General Gardening Discussion

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  1. chan

    morning glory

    Dave at the bottom of everones posts is where they live, I see yours says South Devon, Basil Fawlty country I believe. I'm in mid Kent, we catch the east winds in winter and early spring, but we...
    Dave at the bottom of everones posts is where they live, I see yours says South Devon, Basil Fawlty country I believe. I'm in mid Kent, we catch the east winds in winter and early spring, but we do tend to get pretty hot at times in the summer if there's any heat about that is and it can get dry.
    Dave at the bottom of everones posts is where they live, I see yours says South Devon, Basil Fawlty country I believe. I'm in mid Kent, we catch the east winds in winter and early spring, but we do tend to get pretty hot at times in the summer...
    Dave at the bottom of everones posts is where they live, I see yours says South Devon, Basil Fawlty country I believe. I'm in mid Kent, we catch the east winds in winter and early spring, but we...
  2. The Pea Of Sweetness

    Yey, they flowered!!!

    Any one care to identify them for me?
    Any one care to identify them for me?
    Any one care to identify them for me?
    Any one care to identify them for me?
  3. Victoria


    Dont think its flowers, they form on a small, usually downward facing, stem. Cant think what it can be though. :confused:
    Dont think its flowers, they form on a small, usually downward facing, stem. Cant think what it can be though. :confused:
    Dont think its flowers, they form on a small, usually downward facing, stem. Cant think what it can be though. :confused:
    Dont think its flowers, they form on a small, usually downward facing, stem. Cant think what it can be though. :confused:
  4. MattStan

    Can I move a Japanese Maple?

    Bulbs sound good - like the suggestion...
    Bulbs sound good - like the suggestion...
    Bulbs sound good - like the suggestion...
    Bulbs sound good - like the suggestion...
  5. GC

    Brugmansia pictures

    Hi Mims & All Thanks for comments. These plants need lots of water, lots of food and patience!! The small one you have probably won't flower this year but should grow to about 3' tall. overwinter...
    Hi Mims & All Thanks for comments. These plants need lots of water, lots of food and patience!! The small one you have probably won't flower this year but should grow to about 3' tall. overwinter them in a conservatory or greenhouse, a temp above 10-15 degrees is ideal. Water occasionally so...
    Hi Mims & All Thanks for comments. These plants need lots of water, lots of food and patience!! The small one you have probably won't flower this year but should grow to about 3' tall. overwinter them in a conservatory or greenhouse, a temp above...
    Hi Mims & All Thanks for comments. These plants need lots of water, lots of food and patience!! The small one you have probably won't flower this year but should grow to about 3' tall. overwinter...
  6. jay

    Beastie Houses

    They're welcome to, save me vaccing up dead flies off the windowsills.. !! :D
    They're welcome to, save me vaccing up dead flies off the windowsills.. !! :D
    They're welcome to, save me vaccing up dead flies off the windowsills.. !! :D
    They're welcome to, save me vaccing up dead flies off the windowsills.. !! :D
  7. sharon

    Plants to move

    Yep, leave them both until autumn/first frost then move the begonia which can be lifted and stored in a cool frost free place overwinter for planting next year. (I'm assuming it's formed a...
    Yep, leave them both until autumn/first frost then move the begonia which can be lifted and stored in a cool frost free place overwinter for planting next year. (I'm assuming it's formed a corm)Begonias will also take a bit of hacking when in full growth so if it looks like smothering your...
    Yep, leave them both until autumn/first frost then move the begonia which can be lifted and stored in a cool frost free place overwinter for planting next year. (I'm assuming it's formed a corm)Begonias will also take a bit of hacking when in...
    Yep, leave them both until autumn/first frost then move the begonia which can be lifted and stored in a cool frost free place overwinter for planting next year. (I'm assuming it's formed a...
  8. Liz

    Magnolia Grandiflora

    Not so sure it would like it up here anyway, but If I came accross one I would be sorely tempted - doesn't take much to tempt me anyway!
    Not so sure it would like it up here anyway, but If I came accross one I would be sorely tempted - doesn't take much to tempt me anyway!
    Not so sure it would like it up here anyway, but If I came accross one I would be sorely tempted - doesn't take much to tempt me anyway!
    Not so sure it would like it up here anyway, but If I came accross one I would be sorely tempted - doesn't take much to tempt me anyway!
  9. Hornbeam

