General Gardening Discussion

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  1. Angelica

    Cutting question

    Thank you all so much for this great advice, I will do it! I do have a circuit breaker. Have been pondering this for weeks, I'm most grateful.
    Thank you all so much for this great advice, I will do it! I do have a circuit breaker. Have been pondering this for weeks, I'm most grateful.
    Thank you all so much for this great advice, I will do it! I do have a circuit breaker. Have been pondering this for weeks, I'm most grateful.
    Thank you all so much for this great advice, I will do it! I do have a circuit breaker. Have been pondering this for weeks, I'm most grateful.
  2. Rich

    Is it autumn yet?

    Hi Rich, what is the flowering red/orange plant in the foreground of the 4th pic down? the one on the edge of the pond?
    Hi Rich, what is the flowering red/orange plant in the foreground of the 4th pic down? the one on the edge of the pond?
    Hi Rich, what is the flowering red/orange plant in the foreground of the 4th pic down? the one on the edge of the pond?
    Hi Rich, what is the flowering red/orange plant in the foreground of the 4th pic down? the one on the edge of the pond?
  3. r2oo

    Question about Agastache Apricot Sprite

    Thanks Rumple. It shouldn't have dried out as I was watering frantically in the Summer! Great if you have some seeds though.
    Thanks Rumple. It shouldn't have dried out as I was watering frantically in the Summer! Great if you have some seeds though.
    Thanks Rumple. It shouldn't have dried out as I was watering frantically in the Summer! Great if you have some seeds though.
    Thanks Rumple. It shouldn't have dried out as I was watering frantically in the Summer! Great if you have some seeds though.
  4. windy miller

    acanthus seed pods

    Indeed I shall Windy. The trouble is that the Acanthus is a big spreader as well, sometimes the flowers have been over 6ft. which is great until they start to flop over. I never knew that it would...
    Indeed I shall Windy. The trouble is that the Acanthus is a big spreader as well, sometimes the flowers have been over 6ft. which is great until they start to flop over. I never knew that it would self seed until it was too late so I have to dig out regularly............
    Indeed I shall Windy. The trouble is that the Acanthus is a big spreader as well, sometimes the flowers have been over 6ft. which is great until they start to flop over. I never knew that it would self seed until it was too late so I have to dig...
    Indeed I shall Windy. The trouble is that the Acanthus is a big spreader as well, sometimes the flowers have been over 6ft. which is great until they start to flop over. I never knew that it would...
  5. wiseowl


    Fritilaria, the snakes head ones. My next door neigbour had hundreds of them growing in her meadow.camassia,and if you can afford it dactylorhiza.
    Fritilaria, the snakes head ones. My next door neigbour had hundreds of them growing in her meadow.camassia,and if you can afford it dactylorhiza.
    Fritilaria, the snakes head ones. My next door neigbour had hundreds of them growing in her meadow.camassia,and if you can afford it dactylorhiza.
    Fritilaria, the snakes head ones. My next door neigbour had hundreds of them growing in her meadow.camassia,and if you can afford it dactylorhiza.
  6. windy miller

    To plant or not to plant?????

    I was going to have a go at growing from cuttings in the conservatory. Do you also prune hard this time of year?
    I was going to have a go at growing from cuttings in the conservatory. Do you also prune hard this time of year?
    I was going to have a go at growing from cuttings in the conservatory. Do you also prune hard this time of year?
    I was going to have a go at growing from cuttings in the conservatory. Do you also prune hard this time of year?
  7. Andrew L

    Madame Alfred Carriere

    And maybe don't feed it next year, then (if at all) only once a year. A bit of a lean diet may well coax some blooms onto it. Mine is still flowering well, I never feed it and it is surrounded by...
    And maybe don't feed it next year, then (if at all) only once a year. A bit of a lean diet may well coax some blooms onto it. Mine is still flowering well, I never feed it and it is surrounded by grass (it grows up a dead Cherry).Can't help on the hedging idea though for no rational reason it...
    And maybe don't feed it next year, then (if at all) only once a year. A bit of a lean diet may well coax some blooms onto it. Mine is still flowering well, I never feed it and it is surrounded by grass (it grows up a dead Cherry).Can't help on...
    And maybe don't feed it next year, then (if at all) only once a year. A bit of a lean diet may well coax some blooms onto it. Mine is still flowering well, I never feed it and it is surrounded by...
  8. Scotkat

    Solar lights (lighthouse shape)

    Loads thanks Roders but they are .com not a uk site.
    Loads thanks Roders but they are .com not a uk site.
    Loads thanks Roders but they are .com not a uk site.
    Loads thanks Roders but they are .com not a uk site.
  9. Scotkat

    Nature Reserve (where I shall be a volunteer)

    Homebase are selling them off cheap at the mo - but be quick!!
    Homebase are selling them off cheap at the mo - but be quick!!
    Homebase are selling them off cheap at the mo - but be quick!!
    Homebase are selling them off cheap at the mo - but be quick!!
  10. Stingo

    Cordyline "Australis" winter?

