General Gardening Discussion

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  1. Rich

    Lemon blossom

    It looks fantastic, Rich!T'other half's lime tree is now recouperated from a curly leaf symdrone and looks great and my ruby grapefruit is doing well in it's first year (with me). Do you expect...
    It looks fantastic, Rich!T'other half's lime tree is now recouperated from a curly leaf symdrone and looks great and my ruby grapefruit is doing well in it's first year (with me). Do you expect to get fruit?By the way, the Bilbegia has rooted and is doing exceptionally well, thank you! Not...
    It looks fantastic, Rich!T'other half's lime tree is now recouperated from a curly leaf symdrone and looks great and my ruby grapefruit is doing well in it's first year (with me). Do you expect to get fruit?By the way, the Bilbegia has...
    It looks fantastic, Rich!T'other half's lime tree is now recouperated from a curly leaf symdrone and looks great and my ruby grapefruit is doing well in it's first year (with me). Do you expect...
  2. crouchend

    bulbs and woodchips

    When I first came here - I found tall yellow and red single tulips. Not knowing that tulips should be lifted, I let em bide. They were in a reasonably sheltered spot in cultivated clay - came up...
    When I first came here - I found tall yellow and red single tulips. Not knowing that tulips should be lifted, I let em bide. They were in a reasonably sheltered spot in cultivated clay - came up year after year, even crossed to provide me with some interesting yellow and red colour combinations....
    When I first came here - I found tall yellow and red single tulips. Not knowing that tulips should be lifted, I let em bide. They were in a reasonably sheltered spot in cultivated clay - came up year after year, even crossed to provide me with...
    When I first came here - I found tall yellow and red single tulips. Not knowing that tulips should be lifted, I let em bide. They were in a reasonably sheltered spot in cultivated clay - came up...
  3. windy miller

    Bizarre gardening injuries!!

    i managed to cut through a wasp nest in the headge i was cutting and stapped myself with a screw driver trying to clean the lawn mower blades never used a screw drive for this again lol
    i managed to cut through a wasp nest in the headge i was cutting and stapped myself with a screw driver trying to clean the lawn mower blades never used a screw drive for this again lol
    i managed to cut through a wasp nest in the headge i was cutting and stapped myself with a screw driver trying to clean the lawn mower blades never used a screw drive for this again lol
    i managed to cut through a wasp nest in the headge i was cutting and stapped myself with a screw driver trying to clean the lawn mower blades never used a screw drive for this again lol
  4. daisybelle

    What's wrong with my pansies and primrose?(pictures)

    i would guess that it is water damage to your leaves caused by water on leaf and being dried with sunlight!
    i would guess that it is water damage to your leaves caused by water on leaf and being dried with sunlight!
    i would guess that it is water damage to your leaves caused by water on leaf and being dried with sunlight!
    i would guess that it is water damage to your leaves caused by water on leaf and being dried with sunlight!
  5. linlin

    Reaction to fungus?

    The other possibility is that your health problems are associated with the damp conditions that encourage the fungi, so its the climatic conditions rather than the fungus. I tend to suffer from...
    The other possibility is that your health problems are associated with the damp conditions that encourage the fungi, so its the climatic conditions rather than the fungus. I tend to suffer from congestion and I tend to be more chesty when it gets damp and cool. As a child my mother was advised...
    The other possibility is that your health problems are associated with the damp conditions that encourage the fungi, so its the climatic conditions rather than the fungus. I tend to suffer from congestion and I tend to be more chesty when it gets...
    The other possibility is that your health problems are associated with the damp conditions that encourage the fungi, so its the climatic conditions rather than the fungus. I tend to suffer from...


    Hello all, I'm sorry that this update is a bit later than usual but I have only just recovered from staying up to watch Children in Need on Friday night, what a great event for such a good cause,...
    Hello all, I'm sorry that this update is a bit later than usual but I have only just recovered from staying up to watch Children in Need on Friday night, what a great event for such a good cause, regards Steve.
    Hello all, I'm sorry that this update is a bit later than usual but I have only just recovered from staying up to watch Children in Need on Friday night, what a great event for such a good cause, regards Steve.
    Hello all, I'm sorry that this update is a bit later than usual but I have only just recovered from staying up to watch Children in Need on Friday night, what a great event for such a good cause,...
  7. Paladin

    Pepinos ripe yet??

