General Gardening Discussion

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  1. Deserter


    I had heavy clay soil too, so opted for raised beds. You could still go down this route for crops this year.
    I had heavy clay soil too, so opted for raised beds. You could still go down this route for crops this year.
    I had heavy clay soil too, so opted for raised beds. You could still go down this route for crops this year.
    I had heavy clay soil too, so opted for raised beds. You could still go down this route for crops this year.
  2. LooseLotty

    Syphon hose for a water butt and bath water?

    ........and don't use the bathwater if you've had it full of bubblefoam, shampoo or other bath additives!
    ........and don't use the bathwater if you've had it full of bubblefoam, shampoo or other bath additives!
    ........and don't use the bathwater if you've had it full of bubblefoam, shampoo or other bath additives!
    ........and don't use the bathwater if you've had it full of bubblefoam, shampoo or other bath additives!
  3. Tiarella

    What do you think?

    Thanks for your comments, folks, I think the answer is indeed separate baskets.
    Thanks for your comments, folks, I think the answer is indeed separate baskets.
    Thanks for your comments, folks, I think the answer is indeed separate baskets.
    Thanks for your comments, folks, I think the answer is indeed separate baskets.
  4. JEN.K

    water system

    Thank Liz I have got a better picture now - If we had rainwater how the butts would work and then i could use the bathwater for the ground level garde, Thank for warning Walnut helped me rethink...
    Thank Liz I have got a better picture now - If we had rainwater how the butts would work and then i could use the bathwater for the ground level garde, Thank for warning Walnut helped me rethink what is poosible- Thanks I will look up about pumps - I can see how it works in my mind now.
    Thank Liz I have got a better picture now - If we had rainwater how the butts would work and then i could use the bathwater for the ground level garde, Thank for warning Walnut helped me rethink what is poosible- Thanks I will look up about pumps...
    Thank Liz I have got a better picture now - If we had rainwater how the butts would work and then i could use the bathwater for the ground level garde, Thank for warning Walnut helped me rethink...
  5. aquarian3

    Aloe Vera - black flies

    Hi Shiney,Thanks for your reply, here are some pics I've taken of one that I managed to annoy from the plant! They seem to fly solo not huddling in...
    Hi Shiney,Thanks for your reply, here are some pics I've taken of one that I managed to annoy from the plant! They seem to fly solo not huddling in...
    Hi Shiney,Thanks for your reply, here are some pics I've taken of one that I managed to annoy from the plant! They seem to fly solo not huddling in...
    Hi Shiney,Thanks for your reply, here are some pics I've taken of one that I managed to annoy from the plant! They seem to fly solo not huddling in...
  6. Johnny


    The weed killer I used killed off one of newly planted Dahlias but I've got a new hand fork today which has made digging back the bindweed to my neighbours fence really easy.
    The weed killer I used killed off one of newly planted Dahlias but I've got a new hand fork today which has made digging back the bindweed to my neighbours fence really easy.
    The weed killer I used killed off one of newly planted Dahlias but I've got a new hand fork today which has made digging back the bindweed to my neighbours fence really easy.
    The weed killer I used killed off one of newly planted Dahlias but I've got a new hand fork today which has made digging back the bindweed to my neighbours fence really easy.
  7. Ruth

    old carpet - chemical hazard??

    Hessian backed carpets are ideal Ruth, tho' a tad hard to find nowadays. Carol Klein swears by em, as do most allotmenteers- i.e. they're so heavy when wet that they're not likely to go...
    Hessian backed carpets are ideal Ruth, tho' a tad hard to find nowadays. Carol Klein swears by em, as do most allotmenteers- i.e. they're so heavy when wet that they're not likely to go missing.My grandfather used to grow his spuds through old carpet.
    Hessian backed carpets are ideal Ruth, tho' a tad hard to find nowadays. Carol Klein swears by em, as do most allotmenteers- i.e. they're so heavy when wet that they're not likely to go missing.My grandfather used to grow his spuds through old...
    Hessian backed carpets are ideal Ruth, tho' a tad hard to find nowadays. Carol Klein swears by em, as do most allotmenteers- i.e. they're so heavy when wet that they're not likely to go...
  8. Wrenhere

    Ground Elder - how low does it go?!

    Hi guys, I use S.B.K. I've managed to clear 3 gardens that I work in of both G.E. and bindweed, using it. I either use it as aspray or paint it on. When its in the lawns I use Verdone but it does...
    Hi guys, I use S.B.K. I've managed to clear 3 gardens that I work in of both G.E. and bindweed, using it. I either use it as aspray or paint it on. When its in the lawns I use Verdone but it does take several applications. All the best.
    Hi guys, I use S.B.K. I've managed to clear 3 gardens that I work in of both G.E. and bindweed, using it. I either use it as aspray or paint it on. When its in the lawns I use Verdone but it does take several applications. All the best.
    Hi guys, I use S.B.K. I've managed to clear 3 gardens that I work in of both G.E. and bindweed, using it. I either use it as aspray or paint it on. When its in the lawns I use Verdone but it does...
  9. Sean the Prawn

    Dicksonia in nearly total shade?

