpful..thanks (though my local weather isnt bucking up anytime soon...boooo)
    brilliant idea oktarine..thats very helpful..thanks (though my local weather isnt bucking up anytime soon...boooo)
    brilliant idea oktarine..thats very helpful..thanks (though my local weather isnt bucking up anytime soon...boooo)
    brilliant idea oktarine..thats very helpful..thanks (though my local weather isnt bucking up anytime soon...boooo)
  12. trevmuk

    Cordyline Australis "Red Star" help

    Have as look here :
    Have as look here :
    Have as look here :
    Have as look here :
  13. oktarine

    Bonsai Section ?

    hehehe So long as you are patient
    hehehe So long as you are patient
    hehehe So long as you are patient
    hehehe So long as you are patient
  14. garden_fiend


    Way to go Pete now your cooking on gas, let us know if it works for you.
    Way to go Pete now your cooking on gas, let us know if it works for you.
    Way to go Pete now your cooking on gas, let us know if it works for you.
    Way to go Pete now your cooking on gas, let us know if it works for you.
  15. Scotkat

    Dobbies Rhodendrums

    Was it this one, Scotkat?'m resisting! :D
    Was it this one, Scotkat?'m resisting! :D
    Was it this one, Scotkat?'m resisting! :D
    Was it this one, Scotkat?'m resisting! :D
  16. Daisies

    Cat deterrent - it really works!!

    I think I might show it to my cats as a warning to behave themselves!!
    I think I might show it to my cats as a warning to behave themselves!!
    I think I might show it to my cats as a warning to behave themselves!!
    I think I might show it to my cats as a warning to behave themselves!!
  17. elliegreenwellie

    What's eating my clematis?

    Geoff, the link hasn't come through, thankfully as I wouldn't like to see that! I will stop using pellets now - the ones I have don't seem to make any difference anyway. I will just keep removing...
    Geoff, the link hasn't come through, thankfully as I wouldn't like to see that! I will stop using pellets now - the ones I have don't seem to make any difference anyway. I will just keep removing them from plants/walls etc, perhaps I'll build up the courage to squash them!
    Geoff, the link hasn't come through, thankfully as I wouldn't like to see that! I will stop using pellets now - the ones I have don't seem to make any difference anyway. I will just keep removing them from plants/walls etc, perhaps I'll build up...
    Geoff, the link hasn't come through, thankfully as I wouldn't like to see that! I will stop using pellets now - the ones I have don't seem to make any difference anyway. I will just keep removing...
  18. BekiMac

    Spring Bulbs

    thank you bekimac i am enjoying it here & getting a lot of good tips learning more each day
    thank you bekimac i am enjoying it here & getting a lot of good tips learning more each day
    thank you bekimac i am enjoying it here & getting a lot of good tips learning more each day
    thank you bekimac i am enjoying it here & getting a lot of good tips learning more each day
  19. Johnny

    Cornus Kousa

    well, the seeds looked like little stones...maybe they are stones afterall
    well, the seeds looked like little stones...maybe they are stones afterall
    well, the seeds looked like little stones...maybe they are stones afterall
    well, the seeds looked like little stones...maybe they are stones afterall
  20. roders

    Every Picture Tells a Story.

    Yeah, your right, trees are old fashioned, not met a modern one yet. :D
    Yeah, your right, trees are old fashioned, not met a modern one yet. :D
    Yeah, your right, trees are old fashioned, not met a modern one yet. :D
    Yeah, your right, trees are old fashioned, not met a modern one yet. :D

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