General Gardening Discussion

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  1. Banana Man

    Mushrooms on my private area Part 2:

    I'm not at all surprised. :D Did you know there is a red one too? :eek: :eek:
    I'm not at all surprised. :D Did you know there is a red one too? :eek: :eek:
    I'm not at all surprised. :D Did you know there is a red one too? :eek: :eek:
    I'm not at all surprised. :D Did you know there is a red one too? :eek: :eek:
  2. Dillydo

    How to get my Jasmine to flower more

    Thanks Rosa......When do you feed it??
    Thanks Rosa......When do you feed it??
    Thanks Rosa......When do you feed it??
    Thanks Rosa......When do you feed it??
  3. Tortuosa

    Catch it while you can

    Unfortunatley it now looks like this :(Can't see it through the jungle downstairs but upstairs you can since they lopped the cherries (contentious ownership!) :rolleyes:
    Unfortunatley it now looks like this :(Can't see it through the jungle downstairs but upstairs you can since they lopped the cherries (contentious ownership!) :rolleyes:
    Unfortunatley it now looks like this :(Can't see it through the jungle downstairs but upstairs you can since they lopped the cherries (contentious ownership!) :rolleyes:
    Unfortunatley it now looks like this :(Can't see it through the jungle downstairs but upstairs you can since they lopped the cherries (contentious ownership!) :rolleyes:
  4. Hornbeam

    Wollemi Pine - Jurassic survivor

    If I win the lottery I will put it on my list. Looks like a nice present the 3 litre one if you are feeling generous.I have corrected the shop link as I think your full stop got incorporated...
    If I win the lottery I will put it on my list. Looks like a nice present the 3 litre one if you are feeling generous.I have corrected the shop link as I think your full stop got incorporated into the address and spoilt the link
    If I win the lottery I will put it on my list. Looks like a nice present the 3 litre one if you are feeling generous.I have corrected the shop link as I think your full stop got incorporated into the address and spoilt the...
    If I win the lottery I will put it on my list. Looks like a nice present the 3 litre one if you are feeling generous.I have corrected the shop link as I think your full stop got incorporated...
  5. Victoria

    Shrimp Plant

    Know what you mean, Rich (Scott Mackenzie and all that)! As mine was cut back to nearly nothing before it bloomed, I'm lucky on that score ... not straggly at all. The problem I've got is...
    Know what you mean, Rich (Scott Mackenzie and all that)! As mine was cut back to nearly nothing before it bloomed, I'm lucky on that score ... not straggly at all. The problem I've got is that because it's in the sun till early afternoon the brachts / blooms have faded so may need to move...
    Know what you mean, Rich (Scott Mackenzie and all that)! As mine was cut back to nearly nothing before it bloomed, I'm lucky on that score ... not straggly at all. The problem I've got is that because it's in the sun till early afternoon...
    Know what you mean, Rich (Scott Mackenzie and all that)! As mine was cut back to nearly nothing before it bloomed, I'm lucky on that score ... not straggly at all. The problem I've got is...
  6. Stingo

    Raining here now

    Nice story, and with any luck your daughter will not find thunder frightening. My parents told us the same - we used to sit on the front door step counting between the ligntening and thunder, to...
    Nice story, and with any luck your daughter will not find thunder frightening. My parents told us the same - we used to sit on the front door step counting between the ligntening and thunder, to see how far away the storm was. Fantasia helped the illusion too when it was released.
    Nice story, and with any luck your daughter will not find thunder frightening. My parents told us the same - we used to sit on the front door step counting between the ligntening and thunder, to see how far away the storm was. Fantasia helped the...
    Nice story, and with any luck your daughter will not find thunder frightening. My parents told us the same - we used to sit on the front door step counting between the ligntening and thunder, to...
  7. LCH


    Thanks for the advice, i will hope for a windy day to blow the flowerheads off!
    Thanks for the advice, i will hope for a windy day to blow the flowerheads off!
    Thanks for the advice, i will hope for a windy day to blow the flowerheads off!
    Thanks for the advice, i will hope for a windy day to blow the flowerheads off!
  8. Stingo

    Advice on my acer please?

    Thanks Liz and sparkle
    Thanks Liz and sparkle
    Thanks Liz and sparkle
    Thanks Liz and sparkle
  9. Whoops-a-Daisy


    Thank you Wildflower for your concern but we don't eat too much of it, I keep it mainly because I love to watch the bees on it and also we live on a quiet lane so not much traffic. I'll still...
    Thank you Wildflower for your concern but we don't eat too much of it, I keep it mainly because I love to watch the bees on it and also we live on a quiet lane so not much traffic. I'll still leave the majority of it at the back of the house, it's just that it's not the prettiest of plants now...
    Thank you Wildflower for your concern but we don't eat too much of it, I keep it mainly because I love to watch the bees on it and also we live on a quiet lane so not much traffic. I'll still leave the majority of it at the back of the house,...
    Thank you Wildflower for your concern but we don't eat too much of it, I keep it mainly because I love to watch the bees on it and also we live on a quiet lane so not much traffic. I'll still...
  10. SallyJ

    Filling the Water Butt with a hosepipe?

