General Gardening Discussion

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  1. Den

    Outdoors Plants

    Den. Sound advice from Walnut. As he says you can grow anything - shrubs, bulbs, annuals, hardy perennials or tender perennials. That over a million plants to chose from. And I would second Walnut...
    Den. Sound advice from Walnut. As he says you can grow anything - shrubs, bulbs, annuals, hardy perennials or tender perennials. That over a million plants to chose from. And I would second Walnut on the Readers Digest book - I think it is excellent. But I would start with 'The flower expert' by...
    Den. Sound advice from Walnut. As he says you can grow anything - shrubs, bulbs, annuals, hardy perennials or tender perennials. That over a million plants to chose from. And I would second Walnut on the Readers Digest book - I think it is...
    Den. Sound advice from Walnut. As he says you can grow anything - shrubs, bulbs, annuals, hardy perennials or tender perennials. That over a million plants to chose from. And I would second Walnut...
  2. Johnny

    Seeds for sowing indoors sown out and flourishing!

    All credit to the seeds for surviving me
    All credit to the seeds for surviving me
    All credit to the seeds for surviving me
    All credit to the seeds for surviving me
  3. oak


    I have an aucuba its in sun first thing in morning but shade the rest of the day, leaves are yellow and green anyway they are called spotted laurel. They don't usually need feeding cos they are...
    I have an aucuba its in sun first thing in morning but shade the rest of the day, leaves are yellow and green anyway they are called spotted laurel. They don't usually need feeding cos they are quite happy in poor soil.
    I have an aucuba its in sun first thing in morning but shade the rest of the day, leaves are yellow and green anyway they are called spotted laurel. They don't usually need feeding cos they are quite happy in poor soil.
    I have an aucuba its in sun first thing in morning but shade the rest of the day, leaves are yellow and green anyway they are called spotted laurel. They don't usually need feeding cos they are...
  4. Diziblonde

    Wanted - Clever ideas...

    As mentioned, the trick with rubble sacks is not to overfill also, keep as dry as possible once they've been loaded. There is a tremendous difference in the weight of saturated sand or compost...
    As mentioned, the trick with rubble sacks is not to overfill also, keep as dry as possible once they've been loaded. There is a tremendous difference in the weight of saturated sand or compost compared to stuff that's reasonably dry. Half fill the bag, fold the top over and protect from rain...
    As mentioned, the trick with rubble sacks is not to overfill also, keep as dry as possible once they've been loaded. There is a tremendous difference in the weight of saturated sand or compost compared to stuff that's reasonably dry. Half fill...
    As mentioned, the trick with rubble sacks is not to overfill also, keep as dry as possible once they've been loaded. There is a tremendous difference in the weight of saturated sand or compost...
  5. floris


    Hi floris. The rock rose is a shrub so cannot be divided like perennials. Cuttings are fairly easy though, take them in summer from young shoots and root into well drained compost with sharp sand...
    Hi floris. The rock rose is a shrub so cannot be divided like perennials. Cuttings are fairly easy though, take them in summer from young shoots and root into well drained compost with sharp sand added. Cut any flower buds off if any.
    Hi floris. The rock rose is a shrub so cannot be divided like perennials. Cuttings are fairly easy though, take them in summer from young shoots and root into well drained compost with sharp sand added. Cut any flower buds off if any.
    Hi floris. The rock rose is a shrub so cannot be divided like perennials. Cuttings are fairly easy though, take them in summer from young shoots and root into well drained compost with sharp sand...
  6. David G

    Seed troubles

    I don't know why I started keeping them in an air tight container, probably some person told me to do it years ago and I never questioned it!!Maybe it has been too hot in the office for the...
    I don't know why I started keeping them in an air tight container, probably some person told me to do it years ago and I never questioned it!!Maybe it has been too hot in the office for the seeds I will try the Garage.Dave
    I don't know why I started keeping them in an air tight container, probably some person told me to do it years ago and I never questioned it!!Maybe it has been too hot in the office for the seeds I will try the Garage.Dave
    I don't know why I started keeping them in an air tight container, probably some person told me to do it years ago and I never questioned it!!Maybe it has been too hot in the office for the...
  7. timn64

    Small hedge.

