General Gardening Discussion

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  1. UsedtobeDendy

    poinsettia in August....

    Thanks both! Will go for the usual "buy just before Christmas" thing, I expect! although I have a fantastic new wonderful house, etc, etc, etc - it's a bit short on cupboards.... Oh, well - I'll...
    Thanks both! Will go for the usual "buy just before Christmas" thing, I expect! although I have a fantastic new wonderful house, etc, etc, etc - it's a bit short on cupboards.... Oh, well - I'll survive! Even if the poinsettia doesn't! :D
    Thanks both! Will go for the usual "buy just before Christmas" thing, I expect! although I have a fantastic new wonderful house, etc, etc, etc - it's a bit short on cupboards.... Oh, well - I'll survive! Even if the poinsettia doesn't! :D
    Thanks both! Will go for the usual "buy just before Christmas" thing, I expect! although I have a fantastic new wonderful house, etc, etc, etc - it's a bit short on cupboards.... Oh, well - I'll...
  2. sawfish

    ornamental grass Stipa Tenuissima

    hi SAWFISH, last year I BOUGHT A VERY LARgE POT OF VERY SLENDER WAVY grass about 4foot high the guy at the G center told me its called "lovers willow" it dies down in the winter but comes up again...
    hi SAWFISH, last year I BOUGHT A VERY LARgE POT OF VERY SLENDER WAVY grass about 4foot high the guy at the G center told me its called "lovers willow" it dies down in the winter but comes up again in the late spring. I love because it waves in the wind and looks so delicate. :cool:
    hi SAWFISH, last year I BOUGHT A VERY LARgE POT OF VERY SLENDER WAVY grass about 4foot high the guy at the G center told me its called "lovers willow" it dies down in the winter but comes up again in the late spring. I love because it waves in...
    hi SAWFISH, last year I BOUGHT A VERY LARgE POT OF VERY SLENDER WAVY grass about 4foot high the guy at the G center told me its called "lovers willow" it dies down in the winter but comes up again...
  3. Angelica


    You often see 1 male to 3 females in many plants, as with the packs of hollies and pernettya, from various catalogues. This may be a tad over-kill though. :cool:
    You often see 1 male to 3 females in many plants, as with the packs of hollies and pernettya, from various catalogues. This may be a tad over-kill though. :cool:
    You often see 1 male to 3 females in many plants, as with the packs of hollies and pernettya, from various catalogues. This may be a tad over-kill though. :cool:
    You often see 1 male to 3 females in many plants, as with the packs of hollies and pernettya, from various catalogues. This may be a tad over-kill though. :cool:
  4. poppet

    Return from holiday

    sounds fun! I'm hoping to get away for a camping weekend, son's health permitting, to play and listen to bluegrass, with other mad enthusiasts! And Grandma is more reliable than son re watering...
    sounds fun! I'm hoping to get away for a camping weekend, son's health permitting, to play and listen to bluegrass, with other mad enthusiasts! And Grandma is more reliable than son re watering - he's a similar ge to Rosa's youngest! And when I was his age, I had 2 year old twins to look...
    sounds fun! I'm hoping to get away for a camping weekend, son's health permitting, to play and listen to bluegrass, with other mad enthusiasts! And Grandma is more reliable than son re watering - he's a similar ge to Rosa's youngest! And when...
    sounds fun! I'm hoping to get away for a camping weekend, son's health permitting, to play and listen to bluegrass, with other mad enthusiasts! And Grandma is more reliable than son re watering...
  5. cuckoobuns

    Help with Wisteria

    Try cutting the new green shoots back to downward pointing buds (they are just where the leaves join the shoot), and keep the new shoots short - maybe 4-6 inches only. Keep on doing this and you...
    Try cutting the new green shoots back to downward pointing buds (they are just where the leaves join the shoot), and keep the new shoots short - maybe 4-6 inches only. Keep on doing this and you can't go far wrong.
    Try cutting the new green shoots back to downward pointing buds (they are just where the leaves join the shoot), and keep the new shoots short - maybe 4-6 inches only. Keep on doing this and you can't go far wrong.
    Try cutting the new green shoots back to downward pointing buds (they are just where the leaves join the shoot), and keep the new shoots short - maybe 4-6 inches only. Keep on doing this and you...
  6. Rich

    Not everything in the garden failed this year.

