General Gardening Discussion

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  1. rosietutu

    Sepember Garden

    pm your address again Rosa send you some plantlets probably dried out have to water every day.
    pm your address again Rosa send you some plantlets probably dried out have to water every day.
    pm your address again Rosa send you some plantlets probably dried out have to water every day.
    pm your address again Rosa send you some plantlets probably dried out have to water every day.
  2. lynne

    solanum album pruning

    Liz, hi, thanks for the link. if mine smells of jasmine then i can't smell it! i thinki was probably rather too enthusiastic with my pruning! I shall cut it back in winter this time taking care to...
    Liz, hi, thanks for the link. if mine smells of jasmine then i can't smell it! i thinki was probably rather too enthusiastic with my pruning! I shall cut it back in winter this time taking care to not be so vicious! It is a lovely climber though!
    Liz, hi, thanks for the link. if mine smells of jasmine then i can't smell it! i thinki was probably rather too enthusiastic with my pruning! I shall cut it back in winter this time taking care to not be so vicious! It is a lovely climber though!
    Liz, hi, thanks for the link. if mine smells of jasmine then i can't smell it! i thinki was probably rather too enthusiastic with my pruning! I shall cut it back in winter this time taking care to...
  3. Liz

    Very late flower

    Don't laugh anyone- one of my callas has a flower coming... better late than never! :rolleyes:
    Don't laugh anyone- one of my callas has a flower coming... better late than never! :rolleyes:
    Don't laugh anyone- one of my callas has a flower coming... better late than never! :rolleyes:
    Don't laugh anyone- one of my callas has a flower coming... better late than never! :rolleyes:
  4. windy miller

    commelina coelestis

    Thanks DaveP (again!) I only see the flowers very briefly first thing in the morning as they're all closed by the time I get home from work. Might grow some and give them away to family and...
    Thanks DaveP (again!) I only see the flowers very briefly first thing in the morning as they're all closed by the time I get home from work. Might grow some and give them away to family and friends. If anyone would like some seeds please let me know as the 2 plants I've got have produced...
    Thanks DaveP (again!) I only see the flowers very briefly first thing in the morning as they're all closed by the time I get home from work. Might grow some and give them away to family and friends. If anyone would like some seeds please let me...
    Thanks DaveP (again!) I only see the flowers very briefly first thing in the morning as they're all closed by the time I get home from work. Might grow some and give them away to family and...
  5. Waco


    Its starting to flower!!!!!!From looks of it may be a Jackmanii, but as I have one of these in the garden it is unlikely I would plant two the same?will post pics when in full bloom - seems...
    Its starting to flower!!!!!!From looks of it may be a Jackmanii, but as I have one of these in the garden it is unlikely I would plant two the same?will post pics when in full bloom - seems everso late, all very odd.
    Its starting to flower!!!!!!From looks of it may be a Jackmanii, but as I have one of these in the garden it is unlikely I would plant two the same?will post pics when in full bloom - seems everso late, all very odd.
    Its starting to flower!!!!!!From looks of it may be a Jackmanii, but as I have one of these in the garden it is unlikely I would plant two the same?will post pics when in full bloom - seems...
  6. Victoria

    Bank Holiday Sunday

    If its from drought, I'm sure it will. If from other causes, then mmmmmmm.Mine lawn was yellow and frizzled in places, even the weeds :D , but its now greening up and needs cutting yet again...
    If its from drought, I'm sure it will. If from other causes, then mmmmmmm.Mine lawn was yellow and frizzled in places, even the weeds :D , but its now greening up and needs cutting yet again <sigh>
    If its from drought, I'm sure it will. If from other causes, then mmmmmmm.Mine lawn was yellow and frizzled in places, even the weeds :D , but its now greening up and needs cutting yet again <sigh>
    If its from drought, I'm sure it will. If from other causes, then mmmmmmm.Mine lawn was yellow and frizzled in places, even the weeds :D , but its now greening up and needs cutting yet again...
  7. marge

    Thanks Dendrobium!

    you're welcome! and if there's anything you've got too much of, chances are I can give it a good home! :D
    you're welcome! and if there's anything you've got too much of, chances are I can give it a good home! :D
    you're welcome! and if there's anything you've got too much of, chances are I can give it a good home! :D
    you're welcome! and if there's anything you've got too much of, chances are I can give it a good home! :D
  8. Victoria

    The Garden at Huntercombe Manor in 1882-83

    It WAS there, Rich, believe me! :eek: I now always do Preview Post when I put a link up to make sure it's there. Spooky ... but here goes again...
    It WAS there, Rich, believe me! :eek: I now always do Preview Post when I put a link up to make sure it's there. Spooky ... but here goes again ...
    It WAS there, Rich, believe me! :eek: I now always do Preview Post when I put a link up to make sure it's there. Spooky ... but here goes again ...
    It WAS there, Rich, believe me! :eek: I now always do Preview Post when I put a link up to make sure it's there. Spooky ... but here goes again...
  9. windy miller

    fast growing shrub

    Thanks Pete, was trying them in a pot which is probably where I went wrong Will wait til Winter and have a go.
    Thanks Pete, was trying them in a pot which is probably where I went wrong Will wait til Winter and have a go.
    Thanks Pete, was trying them in a pot which is probably where I went wrong Will wait til Winter and have a go.
    Thanks Pete, was trying them in a pot which is probably where I went wrong Will wait til Winter and have a go.
  10. dalbuie

