General Gardening Discussion

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  1. Nettie

    Loebnery Leonard Messell

    croeso Nettie enjoy
    croeso Nettie enjoy
    croeso Nettie enjoy
    croeso Nettie enjoy
  2. windy miller

    nearly flowering Lily!!

    I have had both lilies and cats for more years than I care to mention. I grow them in containers and have never had a problem. I think if they were in the ground I would worry, but anyway only...
    I have had both lilies and cats for more years than I care to mention. I grow them in containers and have never had a problem. I think if they were in the ground I would worry, but anyway only found out recently that there is a poroblem- I think Michaelmasdaisy posted a link about it soon after...
    I have had both lilies and cats for more years than I care to mention. I grow them in containers and have never had a problem. I think if they were in the ground I would worry, but anyway only found out recently that there is a poroblem- I think...
    I have had both lilies and cats for more years than I care to mention. I grow them in containers and have never had a problem. I think if they were in the ground I would worry, but anyway only...
  3. marge

    My new seat backdrop project! U/D

    I like pink but I prefer yellow. ;)
    I like pink but I prefer yellow. ;)
    I like pink but I prefer yellow. ;)
    I like pink but I prefer yellow. ;)
  4. Eusebius

    Asian Pear

    Ihope sooo palustris.
    Ihope sooo palustris.
    Ihope sooo palustris.
    Ihope sooo palustris.
  5. specialagentscully

    yellow flag irises

    Scully.So sorry to hear about your kitty.Is She/He ok?I expect it was some idiot with an air rifle.Please let us all know how kitty is going on.It will be best if they are ripe first,but saying...
    Scully.So sorry to hear about your kitty.Is She/He ok?I expect it was some idiot with an air rifle.Please let us all know how kitty is going on.It will be best if they are ripe first,but saying that some of the heads of mine are top heavy on the plant and are heading towards the ground,where...
    Scully.So sorry to hear about your kitty.Is She/He ok?I expect it was some idiot with an air rifle.Please let us all know how kitty is going on.It will be best if they are ripe first,but saying that some of the heads of mine are top heavy on...
    Scully.So sorry to hear about your kitty.Is She/He ok?I expect it was some idiot with an air rifle.Please let us all know how kitty is going on.It will be best if they are ripe first,but saying...
  6. Lemar


    I also get Grow your Own sometimes, but I do get free offers if I like the look of whatever it is. Bulbs are the best I've had, I've got some gorgeous perfumed lilies that came from a magazine, 3...
    I also get Grow your Own sometimes, but I do get free offers if I like the look of whatever it is. Bulbs are the best I've had, I've got some gorgeous perfumed lilies that came from a magazine, 3 good sized bulbs for a small postage cost, which have in a couple of years increased well. I've just...
    I also get Grow your Own sometimes, but I do get free offers if I like the look of whatever it is. Bulbs are the best I've had, I've got some gorgeous perfumed lilies that came from a magazine, 3 good sized bulbs for a small postage cost, which...
    I also get Grow your Own sometimes, but I do get free offers if I like the look of whatever it is. Bulbs are the best I've had, I've got some gorgeous perfumed lilies that came from a magazine, 3...
  7. Valentine

    Gardeniin Virginia,USA

    ^^ Often visit Charlottesville for lunch as I live only about an hour's distance away. Lovely town and I enjoy visiting the campus of University of Virginia for their exhibits and having lunch at...
    ^^ Often visit Charlottesville for lunch as I live only about an hour's distance away. Lovely town and I enjoy visiting the campus of University of Virginia for their exhibits and having lunch at some of the nice little restaurants, etc. We love to walk through the gardens we come across.
    ^^ Often visit Charlottesville for lunch as I live only about an hour's distance away. Lovely town and I enjoy visiting the campus of University of Virginia for their exhibits and having lunch at some of the nice little restaurants, etc. We love...
    ^^ Often visit Charlottesville for lunch as I live only about an hour's distance away. Lovely town and I enjoy visiting the campus of University of Virginia for their exhibits and having lunch at...
  8. katiebunny

    is my clematis dead?

