General Gardening Discussion

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  1. Sunshine2

    Bare Bourgainvillia

    Thanks for your help.This site is great isn't it. We have all the available windows and doors open at the mo. as very nice weather in England!. It looked so much better during the past couple of...
    Thanks for your help.This site is great isn't it. We have all the available windows and doors open at the mo. as very nice weather in England!. It looked so much better during the past couple of years, this is possibly a blip. Something happend to shock it perhaps ... ps.I have sussed the...
    Thanks for your help.This site is great isn't it. We have all the available windows and doors open at the mo. as very nice weather in England!. It looked so much better during the past couple of years, this is possibly a blip. Something happend...
    Thanks for your help.This site is great isn't it. We have all the available windows and doors open at the mo. as very nice weather in England!. It looked so much better during the past couple of...
  2. Tropical Oasis

    Voodoo Lily

    That's the scariest plant I ever saw! Are you sure they're not triffids?
    That's the scariest plant I ever saw! Are you sure they're not triffids?
    That's the scariest plant I ever saw! Are you sure they're not triffids?
    That's the scariest plant I ever saw! Are you sure they're not triffids?
  3. wiseowl

    Which Clematis

    Many thanks Dendy,Claire75,I will save both these links on my fav/list
    Many thanks Dendy,Claire75,I will save both these links on my fav/list
    Many thanks Dendy,Claire75,I will save both these links on my fav/list
    Many thanks Dendy,Claire75,I will save both these links on my fav/list
  4. Merroney

    Top soil: How on earth so you work out how much you need?!?

    The density of soil is about 1.3 grams/cc. So a cubic meter will weigh 1.3 tonnes. You can calculate the volume you require - as the area in square meters times height in meters. Then multiply...
    The density of soil is about 1.3 grams/cc. So a cubic meter will weigh 1.3 tonnes. You can calculate the volume you require - as the area in square meters times height in meters. Then multiply this by 1.3 to get the weight in tonnes.
    The density of soil is about 1.3 grams/cc. So a cubic meter will weigh 1.3 tonnes. You can calculate the volume you require - as the area in square meters times height in meters. Then multiply this by 1.3 to get the weight in tonnes.
    The density of soil is about 1.3 grams/cc. So a cubic meter will weigh 1.3 tonnes. You can calculate the volume you require - as the area in square meters times height in meters. Then multiply...
  5. lazy-gardener

    another dahlia question!!

    Claire, I am sure they will be OK. I started some of mine off some time ago, almost completely buried, and they are doing fine. After the advice I got yesterday I re-did all the Dahlias I had...
    Claire, I am sure they will be OK. I started some of mine off some time ago, almost completely buried, and they are doing fine. After the advice I got yesterday I re-did all the Dahlias I had started recently. They were nearly all doing fine, except for Bishop of Llandaff which had a little rot...
    Claire, I am sure they will be OK. I started some of mine off some time ago, almost completely buried, and they are doing fine. After the advice I got yesterday I re-did all the Dahlias I had started recently. They were nearly all doing fine,...
    Claire, I am sure they will be OK. I started some of mine off some time ago, almost completely buried, and they are doing fine. After the advice I got yesterday I re-did all the Dahlias I had...
  6. Gillypetunia

    Boston Ivy

    My mum has asked me to ask a question...She has a very large Boston Ivy growing along the front fence. Last year, at this time, part of it died. She removed the dead part and for the rest of...
    My mum has asked me to ask a question...She has a very large Boston Ivy growing along the front fence. Last year, at this time, part of it died. She removed the dead part and for the rest of the year it grew okay. The same thing has happened this year.... Anyone know why?I wondered if...
    My mum has asked me to ask a question...She has a very large Boston Ivy growing along the front fence. Last year, at this time, part of it died. She removed the dead part and for the rest of the year it grew okay. The same thing has happened...
    My mum has asked me to ask a question...She has a very large Boston Ivy growing along the front fence. Last year, at this time, part of it died. She removed the dead part and for the rest of...
  7. pip

    Summer at last

    Didnt preview post and look what happened. What I meant to say was, lets look forward to summer blooms.
    Didnt preview post and look what happened. What I meant to say was, lets look forward to summer blooms.
    Didnt preview post and look what happened. What I meant to say was, lets look forward to summer blooms.
    Didnt preview post and look what happened. What I meant to say was, lets look forward to summer blooms.
  8. elainefiz

    The humble teespoon...

    I used a teaspoon today, planted out sunflowers, nasturtiums and pot marigolds that i'd started off in trays - worked a treat!
    I used a teaspoon today, planted out sunflowers, nasturtiums and pot marigolds that i'd started off in trays - worked a treat!
    I used a teaspoon today, planted out sunflowers, nasturtiums and pot marigolds that i'd started off in trays - worked a treat!
    I used a teaspoon today, planted out sunflowers, nasturtiums and pot marigolds that i'd started off in trays - worked a treat!
  9. Dillydo

