General Gardening Discussion

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  1. tig

    house plant

    pf, it is also known as the sail plant but peace lily seems to be the more widley used name, some of the larger cultivars have a very heady scent.
    pf, it is also known as the sail plant but peace lily seems to be the more widley used name, some of the larger cultivars have a very heady scent.
    pf, it is also known as the sail plant but peace lily seems to be the more widley used name, some of the larger cultivars have a very heady scent.
    pf, it is also known as the sail plant but peace lily seems to be the more widley used name, some of the larger cultivars have a very heady scent.


    Hello all, just to let you know that I have posted this weeks update to my website, thanks Steve.
    Hello all, just to let you know that I have posted this weeks update to my website, thanks Steve.
    Hello all, just to let you know that I have posted this weeks update to my website, thanks Steve.
    Hello all, just to let you know that I have posted this weeks update to my website, thanks Steve.
  3. Ghollum

    garden under water - Help

    Ghollum as an interim measure dig a hole were the water is deepest take up a slab if necessary get your self a sump pump (most of these have a level control that switches them off when the level...
    Ghollum as an interim measure dig a hole were the water is deepest take up a slab if necessary get your self a sump pump (most of these have a level control that switches them off when the level falls) put the outlet to a drain on the road (or in next doors garden if you don't like the...
    Ghollum as an interim measure dig a hole were the water is deepest take up a slab if necessary get your self a sump pump (most of these have a level control that switches them off when the level falls) put the outlet to a drain on the road (or in...
    Ghollum as an interim measure dig a hole were the water is deepest take up a slab if necessary get your self a sump pump (most of these have a level control that switches them off when the level...
  4. grinch


    If you've been successful growing peppers or eggplants, you know how to grow these. They love rich soil (thus pastureland). To help with seed germination, (which can be difficult), scarify the...
    If you've been successful growing peppers or eggplants, you know how to grow these. They love rich soil (thus pastureland). To help with seed germination, (which can be difficult), scarify the seeds by filing through a small bit of the seed coat with a nail file or a piece of fine grit...
    If you've been successful growing peppers or eggplants, you know how to grow these. They love rich soil (thus pastureland). To help with seed germination, (which can be difficult), scarify the seeds by filing through a small bit of the seed coat...
    If you've been successful growing peppers or eggplants, you know how to grow these. They love rich soil (thus pastureland). To help with seed germination, (which can be difficult), scarify the...
  5. mowgley

    When to plant out???

    not just now, they'll get plenty from the compost - best time to feed any plants is when they're ready to flower, and through the flowering period, which, for azaleas and rhodies is spring through...
    not just now, they'll get plenty from the compost - best time to feed any plants is when they're ready to flower, and through the flowering period, which, for azaleas and rhodies is spring through to early summer. For most things, tomato feed is good, believe it or not, but for acid-loving...
    not just now, they'll get plenty from the compost - best time to feed any plants is when they're ready to flower, and through the flowering period, which, for azaleas and rhodies is spring through to early summer. For most things, tomato feed is...
    not just now, they'll get plenty from the compost - best time to feed any plants is when they're ready to flower, and through the flowering period, which, for azaleas and rhodies is spring through...
  6. Celia

    Somewhere to sit in the sun

    Hello WG, we're not far from the North coast in Camelford. We've only been here a year having emigrated from Derbyshire, though originally we come from Sheffield.
    Hello WG, we're not far from the North coast in Camelford. We've only been here a year having emigrated from Derbyshire, though originally we come from Sheffield.
    Hello WG, we're not far from the North coast in Camelford. We've only been here a year having emigrated from Derbyshire, though originally we come from Sheffield.
    Hello WG, we're not far from the North coast in Camelford. We've only been here a year having emigrated from Derbyshire, though originally we come from Sheffield.
  7. PeterS

    Lily bulbs

    Try this site on e-bay Peter the more you get the cheaper it is.
    Try this site on e-bay Peter the more you get the cheaper it is.
    Try this site on e-bay Peter the more you get the cheaper it is.
    Try this site on e-bay Peter the more you get the cheaper it is.
  8. golfer


    :eek: Pruning terrifies me.I tried to cut back a viburnum once and killed it stone dead. :(
    :eek: Pruning terrifies me.I tried to cut back a viburnum once and killed it stone dead. :(
    :eek: Pruning terrifies me.I tried to cut back a viburnum once and killed it stone dead. :(
    :eek: Pruning terrifies me.I tried to cut back a viburnum once and killed it stone dead. :(
  9. use to be gardener
  10. Paladin

    You design it,I'll make it

    Yes Kandy..Sorry for not acknowledging that info before Thank you .
    Yes Kandy..Sorry for not acknowledging that info before Thank you .
    Yes Kandy..Sorry for not acknowledging that info before Thank you .
    Yes Kandy..Sorry for not acknowledging that info before Thank you .
  11. PeterS

    Lobelia hardiness

    I obviously can testify to a lot of the "annuals" actually being tender perennials. My Lobelia can be a bit "hit and miss" on surviving, usually "miss"! :D However, my Alyssum maritinum done...
    I obviously can testify to a lot of the "annuals" actually being tender perennials. My Lobelia can be a bit "hit and miss" on surviving, usually "miss"! :D However, my Alyssum maritinum done from seed a few years ago is still blooming now as are my begonias.On the other hand, I have had...
    I obviously can testify to a lot of the "annuals" actually being tender perennials. My Lobelia can be a bit "hit and miss" on surviving, usually "miss"! :D However, my Alyssum maritinum done from seed a few years ago is still blooming now as...
    I obviously can testify to a lot of the "annuals" actually being tender perennials. My Lobelia can be a bit "hit and miss" on surviving, usually "miss"! :D However, my Alyssum maritinum done...
  12. PeterS

