General Gardening Discussion

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  1. Banana Man

    FAO Celia

    You don't seem to have PM facility turned on so you have email from me :D :D :D
    You don't seem to have PM facility turned on so you have email from me :D :D :D
    You don't seem to have PM facility turned on so you have email from me :D :D :D
    You don't seem to have PM facility turned on so you have email from me :D :D :D
  2. dalbuie

    New Clematis

    We have it, a really nice mid season flowerer.
    We have it, a really nice mid season flowerer.
    We have it, a really nice mid season flowerer.
    We have it, a really nice mid season flowerer.
  3. Black Cat

    'Automatic' Watering System

    Definite no-no if there is no outside tap, as Kandyfloss has illustrated. I install loads of the things, they aren't perfect, but once set up they do the job which is to water when the (in my case...
    Definite no-no if there is no outside tap, as Kandyfloss has illustrated. I install loads of the things, they aren't perfect, but once set up they do the job which is to water when the (in my case client) owner is absent/absentminded/busy.I won't install window-boxes in my gardens without...
    Definite no-no if there is no outside tap, as Kandyfloss has illustrated. I install loads of the things, they aren't perfect, but once set up they do the job which is to water when the (in my case client) owner is absent/absentminded/busy.I...
    Definite no-no if there is no outside tap, as Kandyfloss has illustrated. I install loads of the things, they aren't perfect, but once set up they do the job which is to water when the (in my case...
  4. Dave Martin

    winter 2006 - summer 2007

    I too am harvesting regularly, but I am thinking about this winter - I have just planted orange and purple carrots and some parsnips and potatoes went in a couple of weeks ago..The carrots will...
    I too am harvesting regularly, but I am thinking about this winter - I have just planted orange and purple carrots and some parsnips and potatoes went in a couple of weeks ago..The carrots will hopefully be ready for christmas dinner, but I imagine the parsnips won't be ready until feb/mar...
    I too am harvesting regularly, but I am thinking about this winter - I have just planted orange and purple carrots and some parsnips and potatoes went in a couple of weeks ago..The carrots will hopefully be ready for christmas dinner, but I...
    I too am harvesting regularly, but I am thinking about this winter - I have just planted orange and purple carrots and some parsnips and potatoes went in a couple of weeks ago..The carrots will...
  5. Waco

    Dragon wing begonia

    OK I managed to get one - or several, local nursery were chucking them out as no one seemed to know wht they were or what to do with them!They are stunning!How do I keep them over winter with...
    OK I managed to get one - or several, local nursery were chucking them out as no one seemed to know wht they were or what to do with them!They are stunning!How do I keep them over winter with limited space? whats best way of getting cuttings?THANKS
    OK I managed to get one - or several, local nursery were chucking them out as no one seemed to know wht they were or what to do with them!They are stunning!How do I keep them over winter with limited space? whats best way of getting...
    OK I managed to get one - or several, local nursery were chucking them out as no one seemed to know wht they were or what to do with them!They are stunning!How do I keep them over winter with...
  6. Banana Man

    Drought Tolerant Plant List....

    I got loads of glauca rose seedlings if anyone wants one.
    I got loads of glauca rose seedlings if anyone wants one.
    I got loads of glauca rose seedlings if anyone wants one.
    I got loads of glauca rose seedlings if anyone wants one.


    Plotty I really enjoy looking at your site. I've a bit of success despite the hot weather looking to plant for the winter now although not too sure what to do next. I've already got red cabbage...
    Plotty I really enjoy looking at your site. I've a bit of success despite the hot weather looking to plant for the winter now although not too sure what to do next. I've already got red cabbage in the ground but not sure when they will be ready if anyone has any tips for me will be grateful. ...
    Plotty I really enjoy looking at your site. I've a bit of success despite the hot weather looking to plant for the winter now although not too sure what to do next. I've already got red cabbage in the ground but not sure when they will be ready...
    Plotty I really enjoy looking at your site. I've a bit of success despite the hot weather looking to plant for the winter now although not too sure what to do next. I've already got red cabbage...
  8. frogesque


    Liz, its very common in the S.E of the country - just about in every lane around me. The same cautions apply to this as Giant Hogweed, which I shall not repeat for fear of re-kindling the wrath of...
    Liz, its very common in the S.E of the country - just about in every lane around me. The same cautions apply to this as Giant Hogweed, which I shall not repeat for fear of re-kindling the wrath of the umbellifer-huggers that frequent these parts.
    Liz, its very common in the S.E of the country - just about in every lane around me. The same cautions apply to this as Giant Hogweed, which I shall not repeat for fear of re-kindling the wrath of the umbellifer-huggers that frequent these parts.
    Liz, its very common in the S.E of the country - just about in every lane around me. The same cautions apply to this as Giant Hogweed, which I shall not repeat for fear of re-kindling the wrath of...
  9. Clematis

    Bargain Hibiscus

    That is gorgeous love the colour of it well done clematis
    That is gorgeous love the colour of it well done clematis
    That is gorgeous love the colour of it well done clematis
    That is gorgeous love the colour of it well done clematis
  10. wildflower

    ITS Raining..!!

