General Gardening Discussion

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  1. PeterS

    Garden Thermometer

    Cling film makes a good self-sealing 'double-glazing'. I remember from student days that it keep a surprising amount of heat in, and lasts well.
    Cling film makes a good self-sealing 'double-glazing'. I remember from student days that it keep a surprising amount of heat in, and lasts well.
    Cling film makes a good self-sealing 'double-glazing'. I remember from student days that it keep a surprising amount of heat in, and lasts well.
    Cling film makes a good self-sealing 'double-glazing'. I remember from student days that it keep a surprising amount of heat in, and lasts well.
  2. DaveP

    Still looking good in October

    Just now catching up here.Pete, I'm amazed at your living stones ... didn't know they bloomed!I'm jealous of your Clerodendun, Nik ... mine has lots of healthy leaves but sadly no flowers this...
    Just now catching up here.Pete, I'm amazed at your living stones ... didn't know they bloomed!I'm jealous of your Clerodendun, Nik ... mine has lots of healthy leaves but sadly no flowers this year!And, Roders, Lucy is so pretty next to a Houttuynia?I've come back to lots of much-needed...
    Just now catching up here.Pete, I'm amazed at your living stones ... didn't know they bloomed!I'm jealous of your Clerodendun, Nik ... mine has lots of healthy leaves but sadly no flowers this year!And, Roders, Lucy is so pretty next to a...
    Just now catching up here.Pete, I'm amazed at your living stones ... didn't know they bloomed!I'm jealous of your Clerodendun, Nik ... mine has lots of healthy leaves but sadly no flowers this...
  3. Kathy3

    red ivy

    thanks everyone for your help with my red ivy???? will try them all kathy3
    thanks everyone for your help with my red ivy???? will try them all kathy3
    thanks everyone for your help with my red ivy???? will try them all kathy3
    thanks everyone for your help with my red ivy???? will try them all kathy3
  4. frogesque


    Not tried growing it but like eating it! lol
    Not tried growing it but like eating it! lol
    Not tried growing it but like eating it! lol
    Not tried growing it but like eating it! lol
  5. Blackthorn

    16th october and still going strong.....

    frogesque your garden is very pretty you have got some lovely flowers and borders well done
    frogesque your garden is very pretty you have got some lovely flowers and borders well done
    frogesque your garden is very pretty you have got some lovely flowers and borders well done
    frogesque your garden is very pretty you have got some lovely flowers and borders well done
  6. Hornbeam

    Late bloomers

    ....More late bloomers seen this morning. All are common and you just have to go out and find them. How many can you name?Wonder how many will still be in bloom in...
    ....More late bloomers seen this morning. All are common and you just have to go out and find them. How many can you name?Wonder how many will still be in bloom in November? Incredible!
    ....More late bloomers seen this morning. All are common and you just have to go out and find them. How many can you name?Wonder how many will still be in bloom in November? Incredible!
    ....More late bloomers seen this morning. All are common and you just have to go out and find them. How many can you name?Wonder how many will still be in bloom in...


    Thankyou all for your lovely comments, yes despite the weather it has been a good year on my allotments and if I have encouraged others to take up allotments or even grow their own fruit and...
    Thankyou all for your lovely comments, yes despite the weather it has been a good year on my allotments and if I have encouraged others to take up allotments or even grow their own fruit and vegetables then sharing my experiences with you all has been very worthwhile, thankyou Steve.
    Thankyou all for your lovely comments, yes despite the weather it has been a good year on my allotments and if I have encouraged others to take up allotments or even grow their own fruit and vegetables then sharing my experiences with you all has...
    Thankyou all for your lovely comments, yes despite the weather it has been a good year on my allotments and if I have encouraged others to take up allotments or even grow their own fruit and...
  8. PeterS

    Tender perennial requirements.

    Thanks Windy - thats very useful - I feel guilty I should have been Googling these myself. Heliotrope appears to be the problem one. 7C is a difficult temperature, expensive for a greenhouse,...
    Thanks Windy - thats very useful - I feel guilty I should have been Googling these myself. Heliotrope appears to be the problem one. 7C is a difficult temperature, expensive for a greenhouse, but it may find inside a house too hot.I wonder if anyone has any experience of heliotrope over...
    Thanks Windy - thats very useful - I feel guilty I should have been Googling these myself. Heliotrope appears to be the problem one. 7C is a difficult temperature, expensive for a greenhouse, but it may find inside a house too hot.I wonder if...
    Thanks Windy - thats very useful - I feel guilty I should have been Googling these myself. Heliotrope appears to be the problem one. 7C is a difficult temperature, expensive for a greenhouse,...
  9. mowgley

    Pruning Heathers

    Congratulations on the picture - the yellow one looks more like an erica than a calluna and I'd be careful not to shear that one too hard don't cut below the leaf line, preferrably just below...
    Congratulations on the picture - the yellow one looks more like an erica than a calluna and I'd be careful not to shear that one too hard don't cut below the leaf line, preferrably just below the flowers.
    Congratulations on the picture - the yellow one looks more like an erica than a calluna and I'd be careful not to shear that one too hard don't cut below the leaf line, preferrably just below the flowers.
    Congratulations on the picture - the yellow one looks more like an erica than a calluna and I'd be careful not to shear that one too hard don't cut below the leaf line, preferrably just below...
  10. ijustdothedigging

