General Gardening Discussion

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  1. windy miller

    Slow worms

    Blimey!... :D They is some cool cats! :cool: Typically Cornish [ 20. May 2006, 11:27 PM: Message edited by: Paladin ]
    Blimey!... :D They is some cool cats! :cool: Typically Cornish [ 20. May 2006, 11:27 PM: Message edited by: Paladin ]
    Blimey!... :D They is some cool cats! :cool: Typically Cornish [ 20. May 2006, 11:27 PM: Message edited by: Paladin ]
    Blimey!... :D They is some cool cats! :cool: Typically Cornish [ 20. May 2006, 11:27 PM: Message edited by: Paladin ]
  2. slugbug

    Venus flytrap

    Found this link.... Little shop of Horrors...
    Found this link.... Little shop of Horrors...
    Found this link.... Little shop of Horrors...
    Found this link.... Little shop of Horrors...
  3. sharon

    Heather pruning

    I bought some very pretty pale yellow flowered heathers last year for my front window box. They didn't look garish or artificial but I think they must have been dyed as they gradually faded to...
    I bought some very pretty pale yellow flowered heathers last year for my front window box. They didn't look garish or artificial but I think they must have been dyed as they gradually faded to white! I forgot to trim them and now they have tufts of green growth above the flowers!
    I bought some very pretty pale yellow flowered heathers last year for my front window box. They didn't look garish or artificial but I think they must have been dyed as they gradually faded to white! I forgot to trim them and now they have tufts...
    I bought some very pretty pale yellow flowered heathers last year for my front window box. They didn't look garish or artificial but I think they must have been dyed as they gradually faded to...
  4. roders

    Bunch of flowers/Weeds

    Thats lovely Roders - bet it smelt nice as well.
    Thats lovely Roders - bet it smelt nice as well.
    Thats lovely Roders - bet it smelt nice as well.
    Thats lovely Roders - bet it smelt nice as well.
  5. frogesque

    Red Campion

    I've still got some in flower - so could prolly send your a root, or when it sets seed some seed if you like.
    I've still got some in flower - so could prolly send your a root, or when it sets seed some seed if you like.
    I've still got some in flower - so could prolly send your a root, or when it sets seed some seed if you like.
    I've still got some in flower - so could prolly send your a root, or when it sets seed some seed if you like.
  6. DavieM

    Can I grow a grape vine outside ?

    When I was a kid in Hamilton, we had a vine like WAco describes - roots outside, and the rest of it in the greenhouse. I don't the variety, but it was a black grape. Some years we had great...
    When I was a kid in Hamilton, we had a vine like WAco describes - roots outside, and the rest of it in the greenhouse. I don't the variety, but it was a black grape. Some years we had great grapes, other years not - but it definitely worked - and that's definitely in your neck of the woods!
    When I was a kid in Hamilton, we had a vine like WAco describes - roots outside, and the rest of it in the greenhouse. I don't the variety, but it was a black grape. Some years we had great grapes, other years not - but it definitely worked -...
    When I was a kid in Hamilton, we had a vine like WAco describes - roots outside, and the rest of it in the greenhouse. I don't the variety, but it was a black grape. Some years we had great...
  7. steve b


    thanks to all for the great advise, i now know that i can leave and see what happens without doing any harm to the main plant
    thanks to all for the great advise, i now know that i can leave and see what happens without doing any harm to the main plant
    thanks to all for the great advise, i now know that i can leave and see what happens without doing any harm to the main plant
    thanks to all for the great advise, i now know that i can leave and see what happens without doing any harm to the main plant
  8. Liz

