General Gardening Discussion

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  1. cozmik

    bine weed?

    PeterS:Usefull tip there re: weedkiller and poly bag. I've got some Everlasting Pea I've been trying to get shot of. I severely weakened it last year with Pathclear but it's come through again...
    PeterS:Usefull tip there re: weedkiller and poly bag. I've got some Everlasting Pea I've been trying to get shot of. I severely weakened it last year with Pathclear but it's come through again so I've let it grow a bit ready for the Roundup. I'll give it a try with the poly bag as well as...
    PeterS:Usefull tip there re: weedkiller and poly bag. I've got some Everlasting Pea I've been trying to get shot of. I severely weakened it last year with Pathclear but it's come through again so I've let it grow a bit ready for the Roundup....
    PeterS:Usefull tip there re: weedkiller and poly bag. I've got some Everlasting Pea I've been trying to get shot of. I severely weakened it last year with Pathclear but it's come through again...
  2. lazy-gardener

    which clematis for pergola

    Have a look here, threre is a lot of information available.
    Have a look here, threre is a lot of information available.
    Have a look here, threre is a lot of information available.
    Have a look here, threre is a lot of information available.
  3. The Pea Of Sweetness

    Bleeding Hearts

    P. of S., If you leave the flowers they may set seed. If they do, collect the seed as soon as it is ripe [they produce tiny pods which will start opening, when they do the ripe seed for a pink...
    P. of S., If you leave the flowers they may set seed. If they do, collect the seed as soon as it is ripe [they produce tiny pods which will start opening, when they do the ripe seed for a pink flower is usually black ] and sow it somewhere sheltered to protect over winter. If you're lucky some...
    P. of S., If you leave the flowers they may set seed. If they do, collect the seed as soon as it is ripe [they produce tiny pods which will start opening, when they do the ripe seed for a pink flower is usually black ] and sow it somewhere...
    P. of S., If you leave the flowers they may set seed. If they do, collect the seed as soon as it is ripe [they produce tiny pods which will start opening, when they do the ripe seed for a pink...
  4. lazy-gardener

    info on using decorative slate chippings

    I put down gravel over a largish area, over a membrane. I looked at coloured chippings, but decided against it, and am very pleased I did. I finally bought 20 mil gravel from a builder's yard,...
    I put down gravel over a largish area, over a membrane. I looked at coloured chippings, but decided against it, and am very pleased I did. I finally bought 20 mil gravel from a builder's yard, which is cheap.In my opinion, coloured chippings is like a plain carpet. It will show every bit of...
    I put down gravel over a largish area, over a membrane. I looked at coloured chippings, but decided against it, and am very pleased I did. I finally bought 20 mil gravel from a builder's yard, which is cheap.In my opinion, coloured chippings...
    I put down gravel over a largish area, over a membrane. I looked at coloured chippings, but decided against it, and am very pleased I did. I finally bought 20 mil gravel from a builder's yard,...
  5. rosietutu


    Thanks Elaine I will try that and write down the numbers afore I forget em. :D
    Thanks Elaine I will try that and write down the numbers afore I forget em. :D
    Thanks Elaine I will try that and write down the numbers afore I forget em. :D
    Thanks Elaine I will try that and write down the numbers afore I forget em. :D
  6. sheppy


    There are loads that will fit the bill. This site gives heights. a Clematis will only grow upwards if it has something to hang on to. If your...
    There are loads that will fit the bill. This site gives heights. a Clematis will only grow upwards if it has something to hang on to. If your fence is only 6 foot, you Clematis can't grow much taller. It will either grow along sideways, or flop...
    There are loads that will fit the bill. This site gives heights. a Clematis will only grow upwards if it has something to hang on to. If your fence is only 6 foot, you Clematis can't grow much...
    There are loads that will fit the bill. This site gives heights. a Clematis will only grow upwards if it has something to hang on to. If your...
  7. Hornbeam

