General Gardening Discussion

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  1. jay

    Talking of Elder..

    some of mrs grieves modern herbal book is outdated..allthough its an excellent book it should be used with caution..some usefull things for elder are.. flower heads fried in batter "elderflower...
    some of mrs grieves modern herbal book is outdated..allthough its an excellent book it should be used with caution..some usefull things for elder are.. flower heads fried in batter "elderflower fritters"..the flowers are also used to make cordial and summer drinks and champagne..if you want to...
    some of mrs grieves modern herbal book is outdated..allthough its an excellent book it should be used with caution..some usefull things for elder are.. flower heads fried in batter "elderflower fritters"..the flowers are also used to make cordial...
    some of mrs grieves modern herbal book is outdated..allthough its an excellent book it should be used with caution..some usefull things for elder are.. flower heads fried in batter "elderflower...
  2. sweetpea

    Please hear my plea re.Boarders

    Hi Sweetpea. There are two aspects. Long term and short term.Long term, what Debdrobium said is right. If its clay, you want to improve it as much as you can, by adding lots of organic...
    Hi Sweetpea. There are two aspects. Long term and short term.Long term, what Debdrobium said is right. If its clay, you want to improve it as much as you can, by adding lots of organic material, also small 10 ml gravel (agricultural grit is the best - but not so easy to find in bulk), and...
    Hi Sweetpea. There are two aspects. Long term and short term.Long term, what Debdrobium said is right. If its clay, you want to improve it as much as you can, by adding lots of organic material, also small 10 ml gravel (agricultural grit...
    Hi Sweetpea. There are two aspects. Long term and short term.Long term, what Debdrobium said is right. If its clay, you want to improve it as much as you can, by adding lots of organic...
  3. supermum10

    Problem Pears

    Pears suffer with fungi attacks and some of the blame is host trees that reinfect.
    Pears suffer with fungi attacks and some of the blame is host trees that reinfect.
    Pears suffer with fungi attacks and some of the blame is host trees that reinfect.
    Pears suffer with fungi attacks and some of the blame is host trees that reinfect.
  4. marge

    Stone seat

    Sorry no, it is stone but just not old, thats what I meant!! Yes its very heavy Could you tell me what the plants are you have growing up behind yours BM? Is it bamboo?
    Sorry no, it is stone but just not old, thats what I meant!! Yes its very heavy Could you tell me what the plants are you have growing up behind yours BM? Is it bamboo?
    Sorry no, it is stone but just not old, thats what I meant!! Yes its very heavy Could you tell me what the plants are you have growing up behind yours BM? Is it bamboo?
    Sorry no, it is stone but just not old, thats what I meant!! Yes its very heavy Could you tell me what the plants are you have growing up behind yours BM? Is it bamboo?
  5. Hornbeam


    I dont care to be honest if it got rid of a migraine - have done the chinese herb thing, now that's not a nice taste!!
    I dont care to be honest if it got rid of a migraine - have done the chinese herb thing, now that's not a nice taste!!
    I dont care to be honest if it got rid of a migraine - have done the chinese herb thing, now that's not a nice taste!!
    I dont care to be honest if it got rid of a migraine - have done the chinese herb thing, now that's not a nice taste!!
  6. jay

    OMG... I have a...

    You'll have to number your Hedgies then! I hope my little snufflepig keeps coming back, Ive plenty of slugs for him, lol!
    You'll have to number your Hedgies then! I hope my little snufflepig keeps coming back, Ive plenty of slugs for him, lol!
    You'll have to number your Hedgies then! I hope my little snufflepig keeps coming back, Ive plenty of slugs for him, lol!
    You'll have to number your Hedgies then! I hope my little snufflepig keeps coming back, Ive plenty of slugs for him, lol!
  7. sweetpea


    There is some stuff called "Super Dug" which is a great soil conditioner. - quite expensive thoughI used it a lot when we moved in and it does...
    There is some stuff called "Super Dug" which is a great soil conditioner. - quite expensive thoughI used it a lot when we moved in and it does work. You lay it on the surface of your clay and the worms do the work for you by dragging it down...
    There is some stuff called "Super Dug" which is a great soil conditioner. - quite expensive thoughI used it a lot when we moved in and it does work. You lay it on the surface of your clay and...
    There is some stuff called "Super Dug" which is a great soil conditioner. - quite expensive thoughI used it a lot when we moved in and it does...
  8. Poppy33

    Plants and their superstitions?