    Epimedium Grandiflorum

    This is the one that looked really dead, I just pulled all the dead stuff off and you could seenew growth comming through underneath - better wait until it warms up though.This is a pink one...
    This is the one that looked really dead, I just pulled all the dead stuff off and you could seenew growth comming through underneath - better wait until it warms up though.This is a pink one which is not so rampant and still in flower
    This is the one that looked really dead, I just pulled all the dead stuff off and you could seenew growth comming through underneath - better wait until it warms up though.This is a pink one which is not so rampant and still in flower
    This is the one that looked really dead, I just pulled all the dead stuff off and you could seenew growth comming through underneath - better wait until it warms up though.This is a pink one...
  9. Liz


    It is lovely to look at, but it is one of the most invasive thugs of a wild flower that there is in damp soil.
    It is lovely to look at, but it is one of the most invasive thugs of a wild flower that there is in damp soil.
    It is lovely to look at, but it is one of the most invasive thugs of a wild flower that there is in damp soil.
    It is lovely to look at, but it is one of the most invasive thugs of a wild flower that there is in damp soil.
  10. The Pea Of Sweetness

    Erythronium Pagoda

    Mine grow like weeds, they have just finished and now dying back. They do not like to be moved, but I am going to have to do it as they are taking over.
    Mine grow like weeds, they have just finished and now dying back. They do not like to be moved, but I am going to have to do it as they are taking over.
    Mine grow like weeds, they have just finished and now dying back. They do not like to be moved, but I am going to have to do it as they are taking over.
    Mine grow like weeds, they have just finished and now dying back. They do not like to be moved, but I am going to have to do it as they are taking over.
  11. Heather1234

    Sick camellia

    you could give it a dose of sequestrine too
    you could give it a dose of sequestrine too
    you could give it a dose of sequestrine too
    you could give it a dose of sequestrine too
  12. Liz

    This is really bugging me now!

    Hi Dag, I don't mind at all, this business of 'marking' has come up before and is always good for a giggle. The badgers haven't been at my containers either so I think it must work. As Hornbeam...
    Hi Dag, I don't mind at all, this business of 'marking' has come up before and is always good for a giggle. The badgers haven't been at my containers either so I think it must work. As Hornbeam says, having badgers is great, but upsetting when your efforts are spoilt. We also have lots of grey...
    Hi Dag, I don't mind at all, this business of 'marking' has come up before and is always good for a giggle. The badgers haven't been at my containers either so I think it must work. As Hornbeam says, having badgers is great, but upsetting when...
    Hi Dag, I don't mind at all, this business of 'marking' has come up before and is always good for a giggle. The badgers haven't been at my containers either so I think it must work. As Hornbeam...
  13. Dave W

    Making nice round holes in black polythene

    I know it's difficult to get rid of ground elder, but I would try to stop it getting into the asparagus rather than trying to starve it out once it's there. Asparagus roots like to spread and I...
    I know it's difficult to get rid of ground elder, but I would try to stop it getting into the asparagus rather than trying to starve it out once it's there. Asparagus roots like to spread and I think it would be better to put a vertical barrier between asparagus and ground elder, ie put some...
    I know it's difficult to get rid of ground elder, but I would try to stop it getting into the asparagus rather than trying to starve it out once it's there. Asparagus roots like to spread and I think it would be better to put a vertical barrier...
    I know it's difficult to get rid of ground elder, but I would try to stop it getting into the asparagus rather than trying to starve it out once it's there. Asparagus roots like to spread and I...
  14. McGardener

    water butress

    Around here, the council charges �£25 for a new wheelie bin..... they are very tight fisted (or they have got wise to people getting them for other reasons!!!) ;) ... as for the whisky barrels...
    Around here, the council charges �£25 for a new wheelie bin..... they are very tight fisted (or they have got wise to people getting them for other reasons!!!) ;) ... as for the whisky barrels - if they are sold via the garden centres, I think we all know who is going to make a HUGE...
    Around here, the council charges �£25 for a new wheelie bin..... they are very tight fisted (or they have got wise to people getting them for other reasons!!!) ;) ... as for the whisky barrels - if they are sold via the garden centres, I think...
    Around here, the council charges �£25 for a new wheelie bin..... they are very tight fisted (or they have got wise to people getting them for other reasons!!!) ;) ... as for the whisky barrels...
  15. Scarecrow

