General Gardening Discussion

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  1. Stingo

    Spanish bluebells

    Well what you lot have told me are Spanish bluebells are so fare behaving very well, as to ground elder AAhhhhhhhhh........don't mention the word before I have to go to bed! Nightmares agsain!
    Well what you lot have told me are Spanish bluebells are so fare behaving very well, as to ground elder AAhhhhhhhhh........don't mention the word before I have to go to bed! Nightmares agsain!
    Well what you lot have told me are Spanish bluebells are so fare behaving very well, as to ground elder AAhhhhhhhhh........don't mention the word before I have to go to bed! Nightmares agsain!
    Well what you lot have told me are Spanish bluebells are so fare behaving very well, as to ground elder AAhhhhhhhhh........don't mention the word before I have to go to bed! Nightmares agsain!
  2. Jupiter

    A sick passion flower needs help

    Mine just dropped dead! Antithesis of a wild fl;ower I would have thought though.
    Mine just dropped dead! Antithesis of a wild fl;ower I would have thought though.
    Mine just dropped dead! Antithesis of a wild fl;ower I would have thought though.
    Mine just dropped dead! Antithesis of a wild fl;ower I would have thought though.
  3. dalbuie

    Impatient ?

    As way of an update, I can now see little green shoots from my rocket seeds which are outside and from courgette seeds, kept indoors for the moment. After 1 week, thats pretty good. I'd have been...
    As way of an update, I can now see little green shoots from my rocket seeds which are outside and from courgette seeds, kept indoors for the moment. After 1 week, thats pretty good. I'd have been starting singing to the little blighters if I hadn't seen signs of life soon!
    As way of an update, I can now see little green shoots from my rocket seeds which are outside and from courgette seeds, kept indoors for the moment. After 1 week, thats pretty good. I'd have been starting singing to the little blighters if I...
    As way of an update, I can now see little green shoots from my rocket seeds which are outside and from courgette seeds, kept indoors for the moment. After 1 week, thats pretty good. I'd have been...
  4. Jim12345

    Help.......Where to begin?

    Thank you all for your help and advice so far! Much appreciated!
    Thank you all for your help and advice so far! Much appreciated!
    Thank you all for your help and advice so far! Much appreciated!
    Thank you all for your help and advice so far! Much appreciated!
  5. gardencat

    Long Boring wall of Breeze block

    The 'in thing' according to the television makeovers is to paint it pale blue. But I think that draws your attention to it. If it was mine I would paint it green. That way it just disappears...
    The 'in thing' according to the television makeovers is to paint it pale blue. But I think that draws your attention to it. If it was mine I would paint it green. That way it just disappears into the background.I wouldn't use a trellis (something more to buy, to paint, and to rot) but would...
    The 'in thing' according to the television makeovers is to paint it pale blue. But I think that draws your attention to it. If it was mine I would paint it green. That way it just disappears into the background.I wouldn't use a trellis...
    The 'in thing' according to the television makeovers is to paint it pale blue. But I think that draws your attention to it. If it was mine I would paint it green. That way it just disappears...
  6. Paladin

    Old is best?

    Definately a turfing iron. i spent several days this winter lifting and relaying turf to make way for a new grass and herbaceous bed. As with the posted photograph the end is rather worn but still...
    Definately a turfing iron. i spent several days this winter lifting and relaying turf to make way for a new grass and herbaceous bed. As with the posted photograph the end is rather worn but still will do a good job. Push with right thigh and right hand on implement; keep at a steady angle and...
    Definately a turfing iron. i spent several days this winter lifting and relaying turf to make way for a new grass and herbaceous bed. As with the posted photograph the end is rather worn but still will do a good job. Push with right thigh and...
    Definately a turfing iron. i spent several days this winter lifting and relaying turf to make way for a new grass and herbaceous bed. As with the posted photograph the end is rather worn but still...
  7. pinkfluffysheep

    garden help

    hi thanks for the next door neighbour has a big fern tree in her garden and we wondered if that had anything to do with the soil is very dry no matter how much you water it
    hi thanks for the next door neighbour has a big fern tree in her garden and we wondered if that had anything to do with the soil is very dry no matter how much you water it
    hi thanks for the next door neighbour has a big fern tree in her garden and we wondered if that had anything to do with the soil is very dry no matter how much you water it
    hi thanks for the next door neighbour has a big fern tree in her garden and we wondered if that had anything to do with the soil is very dry no matter how much you water it
  8. frogesque


    First thing I did when I moved here was search out the sloes... Have now found a satisfactory spot that I can reach with the aid of my crutch! I've made sloe vodka too as one daughter isn't too...
    First thing I did when I moved here was search out the sloes... Have now found a satisfactory spot that I can reach with the aid of my crutch! I've made sloe vodka too as one daughter isn't too keen on gin. I've got several little sloe bushes grown from seed. I hope each year that THIS YEAR...
    First thing I did when I moved here was search out the sloes... Have now found a satisfactory spot that I can reach with the aid of my crutch! I've made sloe vodka too as one daughter isn't too keen on gin. I've got several little sloe bushes...
    First thing I did when I moved here was search out the sloes... Have now found a satisfactory spot that I can reach with the aid of my crutch! I've made sloe vodka too as one daughter isn't too...
  9. frogesque


    My daughters hay fever allways used to start when we lived in the country soon as the gorse came out ..frogesque should make a book with all her lovely photos..they are more clear than some...
    My daughters hay fever allways used to start when we lived in the country soon as the gorse came out ..frogesque should make a book with all her lovely photos..they are more clear than some in my herb and botany books..
    My daughters hay fever allways used to start when we lived in the country soon as the gorse came out ..frogesque should make a book with all her lovely photos..they are more clear than some in my herb and botany books..
    My daughters hay fever allways used to start when we lived in the country soon as the gorse came out ..frogesque should make a book with all her lovely photos..they are more clear than some...
  10. frogesque


