General Gardening Discussion

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  1. Webmaster

    Looks like it is going to be ........

    In June the sun it is hotDoes it shine?It does not!
    In June the sun it is hotDoes it shine?It does not!
    In June the sun it is hotDoes it shine?It does not!
    In June the sun it is hotDoes it shine?It does not!
  2. bluemolly

    advice on stephanotis

    I think this is also called the madagascar jasmine. I have recently purchased this, but it is showing signs of wilting already. It was in flower when I got it, but these have just fallen away one...
    I think this is also called the madagascar jasmine. I have recently purchased this, but it is showing signs of wilting already. It was in flower when I got it, but these have just fallen away one by one, and the leaves are looking as if they may follow. I didn't give it a lot of water and it...
    I think this is also called the madagascar jasmine. I have recently purchased this, but it is showing signs of wilting already. It was in flower when I got it, but these have just fallen away one by one, and the leaves are looking as if they may...
    I think this is also called the madagascar jasmine. I have recently purchased this, but it is showing signs of wilting already. It was in flower when I got it, but these have just fallen away one...
  3. Tintin

    Bare Lilac

    Thnakyou very much, I haven't given it any tlc since it was planted so you're probably right there.I'll give it a good feed and cut it back in winter.One last thing - there's self seeded...
    Thnakyou very much, I haven't given it any tlc since it was planted so you're probably right there.I'll give it a good feed and cut it back in winter.One last thing - there's self seeded campanula crowding its base - would it help if I cleared them away?
    Thnakyou very much, I haven't given it any tlc since it was planted so you're probably right there.I'll give it a good feed and cut it back in winter.One last thing - there's self seeded campanula crowding its base - would it help if I...
    Thnakyou very much, I haven't given it any tlc since it was planted so you're probably right there.I'll give it a good feed and cut it back in winter.One last thing - there's self seeded...
  4. lazy-gardener

    are clematis difficult

    Might I suggest that if you buy a couple of clematis they should fall into the same pruning group, as they will get all tangled up immediately and if you are like me you will snap many of the...
    Might I suggest that if you buy a couple of clematis they should fall into the same pruning group, as they will get all tangled up immediately and if you are like me you will snap many of the shoots trying to extract one from the other. Judging from response here I would suggest sticking to the...
    Might I suggest that if you buy a couple of clematis they should fall into the same pruning group, as they will get all tangled up immediately and if you are like me you will snap many of the shoots trying to extract one from the other. Judging...
    Might I suggest that if you buy a couple of clematis they should fall into the same pruning group, as they will get all tangled up immediately and if you are like me you will snap many of the...
  5. Hornbeam

    Underplanting and colours

    Excellent! A living tapestry of colour
    Excellent! A living tapestry of colour
    Excellent! A living tapestry of colour
    Excellent! A living tapestry of colour
  6. cambo

    mountain stream liner

    Why not paint the concrete with G4. Usually takes about 4 coats and is available in black or clear. It is totally waterproof and is used to seal concrete ponds so a stream should be no problem...
    Why not paint the concrete with G4. Usually takes about 4 coats and is available in black or clear. It is totally waterproof and is used to seal concrete ponds so a stream should be no problem plus you wont have creases from the liner to worry about.John.
    Why not paint the concrete with G4. Usually takes about 4 coats and is available in black or clear. It is totally waterproof and is used to seal concrete ponds so a stream should be no problem plus you wont have creases from the liner to worry...
    Why not paint the concrete with G4. Usually takes about 4 coats and is available in black or clear. It is totally waterproof and is used to seal concrete ponds so a stream should be no problem...
  7. Liz

    Paving bricks

    Thanks, that doesn't sound difficult technically. Good idea about the cut turf! My bricks are buff coloured but I can't complain.
    Thanks, that doesn't sound difficult technically. Good idea about the cut turf! My bricks are buff coloured but I can't complain.
    Thanks, that doesn't sound difficult technically. Good idea about the cut turf! My bricks are buff coloured but I can't complain.
    Thanks, that doesn't sound difficult technically. Good idea about the cut turf! My bricks are buff coloured but I can't complain.
  8. allye

    dead mint plant, what have I done wrong?