    The reason we can't shop around for water is whilst it has been a suggestion for years there is no water "national grid" style syetem as it would be too expensive.It does not matter that the...
    The reason we can't shop around for water is whilst it has been a suggestion for years there is no water "national grid" style syetem as it would be too expensive.It does not matter that the system would alleviate the water shortages. Once again the companys are not bothered with any thing...
    The reason we can't shop around for water is whilst it has been a suggestion for years there is no water "national grid" style syetem as it would be too expensive.It does not matter that the system would alleviate the water shortages. Once...
    The reason we can't shop around for water is whilst it has been a suggestion for years there is no water "national grid" style syetem as it would be too expensive.It does not matter that the...
  11. Mimi

    my poor fuschias

    have three fushias on my balcony seem ok, one had green fly sprayed it lost the buds and they are just budding now, mine are also in shade and i spray them occasionally as recommended on the label
    have three fushias on my balcony seem ok, one had green fly sprayed it lost the buds and they are just budding now, mine are also in shade and i spray them occasionally as recommended on the label
    have three fushias on my balcony seem ok, one had green fly sprayed it lost the buds and they are just budding now, mine are also in shade and i spray them occasionally as recommended on the label
    have three fushias on my balcony seem ok, one had green fly sprayed it lost the buds and they are just budding now, mine are also in shade and i spray them occasionally as recommended on the label
  12. rosietutu

    Acer Palmatum

    Your welcome rosietu, always nice when you have bought something and it turns out to be rare or special in some way, look after it. BM
    Your welcome rosietu, always nice when you have bought something and it turns out to be rare or special in some way, look after it. BM
    Your welcome rosietu, always nice when you have bought something and it turns out to be rare or special in some way, look after it. BM
    Your welcome rosietu, always nice when you have bought something and it turns out to be rare or special in some way, look after it. BM
  13. TeaTree

    How to take a cutting from an acer?

    Too true, BM!
    Too true, BM!
    Too true, BM!
    Too true, BM!
  14. sweeney

    Gardening novice with no idea!

    Thanks. I hope I can get a bargain as my budget is limited
    Thanks. I hope I can get a bargain as my budget is limited
    Thanks. I hope I can get a bargain as my budget is limited
    Thanks. I hope I can get a bargain as my budget is limited
  15. Rich

    Third year

    WOW pickings to come!
    WOW pickings to come!
    WOW pickings to come!
    WOW pickings to come!
  16. marge

    Acer Pelmatum Sunset

    Thanks for the replies. Thats a very interesting link thanks M-L - lots of info I didnt realise they have such a small root system. I think I will try him in a pot in the autumn - its such a...
    Thanks for the replies. Thats a very interesting link thanks M-L - lots of info I didnt realise they have such a small root system. I think I will try him in a pot in the autumn - its such a shame you cant him where he is :( ;)
    Thanks for the replies. Thats a very interesting link thanks M-L - lots of info I didnt realise they have such a small root system. I think I will try him in a pot in the autumn - its such a shame you cant him where he is :( ;)
    Thanks for the replies. Thats a very interesting link thanks M-L - lots of info I didnt realise they have such a small root system. I think I will try him in a pot in the autumn - its such a...
  17. jay


    I saw an Echinacea Purpurea for sale that was white the other day jay, this is one I grew from seed last year
    I saw an Echinacea Purpurea for sale that was white the other day jay, this is one I grew from seed last year
    I saw an Echinacea Purpurea for sale that was white the other day jay, this is one I grew from seed last year
    I saw an Echinacea Purpurea for sale that was white the other day jay, this is one I grew from seed last year
  18. Katie D

    Cricket !

    Whilst I wouldn't worry about crickets on the lawn, it is probably your unusually hot weather that has attracted them .. I WOULD be wary of any of them entering your home .... they will eat...
    Whilst I wouldn't worry about crickets on the lawn, it is probably your unusually hot weather that has attracted them .. I WOULD be wary of any of them entering your home .... they will eat holes into furnishings, clothes etc., and chirp all night !!! Crickets are attracted to moist, shaded...
    Whilst I wouldn't worry about crickets on the lawn, it is probably your unusually hot weather that has attracted them .. I WOULD be wary of any of them entering your home .... they will eat holes into furnishings, clothes etc., and chirp all...
    Whilst I wouldn't worry about crickets on the lawn, it is probably your unusually hot weather that has attracted them .. I WOULD be wary of any of them entering your home .... they will eat...
  19. Deli

    Lupins and aquilegia - leaf mould?

    Hi Deli and welcome.If you could post a picture - it would help. It could well be powdery mildew. Mildew is a white fungal infection that sits on the leaves, rather than the leaves themselves...
    Hi Deli and welcome.If you could post a picture - it would help. It could well be powdery mildew. Mildew is a white fungal infection that sits on the leaves, rather than the leaves themselves turning white. Its a bit like the common cold for plants. It's around in the air - so you can never...
    Hi Deli and welcome.If you could post a picture - it would help. It could well be powdery mildew. Mildew is a white fungal infection that sits on the leaves, rather than the leaves themselves turning white. Its a bit like the common cold for...
    Hi Deli and welcome.If you could post a picture - it would help. It could well be powdery mildew. Mildew is a white fungal infection that sits on the leaves, rather than the leaves themselves...
  20. lazydays

    a bit of advice please

    Thanks for the replies,if we position the trellis about 18ins above the fence would it be to exposed
    Thanks for the replies,if we position the trellis about 18ins above the fence would it be to exposed
    Thanks for the replies,if we position the trellis about 18ins above the fence would it be to exposed
    Thanks for the replies,if we position the trellis about 18ins above the fence would it be to exposed

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