General Gardening Discussion

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  1. Jack by the hedge

    Little thieves

    Just to let you know, I tried the cds - the birds seemed to be admiring their reflections as they vandalised the hanging baskets. My printer ( a new Epson!) is already refusing to print magenta...
    Just to let you know, I tried the cds - the birds seemed to be admiring their reflections as they vandalised the hanging baskets. My printer ( a new Epson!) is already refusing to print magenta ....but maybe a picture of Anne Robinson with green hair might do the trick. Cat's too fat to bother...
    Just to let you know, I tried the cds - the birds seemed to be admiring their reflections as they vandalised the hanging baskets. My printer ( a new Epson!) is already refusing to print magenta ....but maybe a picture of Anne Robinson with green...
    Just to let you know, I tried the cds - the birds seemed to be admiring their reflections as they vandalised the hanging baskets. My printer ( a new Epson!) is already refusing to print magenta...
  2. dancing queen

    clematis damage

    well roders i`m feeling better today, just looked at my wisteria and its starting to flower :D
    well roders i`m feeling better today, just looked at my wisteria and its starting to flower :D
    well roders i`m feeling better today, just looked at my wisteria and its starting to flower :D
    well roders i`m feeling better today, just looked at my wisteria and its starting to flower :D
  3. roders

    Laburnum time again.

    Sesbania syn Daubentonia. Luguminosae/papilionaceaUnfortunately it is tender - but it is a gorgious tree/shrub. I brought some seed back from Florida - geminated and grew on in the greenhouse....
    Sesbania syn Daubentonia. Luguminosae/papilionaceaUnfortunately it is tender - but it is a gorgious tree/shrub. I brought some seed back from Florida - geminated and grew on in the greenhouse. When it grew to big for the greenhouse I overwintered it on the patio and then put it in the border -...
    Sesbania syn Daubentonia. Luguminosae/papilionaceaUnfortunately it is tender - but it is a gorgious tree/shrub. I brought some seed back from Florida - geminated and grew on in the greenhouse. When it grew to big for the greenhouse I...
    Sesbania syn Daubentonia. Luguminosae/papilionaceaUnfortunately it is tender - but it is a gorgious tree/shrub. I brought some seed back from Florida - geminated and grew on in the greenhouse....
  4. daz and debs

    cardoon pic

    Artichokes plants look as beautiful...and can be veeery big !
    Artichokes plants look as beautiful...and can be veeery big !
    Artichokes plants look as beautiful...and can be veeery big !
    Artichokes plants look as beautiful...and can be veeery big !
  5. Hyla arborea

    More orchids from S.W. France...

    Great photos HA - such pretty flowers. The Lizard Orchid is fascinating - Ive never seen anything like it before
    Great photos HA - such pretty flowers. The Lizard Orchid is fascinating - Ive never seen anything like it before
    Great photos HA - such pretty flowers. The Lizard Orchid is fascinating - Ive never seen anything like it before
    Great photos HA - such pretty flowers. The Lizard Orchid is fascinating - Ive never seen anything like it before
  6. pete

    Beaucarnea recurvata

    Thanks Pete I'll put them out next month.
    Thanks Pete I'll put them out next month.
    Thanks Pete I'll put them out next month.
    Thanks Pete I'll put them out next month.
  7. Daisy2

    Clay Soil

    If its Dorset I am wondering whether it clay over chalk or limestone, in which case you would need one heck of a lot of flowers of sulphate to turn it acid. If you sink the pots in the ground then...
    If its Dorset I am wondering whether it clay over chalk or limestone, in which case you would need one heck of a lot of flowers of sulphate to turn it acid. If you sink the pots in the ground then some alkaline soil water will get in the pots. The only answer is a raised bed, that is filled with...
    If its Dorset I am wondering whether it clay over chalk or limestone, in which case you would need one heck of a lot of flowers of sulphate to turn it acid. If you sink the pots in the ground then some alkaline soil water will get in the pots....
    If its Dorset I am wondering whether it clay over chalk or limestone, in which case you would need one heck of a lot of flowers of sulphate to turn it acid. If you sink the pots in the ground then...