    Painting trellis

    That's how a couple of people I know who make the stuff for a living do it. The spray paint lasts a whole year or two but heck there's a good profit in it..stain is obviously better. I once did...
    That's how a couple of people I know who make the stuff for a living do it. The spray paint lasts a whole year or two but heck there's a good profit in it..stain is obviously better. I once did one panel the long way; it was chronic. Mind you try rubbing down a slatted teak chair or painting a...
    That's how a couple of people I know who make the stuff for a living do it. The spray paint lasts a whole year or two but heck there's a good profit in it..stain is obviously better. I once did one panel the long way; it was chronic. Mind you try...
    That's how a couple of people I know who make the stuff for a living do it. The spray paint lasts a whole year or two but heck there's a good profit in it..stain is obviously better. I once did...
  11. sawfish

    Soleirolia soleirolii (mind your own business)

    So that'll be a case of watch this lack of space then eh Marge?
    So that'll be a case of watch this lack of space then eh Marge?
    So that'll be a case of watch this lack of space then eh Marge?
    So that'll be a case of watch this lack of space then eh Marge?
  12. dixy

    planting bulbs for spring

    Have a lovely time, and of course I'll help if you like.
    Have a lovely time, and of course I'll help if you like.
    Have a lovely time, and of course I'll help if you like.
    Have a lovely time, and of course I'll help if you like.
  13. roders

    Interesting Planters..

    No way mate, :D :D
    No way mate, :D :D
    No way mate, :D :D
    No way mate, :D :D
  14. Royster

    staking tall plants at the front of a border

    hi Royster, I'm in Co.Down, a wee bit away from Antrim. I we took my mother to Bushmills and she enjoyed the wee half at the end! We're scots too! I'm from Argyll, where are you from?
    hi Royster, I'm in Co.Down, a wee bit away from Antrim. I we took my mother to Bushmills and she enjoyed the wee half at the end! We're scots too! I'm from Argyll, where are you from?
    hi Royster, I'm in Co.Down, a wee bit away from Antrim. I we took my mother to Bushmills and she enjoyed the wee half at the end! We're scots too! I'm from Argyll, where are you from?
    hi Royster, I'm in Co.Down, a wee bit away from Antrim. I we took my mother to Bushmills and she enjoyed the wee half at the end! We're scots too! I'm from Argyll, where are you from?
  15. Marley Farley

    Aeranthos in flower..???

    Hi Dave, You have a super selection there. Good climate there though... Love the way you have them fixed to your trees & shrubs!! Think I am a bit too chilly here... ;) My friend has...
    Hi Dave, You have a super selection there. Good climate there though... Love the way you have them fixed to your trees & shrubs!! Think I am a bit too chilly here... ;) My friend has allot too, some inside & a few outside, (but she is in Cornwall),,, which is what interested me in...
    Hi Dave, You have a super selection there. Good climate there though... Love the way you have them fixed to your trees & shrubs!! Think I am a bit too chilly here... ;) My friend has allot too, some inside & a few outside, (but she is...
    Hi Dave, You have a super selection there. Good climate there though... Love the way you have them fixed to your trees & shrubs!! Think I am a bit too chilly here... ;) My friend has...
  16. duckyjuk

    my seeds

    thank you ill wait till the spring because theres loads of blackbirds..pecking in my soil...
    thank you ill wait till the spring because theres loads of blackbirds..pecking in my soil...
    thank you ill wait till the spring because theres loads of blackbirds..pecking in my soil...
    thank you ill wait till the spring because theres loads of blackbirds..pecking in my soil...
  17. madflower

    Liz and madflowers Hostas

    Thanks Liz, my Hostas from crocus are lovely, really big and healthy.They arrived really well packaged (the next day), i also bought an acer as a gift, and it was huge and only 15.00, i bought...
    Thanks Liz, my Hostas from crocus are lovely, really big and healthy.They arrived really well packaged (the next day), i also bought an acer as a gift, and it was huge and only 15.00, i bought mine from homebase and it's not half as big, so i would def recommend crocus, i've called one of my...
    Thanks Liz, my Hostas from crocus are lovely, really big and healthy.They arrived really well packaged (the next day), i also bought an acer as a gift, and it was huge and only 15.00, i bought mine from homebase and it's not half as big, so i...
    Thanks Liz, my Hostas from crocus are lovely, really big and healthy.They arrived really well packaged (the next day), i also bought an acer as a gift, and it was huge and only 15.00, i bought...
  18. Banana Man

    Aloe striata

    Well done BM, nice to know its doing well
    Well done BM, nice to know its doing well
    Well done BM, nice to know its doing well
    Well done BM, nice to know its doing well
  19. Banana Man

    FAO madflower... Bamboo

    Hi Windy and Fancy, I wish I had room for some edulis!I terms of invasion I do get sneaky run aways which get the wrath of my spade but as long as you keep an eye on them and plant them...
    Hi Windy and Fancy, I wish I had room for some edulis!I terms of invasion I do get sneaky run aways which get the wrath of my spade but as long as you keep an eye on them and plant them sensibly, they should be fine. Where ever possible I have created sections where they cannot escape easily....
    Hi Windy and Fancy, I wish I had room for some edulis!I terms of invasion I do get sneaky run aways which get the wrath of my spade but as long as you keep an eye on them and plant them sensibly, they should be fine. Where ever possible I have...
    Hi Windy and Fancy, I wish I had room for some edulis!I terms of invasion I do get sneaky run aways which get the wrath of my spade but as long as you keep an eye on them and plant them...
  20. nobby

    Bougainvillea Glabra (Sanderiana)

    Nice work Fancy and the Lady of Portuguese Leisure!Kind regards Roy
    Nice work Fancy and the Lady of Portuguese Leisure!Kind regards Roy
    Nice work Fancy and the Lady of Portuguese Leisure!Kind regards Roy
    Nice work Fancy and the Lady of Portuguese Leisure!Kind regards Roy

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