General Gardening Discussion

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  1. LooseLotty

    buddleia cutting?

    I saw a program called City Gardiner on the televison a couple of years ago, in which it was said that the the common bramble and Buddleia were the two most tenacious of all British plants. ie it...
    I saw a program called City Gardiner on the televison a couple of years ago, in which it was said that the the common bramble and Buddleia were the two most tenacious of all British plants. ie it is virtually impossible to kill them.
    I saw a program called City Gardiner on the televison a couple of years ago, in which it was said that the the common bramble and Buddleia were the two most tenacious of all British plants. ie it is virtually impossible to kill them.
    I saw a program called City Gardiner on the televison a couple of years ago, in which it was said that the the common bramble and Buddleia were the two most tenacious of all British plants. ie it...
  2. GC

    Buxus Topiary fron scratch

    Help needed!! Could anyone give me detailed (idiots guide!)how to start buxus topiary. I have 3 plants I bought last year, they are about 12ins high now and I would like to shape them into...
    Help needed!! Could anyone give me detailed (idiots guide!)how to start buxus topiary. I have 3 plants I bought last year, they are about 12ins high now and I would like to shape them into corkscrews but don't know how to start. I would be grateful for any advice. Cheers Gill P.s Isn't the...
    Help needed!! Could anyone give me detailed (idiots guide!)how to start buxus topiary. I have 3 plants I bought last year, they are about 12ins high now and I would like to shape them into corkscrews but don't know how to start. I would be...
    Help needed!! Could anyone give me detailed (idiots guide!)how to start buxus topiary. I have 3 plants I bought last year, they are about 12ins high now and I would like to shape them into...
  3. daz and debs

    this is debs

    She sure is Strange but she looks a lot like my mother-in-law:D
    She sure is Strange but she looks a lot like my mother-in-law:D
    She sure is Strange but she looks a lot like my mother-in-law:D
    She sure is Strange but she looks a lot like my mother-in-law:D
  4. redfifi1717

    Plants for crevices

    I like Sedum acre but it is not as showy as that picture :eek: It sometimes takes a bit of experimenting with what works well for your wall but it is worth it.
    I like Sedum acre but it is not as showy as that picture :eek: It sometimes takes a bit of experimenting with what works well for your wall but it is worth it.
    I like Sedum acre but it is not as showy as that picture :eek: It sometimes takes a bit of experimenting with what works well for your wall but it is worth it.
    I like Sedum acre but it is not as showy as that picture :eek: It sometimes takes a bit of experimenting with what works well for your wall but it is worth it.
  5. Stokie

    Ipomoea indica help

    They are certainly hardy enough to survive winter in a greenhouse, and if they like the position they grow like other more common ipomoeas.They are said to be much hardier than the normal ones....
    They are certainly hardy enough to survive winter in a greenhouse, and if they like the position they grow like other more common ipomoeas.They are said to be much hardier than the normal ones. This site has a picture and brief description, just put 'ipomoea indica' in the search...
    They are certainly hardy enough to survive winter in a greenhouse, and if they like the position they grow like other more common ipomoeas.They are said to be much hardier than the normal ones. This site has a picture and brief description, just...
    They are certainly hardy enough to survive winter in a greenhouse, and if they like the position they grow like other more common ipomoeas.They are said to be much hardier than the normal ones....
  6. gandygardener

    stones or no stones??

    oh thats alright then me backs killing picking them up never ending ill chuck a few back in lol :D
    oh thats alright then me backs killing picking them up never ending ill chuck a few back in lol :D
    oh thats alright then me backs killing picking them up never ending ill chuck a few back in lol :D
    oh thats alright then me backs killing picking them up never ending ill chuck a few back in lol :D
  7. daz and debs

    pic if it works

    Lol . oh lady you wouldnt belive it wasnt haloween.
    Lol . oh lady you wouldnt belive it wasnt haloween.
    Lol . oh lady you wouldnt belive it wasnt haloween.
    Lol . oh lady you wouldnt belive it wasnt haloween.
  8. daz and debs

    pic of me rrrrrrrrr

    i dunno lol .i just did ill try again
    i dunno lol .i just did ill try again
    i dunno lol .i just did ill try again
    i dunno lol .i just did ill try again
  9. lazy-gardener

    suggestion for pegola climber please

    That sounds lovely, Celia- looking forward to some photos!
    That sounds lovely, Celia- looking forward to some photos!
    That sounds lovely, Celia- looking forward to some photos!
    That sounds lovely, Celia- looking forward to some photos!
  10. Mel

    water butt

    Hi, Mel! You haven't told us if your rainwater system is plastic or cast iron - I'm guessing it's plastic as most are these days. If it is, and you're reasonably handy or have a friend or relative...
    Hi, Mel! You haven't told us if your rainwater system is plastic or cast iron - I'm guessing it's plastic as most are these days. If it is, and you're reasonably handy or have a friend or relative who can help, it's not too much trouble to divert the rainwater that falls on the roof. You can...
    Hi, Mel! You haven't told us if your rainwater system is plastic or cast iron - I'm guessing it's plastic as most are these days. If it is, and you're reasonably handy or have a friend or relative who can help, it's not too much trouble to divert...
    Hi, Mel! You haven't told us if your rainwater system is plastic or cast iron - I'm guessing it's plastic as most are these days. If it is, and you're reasonably handy or have a friend or relative...
  11. marge


