General Gardening Discussion

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  1. roders

    Winter draws on.

    Como, faz favor? The first shot is a Hebe? The Buddleia is in fact a Hebe? :confused:Sorry, I'm not used to seeing frost on things! :rolleyes:
    Como, faz favor? The first shot is a Hebe? The Buddleia is in fact a Hebe? :confused:Sorry, I'm not used to seeing frost on things! :rolleyes:
    Como, faz favor? The first shot is a Hebe? The Buddleia is in fact a Hebe? :confused:Sorry, I'm not used to seeing frost on things! :rolleyes:
    Como, faz favor? The first shot is a Hebe? The Buddleia is in fact a Hebe? :confused:Sorry, I'm not used to seeing frost on things! :rolleyes:
  2. PeterS

    Just a reminder

    How do you pronounce that, Waco?
    How do you pronounce that, Waco?
    How do you pronounce that, Waco?
    How do you pronounce that, Waco?
  3. geoffhandley

    Pruning a Prunus autumnale?

    Yes i don't want to lose the tree. It is one end of my hammock on sunny days in summer and it provides nice dry shade for my Cyclamen hederfolium colony. But at present i will be needing to stand...
    Yes i don't want to lose the tree. It is one end of my hammock on sunny days in summer and it provides nice dry shade for my Cyclamen hederfolium colony. But at present i will be needing to stand on step ladders to enjoy the flowers.
    Yes i don't want to lose the tree. It is one end of my hammock on sunny days in summer and it provides nice dry shade for my Cyclamen hederfolium colony. But at present i will be needing to stand on step ladders to enjoy the flowers.
    Yes i don't want to lose the tree. It is one end of my hammock on sunny days in summer and it provides nice dry shade for my Cyclamen hederfolium colony. But at present i will be needing to stand...
  4. PeterS

    Overwintering Diascia

    Thanks Jazid. You have a point there about not worth a candle. There are many plants such as Petunias, Salvia Splendens, Salvia Farinacea, which are tender perennials, but everyone grows as...
    Thanks Jazid. You have a point there about not worth a candle. There are many plants such as Petunias, Salvia Splendens, Salvia Farinacea, which are tender perennials, but everyone grows as annuals. I am never sure if this is because of the difficulty of overwintering them or is because the ones...
    Thanks Jazid. You have a point there about not worth a candle. There are many plants such as Petunias, Salvia Splendens, Salvia Farinacea, which are tender perennials, but everyone grows as annuals. I am never sure if this is because of the...
    Thanks Jazid. You have a point there about not worth a candle. There are many plants such as Petunias, Salvia Splendens, Salvia Farinacea, which are tender perennials, but everyone grows as...
  5. painted lady

    Is anyone else beaten by the dark and the cold

    Apart from having plenty of pruning and clearing work I must agree that the sate of mind in the winter is not condusive to being out in the garden especially with all the rain we have had. But -...
    Apart from having plenty of pruning and clearing work I must agree that the sate of mind in the winter is not condusive to being out in the garden especially with all the rain we have had. But - my 'forced' hyacinths are coming along very well, the conservatory is as full as my wife will allow...
    Apart from having plenty of pruning and clearing work I must agree that the sate of mind in the winter is not condusive to being out in the garden especially with all the rain we have had. But - my 'forced' hyacinths are coming along very well,...
    Apart from having plenty of pruning and clearing work I must agree that the sate of mind in the winter is not condusive to being out in the garden especially with all the rain we have had. But -...
  6. Mrs Flowers


    There is a Hosta in my garde whch has been with me for 10-15years and rarely if ever gets attacked by slugs. Unfortunately I do not know the name of this 'paragon' only that it is variegated....
    There is a Hosta in my garde whch has been with me for 10-15years and rarely if ever gets attacked by slugs. Unfortunately I do not know the name of this 'paragon' only that it is variegated. Could send you an off-shoot in the new year as I have one or two amongst my over-wintering...
    There is a Hosta in my garde whch has been with me for 10-15years and rarely if ever gets attacked by slugs. Unfortunately I do not know the name of this 'paragon' only that it is variegated. Could send you an off-shoot in the new year as I have...
    There is a Hosta in my garde whch has been with me for 10-15years and rarely if ever gets attacked by slugs. Unfortunately I do not know the name of this 'paragon' only that it is variegated....
  7. Kathy3


    Ahhh.... you must live near "tornado Alley" - Selsey area????
    Ahhh.... you must live near "tornado Alley" - Selsey area????
    Ahhh.... you must live near "tornado Alley" - Selsey area????
    Ahhh.... you must live near "tornado Alley" - Selsey area????
  8. sash

    Growing Lillies in pots

    Thank you, great site!
    Thank you, great site!
    Thank you, great site!
    Thank you, great site!
  9. pete

    Self propagation.

