General Gardening Discussion

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  1. Liz

    Expanded polystyrene plug trays

    A member of Bath freecycle is looking for the white 'propapak' ones, made of the white expanding polystyrene used for packaging- he can't find them anywhere and the ones he has are crumbling.
    A member of Bath freecycle is looking for the white 'propapak' ones, made of the white expanding polystyrene used for packaging- he can't find them anywhere and the ones he has are crumbling.
    A member of Bath freecycle is looking for the white 'propapak' ones, made of the white expanding polystyrene used for packaging- he can't find them anywhere and the ones he has are crumbling.
    A member of Bath freecycle is looking for the white 'propapak' ones, made of the white expanding polystyrene used for packaging- he can't find them anywhere and the ones he has are crumbling.
  2. robdavies


    I hope the trellis is big and strong, cos C. montana can get BIG. One of ours is now at the top of a 25 foot tall tree as well as covering the Summer house (12 by 8) roof. Also that depth of soil...
    I hope the trellis is big and strong, cos C. montana can get BIG. One of ours is now at the top of a 25 foot tall tree as well as covering the Summer house (12 by 8) roof. Also that depth of soil is a little shallow for Clematis (in fact a lottle shallow). They really do need a deep root run to...
    I hope the trellis is big and strong, cos C. montana can get BIG. One of ours is now at the top of a 25 foot tall tree as well as covering the Summer house (12 by 8) roof. Also that depth of soil is a little shallow for Clematis (in fact a lottle...
    I hope the trellis is big and strong, cos C. montana can get BIG. One of ours is now at the top of a 25 foot tall tree as well as covering the Summer house (12 by 8) roof. Also that depth of soil...
  3. frogesque

    Good enough to eat ...

    More feasts in store then! I've been watching the bushes round here. One day soon they'll all disappear except for the 'blind' ones. I still haven't worked out how the squirrels know, perhaps...
    More feasts in store then! I've been watching the bushes round here. One day soon they'll all disappear except for the 'blind' ones. I still haven't worked out how the squirrels know, perhaps it's weight as they are dumped on the ground without a hole.
    More feasts in store then! I've been watching the bushes round here. One day soon they'll all disappear except for the 'blind' ones. I still haven't worked out how the squirrels know, perhaps it's weight as they are dumped on the ground without...
    More feasts in store then! I've been watching the bushes round here. One day soon they'll all disappear except for the 'blind' ones. I still haven't worked out how the squirrels know, perhaps...
  4. Victoria

    Cycad revolta

    Its a good one, you can see the layers formed by the new flushes of fronds. Could that be the cones forming in the centre?Dwarfing the BOP. :D
    Its a good one, you can see the layers formed by the new flushes of fronds. Could that be the cones forming in the centre?Dwarfing the BOP. :D
    Its a good one, you can see the layers formed by the new flushes of fronds. Could that be the cones forming in the centre?Dwarfing the BOP. :D
    Its a good one, you can see the layers formed by the new flushes of fronds. Could that be the cones forming in the centre?Dwarfing the BOP. :D
  5. Celia

    plant ideas

    Lovely ideas, thank you. The Delosperma cooperi will be ideal in another area that is going to have a tall wall, I've seen lots of gardens around here that have something similar/same so it must...
    Lovely ideas, thank you. The Delosperma cooperi will be ideal in another area that is going to have a tall wall, I've seen lots of gardens around here that have something similar/same so it must do well. I think a cotoneaster will be perfect for the flower bed, now just to choose which one!
    Lovely ideas, thank you. The Delosperma cooperi will be ideal in another area that is going to have a tall wall, I've seen lots of gardens around here that have something similar/same so it must do well. I think a cotoneaster will be perfect for...
    Lovely ideas, thank you. The Delosperma cooperi will be ideal in another area that is going to have a tall wall, I've seen lots of gardens around here that have something similar/same so it must...
  6. roders

    Hanging Baskets..

    Lady of Leisure so love the colour of Lutos. You can but the plants here but I have never grown.Can imagine a splash of colour. [ 15. August 2006, 07:30 PM: Message edited by: Scotkat ]
    Lady of Leisure so love the colour of Lutos. You can but the plants here but I have never grown.Can imagine a splash of colour. [ 15. August 2006, 07:30 PM: Message edited by: Scotkat ]
    Lady of Leisure so love the colour of Lutos. You can but the plants here but I have never grown.Can imagine a splash of colour. [ 15. August 2006, 07:30 PM: Message edited by: Scotkat ]
    Lady of Leisure so love the colour of Lutos. You can but the plants here but I have never grown.Can imagine a splash of colour. [ 15. August 2006, 07:30 PM: Message edited by: Scotkat ]
  7. Juliet

    Can I divide Sedum?