    I said something here that was completely irrelevant so have deleted it! [ 13. April 2007, 11:28 AM: Message edited by: Lady of Leisure ]
    I said something here that was completely irrelevant so have deleted it! [ 13. April 2007, 11:28 AM: Message edited by: Lady of Leisure ]
    I said something here that was completely irrelevant so have deleted it! [ 13. April 2007, 11:28 AM: Message edited by: Lady of Leisure ]
    I said something here that was completely irrelevant so have deleted it! [ 13. April 2007, 11:28 AM: Message edited by: Lady of Leisure ]
  12. Superscoop

    Bamboo hedge

    Thanks for that, sounds good - I'll investigate the black bamboo option, someone else has suggested Semiarundinaria fastuosa as a good hedge option too - just going to check it out online now. It...
    Thanks for that, sounds good - I'll investigate the black bamboo option, someone else has suggested Semiarundinaria fastuosa as a good hedge option too - just going to check it out online now. It seems this bamboo hedge idea is one that could do with some good advice online?
    Thanks for that, sounds good - I'll investigate the black bamboo option, someone else has suggested Semiarundinaria fastuosa as a good hedge option too - just going to check it out online now. It seems this bamboo hedge idea is one that could do...
    Thanks for that, sounds good - I'll investigate the black bamboo option, someone else has suggested Semiarundinaria fastuosa as a good hedge option too - just going to check it out online now. It...
  13. PLOTTY


    Hi Oktarine, yes of course I shall do it shortly regards Steve.
    Hi Oktarine, yes of course I shall do it shortly regards Steve.
    Hi Oktarine, yes of course I shall do it shortly regards Steve.
    Hi Oktarine, yes of course I shall do it shortly regards Steve.
  14. gandygardener


    Hi Palustris, that's a good site! I have Cirrhosa 'Freckles' which has been evergreen here, it has smallish flowers and not scented, but grows fast. Also easily obtainable.
    Hi Palustris, that's a good site! I have Cirrhosa 'Freckles' which has been evergreen here, it has smallish flowers and not scented, but grows fast. Also easily obtainable.
    Hi Palustris, that's a good site! I have Cirrhosa 'Freckles' which has been evergreen here, it has smallish flowers and not scented, but grows fast. Also easily obtainable.
    Hi Palustris, that's a good site! I have Cirrhosa 'Freckles' which has been evergreen here, it has smallish flowers and not scented, but grows fast. Also easily obtainable.
  15. SJ

    Annuals for damp garden

    Why do they have to be anuals - there are so many interesting and colourful plants that love damp shade and much less work than having to renew them every year!
    Why do they have to be anuals - there are so many interesting and colourful plants that love damp shade and much less work than having to renew them every year!
    Why do they have to be anuals - there are so many interesting and colourful plants that love damp shade and much less work than having to renew them every year!
    Why do they have to be anuals - there are so many interesting and colourful plants that love damp shade and much less work than having to renew them every year!
  16. daz and debs

    yahoo it worked some more on the way lol

    Sorry but i have the same problem "I forget too". I printed the step by step "how to" and I keep it close at hand! MEF750
    Sorry but i have the same problem "I forget too". I printed the step by step "how to" and I keep it close at hand! MEF750
    Sorry but i have the same problem "I forget too". I printed the step by step "how to" and I keep it close at hand! MEF750
    Sorry but i have the same problem "I forget too". I printed the step by step "how to" and I keep it close at hand! MEF750
  17. daz and debs

    one more

    ill try lady thanxs..daz
    ill try lady thanxs..daz
    ill try lady thanxs..daz
    ill try lady thanxs..daz
  18. daz and debs


    yes there is gg.iv seen trout;little pike;stickle backs;Also just the other day i saw a king fisher.
    yes there is gg.iv seen trout;little pike;stickle backs;Also just the other day i saw a king fisher.
    yes there is gg.iv seen trout;little pike;stickle backs;Also just the other day i saw a king fisher.
    yes there is gg.iv seen trout;little pike;stickle backs;Also just the other day i saw a king fisher.
  19. Waco


    oh you are on form today shiney!
    oh you are on form today shiney!
    oh you are on form today shiney!
    oh you are on form today shiney!
  20. Small orange giraffe

    Can I put this plant outdoors?

    I have the same plant and put it out during summer and bring it in when frosts starts and it has thrived.
    I have the same plant and put it out during summer and bring it in when frosts starts and it has thrived.
    I have the same plant and put it out during summer and bring it in when frosts starts and it has thrived.
    I have the same plant and put it out during summer and bring it in when frosts starts and it has thrived.

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