    Hi timn,What about a rose hedge, there are so many different types to choose from, perpetual blooming, or shrub e.t.c also in the winter they will keep the dogs away with their prickly thorns,...
    Hi timn,What about a rose hedge, there are so many different types to choose from, perpetual blooming, or shrub e.t.c also in the winter they will keep the dogs away with their prickly thorns, and of course you get the bonus of the scent they produce.
    Hi timn,What about a rose hedge, there are so many different types to choose from, perpetual blooming, or shrub e.t.c also in the winter they will keep the dogs away with their prickly thorns, and of course you get the bonus of the scent they...
    Hi timn,What about a rose hedge, there are so many different types to choose from, perpetual blooming, or shrub e.t.c also in the winter they will keep the dogs away with their prickly thorns,...
  8. newbiegrower

    Wild bramble

    Difficult to dig them out you allways leave bits in better to use a systemic brushwood killer paint it on and let it work back into the root system
    Difficult to dig them out you allways leave bits in better to use a systemic brushwood killer paint it on and let it work back into the root system
    Difficult to dig them out you allways leave bits in better to use a systemic brushwood killer paint it on and let it work back into the root system
    Difficult to dig them out you allways leave bits in better to use a systemic brushwood killer paint it on and let it work back into the root system
  9. wyldeflower

    Sweet cicely

    glad you like it as well because it flowers early i think it adds a welcome sight to the also smells divine..I have mine growung by the dames violets and it looks really attractive..
    glad you like it as well because it flowers early i think it adds a welcome sight to the also smells divine..I have mine growung by the dames violets and it looks really attractive..
    glad you like it as well because it flowers early i think it adds a welcome sight to the also smells divine..I have mine growung by the dames violets and it looks really attractive..
    glad you like it as well because it flowers early i think it adds a welcome sight to the also smells divine..I have mine growung by the dames violets and it looks really attractive..
  10. guinness

    Rhododendron Fragrantissimum

    2 minds with but a single thought.... :rolleyes: :D
    2 minds with but a single thought.... :rolleyes: :D
    2 minds with but a single thought.... :rolleyes: :D
    2 minds with but a single thought.... :rolleyes: :D
  11. pete

    Nerium oleander

    It could be that they need to root deeply, I understand that although they come from the med area they do need constant moisture and are not what you would expect as a native from those parts.
    It could be that they need to root deeply, I understand that although they come from the med area they do need constant moisture and are not what you would expect as a native from those parts.
    It could be that they need to root deeply, I understand that although they come from the med area they do need constant moisture and are not what you would expect as a native from those parts.
    It could be that they need to root deeply, I understand that although they come from the med area they do need constant moisture and are not what you would expect as a native from those parts.
  12. Time

    basic schools in need of seed.

    I think it a good idea to help children when it comes to gardening, but may I give a word of warning. Check that it is legal to send seeds to these countries. Many countries have laws governing...
    I think it a good idea to help children when it comes to gardening, but may I give a word of warning. Check that it is legal to send seeds to these countries. Many countries have laws governing the import of foreign seeds and plant material. David.
    I think it a good idea to help children when it comes to gardening, but may I give a word of warning. Check that it is legal to send seeds to these countries. Many countries have laws governing the import of foreign seeds and plant material. David.
    I think it a good idea to help children when it comes to gardening, but may I give a word of warning. Check that it is legal to send seeds to these countries. Many countries have laws governing...
  13. Marley Farley

    Have you got yours yet??..!!

    Many thanks Walnut! I am really glad you like the web site.Is anyone coming to Chelsea? It would be really nice to meet you.All the best Nicola
    Many thanks Walnut! I am really glad you like the web site.Is anyone coming to Chelsea? It would be really nice to meet you.All the best Nicola
    Many thanks Walnut! I am really glad you like the web site.Is anyone coming to Chelsea? It would be really nice to meet you.All the best Nicola
    Many thanks Walnut! I am really glad you like the web site.Is anyone coming to Chelsea? It would be really nice to meet you.All the best Nicola
  14. LooseLotty

    St john's Wort

    I have taken st johns wort but then i am not on any medication and its been fine..i also know others that take it and swear by it.. St John�s Wort - Hypericum perforatum Traditionally used...
    I have taken st johns wort but then i am not on any medication and its been fine..i also know others that take it and swear by it.. St John�s Wort - Hypericum perforatum Traditionally used as a wound herb and pain remedy, it is nowadays becoming better known as an effective...
    I have taken st johns wort but then i am not on any medication and its been fine..i also know others that take it and swear by it.. St John�s Wort - Hypericum perforatum Traditionally used as a wound herb and pain remedy, it is nowadays...
    I have taken st johns wort but then i am not on any medication and its been fine..i also know others that take it and swear by it.. St John�s Wort - Hypericum perforatum Traditionally used...
  15. wyldeflower


