General Gardening Discussion

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  1. Miles

    Complete novice - what plants?

    Firstly, it might be a good idea to test the pH of your soil. I'd assume from your location that it would be neutral to acidic, but mortar from the walls could make the soil in the immediate...
    Firstly, it might be a good idea to test the pH of your soil. I'd assume from your location that it would be neutral to acidic, but mortar from the walls could make the soil in the immediate vicinity much more alkaline.I don't think lavender will do well in a shady location, and if it's...
    Firstly, it might be a good idea to test the pH of your soil. I'd assume from your location that it would be neutral to acidic, but mortar from the walls could make the soil in the immediate vicinity much more alkaline.I don't think lavender...
    Firstly, it might be a good idea to test the pH of your soil. I'd assume from your location that it would be neutral to acidic, but mortar from the walls could make the soil in the immediate...
  2. gavlap

    Lattice Fence

    Clematis can certainly take some shade. The other good thing about them is that they like an alkaline soil (it's likely that the concrete will have raised the pH of the soil in the surrounding area).
    Clematis can certainly take some shade. The other good thing about them is that they like an alkaline soil (it's likely that the concrete will have raised the pH of the soil in the surrounding area).
    Clematis can certainly take some shade. The other good thing about them is that they like an alkaline soil (it's likely that the concrete will have raised the pH of the soil in the surrounding area).
    Clematis can certainly take some shade. The other good thing about them is that they like an alkaline soil (it's likely that the concrete will have raised the pH of the soil in the surrounding area).
  3. josephine


    Jazid :D :D :D I used to be in Cambs with chalky soil. I always wanted Rhododendrons, azaleas etc. I know we are supposed to try to grow plants that suit the soil we have, but this...
    Jazid :D :D :D I used to be in Cambs with chalky soil. I always wanted Rhododendrons, azaleas etc. I know we are supposed to try to grow plants that suit the soil we have, but this 'inkarho' is said to be naturally occurring, so who are we to argue with it?
    Jazid :D :D :D I used to be in Cambs with chalky soil. I always wanted Rhododendrons, azaleas etc. I know we are supposed to try to grow plants that suit the soil we have, but this 'inkarho' is said to be naturally occurring, so who are...
    Jazid :D :D :D I used to be in Cambs with chalky soil. I always wanted Rhododendrons, azaleas etc. I know we are supposed to try to grow plants that suit the soil we have, but this...
  4. JillD

    overwintering fuschias

    Again, I just cut mine back to about 1/2 size & put them in my cold frame over the winter, water a little every couple of months. I have successfully kept mine like this for three winters in a...
    Again, I just cut mine back to about 1/2 size & put them in my cold frame over the winter, water a little every couple of months. I have successfully kept mine like this for three winters in a row. Good luck
    Again, I just cut mine back to about 1/2 size & put them in my cold frame over the winter, water a little every couple of months. I have successfully kept mine like this for three winters in a row. Good luck
    Again, I just cut mine back to about 1/2 size & put them in my cold frame over the winter, water a little every couple of months. I have successfully kept mine like this for three winters in a...
  5. UsedtobeDendy

    Himalayan Balsam

    Yes - there was some of that growing up from under concrete, pushing up through a brick wall, at a path up to a supermarket from the main shopping street in Hemel some years ago - and it took over...
    Yes - there was some of that growing up from under concrete, pushing up through a brick wall, at a path up to a supermarket from the main shopping street in Hemel some years ago - and it took over the path!! The council didn't have any option but to deal with it - but whatever they did, it was...
    Yes - there was some of that growing up from under concrete, pushing up through a brick wall, at a path up to a supermarket from the main shopping street in Hemel some years ago - and it took over the path!! The council didn't have any option...
    Yes - there was some of that growing up from under concrete, pushing up through a brick wall, at a path up to a supermarket from the main shopping street in Hemel some years ago - and it took over...
  6. PeterS

    Annuals sown in autumn

    We sowed a wild flower grass mix last weekend and threw in some poppies, cornflowers, scabious etc for good measure which I found at the back of the drawer. All the flower seeds were at least 2...
    We sowed a wild flower grass mix last weekend and threw in some poppies, cornflowers, scabious etc for good measure which I found at the back of the drawer. All the flower seeds were at least 2 years past their sow by date. They haven't germinated yet, am I being too impatient! Fingers crossed...
    We sowed a wild flower grass mix last weekend and threw in some poppies, cornflowers, scabious etc for good measure which I found at the back of the drawer. All the flower seeds were at least 2 years past their sow by date. They haven't...
    We sowed a wild flower grass mix last weekend and threw in some poppies, cornflowers, scabious etc for good measure which I found at the back of the drawer. All the flower seeds were at least 2...
  7. Marley Farley

    Can anyone help???????