    Once you've salvaged what you can - instead of planting it in compost - fill a small pot with ordinary soil from the ground, the sandier the better - dampen it and then plant it. In my experience...
    Once you've salvaged what you can - instead of planting it in compost - fill a small pot with ordinary soil from the ground, the sandier the better - dampen it and then plant it. In my experience mint, marjoram, oregano like a lot of herbs do better in soil without the addition of nutrients....
    Once you've salvaged what you can - instead of planting it in compost - fill a small pot with ordinary soil from the ground, the sandier the better - dampen it and then plant it. In my experience mint, marjoram, oregano like a lot of herbs do...
    Once you've salvaged what you can - instead of planting it in compost - fill a small pot with ordinary soil from the ground, the sandier the better - dampen it and then plant it. In my experience...
  9. T


    Bougainvilleas flower on new wood, so I feed mine furiously with Hi N for 3 or 4 weeks to encourage shoots, then Hi K for 3 or 4 weeks to encourage flowers, alternately all through the summer. If...
    Bougainvilleas flower on new wood, so I feed mine furiously with Hi N for 3 or 4 weeks to encourage shoots, then Hi K for 3 or 4 weeks to encourage flowers, alternately all through the summer. If you can stop them loosing their leaves during the winter they get a flying start the next year, but...
    Bougainvilleas flower on new wood, so I feed mine furiously with Hi N for 3 or 4 weeks to encourage shoots, then Hi K for 3 or 4 weeks to encourage flowers, alternately all through the summer. If you can stop them loosing their leaves during the...
    Bougainvilleas flower on new wood, so I feed mine furiously with Hi N for 3 or 4 weeks to encourage shoots, then Hi K for 3 or 4 weeks to encourage flowers, alternately all through the summer. If...
  10. rosietutu


    I use pelleted chicken manure too. No smell and it really does a grand job. Mulch with garden compost in the autumn, two handfulls of pelleted chicken poo per bush in the spring and two more in...
    I use pelleted chicken manure too. No smell and it really does a grand job. Mulch with garden compost in the autumn, two handfulls of pelleted chicken poo per bush in the spring and two more in the summer and that's it.
    I use pelleted chicken manure too. No smell and it really does a grand job. Mulch with garden compost in the autumn, two handfulls of pelleted chicken poo per bush in the spring and two more in the summer and that's it.
    I use pelleted chicken manure too. No smell and it really does a grand job. Mulch with garden compost in the autumn, two handfulls of pelleted chicken poo per bush in the spring and two more in...
  11. Lenton Rose

    Something is eating my Geranium

    Thanks guys, I think I'll hold onto it but keep it isolated from everything else and see what happens.
    Thanks guys, I think I'll hold onto it but keep it isolated from everything else and see what happens.
    Thanks guys, I think I'll hold onto it but keep it isolated from everything else and see what happens.
    Thanks guys, I think I'll hold onto it but keep it isolated from everything else and see what happens.
  12. rosietutu

    Lost Label

    Rain...what rain? yes it is a very vibrant blue tending to purple most eye catching the leaf is like yours.
    Rain...what rain? yes it is a very vibrant blue tending to purple most eye catching the leaf is like yours.
    Rain...what rain? yes it is a very vibrant blue tending to purple most eye catching the leaf is like yours.
    Rain...what rain? yes it is a very vibrant blue tending to purple most eye catching the leaf is like yours.
  13. Banana Man

    Ahhh, lazy sunny Sunday

    Lowest for essex was 5, but may think about getting in my summer bananas cause the leaves might crisp. Not sure if the nights are long enough now for frosts are they? I need a fleece that...
    Lowest for essex was 5, but may think about getting in my summer bananas cause the leaves might crisp. Not sure if the nights are long enough now for frosts are they? I need a fleece that stretches from corner to corner, or one of those stadium roofs that close up. [ 29. May 2006, 12:26 PM:...
    Lowest for essex was 5, but may think about getting in my summer bananas cause the leaves might crisp. Not sure if the nights are long enough now for frosts are they? I need a fleece that stretches from corner to corner, or one of those stadium...
    Lowest for essex was 5, but may think about getting in my summer bananas cause the leaves might crisp. Not sure if the nights are long enough now for frosts are they? I need a fleece that...
  14. The Pea Of Sweetness

    Where have all my Bleeding Hearts gone?