    Geum Plants

    Hi Dillydo. The orange one should flower, mine is just beginning to put up shoots. Geums do benefit from splitting but it's a little late now, maybe it should still be ok to do this if you water...
    Hi Dillydo. The orange one should flower, mine is just beginning to put up shoots. Geums do benefit from splitting but it's a little late now, maybe it should still be ok to do this if you water them in very well? Perhaps see what other people think before you do anything just yet.
    Hi Dillydo. The orange one should flower, mine is just beginning to put up shoots. Geums do benefit from splitting but it's a little late now, maybe it should still be ok to do this if you water them in very well? Perhaps see what other people...
    Hi Dillydo. The orange one should flower, mine is just beginning to put up shoots. Geums do benefit from splitting but it's a little late now, maybe it should still be ok to do this if you water...
  10. daz and debs

    musa sikimensis

    Hi people can any one help me plz.iv bought some sikkimensis seeds of ebay to try.Are thay hard to germinate also whats the best way to do so ?Thank you for your help ....daz
    Hi people can any one help me plz.iv bought some sikkimensis seeds of ebay to try.Are thay hard to germinate also whats the best way to do so ?Thank you for your help ....daz
    Hi people can any one help me plz.iv bought some sikkimensis seeds of ebay to try.Are thay hard to germinate also whats the best way to do so ?Thank you for your help ....daz
    Hi people can any one help me plz.iv bought some sikkimensis seeds of ebay to try.Are thay hard to germinate also whats the best way to do so ?Thank you for your help ....daz
  11. oktarine

    My blog updated

    Hi Folks,Another week added - hope you enjoy it!
    Hi Folks,Another week added - hope you enjoy it!
    Hi Folks,Another week added - hope you enjoy it!
    Hi Folks,Another week added - hope you enjoy it!
  12. alikirk

    mangled viburnum tinus eve price

    It's probably the viburnum beetle, Alikirk - it's a problem all over the place.
    It's probably the viburnum beetle, Alikirk - it's a problem all over the place.
    It's probably the viburnum beetle, Alikirk - it's a problem all over the place.
    It's probably the viburnum beetle, Alikirk - it's a problem all over the place.
  13. littleorme


    Many thanks for all your responses...all I know is, it is called "Scarlett Jack".........and poor Jack does not look atall well.....
    Many thanks for all your responses...all I know is, it is called "Scarlett Jack".........and poor Jack does not look atall well.....
    Many thanks for all your responses...all I know is, it is called "Scarlett Jack".........and poor Jack does not look atall well.....
    Many thanks for all your responses...all I know is, it is called "Scarlett Jack".........and poor Jack does not look atall well.....
  14. windy miller

    Poorly Trachy......

    Oh that's good Waco!! So even if it's a gonner...there's still some hope The problem is, all the things I really love won't grow in these conditions :rolleyes: I try to be...
    Oh that's good Waco!! So even if it's a gonner...there's still some hope The problem is, all the things I really love won't grow in these conditions :rolleyes: I try to be sensible...honest I do...but sometimes the odd stupidity sneaks in :rolleyes: The Trachy...the Mushy...
    Oh that's good Waco!! So even if it's a gonner...there's still some hope The problem is, all the things I really love won't grow in these conditions :rolleyes: I try to be sensible...honest I do...but sometimes the odd stupidity sneaks...
    Oh that's good Waco!! So even if it's a gonner...there's still some hope The problem is, all the things I really love won't grow in these conditions :rolleyes: I try to be...
  15. seeker of knowledge

    Cuckoo land

    I'm so jelous! I'd love to hear/see a Cuckoo! The closest I'll get is Cockoo-spit! I live on a busy concrete council estate and all we get to see are Starlings, although we've been watching a very...
    I'm so jelous! I'd love to hear/see a Cuckoo! The closest I'll get is Cockoo-spit! I live on a busy concrete council estate and all we get to see are Starlings, although we've been watching a very brave male Sparrow battle it out with them over the last few days. Saw a Kestrel fly over the other...
    I'm so jelous! I'd love to hear/see a Cuckoo! The closest I'll get is Cockoo-spit! I live on a busy concrete council estate and all we get to see are Starlings, although we've been watching a very brave male Sparrow battle it out with them over...
    I'm so jelous! I'd love to hear/see a Cuckoo! The closest I'll get is Cockoo-spit! I live on a busy concrete council estate and all we get to see are Starlings, although we've been watching a very...
  16. r2oo

    What Clematis is it???

    Thanks, its taken 15 years to get to this, unfortunately it wont last forever and every year I fear it will be the last. Therefore I enjoy every minute of it.
    Thanks, its taken 15 years to get to this, unfortunately it wont last forever and every year I fear it will be the last. Therefore I enjoy every minute of it.
    Thanks, its taken 15 years to get to this, unfortunately it wont last forever and every year I fear it will be the last. Therefore I enjoy every minute of it.
    Thanks, its taken 15 years to get to this, unfortunately it wont last forever and every year I fear it will be the last. Therefore I enjoy every minute of it.
  17. gandygardener


    thanks yes ill have a look at that
    thanks yes ill have a look at that
    thanks yes ill have a look at that
    thanks yes ill have a look at that
  18. warped


    yes dends right we have been down this road before, personally speaking i think i will be opting out of this discussion :D :D
    yes dends right we have been down this road before, personally speaking i think i will be opting out of this discussion :D :D
    yes dends right we have been down this road before, personally speaking i think i will be opting out of this discussion :D :D
    yes dends right we have been down this road before, personally speaking i think i will be opting out of this discussion :D :D
  19. r2oo

    Label questions

    I use this: Dymo It is a bit cumbersome but I find the labels really last.
    I use this: Dymo It is a bit cumbersome but I find the labels really last.
    I use this: Dymo It is a bit cumbersome but I find the labels really last.
    I use this: Dymo It is a bit cumbersome but I find the labels really last.
  20. LCH

    Hydrangea - New Leaves Going Brown

    It may have been pruned a bit early. It's recommended you leave the old seed heads on until April - May to give some protection.
    It may have been pruned a bit early. It's recommended you leave the old seed heads on until April - May to give some protection.
    It may have been pruned a bit early. It's recommended you leave the old seed heads on until April - May to give some protection.
    It may have been pruned a bit early. It's recommended you leave the old seed heads on until April - May to give some protection.

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