General Gardening Discussion

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  1. zara

    deterants for cats help

    You would be suprised how many people do not worm their animals..I work as a veterinary nurse and despite trying to educate owners unfortunatly there are still quite alot of people who refuse to...
    You would be suprised how many people do not worm their animals..I work as a veterinary nurse and despite trying to educate owners unfortunatly there are still quite alot of people who refuse to worm their animals, they dont seem to realise that its a risk, they buy a puppy/kitten worm it for...
    You would be suprised how many people do not worm their animals..I work as a veterinary nurse and despite trying to educate owners unfortunatly there are still quite alot of people who refuse to worm their animals, they dont seem to realise that...
    You would be suprised how many people do not worm their animals..I work as a veterinary nurse and despite trying to educate owners unfortunatly there are still quite alot of people who refuse to...
  2. katiejane

    planting sweet peas outside

    oh, and i forgot welcome katiejane just new member myself, enjoy.
    oh, and i forgot welcome katiejane just new member myself, enjoy.
    oh, and i forgot welcome katiejane just new member myself, enjoy.
    oh, and i forgot welcome katiejane just new member myself, enjoy.
  3. pete


    Thanks for your kind offer Pete, I would love to have said yes - but I already have 200 or 300 seedlings/small plants sitting on my patio and absolutely nowhere to put them. I think I might take...
    Thanks for your kind offer Pete, I would love to have said yes - but I already have 200 or 300 seedlings/small plants sitting on my patio and absolutely nowhere to put them. I think I might take up "virtual gardening" on the internet. You can expand as much as you like - and no weeding! Come...
    Thanks for your kind offer Pete, I would love to have said yes - but I already have 200 or 300 seedlings/small plants sitting on my patio and absolutely nowhere to put them. I think I might take up "virtual gardening" on the internet. You can...
    Thanks for your kind offer Pete, I would love to have said yes - but I already have 200 or 300 seedlings/small plants sitting on my patio and absolutely nowhere to put them. I think I might take...
  4. PeterS

    What Meter?

    wellI could never spell anyway! What wat wut!!!
    wellI could never spell anyway! What wat wut!!!
    wellI could never spell anyway! What wat wut!!!
    wellI could never spell anyway! What wat wut!!!
  5. chkm8


    This year I would ease up on the watering and let the roots go deeper to find their own moisture. In N. Ireland you shouldn't be bothered by prolonged drought but if the weather does get dry then...
    This year I would ease up on the watering and let the roots go deeper to find their own moisture. In N. Ireland you shouldn't be bothered by prolonged drought but if the weather does get dry then restart regular watering. Winds can sometimes be more drying than a hot but humid day.You also...
    This year I would ease up on the watering and let the roots go deeper to find their own moisture. In N. Ireland you shouldn't be bothered by prolonged drought but if the weather does get dry then restart regular watering. Winds can sometimes be...
    This year I would ease up on the watering and let the roots go deeper to find their own moisture. In N. Ireland you shouldn't be bothered by prolonged drought but if the weather does get dry then...
  6. elainefiz

    Christmas pressy plant

    thankyou strongylodon,i put it outside cos the ivy was trailing all over my microwave!seems a bit daft to put the ivy in with house plants,or maybe its me thats daft for planting them out?the...
    thankyou strongylodon,i put it outside cos the ivy was trailing all over my microwave!seems a bit daft to put the ivy in with house plants,or maybe its me thats daft for planting them out?the parlor palm was a bit scorched from being near the kitchen window (i wondered what was wrong with it) ...
    thankyou strongylodon,i put it outside cos the ivy was trailing all over my microwave!seems a bit daft to put the ivy in with house plants,or maybe its me thats daft for planting them out?the parlor palm was a bit scorched from being near the...
    thankyou strongylodon,i put it outside cos the ivy was trailing all over my microwave!seems a bit daft to put the ivy in with house plants,or maybe its me thats daft for planting them out?the...
  7. SageCat


    Bamboo likes a peat/soil(JI3)/compost mix and plenty of food in the growing season. Cut out all the spindley shoots as these remain the size they sprouted at and will not thicken. This promotes...
    Bamboo likes a peat/soil(JI3)/compost mix and plenty of food in the growing season. Cut out all the spindley shoots as these remain the size they sprouted at and will not thicken. This promotes the production of stronger thicker canes and ultimately a healthier specimen. I also mix in mini bark...
    Bamboo likes a peat/soil(JI3)/compost mix and plenty of food in the growing season. Cut out all the spindley shoots as these remain the size they sprouted at and will not thicken. This promotes the production of stronger thicker canes and...
    Bamboo likes a peat/soil(JI3)/compost mix and plenty of food in the growing season. Cut out all the spindley shoots as these remain the size they sprouted at and will not thicken. This promotes...
  8. Rich