    Yellow is forsaken
    Yellow is forsaken
    Yellow is forsaken
    Yellow is forsaken
  9. Herb

    House plant recommendations?

    Oh, really. That sounds a bit of a challenge. :s
    Oh, really. That sounds a bit of a challenge. :s
    Oh, really. That sounds a bit of a challenge. :s
    Oh, really. That sounds a bit of a challenge. :s
  10. Paladin

    Nettle Patch.

    All I do is cut top growth and put as much as I can in a jug, pour on boiling water and let them steep until the water turns quite a dark colour.If you use it after washing your hair, then rinse...
    All I do is cut top growth and put as much as I can in a jug, pour on boiling water and let them steep until the water turns quite a dark colour.If you use it after washing your hair, then rinse it off. The way I'm using mine at the moment is to bottle it, then dab some directly onto the...
    All I do is cut top growth and put as much as I can in a jug, pour on boiling water and let them steep until the water turns quite a dark colour.If you use it after washing your hair, then rinse it off. The way I'm using mine at the moment is...
    All I do is cut top growth and put as much as I can in a jug, pour on boiling water and let them steep until the water turns quite a dark colour.If you use it after washing your hair, then rinse...
  11. The Pea Of Sweetness

    Please someone tell me why.....

    Nice one, will do. I've had the same thing happen with my pansies in the back aswell. It can't be dryness as i am really good on the watering front.Maybe it is the wind, but yet the back part...
    Nice one, will do. I've had the same thing happen with my pansies in the back aswell. It can't be dryness as i am really good on the watering front.Maybe it is the wind, but yet the back part of the house doesn't get windy....damn those Vine Weevils......
    Nice one, will do. I've had the same thing happen with my pansies in the back aswell. It can't be dryness as i am really good on the watering front.Maybe it is the wind, but yet the back part of the house doesn't get windy....damn those Vine...
    Nice one, will do. I've had the same thing happen with my pansies in the back aswell. It can't be dryness as i am really good on the watering front.Maybe it is the wind, but yet the back part...
  12. Steve Dallman

    Is it cold up North?

    I am new here but I live in Caithness and you dont get further north than that, as long as you grow in shelter and have early fruiting varieties you can grow the same here as anywhere. I inherited...
    I am new here but I live in Caithness and you dont get further north than that, as long as you grow in shelter and have early fruiting varieties you can grow the same here as anywhere. I inherited apple trees and plums so dont know the variety but Butterworths will advise of the early fruiting...
    I am new here but I live in Caithness and you dont get further north than that, as long as you grow in shelter and have early fruiting varieties you can grow the same here as anywhere. I inherited apple trees and plums so dont know the variety...
    I am new here but I live in Caithness and you dont get further north than that, as long as you grow in shelter and have early fruiting varieties you can grow the same here as anywhere. I inherited...
  13. The Pea Of Sweetness


    Bon soir, Mona LisaThanks for the suggestions. I used to grow the giant fragrant lilies in England but got fed up with the pollen getting everything and I found it virtually impossible to...
    Bon soir, Mona LisaThanks for the suggestions. I used to grow the giant fragrant lilies in England but got fed up with the pollen getting everything and I found it virtually impossible to remove from materials.I have pinks but not enough to pick. My carnations (from seed two years ago)...
    Bon soir, Mona LisaThanks for the suggestions. I used to grow the giant fragrant lilies in England but got fed up with the pollen getting everything and I found it virtually impossible to remove from materials.I have pinks but not enough to...
    Bon soir, Mona LisaThanks for the suggestions. I used to grow the giant fragrant lilies in England but got fed up with the pollen getting everything and I found it virtually impossible to...
  14. Kandy

