General Gardening Discussion

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  1. daisybelle

    They're growing too fast!

    Pinch out the Morning glories which have gottwo lots of real leaves and plant them in their pot. You can always cover them with fleece if there's a sudden frost. They don't need the propagator...
    Pinch out the Morning glories which have gottwo lots of real leaves and plant them in their pot. You can always cover them with fleece if there's a sudden frost. They don't need the propagator now, just lots of light. I really think they'd be better outside as the ones at the front are getting...
    Pinch out the Morning glories which have gottwo lots of real leaves and plant them in their pot. You can always cover them with fleece if there's a sudden frost. They don't need the propagator now, just lots of light. I really think they'd be...
    Pinch out the Morning glories which have gottwo lots of real leaves and plant them in their pot. You can always cover them with fleece if there's a sudden frost. They don't need the propagator...
  2. Geordie Don

    Poisonous Plants - Whats the risk ?

    Lots of other plants have sap thats an irritant too, but only if sensitive to those sorts of things. Agave is'nt on my list of poisonous plants though! you might get stabbed to death!!
    Lots of other plants have sap thats an irritant too, but only if sensitive to those sorts of things. Agave is'nt on my list of poisonous plants though! you might get stabbed to death!!
    Lots of other plants have sap thats an irritant too, but only if sensitive to those sorts of things. Agave is'nt on my list of poisonous plants though! you might get stabbed to death!!
    Lots of other plants have sap thats an irritant too, but only if sensitive to those sorts of things. Agave is'nt on my list of poisonous plants though! you might get stabbed to death!!
  3. timandjo

    help with day lillys

    Day lilies usualy flower in June as dalbuie says, but my frans hals stayed evergreen this winter and I have 10 flower stalks on it, which will start opening in the next few weeks!
    Day lilies usualy flower in June as dalbuie says, but my frans hals stayed evergreen this winter and I have 10 flower stalks on it, which will start opening in the next few weeks!
    Day lilies usualy flower in June as dalbuie says, but my frans hals stayed evergreen this winter and I have 10 flower stalks on it, which will start opening in the next few weeks!
    Day lilies usualy flower in June as dalbuie says, but my frans hals stayed evergreen this winter and I have 10 flower stalks on it, which will start opening in the next few weeks!


    Glad to hear your feeling better.
    Glad to hear your feeling better.
    Glad to hear your feeling better.
    Glad to hear your feeling better.
  5. mabchapman

    Forest Flame

    Hi Walnut, I purposely shear off the new growth after the color fades, to keep it very low. So I really grow it for the foliage color and not the flowers. It often gives me a second flush of the...
    Hi Walnut, I purposely shear off the new growth after the color fades, to keep it very low. So I really grow it for the foliage color and not the flowers. It often gives me a second flush of the new growth which looks nice amongst some Dwarf Pieris and perennials. One garden I manage has about...
    Hi Walnut, I purposely shear off the new growth after the color fades, to keep it very low. So I really grow it for the foliage color and not the flowers. It often gives me a second flush of the new growth which looks nice amongst some Dwarf...
    Hi Walnut, I purposely shear off the new growth after the color fades, to keep it very low. So I really grow it for the foliage color and not the flowers. It often gives me a second flush of the...
  6. dalbuie

    St Marks flies

    :D :D
    :D :D
    :D :D
    :D :D
  7. Gillypetunia

    Floppy Petunia's

    Hi Peter,Thanks for answering all of my questions!!! :DSo it's okay to put them in the mini-greenhouse now? I suppose they must be strong enough. I will take on the tip about more compost...
    Hi Peter,Thanks for answering all of my questions!!! :DSo it's okay to put them in the mini-greenhouse now? I suppose they must be strong enough. I will take on the tip about more compost and add some this weeknd. At least they look normal! *phew*GillyP :D
    Hi Peter,Thanks for answering all of my questions!!! :DSo it's okay to put them in the mini-greenhouse now? I suppose they must be strong enough. I will take on the tip about more compost and add some this weeknd. At least they look...
    Hi Peter,Thanks for answering all of my questions!!! :DSo it's okay to put them in the mini-greenhouse now? I suppose they must be strong enough. I will take on the tip about more compost...
  8. Banana Man

    BM's Making Room and Monsters !

    Thanks WG, I have a new hideout thread for 2007 too ;);f=1;t=002889
    Thanks WG, I have a new hideout thread for 2007 too ;);f=1;t=002889
    Thanks WG, I have a new hideout thread for 2007 too ;);f=1;t=002889
    Thanks WG, I have a new hideout thread for 2007 too ;);f=1;t=002889
  9. weekend gardener

    weekend gardener this url link into the avatar edit in your profile WG ;) this url link into the avatar edit in your profile WG ;) this url link into the avatar edit in your profile WG ;) this url link into the avatar edit in your profile WG ;)
  10. duckyjuk

    what would you do

    They should be OK. I would put them in the ground, or repot them, but leave them for a week or 10 days before cutting back. If you do both at the same time you are giving them a double dose of...
    They should be OK. I would put them in the ground, or repot them, but leave them for a week or 10 days before cutting back. If you do both at the same time you are giving them a double dose of stress.There are some annual Osteospermums species, but I think that the ones you generally see on...
    They should be OK. I would put them in the ground, or repot them, but leave them for a week or 10 days before cutting back. If you do both at the same time you are giving them a double dose of stress.There are some annual Osteospermums species,...
    They should be OK. I would put them in the ground, or repot them, but leave them for a week or 10 days before cutting back. If you do both at the same time you are giving them a double dose of...
  11. Ceejay

