General Gardening Discussion

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  1. fred1935

    Camelia ills

    Oh I didn't realise its not got here yet, or maybe it has.
    Oh I didn't realise its not got here yet, or maybe it has.
    Oh I didn't realise its not got here yet, or maybe it has.
    Oh I didn't realise its not got here yet, or maybe it has.
  2. Hyla arborea

    Orchids in S.W. France

    Sorry, I've only now come across this thread. The Lady Orchid and the Monkey Orchid are real eye-catchers but I bet a lot of us would walk by without noticing them. The off-spring are very...
    Sorry, I've only now come across this thread. The Lady Orchid and the Monkey Orchid are real eye-catchers but I bet a lot of us would walk by without noticing them. The off-spring are very attractive too. Thanks for showing them to us Hyla.
    Sorry, I've only now come across this thread. The Lady Orchid and the Monkey Orchid are real eye-catchers but I bet a lot of us would walk by without noticing them. The off-spring are very attractive too. Thanks for showing them to us Hyla.
    Sorry, I've only now come across this thread. The Lady Orchid and the Monkey Orchid are real eye-catchers but I bet a lot of us would walk by without noticing them. The off-spring are very...
  3. drewster

    Is my clematis dead?!

    some plants are shy of flowering, so safer to buy in flower.
    some plants are shy of flowering, so safer to buy in flower.
    some plants are shy of flowering, so safer to buy in flower.
    some plants are shy of flowering, so safer to buy in flower.
  4. newbiegrower

    can I still start seeds of in pots inside

    I'll second that azadaman. Best get a small area beefed up with well rotted stuff. I have just dug in the contents of one of my composters. Good stuff!
    I'll second that azadaman. Best get a small area beefed up with well rotted stuff. I have just dug in the contents of one of my composters. Good stuff!
    I'll second that azadaman. Best get a small area beefed up with well rotted stuff. I have just dug in the contents of one of my composters. Good stuff!
    I'll second that azadaman. Best get a small area beefed up with well rotted stuff. I have just dug in the contents of one of my composters. Good stuff!
  5. daz and debs

    musa ice cream

    LOL dont blam you mate.May have to put hammock on hold mate its going to pee it down at the weekend...daz
    LOL dont blam you mate.May have to put hammock on hold mate its going to pee it down at the weekend...daz
    LOL dont blam you mate.May have to put hammock on hold mate its going to pee it down at the weekend...daz
    LOL dont blam you mate.May have to put hammock on hold mate its going to pee it down at the weekend...daz
  6. Liz

    Help-podophylums and caesalpinia

    I have tried growing it free standing, ie. without wall protection. Although it survives OK, I found it late into growth, fairly slow and unlikely to flower much if at all.Perhaps someone can...
    I have tried growing it free standing, ie. without wall protection. Although it survives OK, I found it late into growth, fairly slow and unlikely to flower much if at all.Perhaps someone can prove me wrong, I hope so.Its a pity as I did see one particular plant while on holiday one year and...
    I have tried growing it free standing, ie. without wall protection. Although it survives OK, I found it late into growth, fairly slow and unlikely to flower much if at all.Perhaps someone can prove me wrong, I hope so.Its a pity as I did see...
    I have tried growing it free standing, ie. without wall protection. Although it survives OK, I found it late into growth, fairly slow and unlikely to flower much if at all.Perhaps someone can...
  7. linlin

    How hard is it?

    Brilliant job well done Linlin Lovely big garden you have there :cool:
    Brilliant job well done Linlin Lovely big garden you have there :cool:
    Brilliant job well done Linlin Lovely big garden you have there :cool:
    Brilliant job well done Linlin Lovely big garden you have there :cool:
  8. elainefiz

    Last yr and now?

    It`s the tidyness of it that bugs me most. :D
    It`s the tidyness of it that bugs me most. :D
    It`s the tidyness of it that bugs me most. :D
    It`s the tidyness of it that bugs me most. :D
  9. Sarah_999

    Starting to plan the back garden

    Found another drain cover!! Still needs a bit of digging out but I'm glad I brought in a man and van coz it would have taken ages else!!Excited about the possibility of a veg patch in time!...
    Found another drain cover!! Still needs a bit of digging out but I'm glad I brought in a man and van coz it would have taken ages else!!Excited about the possibility of a veg patch in time! Better get cracking!!
    Found another drain cover!! Still needs a bit of digging out but I'm glad I brought in a man and van coz it would have taken ages else!!Excited about the possibility of a veg patch in time! Better get cracking!!
    Found another drain cover!! Still needs a bit of digging out but I'm glad I brought in a man and van coz it would have taken ages else!!Excited about the possibility of a veg patch in time!...
  10. Johnny

    Gardeners World

    Got "Gardeners' World" Cottage Garden, The Small garden guide yesterday. It is dated 1982 and in this Geoff is certainly not organic but he won't kill off the worms that make casts on the lawn and...
    Got "Gardeners' World" Cottage Garden, The Small garden guide yesterday. It is dated 1982 and in this Geoff is certainly not organic but he won't kill off the worms that make casts on the lawn and after using herbicide twice on a new patch he plants a wild flower garden so you can see his road...
    Got "Gardeners' World" Cottage Garden, The Small garden guide yesterday. It is dated 1982 and in this Geoff is certainly not organic but he won't kill off the worms that make casts on the lawn and after using herbicide twice on a new patch he...
    Got "Gardeners' World" Cottage Garden, The Small garden guide yesterday. It is dated 1982 and in this Geoff is certainly not organic but he won't kill off the worms that make casts on the lawn and...
  11. gandygardener


    Could be right gandygardener, it is watered regularly but it does sit in an area were the wind whips right over the top of it.
    Could be right gandygardener, it is watered regularly but it does sit in an area were the wind whips right over the top of it.
    Could be right gandygardener, it is watered regularly but it does sit in an area were the wind whips right over the top of it.
    Could be right gandygardener, it is watered regularly but it does sit in an area were the wind whips right over the top of it.
  12. lazy-gardener

    french lavender-deadhead or not?