    I'm probably speaking out of turn here, TO, Dicksonias prefer shade to sun?I think I've completely lost the plot here.
    I'm probably speaking out of turn here, TO, Dicksonias prefer shade to sun?I think I've completely lost the plot here.
    I'm probably speaking out of turn here, TO, Dicksonias prefer shade to sun?I think I've completely lost the plot here.
    I'm probably speaking out of turn here, TO, Dicksonias prefer shade to sun?I think I've completely lost the plot here.
  10. sausage

    Metal Nails, Glass & Stones

    Nails and glass do make plunging ones hands into the soil a rather dangerous pastime. We have the same trouble and gloves are essential!
    Nails and glass do make plunging ones hands into the soil a rather dangerous pastime. We have the same trouble and gloves are essential!
    Nails and glass do make plunging ones hands into the soil a rather dangerous pastime. We have the same trouble and gloves are essential!
    Nails and glass do make plunging ones hands into the soil a rather dangerous pastime. We have the same trouble and gloves are essential!
  11. jay

    Plant shelter

    What about growing some of the grasses that trail over such as Stipa arundinacia or Dierama. Of course this depends on your soil around the pond. I guess with it being in full sun it would be dry...
    What about growing some of the grasses that trail over such as Stipa arundinacia or Dierama. Of course this depends on your soil around the pond. I guess with it being in full sun it would be dry to medium soil. Please correct me if I am wrong. If I can think of any others I will post them again.
    What about growing some of the grasses that trail over such as Stipa arundinacia or Dierama. Of course this depends on your soil around the pond. I guess with it being in full sun it would be dry to medium soil. Please correct me if I am wrong....
    What about growing some of the grasses that trail over such as Stipa arundinacia or Dierama. Of course this depends on your soil around the pond. I guess with it being in full sun it would be dry...
  12. Gillypetunia


    Wow Scotkat, they haven half come on this last week or two! MEF750
    Wow Scotkat, they haven half come on this last week or two! MEF750
    Wow Scotkat, they haven half come on this last week or two! MEF750
    Wow Scotkat, they haven half come on this last week or two! MEF750
  13. Claire75
  14. lolopo

    gravel & earth

    Ace thanks very much for your help.
    Ace thanks very much for your help.
    Ace thanks very much for your help.
    Ace thanks very much for your help.
  15. Jon19

    Advise needed

    Jon looks like the shrubs and trees are taking the moisture out of the ground you may be better redefining the edge of the grass cut it back and cut any encroaching roots, if you then keep this...
    Jon looks like the shrubs and trees are taking the moisture out of the ground you may be better redefining the edge of the grass cut it back and cut any encroaching roots, if you then keep this area dug over it will stop the roots invading again
    Jon looks like the shrubs and trees are taking the moisture out of the ground you may be better redefining the edge of the grass cut it back and cut any encroaching roots, if you then keep this area dug over it will stop the roots invading again
    Jon looks like the shrubs and trees are taking the moisture out of the ground you may be better redefining the edge of the grass cut it back and cut any encroaching roots, if you then keep this...
  16. gandygardener

    damm cats!!!

    I hung some cd's from my runner bean canes to scare the birds - which is working a treat.As a bonus - I've not seen a cat in the garden since then, maybe they dont like the reflection either ?
    I hung some cd's from my runner bean canes to scare the birds - which is working a treat.As a bonus - I've not seen a cat in the garden since then, maybe they dont like the reflection either ?
    I hung some cd's from my runner bean canes to scare the birds - which is working a treat.As a bonus - I've not seen a cat in the garden since then, maybe they dont like the reflection either ?
    I hung some cd's from my runner bean canes to scare the birds - which is working a treat.As a bonus - I've not seen a cat in the garden since then, maybe they dont like the reflection either ?
  17. LooseLotty

    Large planters

    It's the Brahea Armata Pete, it came through the winter ok as the Washy did. In fact they did better than the Phoenix which had some scorch from the gales we had earlier on. The Cordyline is a...
    It's the Brahea Armata Pete, it came through the winter ok as the Washy did. In fact they did better than the Phoenix which had some scorch from the gales we had earlier on. The Cordyline is a recent addition, always fancied the variegated one.
    It's the Brahea Armata Pete, it came through the winter ok as the Washy did. In fact they did better than the Phoenix which had some scorch from the gales we had earlier on. The Cordyline is a recent addition, always fancied the variegated one.
    It's the Brahea Armata Pete, it came through the winter ok as the Washy did. In fact they did better than the Phoenix which had some scorch from the gales we had earlier on. The Cordyline is a...
  18. JohnBarleycorn

    Is this Hyacinth?

    I find them very invasive. The flowers are pretty, but there is so much foliage and it stays so long that it crowds out other plants if its in a border.
    I find them very invasive. The flowers are pretty, but there is so much foliage and it stays so long that it crowds out other plants if its in a border.
    I find them very invasive. The flowers are pretty, but there is so much foliage and it stays so long that it crowds out other plants if its in a border.
    I find them very invasive. The flowers are pretty, but there is so much foliage and it stays so long that it crowds out other plants if its in a border.
  19. PeterS


    :D :D :D
    :D :D :D
    :D :D :D
    :D :D :D
  20. lelly

    35cm Hanging Basket

    Windy you are lucky, in Cornwall you should be OK putting things out now. Things like fuschias, petunias, busy lizzy could all catch late frosts. If you have a greenhouse you can keep them there,...
    Windy you are lucky, in Cornwall you should be OK putting things out now. Things like fuschias, petunias, busy lizzy could all catch late frosts. If you have a greenhouse you can keep them there, or you can rush out with some fleece and cover them if frost is forecast. Some of my basket plants...
    Windy you are lucky, in Cornwall you should be OK putting things out now. Things like fuschias, petunias, busy lizzy could all catch late frosts. If you have a greenhouse you can keep them there, or you can rush out with some fleece and cover...
    Windy you are lucky, in Cornwall you should be OK putting things out now. Things like fuschias, petunias, busy lizzy could all catch late frosts. If you have a greenhouse you can keep them there,...

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