General Gardening Discussion

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  1. Palustris

    Non=invasive bamboo removal

    Looked you up as you mentioned invasive bamboo and my mother who is 86 has an area that has been invaded by bamboo and so can't dig it out and I have broken one fork trying to do a small area. ...
    Looked you up as you mentioned invasive bamboo and my mother who is 86 has an area that has been invaded by bamboo and so can't dig it out and I have broken one fork trying to do a small area. She has decided to turf it and cut it as part of the lawn unless you have any other suggestions. I...
    Looked you up as you mentioned invasive bamboo and my mother who is 86 has an area that has been invaded by bamboo and so can't dig it out and I have broken one fork trying to do a small area. She has decided to turf it and cut it as part of the...
    Looked you up as you mentioned invasive bamboo and my mother who is 86 has an area that has been invaded by bamboo and so can't dig it out and I have broken one fork trying to do a small area. ...
  2. Liz

    Skimmia japonica Reevesiana

    I grew from seed once, it takes a bit of patience for a few years till you get flowers though and then you have to work out what sex they are. I dont think they will come true.
    I grew from seed once, it takes a bit of patience for a few years till you get flowers though and then you have to work out what sex they are. I dont think they will come true.
    I grew from seed once, it takes a bit of patience for a few years till you get flowers though and then you have to work out what sex they are. I dont think they will come true.
    I grew from seed once, it takes a bit of patience for a few years till you get flowers though and then you have to work out what sex they are. I dont think they will come true.
  3. evokazz

    Log Borders

    Erm, maybe I was rich before I bought the log roll
    Erm, maybe I was rich before I bought the log roll
    Erm, maybe I was rich before I bought the log roll
    Erm, maybe I was rich before I bought the log roll
  4. Kaytutt


    thanks both.The piece I have doesnt have a root but its still looking surprisingly healthy stood in a glass of water more than a week later so I'm hoping to see some roots soon.I think I'll...
    thanks both.The piece I have doesnt have a root but its still looking surprisingly healthy stood in a glass of water more than a week later so I'm hoping to see some roots soon.I think I'll plant it in the border and let it trail over the retaining wall and hope it spreads into the walls...
    thanks both.The piece I have doesnt have a root but its still looking surprisingly healthy stood in a glass of water more than a week later so I'm hoping to see some roots soon.I think I'll plant it in the border and let it trail over the...
    thanks both.The piece I have doesnt have a root but its still looking surprisingly healthy stood in a glass of water more than a week later so I'm hoping to see some roots soon.I think I'll...
  5. linlin

    Encouraging flowers

    Which brings me to another point......I don't want them to get overly large so is it okay to restrict their growth now? They were planted in March/April, flowered immediately and are now putting...
    Which brings me to another point......I don't want them to get overly large so is it okay to restrict their growth now? They were planted in March/April, flowered immediately and are now putting out new shoots all over the place.
    Which brings me to another point......I don't want them to get overly large so is it okay to restrict their growth now? They were planted in March/April, flowered immediately and are now putting out new shoots all over the place.
    Which brings me to another point......I don't want them to get overly large so is it okay to restrict their growth now? They were planted in March/April, flowered immediately and are now putting...
  6. windy miller

    Windy's Progress

    windy, honestly it looks like you had a professional in - you've done tremendous - and the garden does look so much bigger! I am liking these circular lawns but alas not practical in my own...
    windy, honestly it looks like you had a professional in - you've done tremendous - and the garden does look so much bigger! I am liking these circular lawns but alas not practical in my own garden :( Someone said before, you're an nspiration, and I have to agree!! also a bit jealous too haha ;)
    windy, honestly it looks like you had a professional in - you've done tremendous - and the garden does look so much bigger! I am liking these circular lawns but alas not practical in my own garden :( Someone said before, you're an nspiration,...
    windy, honestly it looks like you had a professional in - you've done tremendous - and the garden does look so much bigger! I am liking these circular lawns but alas not practical in my own...
  7. Stingo

