General Gardening Discussion

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  1. fireside

    will anything grow here ?

    Hi Fireside. We have all had initial problems with pictures. Don't worry.Have another go. Make a few blank lines in your post (just press return several times) then copy the IMG line into the...
    Hi Fireside. We have all had initial problems with pictures. Don't worry.Have another go. Make a few blank lines in your post (just press return several times) then copy the IMG line into the area of blank lines. It is not happy if it is connected to existing text.Then click Preview Post...
    Hi Fireside. We have all had initial problems with pictures. Don't worry.Have another go. Make a few blank lines in your post (just press return several times) then copy the IMG line into the area of blank lines. It is not happy if it is...
    Hi Fireside. We have all had initial problems with pictures. Don't worry.Have another go. Make a few blank lines in your post (just press return several times) then copy the IMG line into the...
  2. fireside


    HA CHEERS !!
    HA CHEERS !!
    HA CHEERS !!
    HA CHEERS !!
  3. Hornbeam

    Hardy Geraniums

    Hardy geraniums are still flowering well despite red hot temperatures, blistering sun and drought. Look what I found among the Johnson Blues - a gorgeous double form :D I bought Geranium...
    Hardy geraniums are still flowering well despite red hot temperatures, blistering sun and drought. Look what I found among the Johnson Blues - a gorgeous double form :D I bought Geranium pratense Plenum Violaceum in 1993 and it bloomed for a few years and then vanished. Now it has come...
    Hardy geraniums are still flowering well despite red hot temperatures, blistering sun and drought. Look what I found among the Johnson Blues - a gorgeous double form :D I bought Geranium pratense Plenum Violaceum in 1993 and it bloomed for a...
    Hardy geraniums are still flowering well despite red hot temperatures, blistering sun and drought. Look what I found among the Johnson Blues - a gorgeous double form :D I bought Geranium...
  4. jay

    Pineapple Mint

    My buddleia mint is starting to bud now, cant wait to see it's flowers!!
    My buddleia mint is starting to bud now, cant wait to see it's flowers!!
    My buddleia mint is starting to bud now, cant wait to see it's flowers!!
    My buddleia mint is starting to bud now, cant wait to see it's flowers!!
  5. Honey Bee

    passion flower cuttings

    :D Good Luck...!!! :D What sorts have you got by the way???
    :D Good Luck...!!! :D What sorts have you got by the way???
    :D Good Luck...!!! :D What sorts have you got by the way???
    :D Good Luck...!!! :D What sorts have you got by the way???
  6. Daisies
  7. grinch


    Hi grinch it is Trachycarpus FortuneiIt is fully hardy down to about -10 and it flowered for me this year too. Frost wise it is mostly killed by crown rot where water gets in where the new...
    Hi grinch it is Trachycarpus FortuneiIt is fully hardy down to about -10 and it flowered for me this year too. Frost wise it is mostly killed by crown rot where water gets in where the new leaves emerge and continuous freezing and defrosting causes fatal rotting. They can be renovated from...
    Hi grinch it is Trachycarpus FortuneiIt is fully hardy down to about -10 and it flowered for me this year too. Frost wise it is mostly killed by crown rot where water gets in where the new leaves emerge and continuous freezing and defrosting...
    Hi grinch it is Trachycarpus FortuneiIt is fully hardy down to about -10 and it flowered for me this year too. Frost wise it is mostly killed by crown rot where water gets in where the new...
  8. Banana Man

    Anyone else doing sunflowers this year.

    Beefy Teddy Bear is cool!
    Beefy Teddy Bear is cool!
    Beefy Teddy Bear is cool!
    Beefy Teddy Bear is cool!
  9. Kandy

    Hot Weather

    cooled off in the north east, went to alnwick, northumberland today the same there, foggy all the way up the coast, at least it hasnt rained and no wind. :cool:
    cooled off in the north east, went to alnwick, northumberland today the same there, foggy all the way up the coast, at least it hasnt rained and no wind. :cool:
    cooled off in the north east, went to alnwick, northumberland today the same there, foggy all the way up the coast, at least it hasnt rained and no wind. :cool:
    cooled off in the north east, went to alnwick, northumberland today the same there, foggy all the way up the coast, at least it hasnt rained and no wind. :cool:
  10. Hornbeam

    Giant Hogweed colony

    they are allready on show hornbeam..dont they look brilliant!!
    they are allready on show hornbeam..dont they look brilliant!!
    they are allready on show hornbeam..dont they look brilliant!!
    they are allready on show hornbeam..dont they look brilliant!!
  11. Hornbeam