    Raising plant baskets

    Done the same when i dug mine, bricks are the answer, my plants are in quite large pots. so the bricks do not stick past the pots, just in case the fish get spooked and bump into them.
    Done the same when i dug mine, bricks are the answer, my plants are in quite large pots. so the bricks do not stick past the pots, just in case the fish get spooked and bump into them.
    Done the same when i dug mine, bricks are the answer, my plants are in quite large pots. so the bricks do not stick past the pots, just in case the fish get spooked and bump into them.
    Done the same when i dug mine, bricks are the answer, my plants are in quite large pots. so the bricks do not stick past the pots, just in case the fish get spooked and bump into them.
  9. redfifi1717

    Pinching out

    Hi Red, it all depends on what type of Chrysanth you are growing. If it`s a spray then pinch it out, but if you are growing a big flowered type then you need to limit the number of shoots it...
    Hi Red, it all depends on what type of Chrysanth you are growing. If it`s a spray then pinch it out, but if you are growing a big flowered type then you need to limit the number of shoots it produces. David.
    Hi Red, it all depends on what type of Chrysanth you are growing. If it`s a spray then pinch it out, but if you are growing a big flowered type then you need to limit the number of shoots it produces. David.
    Hi Red, it all depends on what type of Chrysanth you are growing. If it`s a spray then pinch it out, but if you are growing a big flowered type then you need to limit the number of shoots it...
  10. PaulD

    Gardening Discounts

    Ah now there you had me thinking that was a Gardening Discounts site - but it's much more general.I have had some excellent feedback on the idea of a site aimed specifically at Gardeners and...
    Ah now there you had me thinking that was a Gardening Discounts site - but it's much more general.I have had some excellent feedback on the idea of a site aimed specifically at Gardeners and Landscapers so watch this space!Take carePaul
    Ah now there you had me thinking that was a Gardening Discounts site - but it's much more general.I have had some excellent feedback on the idea of a site aimed specifically at Gardeners and Landscapers so watch this space!Take carePaul
    Ah now there you had me thinking that was a Gardening Discounts site - but it's much more general.I have had some excellent feedback on the idea of a site aimed specifically at Gardeners and...
  11. cattwoman25

    come lets see em :0)

    Carol KleinMy tomatoes are teeny tiny still! We're using the basil I sowed daily, and I'm giving pots of it away! Brilliant idea having the cucumber inside the house. Now, if I can just get...
    Carol KleinMy tomatoes are teeny tiny still! We're using the basil I sowed daily, and I'm giving pots of it away! Brilliant idea having the cucumber inside the house. Now, if I can just get the Asst Est Mgr to move one of his motorcycles out of the sitting room I might have room for a...
    Carol KleinMy tomatoes are teeny tiny still! We're using the basil I sowed daily, and I'm giving pots of it away! Brilliant idea having the cucumber inside the house. Now, if I can just get the Asst Est Mgr to move one of his motorcycles...
    Carol KleinMy tomatoes are teeny tiny still! We're using the basil I sowed daily, and I'm giving pots of it away! Brilliant idea having the cucumber inside the house. Now, if I can just get...
  12. Banana Man

    Exquisite Spider

    I posted a pic of mine a couple of days ago in the "whats buzzing around" thread on the 16th, sat in a faded bloom of rose Calypso. It caught a bee not long after I took the pic. Cheers MIKE
    I posted a pic of mine a couple of days ago in the "whats buzzing around" thread on the 16th, sat in a faded bloom of rose Calypso. It caught a bee not long after I took the pic. Cheers MIKE
    I posted a pic of mine a couple of days ago in the "whats buzzing around" thread on the 16th, sat in a faded bloom of rose Calypso. It caught a bee not long after I took the pic. Cheers MIKE
    I posted a pic of mine a couple of days ago in the "whats buzzing around" thread on the 16th, sat in a faded bloom of rose Calypso. It caught a bee not long after I took the pic. Cheers MIKE
  13. Liz