    Juliet. I think sedum is a really tough plant and could probably be divided at any time. But as the others have said it is probably best after flowering in autumn, or in the spring.However...
    Juliet. I think sedum is a really tough plant and could probably be divided at any time. But as the others have said it is probably best after flowering in autumn, or in the spring.However there is nothing to stop you taking some cuttings. I took some earlier this year and they are all...
    Juliet. I think sedum is a really tough plant and could probably be divided at any time. But as the others have said it is probably best after flowering in autumn, or in the spring.However there is nothing to stop you taking some cuttings. I...
    Juliet. I think sedum is a really tough plant and could probably be divided at any time. But as the others have said it is probably best after flowering in autumn, or in the spring.However...
  8. locarno


    I have seen problems in a few areas, only one of which I can categorically state comes from the bark, but once I started thinking about this possible transmission route I also noticed the new...
    I have seen problems in a few areas, only one of which I can categorically state comes from the bark, but once I started thinking about this possible transmission route I also noticed the new arrival of symptoms sometimes corresponds with the application of the mulch. I now only use pure bark -...
    I have seen problems in a few areas, only one of which I can categorically state comes from the bark, but once I started thinking about this possible transmission route I also noticed the new arrival of symptoms sometimes corresponds with the...
    I have seen problems in a few areas, only one of which I can categorically state comes from the bark, but once I started thinking about this possible transmission route I also noticed the new...
  9. Rich

    Back from my world tour

    Hi Rich! Welcome back to GC - Co Durham is a great area isn't it? As for the rain, since the heatwave subsided it has hardly stopped!Look forward to some pics of your world tour.
    Hi Rich! Welcome back to GC - Co Durham is a great area isn't it? As for the rain, since the heatwave subsided it has hardly stopped!Look forward to some pics of your world tour.
    Hi Rich! Welcome back to GC - Co Durham is a great area isn't it? As for the rain, since the heatwave subsided it has hardly stopped!Look forward to some pics of your world tour.
    Hi Rich! Welcome back to GC - Co Durham is a great area isn't it? As for the rain, since the heatwave subsided it has hardly stopped!Look forward to some pics of your world tour.
  10. meles

    Constance Elliot

    I've not grown it myself, so I go along with what Fran says, try pollenating it by hand. Try crossing it with the pollen from the caerulea. Just a thought but why do you want the fruit? Once the...
    I've not grown it myself, so I go along with what Fran says, try pollenating it by hand. Try crossing it with the pollen from the caerulea. Just a thought but why do you want the fruit? Once the fruit start to form they tend to slow down the flowering.
    I've not grown it myself, so I go along with what Fran says, try pollenating it by hand. Try crossing it with the pollen from the caerulea. Just a thought but why do you want the fruit? Once the fruit start to form they tend to slow down the...
    I've not grown it myself, so I go along with what Fran says, try pollenating it by hand. Try crossing it with the pollen from the caerulea. Just a thought but why do you want the fruit? Once the...
  11. tina1963


    Ain't it just!
    Ain't it just!
    Ain't it just!
    Ain't it just!
  12. PLOTTY


    Hi Plotty, What kind of pumpkin is Daniel growing? I too have been given a mixed bag of dahlia's. I have planted them and I cannot wait until next year to see what type of flowers they give me....
    Hi Plotty, What kind of pumpkin is Daniel growing? I too have been given a mixed bag of dahlia's. I have planted them and I cannot wait until next year to see what type of flowers they give me. Well done for such a good blog.
    Hi Plotty, What kind of pumpkin is Daniel growing? I too have been given a mixed bag of dahlia's. I have planted them and I cannot wait until next year to see what type of flowers they give me. Well done for such a good blog.
    Hi Plotty, What kind of pumpkin is Daniel growing? I too have been given a mixed bag of dahlia's. I have planted them and I cannot wait until next year to see what type of flowers they give me....
  13. windy miller

    been naughty!!