    Mine is in a 15" pot. The holes in the bottom are at the top of inverted spikes. I pot clay balls in the bottom up to just above the spikes and fill the rest with home made John Innes with extra...
    Mine is in a 15" pot. The holes in the bottom are at the top of inverted spikes. I pot clay balls in the bottom up to just above the spikes and fill the rest with home made John Innes with extra grit.The conservatory has a heater which prevents the temperature going below 17C.The latest...
    Mine is in a 15" pot. The holes in the bottom are at the top of inverted spikes. I pot clay balls in the bottom up to just above the spikes and fill the rest with home made John Innes with extra grit.The conservatory has a heater which...
    Mine is in a 15" pot. The holes in the bottom are at the top of inverted spikes. I pot clay balls in the bottom up to just above the spikes and fill the rest with home made John Innes with extra...
  9. Rich

    Today in the garden,

    No, you should use barley straw.I have some, but the pond eventually clears on its own. I don't like it clear but being able to see the fish aproaching the surface is good, it looks more...
    No, you should use barley straw.I have some, but the pond eventually clears on its own. I don't like it clear but being able to see the fish aproaching the surface is good, it looks more natural that way, and the fish prefer it.
    No, you should use barley straw.I have some, but the pond eventually clears on its own. I don't like it clear but being able to see the fish aproaching the surface is good, it looks more natural that way, and the fish prefer it.
    No, you should use barley straw.I have some, but the pond eventually clears on its own. I don't like it clear but being able to see the fish aproaching the surface is good, it looks more...
  10. PeterS

    Papaver Orientale (Poppy)

    Almost as soon as I made my last post I remembered the baskets I had seen for aquatics. I was at a garden centre on Sunday - so I bought 4. As you say Tangle they are not that big, but I will...
    Almost as soon as I made my last post I remembered the baskets I had seen for aquatics. I was at a garden centre on Sunday - so I bought 4. As you say Tangle they are not that big, but I will experiment.
    Almost as soon as I made my last post I remembered the baskets I had seen for aquatics. I was at a garden centre on Sunday - so I bought 4. As you say Tangle they are not that big, but I will experiment.
    Almost as soon as I made my last post I remembered the baskets I had seen for aquatics. I was at a garden centre on Sunday - so I bought 4. As you say Tangle they are not that big, but I will...
  11. Banana Man

    I can't believe its the 1st of June!!!

    Hope you had a good holiday!!! Surfing?? I couldn't get over how much further along everything was down there - we visited Lanhydrock, and there were dahlias in full bloom!!They do say its...
    Hope you had a good holiday!!! Surfing?? I couldn't get over how much further along everything was down there - we visited Lanhydrock, and there were dahlias in full bloom!!They do say its going to get up to 28 this Friday, so no doubt everyone will be moaning its too hot!! :rolleyes: ...
    Hope you had a good holiday!!! Surfing?? I couldn't get over how much further along everything was down there - we visited Lanhydrock, and there were dahlias in full bloom!!They do say its going to get up to 28 this Friday, so no doubt...
    Hope you had a good holiday!!! Surfing?? I couldn't get over how much further along everything was down there - we visited Lanhydrock, and there were dahlias in full bloom!!They do say its...
  12. chobart

    Aquilegia problem.....

    This is probably not helpful but I wish something would attack mine as I am sick of digging then out as weed - sorry.If all else fails I can send you some seed, though I have to say my nora...
    This is probably not helpful but I wish something would attack mine as I am sick of digging then out as weed - sorry.If all else fails I can send you some seed, though I have to say my nora barlo is very promiscuous!
    This is probably not helpful but I wish something would attack mine as I am sick of digging then out as weed - sorry.If all else fails I can send you some seed, though I have to say my nora barlo is very promiscuous!
    This is probably not helpful but I wish something would attack mine as I am sick of digging then out as weed - sorry.If all else fails I can send you some seed, though I have to say my nora...
  13. Waco

    geranium madersens/palmatum

    thought it might be you pete - thanks for info, they do look fantastic, I have imediately potted them up into nigger pots, so hope they are OK. I am told they are real geraniums too and not...
    thought it might be you pete - thanks for info, they do look fantastic, I have imediately potted them up into nigger pots, so hope they are OK. I am told they are real geraniums too and not pelagoniums, so all very interesting and worth nurturing.will keep you updated Janet
    thought it might be you pete - thanks for info, they do look fantastic, I have imediately potted them up into nigger pots, so hope they are OK. I am told they are real geraniums too and not pelagoniums, so all very interesting and worth...
    thought it might be you pete - thanks for info, they do look fantastic, I have imediately potted them up into nigger pots, so hope they are OK. I am told they are real geraniums too and not...
  14. rosietutu