    Hi Liz, That's exactly it...!!! Thankyou so much... I had another site & had waded part way through, but gave up for now. I often go to Daves Garden, it is a super site I think, but didn't...
    Hi Liz, That's exactly it...!!! Thankyou so much... I had another site & had waded part way through, but gave up for now. I often go to Daves Garden, it is a super site I think, but didn't have the correct name when I went there, that's how I got the link to Euphorbias that I had... Great I...
    Hi Liz, That's exactly it...!!! Thankyou so much... I had another site & had waded part way through, but gave up for now. I often go to Daves Garden, it is a super site I think, but didn't have the correct name when I went there, that's how...
    Hi Liz, That's exactly it...!!! Thankyou so much... I had another site & had waded part way through, but gave up for now. I often go to Daves Garden, it is a super site I think, but didn't...
  8. lazy-gardener

    lavender heads-should I pick

    Many thanks for the instructions, Fran ... appreciated.
    Many thanks for the instructions, Fran ... appreciated.
    Many thanks for the instructions, Fran ... appreciated.
    Many thanks for the instructions, Fran ... appreciated.
  9. Blackthorn

    Asplenium Bulbiferum

    Thanks for your advice and info DaveP. Slugs are a problem here but I don't use pellets, so I will have to devise a cunning way of protecting it.
    Thanks for your advice and info DaveP. Slugs are a problem here but I don't use pellets, so I will have to devise a cunning way of protecting it.
    Thanks for your advice and info DaveP. Slugs are a problem here but I don't use pellets, so I will have to devise a cunning way of protecting it.
    Thanks for your advice and info DaveP. Slugs are a problem here but I don't use pellets, so I will have to devise a cunning way of protecting it.
  10. millymilly

    Evening primrose

    Hi Mil let us know how it goes
    Hi Mil let us know how it goes
    Hi Mil let us know how it goes
    Hi Mil let us know how it goes
  11. Davey.Lad

    Masking animal smells

    there is a nice bush you might like to try, that's evergreen (or rather, yellow!) with white flowers, and a scent - choisya ternata sundance ,...
    there is a nice bush you might like to try, that's evergreen (or rather, yellow!) with white flowers, and a scent - choisya ternata sundance , and a winter flowering one -...
    there is a nice bush you might like to try, that's evergreen (or rather, yellow!) with white flowers, and a scent - choisya ternata sundance , and a winter flowering one -...
    there is a nice bush you might like to try, that's evergreen (or rather, yellow!) with white flowers, and a scent - choisya ternata sundance ,...
  12. strongylodon

    Albizia Summer Chocolate

    I think I will bring them inside as it might get too cool to ripen. There ae a few pics of Summer Choc on goolge mainly in sub tropical areas so the colour may be more intense there. There are...
    I think I will bring them inside as it might get too cool to ripen. There ae a few pics of Summer Choc on goolge mainly in sub tropical areas so the colour may be more intense there. There are some more seeds offered on ebay from France but I'll make do with what I have.
    I think I will bring them inside as it might get too cool to ripen. There ae a few pics of Summer Choc on goolge mainly in sub tropical areas so the colour may be more intense there. There are some more seeds offered on ebay from France but I'll...
    I think I will bring them inside as it might get too cool to ripen. There ae a few pics of Summer Choc on goolge mainly in sub tropical areas so the colour may be more intense there. There are...
  13. Stingo