    Mid-summer gardening blues

    Lovely, Dag! Mine are droopy with lack of water. Rain promised for today so fingers crossed
    Lovely, Dag! Mine are droopy with lack of water. Rain promised for today so fingers crossed
    Lovely, Dag! Mine are droopy with lack of water. Rain promised for today so fingers crossed
    Lovely, Dag! Mine are droopy with lack of water. Rain promised for today so fingers crossed
  12. simonhull

    help something to block out noise

    The careful placing of a trickling and lapping water feature will help soften those traffic noises as well. This will cut down on noise while your new buffer screen grows.
    The careful placing of a trickling and lapping water feature will help soften those traffic noises as well. This will cut down on noise while your new buffer screen grows.
    The careful placing of a trickling and lapping water feature will help soften those traffic noises as well. This will cut down on noise while your new buffer screen grows.
    The careful placing of a trickling and lapping water feature will help soften those traffic noises as well. This will cut down on noise while your new buffer screen grows.
  13. UsedtobeDendy

    spider plants

    Thanks, Liz! I always like to know things like that! :D
    Thanks, Liz! I always like to know things like that! :D
    Thanks, Liz! I always like to know things like that! :D
    Thanks, Liz! I always like to know things like that! :D
  14. sevenoaksgardener

    RHS Exams

    see page 5 on the pdf file! link doesn't work, go to and follow the steps, learnig, then exams,...
    see page 5 on the pdf file! link doesn't work, go to and follow the steps, learnig, then exams, then gen cert level 2, and get the pdf file for the syllabus - and page 5 there. Have fun!
    see page 5 on the pdf file! link doesn't work, go to and follow the steps, learnig, then exams, then gen cert level 2, and get the pdf file for the...
    see page 5 on the pdf file! link doesn't work, go to and follow the steps, learnig, then exams,...
  15. Banana Man


    I hope it makes it for you BM, I've had similar in pots but they've always dropped off for me. Feed it well, good luck mate.
    I hope it makes it for you BM, I've had similar in pots but they've always dropped off for me. Feed it well, good luck mate.
    I hope it makes it for you BM, I've had similar in pots but they've always dropped off for me. Feed it well, good luck mate.
    I hope it makes it for you BM, I've had similar in pots but they've always dropped off for me. Feed it well, good luck mate.
  16. Waco


    I have a very nice clematis montana "elizabeth" has red leaf, and pink flower, not as rampant as white one.
    I have a very nice clematis montana "elizabeth" has red leaf, and pink flower, not as rampant as white one.
    I have a very nice clematis montana "elizabeth" has red leaf, and pink flower, not as rampant as white one.
    I have a very nice clematis montana "elizabeth" has red leaf, and pink flower, not as rampant as white one.
  17. sparkle

    'before' and 'half way through' photos

    I thought they looked raised already in concrete?
    I thought they looked raised already in concrete?
    I thought they looked raised already in concrete?
    I thought they looked raised already in concrete?
  18. DaveP

    "Sorrel Geranium"

    I don't know whether many of you have tried this Pelargonium species - P. acetosum. It is one of the more unusual, carrying rather succulent blue-green, crenulated leaves and clusters of pale...
    I don't know whether many of you have tried this Pelargonium species - P. acetosum. It is one of the more unusual, carrying rather succulent blue-green, crenulated leaves and clusters of pale coral, spidery flowers each up to 8cms. across. It has a very long flowering season - almost year...
    I don't know whether many of you have tried this Pelargonium species - P. acetosum. It is one of the more unusual, carrying rather succulent blue-green, crenulated leaves and clusters of pale coral, spidery flowers each up to 8cms. across. It...
    I don't know whether many of you have tried this Pelargonium species - P. acetosum. It is one of the more unusual, carrying rather succulent blue-green, crenulated leaves and clusters of pale...
  19. windy miller

    feeling smug!

    Hiya Steveb, Unfortunately you can't get proper scrumpy any more. Thanks to the EU (grrr) who seem to think we can no longer think for ourselves.(Don't get me started!) You used to be able to buy...
    Hiya Steveb, Unfortunately you can't get proper scrumpy any more. Thanks to the EU (grrr) who seem to think we can no longer think for ourselves.(Don't get me started!) You used to be able to buy it by the gallon in any containers you happened to have knocking around. We'd go along to a farm on...
    Hiya Steveb, Unfortunately you can't get proper scrumpy any more. Thanks to the EU (grrr) who seem to think we can no longer think for ourselves.(Don't get me started!) You used to be able to buy it by the gallon in any containers you happened to...
    Hiya Steveb, Unfortunately you can't get proper scrumpy any more. Thanks to the EU (grrr) who seem to think we can no longer think for ourselves.(Don't get me started!) You used to be able to buy...
  20. rosa

    foggy on the coast

    Same here - we are in heat wave 32 degrees, but 15 miles to cost whitby and they are wearing winter coates!
    Same here - we are in heat wave 32 degrees, but 15 miles to cost whitby and they are wearing winter coates!
    Same here - we are in heat wave 32 degrees, but 15 miles to cost whitby and they are wearing winter coates!
    Same here - we are in heat wave 32 degrees, but 15 miles to cost whitby and they are wearing winter coates!

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