    Village pump

    Hi there...Reckon you might have to prime the pump first. Remove the lid ,pour in water and..pump!
    Hi there...Reckon you might have to prime the pump first. Remove the lid ,pour in water and..pump!
    Hi there...Reckon you might have to prime the pump first. Remove the lid ,pour in water and..pump!
    Hi there...Reckon you might have to prime the pump first. Remove the lid ,pour in water and..pump!
  11. pollyanne


    There have been so many threads on this ..... !! I suggest you do a search and see all the topping advice that has been given.However, never being able to resist being a know-it-all!, my special...
    There have been so many threads on this ..... !! I suggest you do a search and see all the topping advice that has been given.However, never being able to resist being a know-it-all!, my special favourite is "Silent Roar" which is pellets soaked with lion's urine! You can just imagine the...
    There have been so many threads on this ..... !! I suggest you do a search and see all the topping advice that has been given.However, never being able to resist being a know-it-all!, my special favourite is "Silent Roar" which is pellets...
    There have been so many threads on this ..... !! I suggest you do a search and see all the topping advice that has been given.However, never being able to resist being a know-it-all!, my special...
  12. roders

    New Secret Garden.

  13. Jack by the hedge

    Seed germination problem

    Primulas such as polyanthus should not need frost action to germinate. But you do need good fresh seed to germinate. I have had similar results with T and M. Meconopsis seed (somebody bought it...
    Primulas such as polyanthus should not need frost action to germinate. But you do need good fresh seed to germinate. I have had similar results with T and M. Meconopsis seed (somebody bought it for me). I can get Meconopsis sprouting like cress with my own seed but from that packet i got 5...
    Primulas such as polyanthus should not need frost action to germinate. But you do need good fresh seed to germinate. I have had similar results with T and M. Meconopsis seed (somebody bought it for me). I can get Meconopsis sprouting like cress...
    Primulas such as polyanthus should not need frost action to germinate. But you do need good fresh seed to germinate. I have had similar results with T and M. Meconopsis seed (somebody bought it...
  14. linlin

    Weed control/hedgerows

    best way to stop weed growing in past your hedge is to plant lawn next to it then just mow over weeds.
    best way to stop weed growing in past your hedge is to plant lawn next to it then just mow over weeds.
    best way to stop weed growing in past your hedge is to plant lawn next to it then just mow over weeds.
    best way to stop weed growing in past your hedge is to plant lawn next to it then just mow over weeds.
  15. Fran

    Seasons are out of whack

    gorgeous indeed - what a gem.
    gorgeous indeed - what a gem.
    gorgeous indeed - what a gem.
    gorgeous indeed - what a gem.
  16. weed puller

    A Hard year!

    And it ain't finished with yet. It seams such a long time since I last posted any thing on here let alone start a thread. Moving house at the beging of the year was more stressfull :( than I...
    And it ain't finished with yet. It seams such a long time since I last posted any thing on here let alone start a thread. Moving house at the beging of the year was more stressfull :( than I expected it to be and it took me quite a while to settle in though I'm still not sure I have ...
    And it ain't finished with yet. It seams such a long time since I last posted any thing on here let alone start a thread. Moving house at the beging of the year was more stressfull :( than I expected it to be and it took me quite a while to...
    And it ain't finished with yet. It seams such a long time since I last posted any thing on here let alone start a thread. Moving house at the beging of the year was more stressfull :( than I...
  17. luckyboo

    The squirrel brings forth

    Well if it does grow into anything, you shall be the first to receive a gift of a peanut I love surprises (good ones that is).
    Well if it does grow into anything, you shall be the first to receive a gift of a peanut I love surprises (good ones that is).
    Well if it does grow into anything, you shall be the first to receive a gift of a peanut I love surprises (good ones that is).
    Well if it does grow into anything, you shall be the first to receive a gift of a peanut I love surprises (good ones that is).
  18. windy miller

    mina lobata-firecracker vine

    I'm sure they wouldn't mind the odd extra one, Rich! :D
    I'm sure they wouldn't mind the odd extra one, Rich! :D
    I'm sure they wouldn't mind the odd extra one, Rich! :D
    I'm sure they wouldn't mind the odd extra one, Rich! :D
  19. gavlap

    bare patches - could it be worms????

    From your description the pests are leatherjackets. I would disagree with Lady Gardener and certainly not use armillatox. Blackbirds and starling generelly clear up leatherjackets and I am...
    From your description the pests are leatherjackets. I would disagree with Lady Gardener and certainly not use armillatox. Blackbirds and starling generelly clear up leatherjackets and I am never bothered by them. You don't want your birds to eat armillatox poisoned grubs do you?See...
    From your description the pests are leatherjackets. I would disagree with Lady Gardener and certainly not use armillatox. Blackbirds and starling generelly clear up leatherjackets and I am never bothered by them. You don't want your birds ...
    From your description the pests are leatherjackets. I would disagree with Lady Gardener and certainly not use armillatox. Blackbirds and starling generelly clear up leatherjackets and I am...
  20. Liz


    To Pete and Kedi-gato. I've now recieved my redpeach stones and seeds. I think the postman must have been on holiday!
    To Pete and Kedi-gato. I've now recieved my redpeach stones and seeds. I think the postman must have been on holiday!
    To Pete and Kedi-gato. I've now recieved my redpeach stones and seeds. I think the postman must have been on holiday!
    To Pete and Kedi-gato. I've now recieved my redpeach stones and seeds. I think the postman must have been on holiday!

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