    Wallflowers from seed

    I am sure you could plant them out, with no trouble. But it seems a bit of a wasted opportunity to have them there for the best part of a year doing very little. I am growing some from seed for...
    I am sure you could plant them out, with no trouble. But it seems a bit of a wasted opportunity to have them there for the best part of a year doing very little. I am growing some from seed for the first time - in pots, but the plot is currently booked for things in flower now such as Hesperis...
    I am sure you could plant them out, with no trouble. But it seems a bit of a wasted opportunity to have them there for the best part of a year doing very little. I am growing some from seed for the first time - in pots, but the plot is currently...
    I am sure you could plant them out, with no trouble. But it seems a bit of a wasted opportunity to have them there for the best part of a year doing very little. I am growing some from seed for...
  8. daisybelle

    Osteospermum/cape daisy sunny felix

    Sounds right to me Peter.
    Sounds right to me Peter.
    Sounds right to me Peter.
    Sounds right to me Peter.
  9. geoffhandley


    Mine are about a metre. Will label and seperate out the white bulb later.
    Mine are about a metre. Will label and seperate out the white bulb later.
    Mine are about a metre. Will label and seperate out the white bulb later.
    Mine are about a metre. Will label and seperate out the white bulb later.
  10. netty

    grass seats

    regular cutting will encourage tillering ,side shoots ,so yes it should thicken up ,cut weekly ,a little and often is better than reducing length by say 50% once a month
    regular cutting will encourage tillering ,side shoots ,so yes it should thicken up ,cut weekly ,a little and often is better than reducing length by say 50% once a month
    regular cutting will encourage tillering ,side shoots ,so yes it should thicken up ,cut weekly ,a little and often is better than reducing length by say 50% once a month
    regular cutting will encourage tillering ,side shoots ,so yes it should thicken up ,cut weekly ,a little and often is better than reducing length by say 50% once a month
  11. pollyanne


    Hello Polyanne, I think John means a water moisture barrier between the soil and the wall. If the wall is only 4 or 500mm high then You may not get water damage. If you're concerned then dig...
    Hello Polyanne, I think John means a water moisture barrier between the soil and the wall. If the wall is only 4 or 500mm high then You may not get water damage. If you're concerned then dig out a narrow trench of soil along the wall but not too near it, say about 300mm and fill the bottom...
    Hello Polyanne, I think John means a water moisture barrier between the soil and the wall. If the wall is only 4 or 500mm high then You may not get water damage. If you're concerned then dig out a narrow trench of soil along the wall but not...
    Hello Polyanne, I think John means a water moisture barrier between the soil and the wall. If the wall is only 4 or 500mm high then You may not get water damage. If you're concerned then dig...
  12. compost maker

    tHow do you train a Wisteria

    Hi, It isn't so much a matter of pruning hard as pruning the right bits to encourage flowers! Here is the RHS advice: Yours seems to be doing...
    Hi, It isn't so much a matter of pruning hard as pruning the right bits to encourage flowers! Here is the RHS advice: Yours seems to be doing really well so far- regular pruning as the article advises should ensure lots of flowers.
    Hi, It isn't so much a matter of pruning hard as pruning the right bits to encourage flowers! Here is the RHS advice: Yours seems to be doing really well so far- regular pruning as the...
    Hi, It isn't so much a matter of pruning hard as pruning the right bits to encourage flowers! Here is the RHS advice: Yours seems to be doing...
  13. Kandy

    'Amateur Gardening Magazine'

