General Gardening Discussion

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  1. dalbuie

    Agave Palmeri

    Dendro :D :DFletch ... hate to say it, but you're not in Scotland ... think (and I may be wrong) it's a wee bit colder there!
    Dendro :D :DFletch ... hate to say it, but you're not in Scotland ... think (and I may be wrong) it's a wee bit colder there!
    Dendro :D :DFletch ... hate to say it, but you're not in Scotland ... think (and I may be wrong) it's a wee bit colder there!
    Dendro :D :DFletch ... hate to say it, but you're not in Scotland ... think (and I may be wrong) it's a wee bit colder there!
  2. Blackthorn

    Sedum Roof

    The edges look normal to me, as to why the centre is like that looks a bit strange to me. Do you think its been repaired at some stage.
    The edges look normal to me, as to why the centre is like that looks a bit strange to me. Do you think its been repaired at some stage.
    The edges look normal to me, as to why the centre is like that looks a bit strange to me. Do you think its been repaired at some stage.
    The edges look normal to me, as to why the centre is like that looks a bit strange to me. Do you think its been repaired at some stage.
  3. Blackthorn

    Tropaeolum Speciosum

    Thank you for that Royster.
    Thank you for that Royster.
    Thank you for that Royster.
    Thank you for that Royster.
  4. cuckoobuns

    Help with clematis

    Going to add that all the C. cirrhosa are slightly tender, but they should do ok in Dorset. Here they tend to flower later and ours has been totally cut to the ground by frost twice now. The...
    Going to add that all the C. cirrhosa are slightly tender, but they should do ok in Dorset. Here they tend to flower later and ours has been totally cut to the ground by frost twice now. The flowers do tend to hang down so you do not get the full frontal blast from them like you do with other...
    Going to add that all the C. cirrhosa are slightly tender, but they should do ok in Dorset. Here they tend to flower later and ours has been totally cut to the ground by frost twice now. The flowers do tend to hang down so you do not get the full...
    Going to add that all the C. cirrhosa are slightly tender, but they should do ok in Dorset. Here they tend to flower later and ours has been totally cut to the ground by frost twice now. The...
  5. crouchend

    sandy soil

    Crouchend - I agree with the plenty of compost bit. And as Bayleaf says you can lay it on the top and let the worms do the work. I would also look into what sorts of plants like sandy soil. I...
    Crouchend - I agree with the plenty of compost bit. And as Bayleaf says you can lay it on the top and let the worms do the work. I would also look into what sorts of plants like sandy soil. I am on clay - and you will be able to grow all sorts of plants that I cannot.
    Crouchend - I agree with the plenty of compost bit. And as Bayleaf says you can lay it on the top and let the worms do the work. I would also look into what sorts of plants like sandy soil. I am on clay - and you will be able to grow all sorts...
    Crouchend - I agree with the plenty of compost bit. And as Bayleaf says you can lay it on the top and let the worms do the work. I would also look into what sorts of plants like sandy soil. I...
  6. Dillydo

    Grape Hyacinths

    Point taken. I'll dig them up in the morning and put them back in their pot! :eek: Knew at the back of my mind it wasn't a good idea.
    Point taken. I'll dig them up in the morning and put them back in their pot! :eek: Knew at the back of my mind it wasn't a good idea.
    Point taken. I'll dig them up in the morning and put them back in their pot! :eek: Knew at the back of my mind it wasn't a good idea.
    Point taken. I'll dig them up in the morning and put them back in their pot! :eek: Knew at the back of my mind it wasn't a good idea.
  7. Palustris


    Thanks folks. Actually it is not really a problem as I cannot eat any mushrooms, so far all of them give me digestion problems even the most common ones. I just like to know what grows in my...
    Thanks folks. Actually it is not really a problem as I cannot eat any mushrooms, so far all of them give me digestion problems even the most common ones. I just like to know what grows in my garden. We have three books on identifying fungus, but none of them are really that good, a bit like the...
    Thanks folks. Actually it is not really a problem as I cannot eat any mushrooms, so far all of them give me digestion problems even the most common ones. I just like to know what grows in my garden. We have three books on identifying fungus, but...
    Thanks folks. Actually it is not really a problem as I cannot eat any mushrooms, so far all of them give me digestion problems even the most common ones. I just like to know what grows in my...
  8. Mimi

    advice please

    It is going to remain outdoors and regarding drainage, the guy who carved it out for me said that it doesn't really need drainage as the wood will absorb any excess liquid, having said that I...
    It is going to remain outdoors and regarding drainage, the guy who carved it out for me said that it doesn't really need drainage as the wood will absorb any excess liquid, having said that I could drill some holes in it anyway.Thanks for your idea
    It is going to remain outdoors and regarding drainage, the guy who carved it out for me said that it doesn't really need drainage as the wood will absorb any excess liquid, having said that I could drill some holes in it anyway.Thanks for your idea
    It is going to remain outdoors and regarding drainage, the guy who carved it out for me said that it doesn't really need drainage as the wood will absorb any excess liquid, having said that I...
  9. Mimi

    fuschia problem

    It could be, but it is in quite a deep pot and certainly doesn't look waterlogged from the top. We'll see what happens
    It could be, but it is in quite a deep pot and certainly doesn't look waterlogged from the top. We'll see what happens
    It could be, but it is in quite a deep pot and certainly doesn't look waterlogged from the top. We'll see what happens
    It could be, but it is in quite a deep pot and certainly doesn't look waterlogged from the top. We'll see what happens
  10. Webmaster

    What did I buy today ????