    Dandelion Egg Salad4 hard-boiled eggs2/3 cup dandelion greens, chopped and cooked1 tsp horseradish1 Tbsp fresh chives�½ cup mayonnaise1. Chop eggs coarsely.2. Add Dandelion...
    Dandelion Egg Salad4 hard-boiled eggs2/3 cup dandelion greens, chopped and cooked1 tsp horseradish1 Tbsp fresh chives�½ cup mayonnaise1. Chop eggs coarsely.2. Add Dandelion greens, chives, and horseradish. Mix gently.3. Add mayonnaise and mix just enough to coat...
    Dandelion Egg Salad4 hard-boiled eggs2/3 cup dandelion greens, chopped and cooked1 tsp horseradish1 Tbsp fresh chives�½ cup mayonnaise1. Chop eggs coarsely.2. Add Dandelion greens, chives, and horseradish. Mix gently.3. ...
    Dandelion Egg Salad4 hard-boiled eggs2/3 cup dandelion greens, chopped and cooked1 tsp horseradish1 Tbsp fresh chives�½ cup mayonnaise1. Chop eggs coarsely.2. Add Dandelion...
  16. pattiw


    I don't generally prune camellias unless a branch is sticking out or if cutting flowers for the house counts. At Bodnant Gardens they cut back some old and big camellias down to stumps and they...
    I don't generally prune camellias unless a branch is sticking out or if cutting flowers for the house counts. At Bodnant Gardens they cut back some old and big camellias down to stumps and they have shooted again, so they will take some severe treatment. I am wondering whether the shrivelled...
    I don't generally prune camellias unless a branch is sticking out or if cutting flowers for the house counts. At Bodnant Gardens they cut back some old and big camellias down to stumps and they have shooted again, so they will take some severe...
    I don't generally prune camellias unless a branch is sticking out or if cutting flowers for the house counts. At Bodnant Gardens they cut back some old and big camellias down to stumps and they...
  17. Waco

    Dracunculus Vulgaris

    its very windy here now, but the dracs that have beenoutside all winter are standing up to it well - fingers crossed.
    its very windy here now, but the dracs that have beenoutside all winter are standing up to it well - fingers crossed.
    its very windy here now, but the dracs that have beenoutside all winter are standing up to it well - fingers crossed.
    its very windy here now, but the dracs that have beenoutside all winter are standing up to it well - fingers crossed.
  18. daz and debs

    dam wind

    Thanks windy ironice really isnt it. your name i mean WINDY.LOL sorry couldnt resist that.Yea sounds like your more fed up than me dont blame you with all that distrution.all the best ..daz
    Thanks windy ironice really isnt it. your name i mean WINDY.LOL sorry couldnt resist that.Yea sounds like your more fed up than me dont blame you with all that distrution.all the best ..daz
    Thanks windy ironice really isnt it. your name i mean WINDY.LOL sorry couldnt resist that.Yea sounds like your more fed up than me dont blame you with all that distrution.all the best ..daz
    Thanks windy ironice really isnt it. your name i mean WINDY.LOL sorry couldnt resist that.Yea sounds like your more fed up than me dont blame you with all that distrution.all the best ..daz
  19. floris

    hyacinth bulb

    Hi floris. Normally I just lift them after flowering and replant where I want them to come up next year. If they are already drying out it is probably best to now store them, but as I have never...
    Hi floris. Normally I just lift them after flowering and replant where I want them to come up next year. If they are already drying out it is probably best to now store them, but as I have never done it that way I cannot help with where or how to do it. Maybe someone else will be along soon to...
    Hi floris. Normally I just lift them after flowering and replant where I want them to come up next year. If they are already drying out it is probably best to now store them, but as I have never done it that way I cannot help with where or how...
    Hi floris. Normally I just lift them after flowering and replant where I want them to come up next year. If they are already drying out it is probably best to now store them, but as I have never...
  20. rosa


    liz it is a pink one, LoL and i checked in my september balcony non gardening discussion it was me i had forgot as i still have the coloured label with white flowers
    liz it is a pink one, LoL and i checked in my september balcony non gardening discussion it was me i had forgot as i still have the coloured label with white flowers
    liz it is a pink one, LoL and i checked in my september balcony non gardening discussion it was me i had forgot as i still have the coloured label with white flowers
    liz it is a pink one, LoL and i checked in my september balcony non gardening discussion it was me i had forgot as i still have the coloured label with white flowers

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