    Iris Pollination

    Is there anyone that can help me in getting some of my various Iris plants to set seed.I have tried doing it with a paintbrush and a pair of tweezers taking the pollen and transfering it but to...
    Is there anyone that can help me in getting some of my various Iris plants to set seed.I have tried doing it with a paintbrush and a pair of tweezers taking the pollen and transfering it but to no avail. I have mainly tall bearded Iris.My Siberian Iris are pollinated by the bees, but they...
    Is there anyone that can help me in getting some of my various Iris plants to set seed.I have tried doing it with a paintbrush and a pair of tweezers taking the pollen and transfering it but to no avail. I have mainly tall bearded Iris.My...
    Is there anyone that can help me in getting some of my various Iris plants to set seed.I have tried doing it with a paintbrush and a pair of tweezers taking the pollen and transfering it but to...
  15. Waco


    On same topic as amerillis really, a kind of cross between that and crinums, but are supposed to be hardy again.Anyone tried them outside?
    On same topic as amerillis really, a kind of cross between that and crinums, but are supposed to be hardy again.Anyone tried them outside?
    On same topic as amerillis really, a kind of cross between that and crinums, but are supposed to be hardy again.Anyone tried them outside?
    On same topic as amerillis really, a kind of cross between that and crinums, but are supposed to be hardy again.Anyone tried them outside?
  16. lazy-gardener

    anyone grow marshmallow?

    I have some marshmallow but its not in flower yet..hornbeams picture is the same as the one i have ..I dont harvest mine i just like to keep it mine is in a damp area by my leaking pond!!
    I have some marshmallow but its not in flower yet..hornbeams picture is the same as the one i have ..I dont harvest mine i just like to keep it mine is in a damp area by my leaking pond!!
    I have some marshmallow but its not in flower yet..hornbeams picture is the same as the one i have ..I dont harvest mine i just like to keep it mine is in a damp area by my leaking pond!!
    I have some marshmallow but its not in flower yet..hornbeams picture is the same as the one i have ..I dont harvest mine i just like to keep it mine is in a damp area by my leaking pond!!
  17. The Pea Of Sweetness

    We've been doing up on yard and ......

    Great way to enjoy a great garden!Well done
    Great way to enjoy a great garden!Well done
    Great way to enjoy a great garden!Well done
    Great way to enjoy a great garden!Well done
  18. Waco

    Man problem?

    jay but that is the problem, men don't like "direct orderds", I had him under controll, but just giving him a bit of long reign.cobbybrook, you have to be single!!!anyway are my Prunus...
    jay but that is the problem, men don't like "direct orderds", I had him under controll, but just giving him a bit of long reign.cobbybrook, you have to be single!!!anyway are my Prunus lisitanica going to survive now? should make a good hedge if they do.
    jay but that is the problem, men don't like "direct orderds", I had him under controll, but just giving him a bit of long reign.cobbybrook, you have to be single!!!anyway are my Prunus lisitanica going to survive now? should make a good hedge...
    jay but that is the problem, men don't like "direct orderds", I had him under controll, but just giving him a bit of long reign.cobbybrook, you have to be single!!!anyway are my Prunus...
  19. The Pea Of Sweetness

    Bleeding hearts query no.2!

    Chobart, when you say cut it back - by how much? Deadhead or a really serious haircut.
    Chobart, when you say cut it back - by how much? Deadhead or a really serious haircut.
    Chobart, when you say cut it back - by how much? Deadhead or a really serious haircut.
    Chobart, when you say cut it back - by how much? Deadhead or a really serious haircut.
  20. Webmaster

    Guerilla Gardeners

    I had a good look on their site, they suggest a 'Seed Bomb' :D , fill a balloon with some compost, water and a mix of seeds and throw it out your car whilst driving onto central reservations...
    I had a good look on their site, they suggest a 'Seed Bomb' :D , fill a balloon with some compost, water and a mix of seeds and throw it out your car whilst driving onto central reservations etc.May have to give this a go :DNathan.
    I had a good look on their site, they suggest a 'Seed Bomb' :D , fill a balloon with some compost, water and a mix of seeds and throw it out your car whilst driving onto central reservations etc.May have to give this a go :DNathan.
    I had a good look on their site, they suggest a 'Seed Bomb' :D , fill a balloon with some compost, water and a mix of seeds and throw it out your car whilst driving onto central reservations...

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