    Hard work

    I bought Ann a new lawnmower :D :D
    I bought Ann a new lawnmower :D :D
    I bought Ann a new lawnmower :D :D
    I bought Ann a new lawnmower :D :D
  14. heatherbee

    yellow dahlias

    hello have grown dahlias this year for the first time they are flowering beautifully but the leaves look abit sick!they are dark green with paler green veins in the middle.I grow on chalk but have...
    hello have grown dahlias this year for the first time they are flowering beautifully but the leaves look abit sick!they are dark green with paler green veins in the middle.I grow on chalk but have recently mulched all of the garden with recycled material .Any ideas please on what this could be...
    hello have grown dahlias this year for the first time they are flowering beautifully but the leaves look abit sick!they are dark green with paler green veins in the middle.I grow on chalk but have recently mulched all of the garden with recycled...
    hello have grown dahlias this year for the first time they are flowering beautifully but the leaves look abit sick!they are dark green with paler green veins in the middle.I grow on chalk but have...
  15. PLOTTY


    Excellend Steve, and thanks for sharing.
    Excellend Steve, and thanks for sharing.
    Excellend Steve, and thanks for sharing.
    Excellend Steve, and thanks for sharing.
  16. Scotkat

    How is your weather today

    That's a lovely picture of narcissus and winter berries Hornbeam, how unusual is that combination?You really are early in your garden.
    That's a lovely picture of narcissus and winter berries Hornbeam, how unusual is that combination?You really are early in your garden.
    That's a lovely picture of narcissus and winter berries Hornbeam, how unusual is that combination?You really are early in your garden.
    That's a lovely picture of narcissus and winter berries Hornbeam, how unusual is that combination?You really are early in your garden.
  17. Scotkat

    Dwarf chrisanthamums

    Scotkat - I am no expert, but I was told some are sold as 'garden mums' and are hardy, and some are 'pot mums' and are not hardy. The garden mums I bought two years ago survived outside over...
    Scotkat - I am no expert, but I was told some are sold as 'garden mums' and are hardy, and some are 'pot mums' and are not hardy. The garden mums I bought two years ago survived outside over winter. I was also told that they are sprayed with a growth retardant to keep them small, but in...
    Scotkat - I am no expert, but I was told some are sold as 'garden mums' and are hardy, and some are 'pot mums' and are not hardy. The garden mums I bought two years ago survived outside over winter. I was also told that they are sprayed with a...
    Scotkat - I am no expert, but I was told some are sold as 'garden mums' and are hardy, and some are 'pot mums' and are not hardy. The garden mums I bought two years ago survived outside over...
  18. windy miller

    Windys' Plans

    Yay!! Baby trachycarpus is now in the ground As is one of my bamboos Unfortunately, eye candy gardening helper isn't back here til Monday, so can't go much further til then. Just soil...
    Yay!! Baby trachycarpus is now in the ground As is one of my bamboos Unfortunately, eye candy gardening helper isn't back here til Monday, so can't go much further til then. Just soil titivation and clearing up the hedge cuttings for me til then. I tentatively planted out one of my Mina...
    Yay!! Baby trachycarpus is now in the ground As is one of my bamboos Unfortunately, eye candy gardening helper isn't back here til Monday, so can't go much further til then. Just soil titivation and clearing up the hedge cuttings for me...
    Yay!! Baby trachycarpus is now in the ground As is one of my bamboos Unfortunately, eye candy gardening helper isn't back here til Monday, so can't go much further til then. Just soil...
  19. Daisies

    I don't BELIEVE it!

    We have some catkins in the herb/wildflower section that have come early..their are a lot of strange opium poppys came back for a second appearance in the last two weeks..
    We have some catkins in the herb/wildflower section that have come early..their are a lot of strange opium poppys came back for a second appearance in the last two weeks..
    We have some catkins in the herb/wildflower section that have come early..their are a lot of strange opium poppys came back for a second appearance in the last two weeks..
    We have some catkins in the herb/wildflower section that have come early..their are a lot of strange opium poppys came back for a second appearance in the last two weeks..
  20. Hornbeam


    Thanks Strongy - will follow your advice gratefully.
    Thanks Strongy - will follow your advice gratefully.
    Thanks Strongy - will follow your advice gratefully.
    Thanks Strongy - will follow your advice gratefully.

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