    Ground elder

    Thanks Liz,I don't let it flower and try and pull as much out as I can, the roots dissapear under the gravel section of the garden. Thank goodness I forced my hubby to put a liner down before...
    Thanks Liz,I don't let it flower and try and pull as much out as I can, the roots dissapear under the gravel section of the garden. Thank goodness I forced my hubby to put a liner down before laying the gravel or I think it would have taken over by now. :eek:
    Thanks Liz,I don't let it flower and try and pull as much out as I can, the roots dissapear under the gravel section of the garden. Thank goodness I forced my hubby to put a liner down before laying the gravel or I think it would have taken...
    Thanks Liz,I don't let it flower and try and pull as much out as I can, the roots dissapear under the gravel section of the garden. Thank goodness I forced my hubby to put a liner down before...
  8. Hornbeam

    Ground elder

    Thanks Liz,I don't let it flower and try and pull as much out as I can, the roots dissapear under the gravel section of the garden. Thank goodness I forced my hubby to put a liner down before...
    Thanks Liz,I don't let it flower and try and pull as much out as I can, the roots dissapear under the gravel section of the garden. Thank goodness I forced my hubby to put a liner down before laying the gravel or I think it would have taken over by now. :eek:
    Thanks Liz,I don't let it flower and try and pull as much out as I can, the roots dissapear under the gravel section of the garden. Thank goodness I forced my hubby to put a liner down before laying the gravel or I think it would have taken...
    Thanks Liz,I don't let it flower and try and pull as much out as I can, the roots dissapear under the gravel section of the garden. Thank goodness I forced my hubby to put a liner down before...
  9. The Pea Of Sweetness

    Anyone grown Jasmine before?

    Thanks elaine If it picks up I shall take another photo.
    Thanks elaine If it picks up I shall take another photo.
    Thanks elaine If it picks up I shall take another photo.
    Thanks elaine If it picks up I shall take another photo.
  10. lazy-gardener

    mahonia- all that rust!

    Black spot is far less serious - so that is good news! It is not a fungus, but a bacteria (Pseudomonus. It is spread by insects and even rain splashes. It is unsightly and heavily infected...
    Black spot is far less serious - so that is good news! It is not a fungus, but a bacteria (Pseudomonus. It is spread by insects and even rain splashes. It is unsightly and heavily infected leaves on roses will fall and spread the bacteria. Best thing is to remove all infected leaves now so...
    Black spot is far less serious - so that is good news! It is not a fungus, but a bacteria (Pseudomonus. It is spread by insects and even rain splashes. It is unsightly and heavily infected leaves on roses will fall and spread the bacteria. ...
    Black spot is far less serious - so that is good news! It is not a fungus, but a bacteria (Pseudomonus. It is spread by insects and even rain splashes. It is unsightly and heavily infected...
  11. EarthWormJim

    Rhododendron and Azaleae in clay..?

    CheersI'll pop them in, give them some acid and hope for the best.Thanks againJim
    CheersI'll pop them in, give them some acid and hope for the best.Thanks againJim
    CheersI'll pop them in, give them some acid and hope for the best.Thanks againJim
    CheersI'll pop them in, give them some acid and hope for the best.Thanks againJim
  12. Lady Gardener

    butterfly hotel it is..and i must say it looks rather grand!! it is..and i must say it looks rather grand!! it is..and i must say it looks rather grand!! it is..and i must say it looks rather grand!!
  13. papajo

    Bamboo screening

    Maybe, depends how well made the screen is. Some horizontal timbers top & bottom would make sure.
    Maybe, depends how well made the screen is. Some horizontal timbers top & bottom would make sure.
    Maybe, depends how well made the screen is. Some horizontal timbers top & bottom would make sure.
    Maybe, depends how well made the screen is. Some horizontal timbers top & bottom would make sure.
  14. sawfish

    Runner bean leaves

    Could it be scorch Sawfish? If you've just put them out the leaves will be a bit tender and a bit of water plus the VERY HOT SUN WE GET HERE IN SCOTLAND ;) may have done it. Looking at the pic,...
    Could it be scorch Sawfish? If you've just put them out the leaves will be a bit tender and a bit of water plus the VERY HOT SUN WE GET HERE IN SCOTLAND ;) may have done it. Looking at the pic, it seems that the upper leaves are OK. I wouldn't worry!
    Could it be scorch Sawfish? If you've just put them out the leaves will be a bit tender and a bit of water plus the VERY HOT SUN WE GET HERE IN SCOTLAND ;) may have done it. Looking at the pic, it seems that the upper leaves are OK. I wouldn't...
    Could it be scorch Sawfish? If you've just put them out the leaves will be a bit tender and a bit of water plus the VERY HOT SUN WE GET HERE IN SCOTLAND ;) may have done it. Looking at the pic,...
  15. sharon