    Me please!!! And Grandma is banned from watering....
    Me please!!! And Grandma is banned from watering....
    Me please!!! And Grandma is banned from watering....
    Me please!!! And Grandma is banned from watering....
  8. grinch

    bog garden

    And, Zanthedescia aethiopica. What a beautiful elegant plant.
    And, Zanthedescia aethiopica. What a beautiful elegant plant.
    And, Zanthedescia aethiopica. What a beautiful elegant plant.
    And, Zanthedescia aethiopica. What a beautiful elegant plant.
  9. Stingo

    Cornus dogwood

    hi there Stingo, I planted one last year and it's nothing to look at in summer, but at the moment it looks fantastic...lovely red stems certainly brighten the garden up. good luck with yours
    hi there Stingo, I planted one last year and it's nothing to look at in summer, but at the moment it looks fantastic...lovely red stems certainly brighten the garden up. good luck with yours
    hi there Stingo, I planted one last year and it's nothing to look at in summer, but at the moment it looks fantastic...lovely red stems certainly brighten the garden up. good luck with yours
    hi there Stingo, I planted one last year and it's nothing to look at in summer, but at the moment it looks fantastic...lovely red stems certainly brighten the garden up. good luck with yours
  10. r2oo

    Got some Bargains in the last couple of weeks

    You could always rig up a temporary cold frame over them to protect them from the worst of the weather.
    You could always rig up a temporary cold frame over them to protect them from the worst of the weather.
    You could always rig up a temporary cold frame over them to protect them from the worst of the weather.
    You could always rig up a temporary cold frame over them to protect them from the worst of the weather.
  11. Blackthorn

    Jobs for this week

    I have been out again today picking up yet more leaves and whirly gig things, very cold but enjoyable
    I have been out again today picking up yet more leaves and whirly gig things, very cold but enjoyable
    I have been out again today picking up yet more leaves and whirly gig things, very cold but enjoyable
    I have been out again today picking up yet more leaves and whirly gig things, very cold but enjoyable
  12. Mark B

    The Four Seasons

    I never take any notice of printed calender dates or solstices etc. Wild plants grow, bloom, fruit, seed and go dormant when weather and daylight lengths are right. Observe and follow them and...
    I never take any notice of printed calender dates or solstices etc. Wild plants grow, bloom, fruit, seed and go dormant when weather and daylight lengths are right. Observe and follow them and you can't go wrong. Some years we have very early springs and sometimes very late ones. Ditto...
    I never take any notice of printed calender dates or solstices etc. Wild plants grow, bloom, fruit, seed and go dormant when weather and daylight lengths are right. Observe and follow them and you can't go wrong. Some years we have very early...
    I never take any notice of printed calender dates or solstices etc. Wild plants grow, bloom, fruit, seed and go dormant when weather and daylight lengths are right. Observe and follow them and...
  13. windy miller

    what to grow through conifer hedge

    I haven't started building the seating area yet so I could easily incorporate a sunken container at this stage. Perhaps that's the way to go???? mmmmm, eye candy garden helper's going to love...
    I haven't started building the seating area yet so I could easily incorporate a sunken container at this stage. Perhaps that's the way to go???? mmmmm, eye candy garden helper's going to love me!! The grounds like concrete down there :rolleyes: :D
    I haven't started building the seating area yet so I could easily incorporate a sunken container at this stage. Perhaps that's the way to go???? mmmmm, eye candy garden helper's going to love me!! The grounds like concrete down there ...
    I haven't started building the seating area yet so I could easily incorporate a sunken container at this stage. Perhaps that's the way to go???? mmmmm, eye candy garden helper's going to love...
  14. Hornbeam