    On the front cover of this weeks Amateur Magazine dated May 26th there is a free packet of Mr Fothergills Swan River Daisy-'White Splendour'Inside there is on page 25 a free packet of Phostrogen...
    On the front cover of this weeks Amateur Magazine dated May 26th there is a free packet of Mr Fothergills Swan River Daisy-'White Splendour'Inside there is on page 25 a free packet of Phostrogen 'SwellGel' water storing Crystals.Also there are two tokens to cut out on the same page for 50p...
    On the front cover of this weeks Amateur Magazine dated May 26th there is a free packet of Mr Fothergills Swan River Daisy-'White Splendour'Inside there is on page 25 a free packet of Phostrogen 'SwellGel' water storing Crystals.Also there...
    On the front cover of this weeks Amateur Magazine dated May 26th there is a free packet of Mr Fothergills Swan River Daisy-'White Splendour'Inside there is on page 25 a free packet of Phostrogen...
  14. PeterS

    Burying seedling leaves

    Right, so I got it wrong, sorry. :D Again I think it depends on the plant and what it is, as I said earlier it definitely starts a new root system on toms, but I dont think I would do it,...
    Right, so I got it wrong, sorry. :D Again I think it depends on the plant and what it is, as I said earlier it definitely starts a new root system on toms, but I dont think I would do it, say, with a pelargonium, unless I was feeling lucky. The old clematis chestnut eh, think its...
    Right, so I got it wrong, sorry. :D Again I think it depends on the plant and what it is, as I said earlier it definitely starts a new root system on toms, but I dont think I would do it, say, with a pelargonium, unless I was feeling...
    Right, so I got it wrong, sorry. :D Again I think it depends on the plant and what it is, as I said earlier it definitely starts a new root system on toms, but I dont think I would do it,...
  15. ohbe

    Blue Heaven???

    Yes, according to Google there are several plants with the name. Agapanthus, Grass, Orchid, Iris and a few others.
    Yes, according to Google there are several plants with the name. Agapanthus, Grass, Orchid, Iris and a few others.
    Yes, according to Google there are several plants with the name. Agapanthus, Grass, Orchid, Iris and a few others.
    Yes, according to Google there are several plants with the name. Agapanthus, Grass, Orchid, Iris and a few others.
  16. AndyK

    Peace Lilly

    i cant believe i repotted it, i was afraid to do it a few weeks ago, piece of cake now! I guess pricking out the geraniums gave me the confidence! they are outside now in plug trays & are doing great!
    i cant believe i repotted it, i was afraid to do it a few weeks ago, piece of cake now! I guess pricking out the geraniums gave me the confidence! they are outside now in plug trays & are doing great!
    i cant believe i repotted it, i was afraid to do it a few weeks ago, piece of cake now! I guess pricking out the geraniums gave me the confidence! they are outside now in plug trays & are doing great!
    i cant believe i repotted it, i was afraid to do it a few weeks ago, piece of cake now! I guess pricking out the geraniums gave me the confidence! they are outside now in plug trays & are doing great!
  17. pip


    Evening, pip. All I can say is, if yours is truly a red Jasmine, may I please have a cutting as I don't like the white against my white walls!
    Evening, pip. All I can say is, if yours is truly a red Jasmine, may I please have a cutting as I don't like the white against my white walls!
    Evening, pip. All I can say is, if yours is truly a red Jasmine, may I please have a cutting as I don't like the white against my white walls!
    Evening, pip. All I can say is, if yours is truly a red Jasmine, may I please have a cutting as I don't like the white against my white walls!
  18. mowgley

    Has anyone???

    MIL has done it up here too, and I'm about to!
    MIL has done it up here too, and I'm about to!
    MIL has done it up here too, and I'm about to!
    MIL has done it up here too, and I'm about to!
  19. nickyy

    Unusual plants

    garden too small for it. thats kinda the point really. thanks!!!
    garden too small for it. thats kinda the point really. thanks!!!
    garden too small for it. thats kinda the point really. thanks!!!
    garden too small for it. thats kinda the point really. thanks!!!
  20. PeterS

    Big bulb

    That is beautifil palustris, I have the pale blue one but yours is stunning.
    That is beautifil palustris, I have the pale blue one but yours is stunning.
    That is beautifil palustris, I have the pale blue one but yours is stunning.
    That is beautifil palustris, I have the pale blue one but yours is stunning.

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