    Ratio of soil/sand/seed

    Fantastic.Thanks, Liz.
    Fantastic.Thanks, Liz.
    Fantastic.Thanks, Liz.
    Fantastic.Thanks, Liz.
  16. nitro

    Using copper pipe

    nitro The copper tube is probably more at risk than the soil or plants as copper is readily attacked by ammonia.If the pipes aren`t in contact with the soil and you don`t splash ammonia based...
    nitro The copper tube is probably more at risk than the soil or plants as copper is readily attacked by ammonia.If the pipes aren`t in contact with the soil and you don`t splash ammonia based plant food around it shouldn`t be a great problem though ;)
    nitro The copper tube is probably more at risk than the soil or plants as copper is readily attacked by ammonia.If the pipes aren`t in contact with the soil and you don`t splash ammonia based plant food around it shouldn`t be a great problem...
    nitro The copper tube is probably more at risk than the soil or plants as copper is readily attacked by ammonia.If the pipes aren`t in contact with the soil and you don`t splash ammonia based...
  17. Webmaster

    Actinidia Deliciosa (Kiwi) , Anyone propagated cuttings before ?

    It looks like root development to me, just have to wait and see.
    It looks like root development to me, just have to wait and see.
    It looks like root development to me, just have to wait and see.
    It looks like root development to me, just have to wait and see.
  18. Deserter


    Mulch is great. The simplest stuff would be out of your compost heap (if you have one) just before it completely rots down into the good stuff. It will keep the moisture in, help suppress the...
    Mulch is great. The simplest stuff would be out of your compost heap (if you have one) just before it completely rots down into the good stuff. It will keep the moisture in, help suppress the weeds and as it continues to rot down it will act as a slow release feed for the soil. Yum!
    Mulch is great. The simplest stuff would be out of your compost heap (if you have one) just before it completely rots down into the good stuff. It will keep the moisture in, help suppress the weeds and as it continues to rot down it will act as a...
    Mulch is great. The simplest stuff would be out of your compost heap (if you have one) just before it completely rots down into the good stuff. It will keep the moisture in, help suppress the...
  19. lazy-gardener

    what to treat decking with

    I would highly recomend Ronseal Decking Oil, Ive got Red Ceder.Looks more natural as it is an oil and sinks into the wood, and does sit on the top like other wood stains can. The water beads off...
    I would highly recomend Ronseal Decking Oil, Ive got Red Ceder.Looks more natural as it is an oil and sinks into the wood, and does sit on the top like other wood stains can. The water beads off nicely but needs topping up every couple of years. Very easy to apply.For contrast the decking...
    I would highly recomend Ronseal Decking Oil, Ive got Red Ceder.Looks more natural as it is an oil and sinks into the wood, and does sit on the top like other wood stains can. The water beads off nicely but needs topping up every couple of...
    I would highly recomend Ronseal Decking Oil, Ive got Red Ceder.Looks more natural as it is an oil and sinks into the wood, and does sit on the top like other wood stains can. The water beads off...
  20. itissue

    african violets help

    I found African Violets did really well under artificial light when I still worked in a large open plan office. Too much direct sunlight through the windows tended to make them shrivel but in the...
    I found African Violets did really well under artificial light when I still worked in a large open plan office. Too much direct sunlight through the windows tended to make them shrivel but in the middle of the room (on top of filing cabinets!) really suited them.To get them to come back into...
    I found African Violets did really well under artificial light when I still worked in a large open plan office. Too much direct sunlight through the windows tended to make them shrivel but in the middle of the room (on top of filing cabinets!)...
    I found African Violets did really well under artificial light when I still worked in a large open plan office. Too much direct sunlight through the windows tended to make them shrivel but in the...

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