    After you have planted the clematis try put some small stones around the base of the plant - protects the base and roots from getting too warm. I often grow them in full sun but the roots remain...
    After you have planted the clematis try put some small stones around the base of the plant - protects the base and roots from getting too warm. I often grow them in full sun but the roots remain cool and shaded if you do this - no matter where they are.
    After you have planted the clematis try put some small stones around the base of the plant - protects the base and roots from getting too warm. I often grow them in full sun but the roots remain cool and shaded if you do this - no matter where...
    After you have planted the clematis try put some small stones around the base of the plant - protects the base and roots from getting too warm. I often grow them in full sun but the roots remain...
  9. Macphisto

    Lillies Aftercare?

    When they have finished flowering in the pots I remove the seed heads and give my plants a good feed to encourage the bulb rather than the plant itself. Like Liz I let them die down and remove...
    When they have finished flowering in the pots I remove the seed heads and give my plants a good feed to encourage the bulb rather than the plant itself. Like Liz I let them die down and remove the stems then. I always leave them in the pots. The trouble with putting them in the ground is that...
    When they have finished flowering in the pots I remove the seed heads and give my plants a good feed to encourage the bulb rather than the plant itself. Like Liz I let them die down and remove the stems then. I always leave them in the pots....
    When they have finished flowering in the pots I remove the seed heads and give my plants a good feed to encourage the bulb rather than the plant itself. Like Liz I let them die down and remove...
  10. rumble

    Lumpy bumpy slopey thing

    Interesting shape and size - lots of potential to do things yourself. First decide what you want from this space - what do you want to do in it - and what would be your ideal style - thats where...
    Interesting shape and size - lots of potential to do things yourself. First decide what you want from this space - what do you want to do in it - and what would be your ideal style - thats where the books at the garden centre come in real handy.From the picture you posted you need some kind...
    Interesting shape and size - lots of potential to do things yourself. First decide what you want from this space - what do you want to do in it - and what would be your ideal style - thats where the books at the garden centre come in real handy. ...
    Interesting shape and size - lots of potential to do things yourself. First decide what you want from this space - what do you want to do in it - and what would be your ideal style - thats where...
  11. Stingo

    Plant named in bible

    Whoops!!!I'm only saying what she said..I've planted it anyway and to me it looks like Tradescantia.Stingo :eek:
    Whoops!!!I'm only saying what she said..I've planted it anyway and to me it looks like Tradescantia.Stingo :eek:
    Whoops!!!I'm only saying what she said..I've planted it anyway and to me it looks like Tradescantia.Stingo :eek:
    Whoops!!!I'm only saying what she said..I've planted it anyway and to me it looks like Tradescantia.Stingo :eek:
  12. nicsdad


    Shiney wouldn't be sowing now till next year.No Probs nicsdad :D [ 04. August 2006, 05:12 PM: Message edited by: Banana Man ]
    Shiney wouldn't be sowing now till next year.No Probs nicsdad :D [ 04. August 2006, 05:12 PM: Message edited by: Banana Man ]
    Shiney wouldn't be sowing now till next year.No Probs nicsdad :D [ 04. August 2006, 05:12 PM: Message edited by: Banana Man ]
    Shiney wouldn't be sowing now till next year.No Probs nicsdad :D [ 04. August 2006, 05:12 PM: Message edited by: Banana Man ]
  13. Gogs

