General Gardening Discussion

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  1. pollyanne


    No probs, good fences make good neighbours. :D Boundaries are a nightmare sometimes.
    No probs, good fences make good neighbours. :D Boundaries are a nightmare sometimes.
    No probs, good fences make good neighbours. :D Boundaries are a nightmare sometimes.
    No probs, good fences make good neighbours. :D Boundaries are a nightmare sometimes.
  2. Marley Farley

    Magnolia Lovers everywhere..!!!!!

    Lovely pictures Celia -
    Lovely pictures Celia -
    Lovely pictures Celia -
    Lovely pictures Celia -
  3. roders

    How do you pronounce this?

    Okay, smartypants!!! :D
    Okay, smartypants!!! :D
    Okay, smartypants!!! :D
    Okay, smartypants!!! :D
  4. Banana Man


    *** I know I said I would post these last week BM.. Still better late than never...!! This is my tree at various stages of flower, including the frost damage....So starting in Feb, these were...
    *** I know I said I would post these last week BM.. Still better late than never...!! This is my tree at various stages of flower, including the frost damage....So starting in Feb, these were the early buds.. I think the colours vary so much because I have taken allot of them looking...
    *** I know I said I would post these last week BM.. Still better late than never...!! This is my tree at various stages of flower, including the frost damage....So starting in Feb, these were the early buds.. I think the colours vary so much...
    *** I know I said I would post these last week BM.. Still better late than never...!! This is my tree at various stages of flower, including the frost damage....So starting in Feb, these were...
  5. Victoria

    Ficus Elasticus

    Looking back at your picture, I now notice the unopened brushes! I should know better by now than to contradict you especially as it's in your garden!
    Looking back at your picture, I now notice the unopened brushes! I should know better by now than to contradict you especially as it's in your garden!
    Looking back at your picture, I now notice the unopened brushes! I should know better by now than to contradict you especially as it's in your garden!
    Looking back at your picture, I now notice the unopened brushes! I should know better by now than to contradict you especially as it's in your garden!
  6. Hyla arborea

    Daffs from a Daftie!!

    Wonderful pictures, and wonderful view - sounds like your really happy there.
    Wonderful pictures, and wonderful view - sounds like your really happy there.
    Wonderful pictures, and wonderful view - sounds like your really happy there.
    Wonderful pictures, and wonderful view - sounds like your really happy there.
  7. Chrysocolla

    Duck weed. Friend or foe?

    hey i know this is an old thread but was wondereing if frogesque, you could possible email that vetative growth of duck weed thing my friend would be well interested and has not got a computer, i...
    hey i know this is an old thread but was wondereing if frogesque, you could possible email that vetative growth of duck weed thing my friend would be well interested and has not got a computer, i could then mail it to her!! many thanks
    hey i know this is an old thread but was wondereing if frogesque, you could possible email that vetative growth of duck weed thing my friend would be well interested and has not got a computer, i could then mail it to her!! many thanks
    hey i know this is an old thread but was wondereing if frogesque, you could possible email that vetative growth of duck weed thing my friend would be well interested and has not got a computer, i...
  8. mef750

    Bottle brush tree?

    I planted two C. citrinus (bushes) last year in two very different gardens and they have both come through the winter with no problems. Admittedly the winter has been on the milds side but I'm...
    I planted two C. citrinus (bushes) last year in two very different gardens and they have both come through the winter with no problems. Admittedly the winter has been on the milds side but I'm still pleasantly surprised.
    I planted two C. citrinus (bushes) last year in two very different gardens and they have both come through the winter with no problems. Admittedly the winter has been on the milds side but I'm still pleasantly surprised.
    I planted two C. citrinus (bushes) last year in two very different gardens and they have both come through the winter with no problems. Admittedly the winter has been on the milds side but I'm...
  9. JarBax

    Cut flowers

    I love the tulips, but the daffs are a bit "washed out" for me. I have a garden full of white daffodils and I hate them - however they do sometimes look nice on the west side of the garden in the...
    I love the tulips, but the daffs are a bit "washed out" for me. I have a garden full of white daffodils and I hate them - however they do sometimes look nice on the west side of the garden in the evening.
    I love the tulips, but the daffs are a bit "washed out" for me. I have a garden full of white daffodils and I hate them - however they do sometimes look nice on the west side of the garden in the evening.
    I love the tulips, but the daffs are a bit "washed out" for me. I have a garden full of white daffodils and I hate them - however they do sometimes look nice on the west side of the garden in the...
  10. wiseowl

    White Arum Lily

    Hi Kf. No My Feathers are just Itchy sometimes, I should be allright But i will have to watch my big eyes though. :D
    Hi Kf. No My Feathers are just Itchy sometimes, I should be allright But i will have to watch my big eyes though. :D
    Hi Kf. No My Feathers are just Itchy sometimes, I should be allright But i will have to watch my big eyes though. :D
    Hi Kf. No My Feathers are just Itchy sometimes, I should be allright But i will have to watch my big eyes though. :D
  11. RYDALL


    That's a nice view BM, some very plush plants.
    That's a nice view BM, some very plush plants.
    That's a nice view BM, some very plush plants.
    That's a nice view BM, some very plush plants.
  12. lazy-gardener

    lily bulbs-what to do with them?