    Pink Sage

    I grow the purple leaved one, just incase you had not gathered, I like the dark stuff!that looks very pretty though.
    I grow the purple leaved one, just incase you had not gathered, I like the dark stuff!that looks very pretty though.
    I grow the purple leaved one, just incase you had not gathered, I like the dark stuff!that looks very pretty though.
    I grow the purple leaved one, just incase you had not gathered, I like the dark stuff!that looks very pretty though.
  15. Banana Man

    Hardy Gingers

    I love Ginger too - I have held back buying any this year, due to the biulding work, but I did stick a bit of left over Ginger from the Veg basket in a pot (seem to remember Bob Flowerdew saying...
    I love Ginger too - I have held back buying any this year, due to the biulding work, but I did stick a bit of left over Ginger from the Veg basket in a pot (seem to remember Bob Flowerdew saying something about this a while ago...), but it hasn't done anything... what am I doing wrong??
    I love Ginger too - I have held back buying any this year, due to the biulding work, but I did stick a bit of left over Ginger from the Veg basket in a pot (seem to remember Bob Flowerdew saying something about this a while ago...), but it hasn't...
    I love Ginger too - I have held back buying any this year, due to the biulding work, but I did stick a bit of left over Ginger from the Veg basket in a pot (seem to remember Bob Flowerdew saying...
  16. Hornbeam

    Tenacity in towns

    Im always amazed at buddleia growing out of walls half way up old empty buildings!
    Im always amazed at buddleia growing out of walls half way up old empty buildings!
    Im always amazed at buddleia growing out of walls half way up old empty buildings!
    Im always amazed at buddleia growing out of walls half way up old empty buildings!
  17. Hornbeam

    Oh, to be in England

    Hornbeam they are absolutely beautiful pics!!
    Hornbeam they are absolutely beautiful pics!!
    Hornbeam they are absolutely beautiful pics!!
    Hornbeam they are absolutely beautiful pics!!
  18. jay


    Right, on closer inspection I discovered sooty deposits so I assume it is actually whitefly, so I chopped the rock rose right back (hope it grows back!) as the spray didnt seem to do owt... Thanks...
    Right, on closer inspection I discovered sooty deposits so I assume it is actually whitefly, so I chopped the rock rose right back (hope it grows back!) as the spray didnt seem to do owt... Thanks Frogesque, the buddleia's recent sprouting seems to be fine so it's probably like you said
    Right, on closer inspection I discovered sooty deposits so I assume it is actually whitefly, so I chopped the rock rose right back (hope it grows back!) as the spray didnt seem to do owt... Thanks Frogesque, the buddleia's recent sprouting seems...
    Right, on closer inspection I discovered sooty deposits so I assume it is actually whitefly, so I chopped the rock rose right back (hope it grows back!) as the spray didnt seem to do owt... Thanks...
  19. Paladin

    Peony argsii

    Paladin, this is a tree peony with yellow flowers,the one that Palustris mentions. (Scanner not working so took a pic) You can see that it says - difficult to propagate so that's obviously why...
    Paladin, this is a tree peony with yellow flowers,the one that Palustris mentions. (Scanner not working so took a pic) You can see that it says - difficult to propagate so that's obviously why it's rare.RHS Plant finder says the nursery (link below) can supply this peony, but if it's...
    Paladin, this is a tree peony with yellow flowers,the one that Palustris mentions. (Scanner not working so took a pic) You can see that it says - difficult to propagate so that's obviously why it's rare.RHS Plant finder says the nursery...
    Paladin, this is a tree peony with yellow flowers,the one that Palustris mentions. (Scanner not working so took a pic) You can see that it says - difficult to propagate so that's obviously why...
  20. Tangle

    Pruning honeysuckle

    'tis done and the pergola is all treated :D Wound up taking off nearly 2/3rds of it. The stems were over 1" across, but did seem to be shooting below the cuts, so fingers crossed.Thanks for...
    'tis done and the pergola is all treated :D Wound up taking off nearly 2/3rds of it. The stems were over 1" across, but did seem to be shooting below the cuts, so fingers crossed.Thanks for the advice
    'tis done and the pergola is all treated :D Wound up taking off nearly 2/3rds of it. The stems were over 1" across, but did seem to be shooting below the cuts, so fingers crossed.Thanks for the advice
    'tis done and the pergola is all treated :D Wound up taking off nearly 2/3rds of it. The stems were over 1" across, but did seem to be shooting below the cuts, so fingers crossed.Thanks for...

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