    Everything is looking well, Rich. I like Portulaca too, especially the doubles ... the colours are so shimmery! I did two pots from seed and bought five plants, four for in pots and one in the...
    Everything is looking well, Rich. I like Portulaca too, especially the doubles ... the colours are so shimmery! I did two pots from seed and bought five plants, four for in pots and one in the ground. I have found several plants where the ones from last year seeded themselves which is great.
    Everything is looking well, Rich. I like Portulaca too, especially the doubles ... the colours are so shimmery! I did two pots from seed and bought five plants, four for in pots and one in the ground. I have found several plants where the ones...
    Everything is looking well, Rich. I like Portulaca too, especially the doubles ... the colours are so shimmery! I did two pots from seed and bought five plants, four for in pots and one in the...
  7. milesaway

    red hot pokers

    Hi all, i find the best way to get flowers on my RHP, place plant in full sun, add loads of compost into growing area,cut tops off in autumn, devide plants up in spring time every three yrs, BUT...
    Hi all, i find the best way to get flowers on my RHP, place plant in full sun, add loads of compost into growing area,cut tops off in autumn, devide plants up in spring time every three yrs, BUT plant three - five plants (or as many as you can to get a good display) windy
    Hi all, i find the best way to get flowers on my RHP, place plant in full sun, add loads of compost into growing area,cut tops off in autumn, devide plants up in spring time every three yrs, BUT plant three - five plants (or as many as you can to...
    Hi all, i find the best way to get flowers on my RHP, place plant in full sun, add loads of compost into growing area,cut tops off in autumn, devide plants up in spring time every three yrs, BUT...
  8. Webmaster

    Don't you just love ....

    We're already picking some plums for our old golden plum tree - my favourite plum. The tree is about 60 years old but still produces well. It is too old to prune anymore but it seems to prune...
    We're already picking some plums for our old golden plum tree - my favourite plum. The tree is about 60 years old but still produces well. It is too old to prune anymore but it seems to prune itself by dropping branches.We have just had to cut down two pear trees (comice) because we are...
    We're already picking some plums for our old golden plum tree - my favourite plum. The tree is about 60 years old but still produces well. It is too old to prune anymore but it seems to prune itself by dropping branches.We have just had to...
    We're already picking some plums for our old golden plum tree - my favourite plum. The tree is about 60 years old but still produces well. It is too old to prune anymore but it seems to prune...
  9. Webmaster

    I keep saying I don't have much room ...

    Hope it grows bigger than mine !! They are lovely plants and deserve a place in everyones garden..I like the really large ones that you see at the botanical gardens they are awesome..
    Hope it grows bigger than mine !! They are lovely plants and deserve a place in everyones garden..I like the really large ones that you see at the botanical gardens they are awesome..
    Hope it grows bigger than mine !! They are lovely plants and deserve a place in everyones garden..I like the really large ones that you see at the botanical gardens they are awesome..
    Hope it grows bigger than mine !! They are lovely plants and deserve a place in everyones garden..I like the really large ones that you see at the botanical gardens they are awesome..
  10. Rich

    Drought resistant plants

    Yes, I agree with the bull (rush) thing as well!Nobody like my idea of a Xeriscaping section ... but that's probably because you guys have ponds!
    Yes, I agree with the bull (rush) thing as well!Nobody like my idea of a Xeriscaping section ... but that's probably because you guys have ponds!
    Yes, I agree with the bull (rush) thing as well!Nobody like my idea of a Xeriscaping section ... but that's probably because you guys have ponds!
    Yes, I agree with the bull (rush) thing as well!Nobody like my idea of a Xeriscaping section ... but that's probably because you guys have ponds!
  11. wishaw

    My poor honeysuckle...

    Yes, there is always a chance with clematis- have a look at this thread:;f=13;t=000079#000005 I planted a lot of my...
    Yes, there is always a chance with clematis- have a look at this thread:;f=13;t=000079#000005 I planted a lot of my potted up plants this spring, they had been in pots whilst I moved- I was amazed at the way the...
    Yes, there is always a chance with clematis- have a look at this thread:;f=13;t=000079#000005 I planted a lot of my potted up plants this spring, they had been in pots...
    Yes, there is always a chance with clematis- have a look at this thread:;f=13;t=000079#000005 I planted a lot of my...
  12. roders

    Must Have This Plant Next Year..