    Keep us posted on your success then!
    Keep us posted on your success then!
    Keep us posted on your success then!
    Keep us posted on your success then!
  10. Scotkat

    Xmas hanging basket

    scotkat i hope your baskets have survived the recent windy weather it would be a shame for them to have been damaged.
    scotkat i hope your baskets have survived the recent windy weather it would be a shame for them to have been damaged.
    scotkat i hope your baskets have survived the recent windy weather it would be a shame for them to have been damaged.
    scotkat i hope your baskets have survived the recent windy weather it would be a shame for them to have been damaged.
  11. leonora

    New home, new garden

    Now that I've half moved in, I can plant the bulbs this weekend! (I KNOW it's a bit late, it's the first chance I've had....)
    Now that I've half moved in, I can plant the bulbs this weekend! (I KNOW it's a bit late, it's the first chance I've had....)
    Now that I've half moved in, I can plant the bulbs this weekend! (I KNOW it's a bit late, it's the first chance I've had....)
    Now that I've half moved in, I can plant the bulbs this weekend! (I KNOW it's a bit late, it's the first chance I've had....)
  12. sparkle

    seasons gone wrong

    I'm with whis4ey. I'm leaving nature to sort itself out and just enjoying the extra colour. House down the road has got a magnificent,big, blowsy clematis in full bloom!
    I'm with whis4ey. I'm leaving nature to sort itself out and just enjoying the extra colour. House down the road has got a magnificent,big, blowsy clematis in full bloom!
    I'm with whis4ey. I'm leaving nature to sort itself out and just enjoying the extra colour. House down the road has got a magnificent,big, blowsy clematis in full bloom!
    I'm with whis4ey. I'm leaving nature to sort itself out and just enjoying the extra colour. House down the road has got a magnificent,big, blowsy clematis in full bloom!
  13. windy miller

    rengarenga seedlings???????

    Will make entertaining reading, I'm sure! :D
    Will make entertaining reading, I'm sure! :D
    Will make entertaining reading, I'm sure! :D
    Will make entertaining reading, I'm sure! :D
  14. Merroney

    Advice please: shade loving plants!

    I would agree with Palustris, but take it a bit further and when you are at a gardencentre/nursery ask questions. I always like to chat to the staff. And don't be afraid to ask the same question...
    I would agree with Palustris, but take it a bit further and when you are at a gardencentre/nursery ask questions. I always like to chat to the staff. And don't be afraid to ask the same question at several different places. The answers will vary. You will find some do not know what they are...
    I would agree with Palustris, but take it a bit further and when you are at a gardencentre/nursery ask questions. I always like to chat to the staff. And don't be afraid to ask the same question at several different places. The answers will...
    I would agree with Palustris, but take it a bit further and when you are at a gardencentre/nursery ask questions. I always like to chat to the staff. And don't be afraid to ask the same question...
  15. whis4ey

    Abies Koreana

    I found mine again this summer after doing a spot od "degardening" pulling out self seeded budleas etc. It had two black cones on it.It has now bee given the space it deserves.
    I found mine again this summer after doing a spot od "degardening" pulling out self seeded budleas etc. It had two black cones on it.It has now bee given the space it deserves.
    I found mine again this summer after doing a spot od "degardening" pulling out self seeded budleas etc. It had two black cones on it.It has now bee given the space it deserves.
    I found mine again this summer after doing a spot od "degardening" pulling out self seeded budleas etc. It had two black cones on it.It has now bee given the space it deserves.
  16. Rich


    Relieved to hear it, Rich!
    Relieved to hear it, Rich!
    Relieved to hear it, Rich!
    Relieved to hear it, Rich!
  17. marge

    Alberta Spruce

    Thanks for the advice - I will def be giving it a go!
    Thanks for the advice - I will def be giving it a go!
    Thanks for the advice - I will def be giving it a go!
    Thanks for the advice - I will def be giving it a go!
  18. azadaman

    Tiered plot

    That has got to be the first time that I have heard of Rotherham being refered to as being down south. What a sheltered life I have leed. ttfn
    That has got to be the first time that I have heard of Rotherham being refered to as being down south. What a sheltered life I have leed. ttfn
    That has got to be the first time that I have heard of Rotherham being refered to as being down south. What a sheltered life I have leed. ttfn
    That has got to be the first time that I have heard of Rotherham being refered to as being down south. What a sheltered life I have leed. ttfn
  19. nathan7


    :D :D :D :DMine (three in a trough) have been flooded for weeks now ... I have to tip the trays out daily so they don't drown as we are in rainy season!Mine are in complete shade ......
    :D :D :D :DMine (three in a trough) have been flooded for weeks now ... I have to tip the trays out daily so they don't drown as we are in rainy season!Mine are in complete shade ... absolutely NO sun .. under the Jacaranda. My temps have dropped to 10oC and all but the middle (my...
    :D :D :D :DMine (three in a trough) have been flooded for weeks now ... I have to tip the trays out daily so they don't drown as we are in rainy season!Mine are in complete shade ... absolutely NO sun .. under the Jacaranda. My temps...
    :D :D :D :DMine (three in a trough) have been flooded for weeks now ... I have to tip the trays out daily so they don't drown as we are in rainy season!Mine are in complete shade ......
  20. NT


    When did yu oirder them and which company was so stupid as to take so long to deliver what is a perishable item? They do best if they are planted in early autumn, the roots will develop then. They...
    When did yu oirder them and which company was so stupid as to take so long to deliver what is a perishable item? They do best if they are planted in early autumn, the roots will develop then. They might flower well because the flower is already in the bulb when planted but might not make such a...
    When did yu oirder them and which company was so stupid as to take so long to deliver what is a perishable item? They do best if they are planted in early autumn, the roots will develop then. They might flower well because the flower is already...
    When did yu oirder them and which company was so stupid as to take so long to deliver what is a perishable item? They do best if they are planted in early autumn, the roots will develop then. They...

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