    Hosepipe bans

    I'm not sure how much my water butts hold Probably about 50 or 60 gallons, I usually end up refilling with the hose during the summer, but due to the leakage from the victorian water mains that...
    I'm not sure how much my water butts hold Probably about 50 or 60 gallons, I usually end up refilling with the hose during the summer, but due to the leakage from the victorian water mains that we have in the UK, combined wiyh the overpopulation, I cant this year. I'll just have to use...
    I'm not sure how much my water butts hold Probably about 50 or 60 gallons, I usually end up refilling with the hose during the summer, but due to the leakage from the victorian water mains that we have in the UK, combined wiyh the...
    I'm not sure how much my water butts hold Probably about 50 or 60 gallons, I usually end up refilling with the hose during the summer, but due to the leakage from the victorian water mains that...
  10. sweetpea

    Thank you everyone

    Thank you everyone I eventually found my 1st and 2nd requests re.Boarders Thanks soooo much for advice I've printed them off and hotfooting it to buy the materials I need I am even going to take...
    Thank you everyone I eventually found my 1st and 2nd requests re.Boarders Thanks soooo much for advice I've printed them off and hotfooting it to buy the materials I need I am even going to take it a step further and take pics so you can see my garden (whoah, now I may be getting carried away...
    Thank you everyone I eventually found my 1st and 2nd requests re.Boarders Thanks soooo much for advice I've printed them off and hotfooting it to buy the materials I need I am even going to take it a step further and take pics so you can see my...
    Thank you everyone I eventually found my 1st and 2nd requests re.Boarders Thanks soooo much for advice I've printed them off and hotfooting it to buy the materials I need I am even going to take...
  11. Poppy33

    Hummingbird Moth

    I saw mine this morning at about 8am.but if I have to wait till later, I shall be late for work. It has been raining tonight, so I am not sure if it will come back tomorrow.The cine film I took...
    I saw mine this morning at about 8am.but if I have to wait till later, I shall be late for work. It has been raining tonight, so I am not sure if it will come back tomorrow.The cine film I took with the digital camera only shows flowers as I was moving the camera so fast trying to film it.No...
    I saw mine this morning at about 8am.but if I have to wait till later, I shall be late for work. It has been raining tonight, so I am not sure if it will come back tomorrow.The cine film I took with the digital camera only shows flowers as I...
    I saw mine this morning at about 8am.but if I have to wait till later, I shall be late for work. It has been raining tonight, so I am not sure if it will come back tomorrow.The cine film I took...
  12. Charlie

    Distorted Leaf on Hibiscus

    Thank you all - in many ways that is a relief - I seem to remember a similar thing happening to the other Hibiscus last year. Anyway at least the plant looks healthy! I cant see any signs of a bug...
    Thank you all - in many ways that is a relief - I seem to remember a similar thing happening to the other Hibiscus last year. Anyway at least the plant looks healthy! I cant see any signs of a bug so I've taken your advice Mona Lisa and gievn it a good spray with Fairy liquid. Thank you
    Thank you all - in many ways that is a relief - I seem to remember a similar thing happening to the other Hibiscus last year. Anyway at least the plant looks healthy! I cant see any signs of a bug so I've taken your advice Mona Lisa and gievn it...
    Thank you all - in many ways that is a relief - I seem to remember a similar thing happening to the other Hibiscus last year. Anyway at least the plant looks healthy! I cant see any signs of a bug...
  13. Honey Bee

    Dickensonia Antartica

    Cheers Poppy33, without being too wet it really is an expression of me so its nice to get positive coments. I have put alot of brain time into visualising it and its nice that others can see what...
    Cheers Poppy33, without being too wet it really is an expression of me so its nice to get positive coments. I have put alot of brain time into visualising it and its nice that others can see what I have had in my head for so long. It felt like a great weight had been lifted when I finally...
    Cheers Poppy33, without being too wet it really is an expression of me so its nice to get positive coments. I have put alot of brain time into visualising it and its nice that others can see what I have had in my head for so long. It felt like a...
    Cheers Poppy33, without being too wet it really is an expression of me so its nice to get positive coments. I have put alot of brain time into visualising it and its nice that others can see what...
  14. GC

    Wrong labels on plants!!