    I have just googled setaria as I am umfamiliar with it. I can see why it is called palm grass.
    I have just googled setaria as I am umfamiliar with it. I can see why it is called palm grass.
    I have just googled setaria as I am umfamiliar with it. I can see why it is called palm grass.
    I have just googled setaria as I am umfamiliar with it. I can see why it is called palm grass.
  13. windy miller

    dividing bamboo

    Cheers BM, Hic!! Naughty Stella!! :D :D
    Cheers BM, Hic!! Naughty Stella!! :D :D
    Cheers BM, Hic!! Naughty Stella!! :D :D
    Cheers BM, Hic!! Naughty Stella!! :D :D
  14. Victoria


    It is next to the white, if only it flowered as well. I think that is the difference here, the singles do better in our climate.
    It is next to the white, if only it flowered as well. I think that is the difference here, the singles do better in our climate.
    It is next to the white, if only it flowered as well. I think that is the difference here, the singles do better in our climate.
    It is next to the white, if only it flowered as well. I think that is the difference here, the singles do better in our climate.
  15. Dave_In_His_Garden

    Lighting the garden

    Rich i have mine on the balcony and each wire from all my lights i have threaded through my kitchen window and seem to have a lot of wires hidden behind my curtains in a corner and they are...
    Rich i have mine on the balcony and each wire from all my lights i have threaded through my kitchen window and seem to have a lot of wires hidden behind my curtains in a corner and they are plugged all of them on an extention cable, my hubby reckons it is dangerous having this many plugs as i...
    Rich i have mine on the balcony and each wire from all my lights i have threaded through my kitchen window and seem to have a lot of wires hidden behind my curtains in a corner and they are plugged all of them on an extention cable, my hubby...
    Rich i have mine on the balcony and each wire from all my lights i have threaded through my kitchen window and seem to have a lot of wires hidden behind my curtains in a corner and they are...
  16. earthy

    pink peony

    Thanks for the tip,I will remember that for next year.
    Thanks for the tip,I will remember that for next year.
    Thanks for the tip,I will remember that for next year.
    Thanks for the tip,I will remember that for next year.
  17. katiem


    Hi katiem ;) After they have set seed I save a few then just pull them out and shred 'em up for compost.You're a long way out over there in Bemullet. I have friends near Westport and have spent...
    Hi katiem ;) After they have set seed I save a few then just pull them out and shred 'em up for compost.You're a long way out over there in Bemullet. I have friends near Westport and have spent a lovely time in the area
    Hi katiem ;) After they have set seed I save a few then just pull them out and shred 'em up for compost.You're a long way out over there in Bemullet. I have friends near Westport and have spent a lovely time in the area
    Hi katiem ;) After they have set seed I save a few then just pull them out and shred 'em up for compost.You're a long way out over there in Bemullet. I have friends near Westport and have spent...
  18. belindabuk

    plant advice for shady corner,please!!

    Strange that you say that, the very first thing I've done is plant clematis!! A couple of vitcellas(spelling?) and a bill mackenzie, nice and vigorous!! Could do with ideas for the shady corner...
    Strange that you say that, the very first thing I've done is plant clematis!! A couple of vitcellas(spelling?) and a bill mackenzie, nice and vigorous!! Could do with ideas for the shady corner though.
    Strange that you say that, the very first thing I've done is plant clematis!! A couple of vitcellas(spelling?) and a bill mackenzie, nice and vigorous!! Could do with ideas for the shady corner though.
    Strange that you say that, the very first thing I've done is plant clematis!! A couple of vitcellas(spelling?) and a bill mackenzie, nice and vigorous!! Could do with ideas for the shady corner...
  19. Banana Man

    Arisamea Seeds

    Thanks Palustris, really good write up I will follow your advice and report back. :D
    Thanks Palustris, really good write up I will follow your advice and report back. :D
    Thanks Palustris, really good write up I will follow your advice and report back. :D
    Thanks Palustris, really good write up I will follow your advice and report back. :D
  20. Liz

    Nearly flowering cannas!

    Liz, they can drink and eat for england, they just adjust their size and flowering accordingly it seems. If you nurture them you can get some absolute whoppers. :D I had a beautiful almost...
    Liz, they can drink and eat for england, they just adjust their size and flowering accordingly it seems. If you nurture them you can get some absolute whoppers. :D I had a beautiful almost purple one which I have 1 last seed for which is called Fatamorgana. I am too nervous to sow it as it...
    Liz, they can drink and eat for england, they just adjust their size and flowering accordingly it seems. If you nurture them you can get some absolute whoppers. :D I had a beautiful almost purple one which I have 1 last seed for which is...
    Liz, they can drink and eat for england, they just adjust their size and flowering accordingly it seems. If you nurture them you can get some absolute whoppers. :D I had a beautiful almost...

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