    Nice one Windy,morning to you
    Nice one Windy,morning to you
    Nice one Windy,morning to you
    Nice one Windy,morning to you
  14. Hornbeam

    Healing plants - Gardeners' World Special

    It was really interesting and taught me loads. My 6yr old watched it with me and is now asking if we can have a herb patch. Wished I'd recorded it for reference. Thanks Hornbeam, might have missed...
    It was really interesting and taught me loads. My 6yr old watched it with me and is now asking if we can have a herb patch. Wished I'd recorded it for reference. Thanks Hornbeam, might have missed it if you hadn't posted
    It was really interesting and taught me loads. My 6yr old watched it with me and is now asking if we can have a herb patch. Wished I'd recorded it for reference. Thanks Hornbeam, might have missed it if you hadn't posted
    It was really interesting and taught me loads. My 6yr old watched it with me and is now asking if we can have a herb patch. Wished I'd recorded it for reference. Thanks Hornbeam, might have missed...
  15. krafty

    Help!!Lilies turned to Copper!!

    Hi Krafty - that does not look good. It could be a virus - but whatever, I would remove it away from the others. If it was me, I would destroy it - just to safeguard the others - but putting it in...
    Hi Krafty - that does not look good. It could be a virus - but whatever, I would remove it away from the others. If it was me, I would destroy it - just to safeguard the others - but putting it in a pot in another part of the garden and observing may be an option.
    Hi Krafty - that does not look good. It could be a virus - but whatever, I would remove it away from the others. If it was me, I would destroy it - just to safeguard the others - but putting it in a pot in another part of the garden and observing...
    Hi Krafty - that does not look good. It could be a virus - but whatever, I would remove it away from the others. If it was me, I would destroy it - just to safeguard the others - but putting it in...
  16. Platti

    Winter Flowers

    Welcome Platti - as well as all the very good suggestions if you use the search facility of this forum - you can find pictures of colour in the garden for every month of the year in the Beginners...
    Welcome Platti - as well as all the very good suggestions if you use the search facility of this forum - you can find pictures of colour in the garden for every month of the year in the Beginners Section. Check out January Garden Colour, and so on.
    Welcome Platti - as well as all the very good suggestions if you use the search facility of this forum - you can find pictures of colour in the garden for every month of the year in the Beginners Section. Check out January Garden Colour, and so on.
    Welcome Platti - as well as all the very good suggestions if you use the search facility of this forum - you can find pictures of colour in the garden for every month of the year in the Beginners...
  17. Fortesque

    Advice Wanted on a Good Variety of Ceanothus

    She has been blowing in the wind today really needs a new stake.At least this gives you an idea of Gloire de Versailles.
    She has been blowing in the wind today really needs a new stake.At least this gives you an idea of Gloire de Versailles.
    She has been blowing in the wind today really needs a new stake.At least this gives you an idea of Gloire de Versailles.
    She has been blowing in the wind today really needs a new stake.At least this gives you an idea of Gloire de Versailles.
  18. wildflower


    landscapejuicer..your sunflowers are really lovely and its a awesome photo.. :D
    landscapejuicer..your sunflowers are really lovely and its a awesome photo.. :D
    landscapejuicer..your sunflowers are really lovely and its a awesome photo.. :D
    landscapejuicer..your sunflowers are really lovely and its a awesome photo.. :D
  19. Liz

    Clematis integrifolia

    I forgot about C. heraclifolia. We had Wyvale somewhere, but it may be one of the drought victims this year.
    I forgot about C. heraclifolia. We had Wyvale somewhere, but it may be one of the drought victims this year.
    I forgot about C. heraclifolia. We had Wyvale somewhere, but it may be one of the drought victims this year.
    I forgot about C. heraclifolia. We had Wyvale somewhere, but it may be one of the drought victims this year.
  20. Brackenbeds

    Dog Urine

    If it`s a dog then you`ll have problems getting him to go in one place as he`ll naturally want to mark his territory.As Liz said it`s the massive over fert that causes the damage, sometimes it`s...
    If it`s a dog then you`ll have problems getting him to go in one place as he`ll naturally want to mark his territory.As Liz said it`s the massive over fert that causes the damage, sometimes it`s assumed the acidic PH is responsible but if tested you`ll find its pretty close to neutral, so the...
    If it`s a dog then you`ll have problems getting him to go in one place as he`ll naturally want to mark his territory.As Liz said it`s the massive over fert that causes the damage, sometimes it`s assumed the acidic PH is responsible but if...
    If it`s a dog then you`ll have problems getting him to go in one place as he`ll naturally want to mark his territory.As Liz said it`s the massive over fert that causes the damage, sometimes it`s...

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