    Four Seasons in One Day

    yea, strongylodon I took heel cuttings too. I've got them in the greenhouse at the moment (although it's unheated...guess wot I want for xmas?) I'll keep u posted.
    yea, strongylodon I took heel cuttings too. I've got them in the greenhouse at the moment (although it's unheated...guess wot I want for xmas?) I'll keep u posted.
    yea, strongylodon I took heel cuttings too. I've got them in the greenhouse at the moment (although it's unheated...guess wot I want for xmas?) I'll keep u posted.
    yea, strongylodon I took heel cuttings too. I've got them in the greenhouse at the moment (although it's unheated...guess wot I want for xmas?) I'll keep u posted.
  15. josephine

    Fuchsia-lillie bulbs &gladiolus

    ???? wot's a gremlin????
    ???? wot's a gremlin????
    ???? wot's a gremlin????
    ???? wot's a gremlin????
  16. mowgley

    Still going!!

    Hi everyonePlanted these fuchsia's in may in pots, they have done really well all year. I moved them closer to the house around mid october to give them a little shelter as my back garden faces...
    Hi everyonePlanted these fuchsia's in may in pots, they have done really well all year. I moved them closer to the house around mid october to give them a little shelter as my back garden faces North East and there still going!!!
    Hi everyonePlanted these fuchsia's in may in pots, they have done really well all year. I moved them closer to the house around mid october to give them a little shelter as my back garden faces North East and there still going!!!
    Hi everyonePlanted these fuchsia's in may in pots, they have done really well all year. I moved them closer to the house around mid october to give them a little shelter as my back garden faces...
  17. daz and debs


    you can over wrap.......unveiling in spring leaves them very anaemic(???spelling). Last year i basically gathered up the leaves into a spike and tied them half way up with a 2 inch strip of that...
    you can over wrap.......unveiling in spring leaves them very anaemic(???spelling). Last year i basically gathered up the leaves into a spike and tied them half way up with a 2 inch strip of that breathable weed cover fabric... this just left a brown line on the undersise of the leaves.....i am...
    you can over wrap.......unveiling in spring leaves them very anaemic(???spelling). Last year i basically gathered up the leaves into a spike and tied them half way up with a 2 inch strip of that breathable weed cover fabric... this just left a...
    you can over wrap.......unveiling in spring leaves them very anaemic(???spelling). Last year i basically gathered up the leaves into a spike and tied them half way up with a 2 inch strip of that...
  18. Rich

    Seedlings appearing.

    Rich,I have grown Mirabilis,mine is the yellow variety with seeds that are black and round,and mine come up like weeds,and that is with no special attention.The tubers are black in colour and look...
    Rich,I have grown Mirabilis,mine is the yellow variety with seeds that are black and round,and mine come up like weeds,and that is with no special attention.The tubers are black in colour and look a bit like carrots.I just sow mine in multi purpose compost,water them and just put them on the...
    Rich,I have grown Mirabilis,mine is the yellow variety with seeds that are black and round,and mine come up like weeds,and that is with no special attention.The tubers are black in colour and look a bit like carrots.I just sow mine in multi...
    Rich,I have grown Mirabilis,mine is the yellow variety with seeds that are black and round,and mine come up like weeds,and that is with no special attention.The tubers are black in colour and look...
  19. wiseowl

    perennial Advice

    Thanks Kf Will do as you advise.
    Thanks Kf Will do as you advise.
    Thanks Kf Will do as you advise.
    Thanks Kf Will do as you advise.
  20. njoyit2

    Plants as gifts ?>>>>

    I dont have cats or dogs yet - but the girlfriend is continually working on that ! However I look after foreign students - all ages but generally those who want to pay a little extra for a nice...
    I dont have cats or dogs yet - but the girlfriend is continually working on that ! However I look after foreign students - all ages but generally those who want to pay a little extra for a nice house which is safe etc -- must say the plants are a very quick way to make thigs look a dam site...
    I dont have cats or dogs yet - but the girlfriend is continually working on that ! However I look after foreign students - all ages but generally those who want to pay a little extra for a nice house which is safe etc -- must say the plants are...
    I dont have cats or dogs yet - but the girlfriend is continually working on that ! However I look after foreign students - all ages but generally those who want to pay a little extra for a nice...

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