    Thanks for that thought Liz. I will give it a try. Dicentra has been very disappointing this year. The last couple of years it flowered for 10 weeks, but this year - short and battered.
    Thanks for that thought Liz. I will give it a try. Dicentra has been very disappointing this year. The last couple of years it flowered for 10 weeks, but this year - short and battered.
    Thanks for that thought Liz. I will give it a try. Dicentra has been very disappointing this year. The last couple of years it flowered for 10 weeks, but this year - short and battered.
    Thanks for that thought Liz. I will give it a try. Dicentra has been very disappointing this year. The last couple of years it flowered for 10 weeks, but this year - short and battered.
  15. The Pea Of Sweetness


    Oh my word, don't blame you, you'd be there forever!!Think i'll give it a go on mine.
    Oh my word, don't blame you, you'd be there forever!!Think i'll give it a go on mine.
    Oh my word, don't blame you, you'd be there forever!!Think i'll give it a go on mine.
    Oh my word, don't blame you, you'd be there forever!!Think i'll give it a go on mine.
  16. Waco


    That sounds reasonable pete. I have this year cut back again in the hope that goodness wuld go back into plant and not into something I was going to remove in early august, but I see your point...
    That sounds reasonable pete. I have this year cut back again in the hope that goodness wuld go back into plant and not into something I was going to remove in early august, but I see your point about it stimmulating more growth, so will re think my schedule.
    That sounds reasonable pete. I have this year cut back again in the hope that goodness wuld go back into plant and not into something I was going to remove in early august, but I see your point about it stimmulating more growth, so will re think...
    That sounds reasonable pete. I have this year cut back again in the hope that goodness wuld go back into plant and not into something I was going to remove in early august, but I see your point...
  17. T

    Thank you

    ;) Good to hear...You are very welcome!
    ;) Good to hear...You are very welcome!
    ;) Good to hear...You are very welcome!
    ;) Good to hear...You are very welcome!
  18. jervis

    Just moved in

    dont know what size jervis balcony is mine is quite big part of the flat structure iff it is a balcony attached to the building will have to be carefulrosa
    dont know what size jervis balcony is mine is quite big part of the flat structure iff it is a balcony attached to the building will have to be carefulrosa
    dont know what size jervis balcony is mine is quite big part of the flat structure iff it is a balcony attached to the building will have to be carefulrosa
    dont know what size jervis balcony is mine is quite big part of the flat structure iff it is a balcony attached to the building will have to be carefulrosa
  19. sheppy

    Weeds in Patio

    Right, hot water, sand and cement it is! Thanks!!
    Right, hot water, sand and cement it is! Thanks!!
    Right, hot water, sand and cement it is! Thanks!!
    Right, hot water, sand and cement it is! Thanks!!
  20. marge

    Heuchera Purple Palace

    i like heuchera's myself, i have sown some purple palace,bressingham and green finch?, buyer was not able to identify, but said it looks like green finch. Also have a 2nd year strawberry candy one...
    i like heuchera's myself, i have sown some purple palace,bressingham and green finch?, buyer was not able to identify, but said it looks like green finch. Also have a 2nd year strawberry candy one in my wee greenhouse. :D
    i like heuchera's myself, i have sown some purple palace,bressingham and green finch?, buyer was not able to identify, but said it looks like green finch. Also have a 2nd year strawberry candy one in my wee greenhouse. :D
    i like heuchera's myself, i have sown some purple palace,bressingham and green finch?, buyer was not able to identify, but said it looks like green finch. Also have a 2nd year strawberry candy one...

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