    This is what I bought as a "Meconapsis Alba" but in fact i think it is a Blue Himalayan which i longed for years ago but didn't think it would survive in my soil Doesn't it look lovely? ! was...
    This is what I bought as a "Meconapsis Alba" but in fact i think it is a Blue Himalayan which i longed for years ago but didn't think it would survive in my soil Doesn't it look lovely? ! was really suprised when it flowered
    This is what I bought as a "Meconapsis Alba" but in fact i think it is a Blue Himalayan which i longed for years ago but didn't think it would survive in my soil Doesn't it look lovely? ! was really suprised when it flowered
    This is what I bought as a "Meconapsis Alba" but in fact i think it is a Blue Himalayan which i longed for years ago but didn't think it would survive in my soil Doesn't it look lovely? ! was...
  15. Victoria

    Peanut Shells

    Yes, just off for a nap now. :rolleyes:
    Yes, just off for a nap now. :rolleyes:
    Yes, just off for a nap now. :rolleyes:
    Yes, just off for a nap now. :rolleyes:
  16. mr piles

    kilmarnock willow...

    thanks hornbeam... any idea what she can treat them with ?
    thanks hornbeam... any idea what she can treat them with ?
    thanks hornbeam... any idea what she can treat them with ?
    thanks hornbeam... any idea what she can treat them with ?
  17. dalbuie

    My poor pear !

    Glad to hear it's recovering! Leave it until late Autumn and prune it then. You may find that buds will grow further up the branches as the tree settles down. If you're having hot weather, keep...
    Glad to hear it's recovering! Leave it until late Autumn and prune it then. You may find that buds will grow further up the branches as the tree settles down. If you're having hot weather, keep it watered! PS I like your sparkly avatar.
    Glad to hear it's recovering! Leave it until late Autumn and prune it then. You may find that buds will grow further up the branches as the tree settles down. If you're having hot weather, keep it watered! PS I like your sparkly avatar.
    Glad to hear it's recovering! Leave it until late Autumn and prune it then. You may find that buds will grow further up the branches as the tree settles down. If you're having hot weather, keep...
  18. elainefiz

    please tell me this is Eccremocarpus

    It isn't Eccremocarpus but it is a flowering plant of some sort. You might get a nice surprise when it blooms.
    It isn't Eccremocarpus but it is a flowering plant of some sort. You might get a nice surprise when it blooms.
    It isn't Eccremocarpus but it is a flowering plant of some sort. You might get a nice surprise when it blooms.
    It isn't Eccremocarpus but it is a flowering plant of some sort. You might get a nice surprise when it blooms.
  19. PeterS

    Dahlia query

    i have planted out my dahlias now that where in the greenhouse. but wild rabbits are munching them. so i have had to put plastic bottles over them for protection for now. until i get chickenwire...
    i have planted out my dahlias now that where in the greenhouse. but wild rabbits are munching them. so i have had to put plastic bottles over them for protection for now. until i get chickenwire to put around beds.
    i have planted out my dahlias now that where in the greenhouse. but wild rabbits are munching them. so i have had to put plastic bottles over them for protection for now. until i get chickenwire to put around beds.
    i have planted out my dahlias now that where in the greenhouse. but wild rabbits are munching them. so i have had to put plastic bottles over them for protection for now. until i get chickenwire...
  20. wishaw

    Change the water?

    Thanks for your advice - I just thought that early stages of decomposing bird might be a problem! But then, when I removed the poor thing it was still in pretty good shape (better anyway than...
    Thanks for your advice - I just thought that early stages of decomposing bird might be a problem! But then, when I removed the poor thing it was still in pretty good shape (better anyway than those the cats tend to get a hold of - we have a "wall" of tall conifers in our garden where lots of...
    Thanks for your advice - I just thought that early stages of decomposing bird might be a problem! But then, when I removed the poor thing it was still in pretty good shape (better anyway than those the cats tend to get a hold of - we have a...
    Thanks for your advice - I just thought that early stages of decomposing bird might be a problem! But then, when I removed the poor thing it was still in pretty good shape (better anyway than...

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