    Can you take it back for a replacement?. Cos I worry a bit that even if it settles and survives, that it will not reflower in time for her birthday?
    Can you take it back for a replacement?. Cos I worry a bit that even if it settles and survives, that it will not reflower in time for her birthday?
    Can you take it back for a replacement?. Cos I worry a bit that even if it settles and survives, that it will not reflower in time for her birthday?
    Can you take it back for a replacement?. Cos I worry a bit that even if it settles and survives, that it will not reflower in time for her birthday?
  14. Victoria


    It would be great if I could pop them out in the garden when they've done their Christmas thing - it's not me who's the lucky Lady! :D
    It would be great if I could pop them out in the garden when they've done their Christmas thing - it's not me who's the lucky Lady! :D
    It would be great if I could pop them out in the garden when they've done their Christmas thing - it's not me who's the lucky Lady! :D
    It would be great if I could pop them out in the garden when they've done their Christmas thing - it's not me who's the lucky Lady! :D
  15. Jaycee


    They always seem to me to be the sort of plant that seeds itself in the most unexpected places, cracks in walls etc. But give them a good home and they will die out. I think they like to...
    They always seem to me to be the sort of plant that seeds itself in the most unexpected places, cracks in walls etc. But give them a good home and they will die out. I think they like to struggle a bit.
    They always seem to me to be the sort of plant that seeds itself in the most unexpected places, cracks in walls etc. But give them a good home and they will die out. I think they like to struggle a bit.
    They always seem to me to be the sort of plant that seeds itself in the most unexpected places, cracks in walls etc. But give them a good home and they will die out. I think they like to...
  16. jjdecay

    Plant translation.

    cool,thankyou all. jjdecay.
    cool,thankyou all. jjdecay.
    cool,thankyou all. jjdecay.
    cool,thankyou all. jjdecay.
  17. blue

    Brackets for Window Box

    Thanks for that ,you have been a great help!
    Thanks for that ,you have been a great help!
    Thanks for that ,you have been a great help!
    Thanks for that ,you have been a great help!
  18. Dorsetmike

    Good Gardening magazine for 1935

    I love those old books. The suggestions of then would be totally ourageous now. One of my old books from the 1920's suggests using hemp as a boundary screen? Can't see that going down well these...
    I love those old books. The suggestions of then would be totally ourageous now. One of my old books from the 1920's suggests using hemp as a boundary screen? Can't see that going down well these days, especially if I could keep it for very long with all the uni students around. :D
    I love those old books. The suggestions of then would be totally ourageous now. One of my old books from the 1920's suggests using hemp as a boundary screen? Can't see that going down well these days, especially if I could keep it for very long...
    I love those old books. The suggestions of then would be totally ourageous now. One of my old books from the 1920's suggests using hemp as a boundary screen? Can't see that going down well these...
  19. Claire75

    green roof

    jarbax, green roof's are becoming quite popular at the mo, Sheffield is becoming a bit of a hotspot too. there is a sedum roof on a school nearby, as well as on the local city farm and a newly...
    jarbax, green roof's are becoming quite popular at the mo, Sheffield is becoming a bit of a hotspot too. there is a sedum roof on a school nearby, as well as on the local city farm and a newly built garage block for some appartments, all within a mile or 2 of me. Sheffield university have been...
    jarbax, green roof's are becoming quite popular at the mo, Sheffield is becoming a bit of a hotspot too. there is a sedum roof on a school nearby, as well as on the local city farm and a newly built garage block for some appartments, all within a...
    jarbax, green roof's are becoming quite popular at the mo, Sheffield is becoming a bit of a hotspot too. there is a sedum roof on a school nearby, as well as on the local city farm and a newly...
  20. newbiegrower

    can you put..............

    I actually got the structure wrong with my 'know it all' answer!! There are actually 2 amine groups one either side of the methyl group on toluene. But yes I wouldn't like to handle the stuff...
    I actually got the structure wrong with my 'know it all' answer!! There are actually 2 amine groups one either side of the methyl group on toluene. But yes I wouldn't like to handle the stuff without protection.
    I actually got the structure wrong with my 'know it all' answer!! There are actually 2 amine groups one either side of the methyl group on toluene. But yes I wouldn't like to handle the stuff without protection.
    I actually got the structure wrong with my 'know it all' answer!! There are actually 2 amine groups one either side of the methyl group on toluene. But yes I wouldn't like to handle the stuff...

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