    Still flowering

    BTW - thanks for that, Peter! Pity it wasn't a useful answer, though! There was one time when I was in a section, and a new-comer posted, I answered, she got it and thanked me, all within 5...
    BTW - thanks for that, Peter! Pity it wasn't a useful answer, though! There was one time when I was in a section, and a new-comer posted, I answered, she got it and thanked me, all within 5 minutes!! Is this a record?
    BTW - thanks for that, Peter! Pity it wasn't a useful answer, though! There was one time when I was in a section, and a new-comer posted, I answered, she got it and thanked me, all within 5 minutes!! Is this a record?
    BTW - thanks for that, Peter! Pity it wasn't a useful answer, though! There was one time when I was in a section, and a new-comer posted, I answered, she got it and thanked me, all within 5...
  13. wahaj


    thanks for the help i'll try and keep the seedlings heated lol thanks.
    thanks for the help i'll try and keep the seedlings heated lol thanks.
    thanks for the help i'll try and keep the seedlings heated lol thanks.
    thanks for the help i'll try and keep the seedlings heated lol thanks.
  14. stannolly

    oxalis versicolour

    Thank you again Dendrobium and also to Waco, Palustris and Lady of Leisure, for your info. and observations, all most helpful.
    Thank you again Dendrobium and also to Waco, Palustris and Lady of Leisure, for your info. and observations, all most helpful.
    Thank you again Dendrobium and also to Waco, Palustris and Lady of Leisure, for your info. and observations, all most helpful.
    Thank you again Dendrobium and also to Waco, Palustris and Lady of Leisure, for your info. and observations, all most helpful.
  15. kirstie

    Windy Balcony needs plants

    I'd water it first then!
    I'd water it first then!
    I'd water it first then!
    I'd water it first then!
  16. stannolly

    Sulpher Queen

    That's a lovely compliment!! Thank you! :DWithout the kind people who trained me a few years ago after I had a breakdown, I wouldn't know either - so thank them!!
    That's a lovely compliment!! Thank you! :DWithout the kind people who trained me a few years ago after I had a breakdown, I wouldn't know either - so thank them!!
    That's a lovely compliment!! Thank you! :DWithout the kind people who trained me a few years ago after I had a breakdown, I wouldn't know either - so thank them!!
    That's a lovely compliment!! Thank you! :DWithout the kind people who trained me a few years ago after I had a breakdown, I wouldn't know either - so thank them!!
  17. Liz

    Lilies and canna

    My first attempt with overwintering cannas I was given totally different advice - fortunately they survived it! I won't tell you what it was, as it's NOT the best routine, involving keeping them...
    My first attempt with overwintering cannas I was given totally different advice - fortunately they survived it! I won't tell you what it was, as it's NOT the best routine, involving keeping them damp.... :eek:Here's the Hart Canna link to the cultivation page - excellent...
    My first attempt with overwintering cannas I was given totally different advice - fortunately they survived it! I won't tell you what it was, as it's NOT the best routine, involving keeping them damp.... :eek:Here's the Hart Canna link to...
    My first attempt with overwintering cannas I was given totally different advice - fortunately they survived it! I won't tell you what it was, as it's NOT the best routine, involving keeping them...
  18. r2oo

    How to be a gardener on DVD???

    It's not mentioned on the BBC site or on Amazon, r200, but if you follow this link, you can get some useful info here books are good...
    It's not mentioned on the BBC site or on Amazon, r200, but if you follow this link, you can get some useful info here books are good too, as are all the Titchmarsh books, although I've been told that he doesn't actually write them...
    It's not mentioned on the BBC site or on Amazon, r200, but if you follow this link, you can get some useful info here books are good too, as are all the Titchmarsh books, although I've...
    It's not mentioned on the BBC site or on Amazon, r200, but if you follow this link, you can get some useful info here books are good...
  19. r2oo

    Sedum Question

    The old stems and seedheads look fantastic when frost comes, again assuming it's probaly Autumn joy.I totally agree with Jazid on this one - a great plant, even though designers like it! :D
    The old stems and seedheads look fantastic when frost comes, again assuming it's probaly Autumn joy.I totally agree with Jazid on this one - a great plant, even though designers like it! :D
    The old stems and seedheads look fantastic when frost comes, again assuming it's probaly Autumn joy.I totally agree with Jazid on this one - a great plant, even though designers like it! :D
    The old stems and seedheads look fantastic when frost comes, again assuming it's probaly Autumn joy.I totally agree with Jazid on this one - a great plant, even though designers like it! :D
  20. Jack by the hedge

    invasive grass

    Expensive like that though. All I do is mix ordinary Roundup with a wallpaper paste and paint that on instead, much cheaper!
    Expensive like that though. All I do is mix ordinary Roundup with a wallpaper paste and paint that on instead, much cheaper!
    Expensive like that though. All I do is mix ordinary Roundup with a wallpaper paste and paint that on instead, much cheaper!
    Expensive like that though. All I do is mix ordinary Roundup with a wallpaper paste and paint that on instead, much cheaper!

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