    Evening, JarBax, mine don't survive MY winters in the pots but grow wild. I'm at a loss ... don't say a word, roders!On the other hand, English lavender thrives by me .. must be a heritage...
    Evening, JarBax, mine don't survive MY winters in the pots but grow wild. I'm at a loss ... don't say a word, roders!On the other hand, English lavender thrives by me .. must be a heritage thingy!
    Evening, JarBax, mine don't survive MY winters in the pots but grow wild. I'm at a loss ... don't say a word, roders!On the other hand, English lavender thrives by me .. must be a heritage thingy!
    Evening, JarBax, mine don't survive MY winters in the pots but grow wild. I'm at a loss ... don't say a word, roders!On the other hand, English lavender thrives by me .. must be a heritage...
  13. Madahhlia

    Late hedychium

    Thanks, I'll try to be patient. (No other option really!)
    Thanks, I'll try to be patient. (No other option really!)
    Thanks, I'll try to be patient. (No other option really!)
    Thanks, I'll try to be patient. (No other option really!)
  14. pollyanne

    birds!!the ones with feathers!!!!!

    Hello, lapod, lucky you ... both with the hebe and the robin families!
    Hello, lapod, lucky you ... both with the hebe and the robin families!
    Hello, lapod, lucky you ... both with the hebe and the robin families!
    Hello, lapod, lucky you ... both with the hebe and the robin families!
  15. oktarine

    Freebies! Who wants em ?

    Sorry Mrs Bobs, all gone !
    Sorry Mrs Bobs, all gone !
    Sorry Mrs Bobs, all gone !
    Sorry Mrs Bobs, all gone !
  16. penguin

    sand or no sand?

    Hi All, just digging the garden over as we are re turfing it. Its very chalky. I was told that turf does well on sharp sand, so was thinking of doing that. What do you think? I can put a picture...
    Hi All, just digging the garden over as we are re turfing it. Its very chalky. I was told that turf does well on sharp sand, so was thinking of doing that. What do you think? I can put a picture on later if needed. Thanks
    Hi All, just digging the garden over as we are re turfing it. Its very chalky. I was told that turf does well on sharp sand, so was thinking of doing that. What do you think? I can put a picture on later if needed. Thanks
    Hi All, just digging the garden over as we are re turfing it. Its very chalky. I was told that turf does well on sharp sand, so was thinking of doing that. What do you think? I can put a picture...
  17. Mrs Bobs

    The garden has gone mad!!!

    I'll have to get friendly with the neighbours then. After a border dispute with one of them that went on for months I've been put off from attempting to befriend the other side. I could always put...
    I'll have to get friendly with the neighbours then. After a border dispute with one of them that went on for months I've been put off from attempting to befriend the other side. I could always put an ad in the local shop window and see if a kid wants a bit of extra pocket money for a couple weeks.
    I'll have to get friendly with the neighbours then. After a border dispute with one of them that went on for months I've been put off from attempting to befriend the other side. I could always put an ad in the local shop window and see if a kid...
    I'll have to get friendly with the neighbours then. After a border dispute with one of them that went on for months I've been put off from attempting to befriend the other side. I could always put...
  18. chappy


    I use a little knife thing that you shove through the root under ground, and if you keep doing it, it will discourage the dandelion eventually, since it can't...
    I use a little knife thing that you shove through the root under ground, and if you keep doing it, it will discourage the dandelion eventually, since it can't photosynthesise.'s a pain, but it works, and it...
    I use a little knife thing that you shove through the root under ground, and if you keep doing it, it will discourage the dandelion eventually, since it can't...
    I use a little knife thing that you shove through the root under ground, and if you keep doing it, it will discourage the dandelion eventually, since it can't...
  19. duckyjuk

    bought today

    Looks like a pot chrysanthemum,GGLD:2006-49,GGLD:en-GB&ie=UTF-8&oe=UTF-8&um=1&sa=N&tab=wi
    Looks like a pot chrysanthemum,GGLD:2006-49,GGLD:en-GB&ie=UTF-8&oe=UTF-8&um=1&sa=N&tab=wi
    Looks like a pot chrysanthemum,GGLD:2006-49,GGLD:en-GB&ie=UTF-8&oe=UTF-8&um=1&sa=N&tab=wi
    Looks like a pot chrysanthemum,GGLD:2006-49,GGLD:en-GB&ie=UTF-8&oe=UTF-8&um=1&sa=N&tab=wi
  20. KevinO


    Thanks paladin, ive planted one just a week ago and the bottom leaves had turned a slight reddish colour
    Thanks paladin, ive planted one just a week ago and the bottom leaves had turned a slight reddish colour
    Thanks paladin, ive planted one just a week ago and the bottom leaves had turned a slight reddish colour
    Thanks paladin, ive planted one just a week ago and the bottom leaves had turned a slight reddish colour

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