    How High

    Bunyard Exhibition can grow to excess of 4' if sown early !
    Bunyard Exhibition can grow to excess of 4' if sown early !
    Bunyard Exhibition can grow to excess of 4' if sown early !
    Bunyard Exhibition can grow to excess of 4' if sown early !
  12. duckyjuk

    bought today

    Hi, sanuka, and welcome to GC.It is definitely NOT an Osteo ... my garden is full of them .. it's either a Chrysanth or an Argy ... and both give you agro here! Probably the former rather than...
    Hi, sanuka, and welcome to GC.It is definitely NOT an Osteo ... my garden is full of them .. it's either a Chrysanth or an Argy ... and both give you agro here! Probably the former rather than the latter.I was just outside of Thame when I lived there.
    Hi, sanuka, and welcome to GC.It is definitely NOT an Osteo ... my garden is full of them .. it's either a Chrysanth or an Argy ... and both give you agro here! Probably the former rather than the latter.I was just outside of Thame when I...
    Hi, sanuka, and welcome to GC.It is definitely NOT an Osteo ... my garden is full of them .. it's either a Chrysanth or an Argy ... and both give you agro here! Probably the former rather than...
  13. windy miller

    Fatsia propogation

    Don't know I'm part of the college but I do my course at Ness Botanic gardens, but have to sit my 2 RHS exams at the college in Feb and June next yr. Did my hanging basket practical at the college...
    Don't know I'm part of the college but I do my course at Ness Botanic gardens, but have to sit my 2 RHS exams at the college in Feb and June next yr. Did my hanging basket practical at the college garden centre before Xmas.
    Don't know I'm part of the college but I do my course at Ness Botanic gardens, but have to sit my 2 RHS exams at the college in Feb and June next yr. Did my hanging basket practical at the college garden centre before Xmas.
    Don't know I'm part of the college but I do my course at Ness Botanic gardens, but have to sit my 2 RHS exams at the college in Feb and June next yr. Did my hanging basket practical at the college...
  14. Paladin

    I want one!

    Thanks people
    Thanks people
    Thanks people
    Thanks people
  15. josephine

    Gladioli bulbs

    My gladioli bulbs in the ground are coming through already!
    My gladioli bulbs in the ground are coming through already!
    My gladioli bulbs in the ground are coming through already!
    My gladioli bulbs in the ground are coming through already!
  16. Tim D

    Introducing children to Gardening

    My lad has strawberries raspberries and tumbling tomatoes, but they never get as far as a plate!! just to the tap to be washed then they're gone!
    My lad has strawberries raspberries and tumbling tomatoes, but they never get as far as a plate!! just to the tap to be washed then they're gone!
    My lad has strawberries raspberries and tumbling tomatoes, but they never get as far as a plate!! just to the tap to be washed then they're gone!
    My lad has strawberries raspberries and tumbling tomatoes, but they never get as far as a plate!! just to the tap to be washed then they're gone!
  17. josephine

    Top soil

    Where I live top soil and bark exc is sold at DIY merchants as well as garden centres. Merchants where they sell paving.
    Where I live top soil and bark exc is sold at DIY merchants as well as garden centres. Merchants where they sell paving.
    Where I live top soil and bark exc is sold at DIY merchants as well as garden centres. Merchants where they sell paving.
    Where I live top soil and bark exc is sold at DIY merchants as well as garden centres. Merchants where they sell paving.
  18. frangipangi

    What to grow in pots?- a first timer

    Am hoping to grow herbs in an old pot Belfast/ Butlers sink, any suggestions on best kind of compost to use? I understand herbs do best if the soil/compost is not too fertile.
    Am hoping to grow herbs in an old pot Belfast/ Butlers sink, any suggestions on best kind of compost to use? I understand herbs do best if the soil/compost is not too fertile.
    Am hoping to grow herbs in an old pot Belfast/ Butlers sink, any suggestions on best kind of compost to use? I understand herbs do best if the soil/compost is not too fertile.
    Am hoping to grow herbs in an old pot Belfast/ Butlers sink, any suggestions on best kind of compost to use? I understand herbs do best if the soil/compost is not too fertile.
  19. keithhazel

    hedge growth stopper..cutless ?

    hello there is a product that will stop your lawns and hedges from growing till next spring called hedge rest. from Peservices ltd01686627319
    hello there is a product that will stop your lawns and hedges from growing till next spring called hedge rest. from Peservices ltd01686627319
    hello there is a product that will stop your lawns and hedges from growing till next spring called hedge rest. from Peservices ltd01686627319
    hello there is a product that will stop your lawns and hedges from growing till next spring called hedge rest. from Peservices ltd01686627319
  20. mef750

    Garden hose!

    Hi MefI bought a 'no tangle no kink' hose last year for �£19.99 by mail order but I wouldn't recommend them. It tangled and kinked and was a real pain. I've just bought an 80ft one on a reel...
    Hi MefI bought a 'no tangle no kink' hose last year for �£19.99 by mail order but I wouldn't recommend them. It tangled and kinked and was a real pain. I've just bought an 80ft one on a reel which has a handle to re-wind. Although you have to take the trouble to wind it back in, at least it...
    Hi MefI bought a 'no tangle no kink' hose last year for �£19.99 by mail order but I wouldn't recommend them. It tangled and kinked and was a real pain. I've just bought an 80ft one on a reel which has a handle to re-wind. Although you have...
    Hi MefI bought a 'no tangle no kink' hose last year for �£19.99 by mail order but I wouldn't recommend them. It tangled and kinked and was a real pain. I've just bought an 80ft one on a reel...

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