    Dwarf Lily

    My 1st year with this dwarf lily "Red Rum" seems as though it's gonna look good. Anyone else tried it?
    My 1st year with this dwarf lily "Red Rum" seems as though it's gonna look good. Anyone else tried it?
    My 1st year with this dwarf lily "Red Rum" seems as though it's gonna look good. Anyone else tried it?
    My 1st year with this dwarf lily "Red Rum" seems as though it's gonna look good. Anyone else tried it?
  14. macleaf

    bottle bush

    Thanks LOL willdo
    Thanks LOL willdo
    Thanks LOL willdo
    Thanks LOL willdo
  15. sparkle

    the image of gardening

    I garden because I enjoy it!No big questions, no analysing, just good fresh air and exercise. :D
    I garden because I enjoy it!No big questions, no analysing, just good fresh air and exercise. :D
    I garden because I enjoy it!No big questions, no analysing, just good fresh air and exercise. :D
    I garden because I enjoy it!No big questions, no analysing, just good fresh air and exercise. :D
  16. Hornbeam

    Moth Orchids

    Well, Otter Nurseries' branch here in Torquay don't seem able to keep the orchids alive for long enough to offer them at lower prices post flowering. Considering the long-suffering nature of most...
    Well, Otter Nurseries' branch here in Torquay don't seem able to keep the orchids alive for long enough to offer them at lower prices post flowering. Considering the long-suffering nature of most orchids, it's some achievement to ruin them quite so quickly.They also had some extremely poor...
    Well, Otter Nurseries' branch here in Torquay don't seem able to keep the orchids alive for long enough to offer them at lower prices post flowering. Considering the long-suffering nature of most orchids, it's some achievement to ruin them quite...
    Well, Otter Nurseries' branch here in Torquay don't seem able to keep the orchids alive for long enough to offer them at lower prices post flowering. Considering the long-suffering nature of most...
  17. Rich

    Boring Datura

    Hi, Jazid ... been working hard or away on hols?
    Hi, Jazid ... been working hard or away on hols?
    Hi, Jazid ... been working hard or away on hols?
    Hi, Jazid ... been working hard or away on hols?
  18. bonita

    Laying and installing square ribbed decking tiles

    Ican see you have painstakingly done your garden and a very nice one too. it looks fab.I like your banana groupe the musical ones it looks great.
    Ican see you have painstakingly done your garden and a very nice one too. it looks fab.I like your banana groupe the musical ones it looks great.
    Ican see you have painstakingly done your garden and a very nice one too. it looks fab.I like your banana groupe the musical ones it looks great.
    Ican see you have painstakingly done your garden and a very nice one too. it looks fab.I like your banana groupe the musical ones it looks great.
  19. rumble

    pleeeze ....... re seedheads question ,,,,,?

    Hi, Waco. I picked up the Orange Poppy Thing seeds today, thank you. I only go to the post box twice a week as it's 6km away! Many thanks ... I shall scatter some with gay abandon in the autumn...
    Hi, Waco. I picked up the Orange Poppy Thing seeds today, thank you. I only go to the post box twice a week as it's 6km away! Many thanks ... I shall scatter some with gay abandon in the autumn as I fear they'd dry to dust if I did it now!
    Hi, Waco. I picked up the Orange Poppy Thing seeds today, thank you. I only go to the post box twice a week as it's 6km away! Many thanks ... I shall scatter some with gay abandon in the autumn as I fear they'd dry to dust if I did it now!
    Hi, Waco. I picked up the Orange Poppy Thing seeds today, thank you. I only go to the post box twice a week as it's 6km away! Many thanks ... I shall scatter some with gay abandon in the autumn...
  20. lazy-gardener

    protecting bamboo from the wind

    A few months ago I bought a bamboo and its doing really well but I am worried about the wind whipping it and breaking the stems as its only youngish they are not very fat yet.The bamboo is in a...
    A few months ago I bought a bamboo and its doing really well but I am worried about the wind whipping it and breaking the stems as its only youngish they are not very fat yet.The bamboo is in a container and it has a house wall to one side and a fence on the other with a shed a couple of...
    A few months ago I bought a bamboo and its doing really well but I am worried about the wind whipping it and breaking the stems as its only youngish they are not very fat yet.The bamboo is in a container and it has a house wall to one side and...
    A few months ago I bought a bamboo and its doing really well but I am worried about the wind whipping it and breaking the stems as its only youngish they are not very fat yet.The bamboo is in a...

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