    I was planning to pot it in a LARGE pot ;)
    I was planning to pot it in a LARGE pot ;)
    I was planning to pot it in a LARGE pot ;)
    I was planning to pot it in a LARGE pot ;)
  11. strongylodon

    Acacia Baileyana

    My pravissima is in full bud already as well strongy, it always is at this time of the year. Dont think I'd get away with baileyana though.
    My pravissima is in full bud already as well strongy, it always is at this time of the year. Dont think I'd get away with baileyana though.
    My pravissima is in full bud already as well strongy, it always is at this time of the year. Dont think I'd get away with baileyana though.
    My pravissima is in full bud already as well strongy, it always is at this time of the year. Dont think I'd get away with baileyana though.
  12. Paladin

    Next door!

    Yup just Paladins ones, got those OK thanks,Oh and the ones before have arrived...I did nothing honest... very frustrating no pics :( when I like to know whats going on...and after ages...
    Yup just Paladins ones, got those OK thanks,Oh and the ones before have arrived...I did nothing honest... very frustrating no pics :( when I like to know whats going on...and after ages watering tonight still no rain not a drop for weeks very difficult to start a new garden in dust.... ...
    Yup just Paladins ones, got those OK thanks,Oh and the ones before have arrived...I did nothing honest... very frustrating no pics :( when I like to know whats going on...and after ages watering tonight still no rain not a drop for weeks...
    Yup just Paladins ones, got those OK thanks,Oh and the ones before have arrived...I did nothing honest... very frustrating no pics :( when I like to know whats going on...and after ages...
  13. Victoria

    Pachira aquatica

    No watch the red dotted line, the one they call thickness. The blue line is the cold front, the red dotted is the air temps.
    No watch the red dotted line, the one they call thickness. The blue line is the cold front, the red dotted is the air temps.
    No watch the red dotted line, the one they call thickness. The blue line is the cold front, the red dotted is the air temps.
    No watch the red dotted line, the one they call thickness. The blue line is the cold front, the red dotted is the air temps.
  14. lazy-gardener

    Tansy-does it self seed?

    didnt know all that! thanks
    didnt know all that! thanks
    didnt know all that! thanks
    didnt know all that! thanks
  15. Hornbeam

    This REALLY works

    LOL Hornbeam, sweet smelling slugs, nice.. :cool:
    LOL Hornbeam, sweet smelling slugs, nice.. :cool:
    LOL Hornbeam, sweet smelling slugs, nice.. :cool:
    LOL Hornbeam, sweet smelling slugs, nice.. :cool:
  16. Victoria

    House Plants for Fun

    We have portable units, found them easier than trying to knock through metre and half stone walls....less mess for one thing !!I'm off to check the oven, I've a giant sticky toffee pudding...
    We have portable units, found them easier than trying to knock through metre and half stone walls....less mess for one thing !!I'm off to check the oven, I've a giant sticky toffee pudding in there at the moment, and a tuna and salmon terrine waiting to go in the bain marie's all...
    We have portable units, found them easier than trying to knock through metre and half stone walls....less mess for one thing !!I'm off to check the oven, I've a giant sticky toffee pudding in there at the moment, and a tuna and salmon...
    We have portable units, found them easier than trying to knock through metre and half stone walls....less mess for one thing !!I'm off to check the oven, I've a giant sticky toffee pudding...
  17. duckyjuk

    potting up seeds

    I have a very small garden Fancy - so every square foot has to work hard. The Lupins thing was sparked off by Christopher Lloyd, who gardened pretty intensively. He said that he replanted some...
    I have a very small garden Fancy - so every square foot has to work hard. The Lupins thing was sparked off by Christopher Lloyd, who gardened pretty intensively. He said that he replanted some areas up to three or even four times a year. His argument was that people visited his garden over a...
    I have a very small garden Fancy - so every square foot has to work hard. The Lupins thing was sparked off by Christopher Lloyd, who gardened pretty intensively. He said that he replanted some areas up to three or even four times a year. His...
    I have a very small garden Fancy - so every square foot has to work hard. The Lupins thing was sparked off by Christopher Lloyd, who gardened pretty intensively. He said that he replanted some...
  18. sash


    I am going to plant them this weekend, the first living thing I've put in so far! thanks for the advice, have a good weekend.
    I am going to plant them this weekend, the first living thing I've put in so far! thanks for the advice, have a good weekend.
    I am going to plant them this weekend, the first living thing I've put in so far! thanks for the advice, have a good weekend.
    I am going to plant them this weekend, the first living thing I've put in so far! thanks for the advice, have a good weekend.
  19. Rich

    First flower

    Liz. I can do it so it can't be hard.Just cut out the spine of the leaf and plant the two halves in the well drained compost with most of the leaf sticking out. The babies form in a short while.
    Liz. I can do it so it can't be hard.Just cut out the spine of the leaf and plant the two halves in the well drained compost with most of the leaf sticking out. The babies form in a short while.
    Liz. I can do it so it can't be hard.Just cut out the spine of the leaf and plant the two halves in the well drained compost with most of the leaf sticking out. The babies form in a short while.
    Liz. I can do it so it can't be hard.Just cut out the spine of the leaf and plant the two halves in the well drained compost with most of the leaf sticking out. The babies form in a short while.
  20. bettyblue


    :D :D :D
    :D :D :D
    :D :D :D
    :D :D :D

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