    Indoor plant for bathroom

    Thanks for that, answers my question why I couldnt find one for myself.
    Thanks for that, answers my question why I couldnt find one for myself.
    Thanks for that, answers my question why I couldnt find one for myself.
    Thanks for that, answers my question why I couldnt find one for myself.
  16. geoff

    Storing Bulbs

    Haha - thanks Dendy! When someone used "Mrs T" as a username, it suddenly inspired me for a change of avatar! I'll probably be "pitying the fools" who don't clear their weeds out etc from now on! ;)
    Haha - thanks Dendy! When someone used "Mrs T" as a username, it suddenly inspired me for a change of avatar! I'll probably be "pitying the fools" who don't clear their weeds out etc from now on! ;)
    Haha - thanks Dendy! When someone used "Mrs T" as a username, it suddenly inspired me for a change of avatar! I'll probably be "pitying the fools" who don't clear their weeds out etc from now on! ;)
    Haha - thanks Dendy! When someone used "Mrs T" as a username, it suddenly inspired me for a change of avatar! I'll probably be "pitying the fools" who don't clear their weeds out etc from now on! ;)
  17. Paladin

    Make do!

    i borrowed a good tool from next plot holder to ours yesterday. i was stood frowning across at all the weeds growing where my taties are and he mut have taken pity on me cause the next thing he...
    i borrowed a good tool from next plot holder to ours yesterday. i was stood frowning across at all the weeds growing where my taties are and he mut have taken pity on me cause the next thing he was beside me showing me his implement :D hed fixed this giant three clawed talon thingy to a broom...
    i borrowed a good tool from next plot holder to ours yesterday. i was stood frowning across at all the weeds growing where my taties are and he mut have taken pity on me cause the next thing he was beside me showing me his implement :D hed...
    i borrowed a good tool from next plot holder to ours yesterday. i was stood frowning across at all the weeds growing where my taties are and he mut have taken pity on me cause the next thing he...
  18. Stingo

    Peony help - Bowl of Beauty

    Thanks Palustris I will get some today, thought it may benefit from dividing but apparantly they don't like to be moved?
    Thanks Palustris I will get some today, thought it may benefit from dividing but apparantly they don't like to be moved?
    Thanks Palustris I will get some today, thought it may benefit from dividing but apparantly they don't like to be moved?
    Thanks Palustris I will get some today, thought it may benefit from dividing but apparantly they don't like to be moved?
  19. windy miller

    suitable plants for a windy garden

    Steve, As your coming down to Kernow so soon you really must take a visit to Trebah Gardens. It's the most fantasic garden on the planet and is looking spectacular at this time of year with all...
    Steve, As your coming down to Kernow so soon you really must take a visit to Trebah Gardens. It's the most fantasic garden on the planet and is looking spectacular at this time of year with all the Rhodis flowering. Went there yesterday for peace and inspiration and a picnic on the beach. We go...
    Steve, As your coming down to Kernow so soon you really must take a visit to Trebah Gardens. It's the most fantasic garden on the planet and is looking spectacular at this time of year with all the Rhodis flowering. Went there yesterday for peace...
    Steve, As your coming down to Kernow so soon you really must take a visit to Trebah Gardens. It's the most fantasic garden on the planet and is looking spectacular at this time of year with all...
  20. tonibunny

    How to attract birds to brand new garden?

    One for sorrow, Two for joy Three for a girl, Four for a boy Five for silver, Six for gold Seven for a secret never to be told, Eights a wish, Nines a kiss, Tens a bird you must not miss, Magpie.
    One for sorrow, Two for joy Three for a girl, Four for a boy Five for silver, Six for gold Seven for a secret never to be told, Eights a wish, Nines a kiss, Tens a bird you must not miss, Magpie.
    One for sorrow, Two for joy Three for a girl, Four for a boy Five for silver, Six for gold Seven for a secret never to be told, Eights a wish, Nines a kiss, Tens a bird you must not miss, Magpie.
    One for sorrow, Two for joy Three for a girl, Four for a boy Five for silver, Six for gold Seven for a secret never to be told, Eights a wish, Nines a kiss, Tens a bird you must not miss, Magpie.

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