    I drink dandelion tea every day..made from the leaves..its good for your liver and water doesnt taste very nice but you will soon get used to it...some people drink dandelion coffee...
    I drink dandelion tea every day..made from the leaves..its good for your liver and water doesnt taste very nice but you will soon get used to it...some people drink dandelion coffee made from the roots..the dandelion is not to be laughed at allthough i know you dont like them in...
    I drink dandelion tea every day..made from the leaves..its good for your liver and water doesnt taste very nice but you will soon get used to it...some people drink dandelion coffee made from the roots..the dandelion is not to be...
    I drink dandelion tea every day..made from the leaves..its good for your liver and water doesnt taste very nice but you will soon get used to it...some people drink dandelion coffee...
  11. gavlap

    planst to trail over a wall

    Cheers Waco... will have a look out for it.
    Cheers Waco... will have a look out for it.
    Cheers Waco... will have a look out for it.
    Cheers Waco... will have a look out for it.
  12. Ant_Ponte

    Shaded Area

    Try this
    Try this
    Try this
    Try this
  13. lazy-gardener

    decking-love it or hate it!!

    well we finally ordered all the wood yesterday to be delivered next weekend! I am sooo excited!Mind you we were a bit like the keystone cops trying to work out how much timber we needed. In the...
    well we finally ordered all the wood yesterday to be delivered next weekend! I am sooo excited!Mind you we were a bit like the keystone cops trying to work out how much timber we needed. In the end we had an amount of timber so we added a few bits extra for 'just in case'Cant wait until we...
    well we finally ordered all the wood yesterday to be delivered next weekend! I am sooo excited!Mind you we were a bit like the keystone cops trying to work out how much timber we needed. In the end we had an amount of timber so we added a few...
    well we finally ordered all the wood yesterday to be delivered next weekend! I am sooo excited!Mind you we were a bit like the keystone cops trying to work out how much timber we needed. In the...
  14. Hornbeam


    Eye, eye, something strange there, who nose what that can be Fran. :D
    Eye, eye, something strange there, who nose what that can be Fran. :D
    Eye, eye, something strange there, who nose what that can be Fran. :D
    Eye, eye, something strange there, who nose what that can be Fran. :D
  15. chilli50


    I have only grown Alocasias under glass so I have no expreience of growing them outside and personally I wouldn't try to. I had never heard of Poly untill your post but looking at pics of it it...
    I have only grown Alocasias under glass so I have no expreience of growing them outside and personally I wouldn't try to. I had never heard of Poly untill your post but looking at pics of it it appears to a hybrid of Amazonica/Sanderiana or similar.I have not grown them for many years so I am...
    I have only grown Alocasias under glass so I have no expreience of growing them outside and personally I wouldn't try to. I had never heard of Poly untill your post but looking at pics of it it appears to a hybrid of Amazonica/Sanderiana or...
    I have only grown Alocasias under glass so I have no expreience of growing them outside and personally I wouldn't try to. I had never heard of Poly untill your post but looking at pics of it it...
  16. Hornbeam

    Pasque flowers

    The sad thing is that if you take seed from a wild plant (not to be done except with permission) and grow it on in your garden, even then they become bigger.
    The sad thing is that if you take seed from a wild plant (not to be done except with permission) and grow it on in your garden, even then they become bigger.
    The sad thing is that if you take seed from a wild plant (not to be done except with permission) and grow it on in your garden, even then they become bigger.
    The sad thing is that if you take seed from a wild plant (not to be done except with permission) and grow it on in your garden, even then they become bigger.
  17. pinkfluffysheep

    garden help

    I think I would be digging up the soil to see what was under it!
    I think I would be digging up the soil to see what was under it!
    I think I would be digging up the soil to see what was under it!
    I think I would be digging up the soil to see what was under it!
  18. Jaycee


    Thanks to all for the advice. I'll leave it where I can. JC
    Thanks to all for the advice. I'll leave it where I can. JC
    Thanks to all for the advice. I'll leave it where I can. JC
    Thanks to all for the advice. I'll leave it where I can. JC
  19. Dave Martin

    my first shoots

    [ 02. May 2006, 08:46 PM: Message edited by: Webmaster ]
    [ 02. May 2006, 08:46 PM: Message edited by: Webmaster ]
    [ 02. May 2006, 08:46 PM: Message edited by: Webmaster ]
    [ 02. May 2006, 08:46 PM: Message edited by: Webmaster ]
  20. Waco

    Dahlia "Dark Desire"

    Update - well it looked dead as a dodo a couple of days ago, but when you looked at it close not only were leaves forming but also flowers - on the cuttings!!!So I cut of dead leaves, took out...
    Update - well it looked dead as a dodo a couple of days ago, but when you looked at it close not only were leaves forming but also flowers - on the cuttings!!!So I cut of dead leaves, took out flowers amd I may be in with a slight chance 40/50 optomistic.The re potted mother plant is going...
    Update - well it looked dead as a dodo a couple of days ago, but when you looked at it close not only were leaves forming but also flowers - on the cuttings!!!So I cut of dead leaves, took out flowers amd I may be in with a slight chance 40/50...
    Update - well it looked dead as a dodo a couple of days ago, but when you looked at it close not only were leaves forming but also flowers - on the cuttings!!!So I cut of dead leaves, took out...

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