    Hi all. I am just about to go out and sort out my potted cordylines. Two years ago we had strong winds and rain and it ruined the leaves. What I find best is this... Tie up the leaves with garden...
    Hi all. I am just about to go out and sort out my potted cordylines. Two years ago we had strong winds and rain and it ruined the leaves. What I find best is this... Tie up the leaves with garden twine, wrap once or twice with hessian or gardener fleece, NOT bubble wrap, as you need to allow the...
    Hi all. I am just about to go out and sort out my potted cordylines. Two years ago we had strong winds and rain and it ruined the leaves. What I find best is this... Tie up the leaves with garden twine, wrap once or twice with hessian or gardener...
    Hi all. I am just about to go out and sort out my potted cordylines. Two years ago we had strong winds and rain and it ruined the leaves. What I find best is this... Tie up the leaves with garden...
  11. Scotkat

    Nature reserve

    Just had mail been help up with polytunnel going up.Also they have ben looking for a cheap source of daffodil bulbs,but when they get shall get a call to help plant at least I am going to soon...
    Just had mail been help up with polytunnel going up.Also they have ben looking for a cheap source of daffodil bulbs,but when they get shall get a call to help plant at least I am going to soon be involved so pleased.Its a misserable wet day here.
    Just had mail been help up with polytunnel going up.Also they have ben looking for a cheap source of daffodil bulbs,but when they get shall get a call to help plant at least I am going to soon be involved so pleased.Its a misserable wet day here.
    Just had mail been help up with polytunnel going up.Also they have ben looking for a cheap source of daffodil bulbs,but when they get shall get a call to help plant at least I am going to soon...
  12. windy miller

    Hedychium-what do I do??

    Fantastic stuff DaveP I really like my Tara and didn't want to cut it down while it still looks so healthy. I live over the hill from the sea, so although windy my garden doesn't get many...
    Fantastic stuff DaveP I really like my Tara and didn't want to cut it down while it still looks so healthy. I live over the hill from the sea, so although windy my garden doesn't get many frosts and those we do are very short lived. So glad i hadn't already hacked it down!! Will just...
    Fantastic stuff DaveP I really like my Tara and didn't want to cut it down while it still looks so healthy. I live over the hill from the sea, so although windy my garden doesn't get many frosts and those we do are very short lived. So...
    Fantastic stuff DaveP I really like my Tara and didn't want to cut it down while it still looks so healthy. I live over the hill from the sea, so although windy my garden doesn't get many...
  13. Mark B

    Seeds vs Plugs

    Makes sense to answer questions that way, TG - why keep re-inventing the wheel? :D
    Makes sense to answer questions that way, TG - why keep re-inventing the wheel? :D
    Makes sense to answer questions that way, TG - why keep re-inventing the wheel? :D
    Makes sense to answer questions that way, TG - why keep re-inventing the wheel? :D
  14. benny@talktalk


    I have put this bit of research I did on it into my website; practice I find hoeing the tops off the young shoots as they appear and increasing the pH of the soil...
    I have put this bit of research I did on it into my website; practice I find hoeing the tops off the young shoots as they appear and increasing the pH of the soil helps. i.e. it seem to grow more prolific on acid soils.So applying lime to the area can help.Thats...
    I have put this bit of research I did on it into my website; practice I find hoeing the tops off the young shoots as they appear and increasing the pH of the soil helps. i.e. it seem to grow more prolific on acid...
    I have put this bit of research I did on it into my website; practice I find hoeing the tops off the young shoots as they appear and increasing the pH of the soil...
  15. lazy-gardener

    winter pot protection

    Yes it does, thanks very much
    Yes it does, thanks very much
    Yes it does, thanks very much
    Yes it does, thanks very much
  16. r2oo

    Clipping Golden Rod

    Right down to the ground - it shoots from the base each year.
    Right down to the ground - it shoots from the base each year.
    Right down to the ground - it shoots from the base each year.
    Right down to the ground - it shoots from the base each year.
  17. Royster


    Sorry to hear this Pete!
    Sorry to hear this Pete!
    Sorry to hear this Pete!
    Sorry to hear this Pete!
  18. wiseowl


    you're welcome :D
    you're welcome :D
    you're welcome :D
    you're welcome :D
  19. Paul Fleck

    Soil depth

    Jazid :D
    Jazid :D
    Jazid :D
    Jazid :D
  20. Mark B

    Moving house - New garden project

    Thank you both for your information. I will look at you thread Dendrobium. Hope to post back a few updates as i start to grow the veg.
    Thank you both for your information. I will look at you thread Dendrobium. Hope to post back a few updates as i start to grow the veg.
    Thank you both for your information. I will look at you thread Dendrobium. Hope to post back a few updates as i start to grow the veg.
    Thank you both for your information. I will look at you thread Dendrobium. Hope to post back a few updates as i start to grow the veg.

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