    Hi HB Love the addition to my thought for the day. :D :D----------------- shiney
    Hi HB Love the addition to my thought for the day. :D :D----------------- shiney
    Hi HB Love the addition to my thought for the day. :D :D----------------- shiney
    Hi HB Love the addition to my thought for the day. :D :D----------------- shiney
  11. timecharger

    Best Online Seed/Plant Seller?

    Sorry, missed an 's' of should
    Sorry, missed an 's' of should
    Sorry, missed an 's' of should
    Sorry, missed an 's' of should
  12. barbaraanne

    What can i buy now that will look good in 4 weeks

    Asters - they are easy and if you keep them dead headed they will keep flowering until frost, such vibrant colours too, my garden is very colourful with them all and so early this year too.
    Asters - they are easy and if you keep them dead headed they will keep flowering until frost, such vibrant colours too, my garden is very colourful with them all and so early this year too.
    Asters - they are easy and if you keep them dead headed they will keep flowering until frost, such vibrant colours too, my garden is very colourful with them all and so early this year too.
    Asters - they are easy and if you keep them dead headed they will keep flowering until frost, such vibrant colours too, my garden is very colourful with them all and so early this year too.
  13. Liz

    Pineapple lily

    This sounds like something I have in the garden, bought it years ago and although it looks like it would need special care, it doesn't. It stays in the ground all the year round and is blooming...
    This sounds like something I have in the garden, bought it years ago and although it looks like it would need special care, it doesn't. It stays in the ground all the year round and is blooming beautifully at the moment. This year we even have another one growing in another part of the garden...
    This sounds like something I have in the garden, bought it years ago and although it looks like it would need special care, it doesn't. It stays in the ground all the year round and is blooming beautifully at the moment. This year we even have...
    This sounds like something I have in the garden, bought it years ago and although it looks like it would need special care, it doesn't. It stays in the ground all the year round and is blooming...
  14. sparkle

    recent ebay purchases

    I got a collection, but can't remember now which lot I got it from - probably J Parker or T&M. The first lot I got were eaten within instants by our ravaging rabbits but now there's chicken wire...
    I got a collection, but can't remember now which lot I got it from - probably J Parker or T&M. The first lot I got were eaten within instants by our ravaging rabbits but now there's chicken wire everywhere, and things are surviving! :D
    I got a collection, but can't remember now which lot I got it from - probably J Parker or T&M. The first lot I got were eaten within instants by our ravaging rabbits but now there's chicken wire everywhere, and things are surviving! :D
    I got a collection, but can't remember now which lot I got it from - probably J Parker or T&M. The first lot I got were eaten within instants by our ravaging rabbits but now there's chicken wire...
  15. DaisyChain47


    :D Good Luck then..... :cool: :D
    :D Good Luck then..... :cool: :D
    :D Good Luck then..... :cool: :D
    :D Good Luck then..... :cool: :D
  16. Kedi-Gato

    Ribes nidigrolaria

    There is also a plant called Worcesterberry, which is halfway betwixt Gooseberry and Blackcurrant. It is extremely thorny too, but the fruit is mmmmmmmmmmmmm. This is called Ribes divaricatum.
    There is also a plant called Worcesterberry, which is halfway betwixt Gooseberry and Blackcurrant. It is extremely thorny too, but the fruit is mmmmmmmmmmmmm. This is called Ribes divaricatum.
    There is also a plant called Worcesterberry, which is halfway betwixt Gooseberry and Blackcurrant. It is extremely thorny too, but the fruit is mmmmmmmmmmmmm. This is called Ribes divaricatum.
    There is also a plant called Worcesterberry, which is halfway betwixt Gooseberry and Blackcurrant. It is extremely thorny too, but the fruit is mmmmmmmmmmmmm. This is called Ribes divaricatum.
  17. timecharger

    Overwintering - Can Someone Explain Exactly How it Works?

    cheers barbaraane...
    cheers barbaraane...
    cheers barbaraane...
    cheers barbaraane...
  18. rosa

    advice plant for lounge

    here is my plant i got not such a great picture though. Aroid palm, The same as the one BM has the TRENDY PLANT
    here is my plant i got not such a great picture though. Aroid palm, The same as the one BM has the TRENDY PLANT
    here is my plant i got not such a great picture though. Aroid palm, The same as the one BM has the TRENDY PLANT
    here is my plant i got not such a great picture though. Aroid palm, The same as the one BM has the TRENDY PLANT
  19. Robert

    My Project

    Then there's Hilliers - aren't they the tree and shrub specialists?
    Then there's Hilliers - aren't they the tree and shrub specialists?
    Then there's Hilliers - aren't they the tree and shrub specialists?
    Then there's Hilliers - aren't they the tree and shrub specialists?
  20. Webmaster

    How funny is this .....

    As above, would love to know how the buyer gets on :D
    As above, would love to know how the buyer gets on :D
    As above, would love to know how the buyer gets on :D
    As above, would love to know how the buyer gets on :D

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