    The picture shows them to be quite healthy but I would reccomend some compost cover for now with perhaps a bit of general fertiliser - they are very hardy and rewarding plants
    The picture shows them to be quite healthy but I would reccomend some compost cover for now with perhaps a bit of general fertiliser - they are very hardy and rewarding plants
    The picture shows them to be quite healthy but I would reccomend some compost cover for now with perhaps a bit of general fertiliser - they are very hardy and rewarding plants
    The picture shows them to be quite healthy but I would reccomend some compost cover for now with perhaps a bit of general fertiliser - they are very hardy and rewarding plants
  13. Essexgardens

    NIpping out Passion flowers

    Hey, pete, maybe we are at crossroads here ... I meant they grow wild in IoW.
    Hey, pete, maybe we are at crossroads here ... I meant they grow wild in IoW.
    Hey, pete, maybe we are at crossroads here ... I meant they grow wild in IoW.
    Hey, pete, maybe we are at crossroads here ... I meant they grow wild in IoW.
  14. Stingo

    Clematis jingle bells

    I bought one for my mum, and one for me two or three winters ago. Her birthday is on Christmas Eve, and it claims to flower on Christmas day (thus, I suspect the name!) so I thought it would be a...
    I bought one for my mum, and one for me two or three winters ago. Her birthday is on Christmas Eve, and it claims to flower on Christmas day (thus, I suspect the name!) so I thought it would be a special pressie! It hasn't let her down! The first year, it had one or two flowers (as it did in...
    I bought one for my mum, and one for me two or three winters ago. Her birthday is on Christmas Eve, and it claims to flower on Christmas day (thus, I suspect the name!) so I thought it would be a special pressie! It hasn't let her down! The...
    I bought one for my mum, and one for me two or three winters ago. Her birthday is on Christmas Eve, and it claims to flower on Christmas day (thus, I suspect the name!) so I thought it would be a...
  15. lynne

    clematis recta

    C. stans does not have blue flowers to my knowledge, they are white with a blue tinge. I reckon you need very good colour discrimonation to see that though. Do not buy C r. purpurea unseen, there...
    C. stans does not have blue flowers to my knowledge, they are white with a blue tinge. I reckon you need very good colour discrimonation to see that though. Do not buy C r. purpurea unseen, there are some poor colour versions grown from seed. A Nursery called Aulden Farm nursery near Leominster...
    C. stans does not have blue flowers to my knowledge, they are white with a blue tinge. I reckon you need very good colour discrimonation to see that though. Do not buy C r. purpurea unseen, there are some poor colour versions grown from seed. A...
    C. stans does not have blue flowers to my knowledge, they are white with a blue tinge. I reckon you need very good colour discrimonation to see that though. Do not buy C r. purpurea unseen, there...
  16. ChrisM

    Clematis and frost

    Thanks both, have gone and tied them to stop the wind ripping them to bits.
    Thanks both, have gone and tied them to stop the wind ripping them to bits.
    Thanks both, have gone and tied them to stop the wind ripping them to bits.
    Thanks both, have gone and tied them to stop the wind ripping them to bits.
  17. Scotkat

    Where can I get Lizzieanthus flower seeds

    I think they go under the name Eustoma now.
    I think they go under the name Eustoma now.
    I think they go under the name Eustoma now.
    I think they go under the name Eustoma now.
  18. Scotkat

    Clematis in hanging basket

    Thankyou Dendy you must have been really busy today and taking good advantage of the lovley weather.Looking forward to seeing the clematis grow from seed I have never done this or taken tip...
    Thankyou Dendy you must have been really busy today and taking good advantage of the lovley weather.Looking forward to seeing the clematis grow from seed I have never done this or taken tip cuttings so a nice challenge.Certainly was with us.
    Thankyou Dendy you must have been really busy today and taking good advantage of the lovley weather.Looking forward to seeing the clematis grow from seed I have never done this or taken tip cuttings so a nice challenge.Certainly was with us.
    Thankyou Dendy you must have been really busy today and taking good advantage of the lovley weather.Looking forward to seeing the clematis grow from seed I have never done this or taken tip...
  19. Essexgardens

    Daffodil bulbs

    Excellent - many thanks. My neighbour told me to hang them like onions but that didn't sound right!!
    Excellent - many thanks. My neighbour told me to hang them like onions but that didn't sound right!!
    Excellent - many thanks. My neighbour told me to hang them like onions but that didn't sound right!!
    Excellent - many thanks. My neighbour told me to hang them like onions but that didn't sound right!!
  20. elliegreenwellie

    Crocus falling over - Is this normal?

    Interesting,I have lots of blackbirds in my garden but haven't noticed them at the crocus
    Interesting,I have lots of blackbirds in my garden but haven't noticed them at the crocus
    Interesting,I have lots of blackbirds in my garden but haven't noticed them at the crocus
    Interesting,I have lots of blackbirds in my garden but haven't noticed them at the crocus

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