General Gardening Discussion

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  1. foxtrot

    Garden design software

    Haven't seen you in a while Charlie :DNathan.
    Haven't seen you in a while Charlie :DNathan.
    Haven't seen you in a while Charlie :DNathan.
    Haven't seen you in a while Charlie :DNathan.
  2. Charlie

    Cymbidium Orchid - when do I bring it in!

    Thanks Pete I'll do just that - There we go Dendrobium this thread has taught us all a thing or two!
    Thanks Pete I'll do just that - There we go Dendrobium this thread has taught us all a thing or two!
    Thanks Pete I'll do just that - There we go Dendrobium this thread has taught us all a thing or two!
    Thanks Pete I'll do just that - There we go Dendrobium this thread has taught us all a thing or two!
  3. roger clements


    WE were told when our daffs did not flower too not cut down, just dead head, and feed with Tomato food, every week for about six weeks, and if still no luck move. wheelie.
    WE were told when our daffs did not flower too not cut down, just dead head, and feed with Tomato food, every week for about six weeks, and if still no luck move. wheelie.
    WE were told when our daffs did not flower too not cut down, just dead head, and feed with Tomato food, every week for about six weeks, and if still no luck move. wheelie.
    WE were told when our daffs did not flower too not cut down, just dead head, and feed with Tomato food, every week for about six weeks, and if still no luck move. wheelie.
  4. Orchid man

    worlds most beautifulest flower or plant

    thanks fran
    thanks fran
    thanks fran
    thanks fran
  5. vernonang

    small garden

    There are lots of plants you can use in tubs mixing hardy perennials with the less hardy geraniums/fuschias. I would be happy using the light blues of some Campanulas and even Nepeta but watch it...
    There are lots of plants you can use in tubs mixing hardy perennials with the less hardy geraniums/fuschias. I would be happy using the light blues of some Campanulas and even Nepeta but watch it does not take over. You could use some stronger yellows.reds to provide contrast - if very shady try...
    There are lots of plants you can use in tubs mixing hardy perennials with the less hardy geraniums/fuschias. I would be happy using the light blues of some Campanulas and even Nepeta but watch it does not take over. You could use some stronger...
    There are lots of plants you can use in tubs mixing hardy perennials with the less hardy geraniums/fuschias. I would be happy using the light blues of some Campanulas and even Nepeta but watch it...
  6. Orchid man

    tabaco plant

    Meanwhile... back to real gardening help....... :rolleyes:
    Meanwhile... back to real gardening help....... :rolleyes:
    Meanwhile... back to real gardening help....... :rolleyes:
    Meanwhile... back to real gardening help....... :rolleyes:
  7. samsoph

    Just had a thought about my berries!

    Chemistry is not my subject, as I say I just remember reading it somewhere. I would suppose on a naturally acid soil it would have minimum effect, but on my neutral to slightly alkaline soil I...
    Chemistry is not my subject, as I say I just remember reading it somewhere. I would suppose on a naturally acid soil it would have minimum effect, but on my neutral to slightly alkaline soil I tend to not use it on the erecacious plants that I struggle to grow.
    Chemistry is not my subject, as I say I just remember reading it somewhere. I would suppose on a naturally acid soil it would have minimum effect, but on my neutral to slightly alkaline soil I tend to not use it on the erecacious plants that I...
    Chemistry is not my subject, as I say I just remember reading it somewhere. I would suppose on a naturally acid soil it would have minimum effect, but on my neutral to slightly alkaline soil I...
  8. Kazonline

    Where to start?

    your ultimate "friend" is your MP, when i was in Civil Service believe me thaey had clout, so dont be afraid to wave this wand, go back to land registry and ask for a ruling in writing, they must...
    your ultimate "friend" is your MP, when i was in Civil Service believe me thaey had clout, so dont be afraid to wave this wand, go back to land registry and ask for a ruling in writing, they must give it to you, they are civil servants, ask for the grade of the person you are talking to, if HEO...
    your ultimate "friend" is your MP, when i was in Civil Service believe me thaey had clout, so dont be afraid to wave this wand, go back to land registry and ask for a ruling in writing, they must give it to you, they are civil servants, ask for...
    your ultimate "friend" is your MP, when i was in Civil Service believe me thaey had clout, so dont be afraid to wave this wand, go back to land registry and ask for a ruling in writing, they must...
  9. The Pea Of Sweetness

    Any Poppy experts out there at all?

    Aaaaaaaagh. Did I speak too soon or what. I have just found the poppy which I have been trying to kill for the last 4 years, growing away happily. I would not bother but it is in the middle of a...
    Aaaaaaaagh. Did I speak too soon or what. I have just found the poppy which I have been trying to kill for the last 4 years, growing away happily. I would not bother but it is in the middle of a bed which is supposed to be either grasses or tall yellow daisies. It would look AWFUL!
    Aaaaaaaagh. Did I speak too soon or what. I have just found the poppy which I have been trying to kill for the last 4 years, growing away happily. I would not bother but it is in the middle of a bed which is supposed to be either grasses or tall...
    Aaaaaaaagh. Did I speak too soon or what. I have just found the poppy which I have been trying to kill for the last 4 years, growing away happily. I would not bother but it is in the middle of a...
  10. marge

    Pruning my fuschia

    Oh thats great - thanks - I have to get some rose fertilizer so will give the fuschia a drop too
    Oh thats great - thanks - I have to get some rose fertilizer so will give the fuschia a drop too
    Oh thats great - thanks - I have to get some rose fertilizer so will give the fuschia a drop too
    Oh thats great - thanks - I have to get some rose fertilizer so will give the fuschia a drop too
  11. wheelie

    laural bush

    On the bush itself or on the soil?
    On the bush itself or on the soil?
    On the bush itself or on the soil?
    On the bush itself or on the soil?
  12. timecharger

    how important is lime?

    I managed to buy a ph kit for the princely sum of �£1.19 from my local garden centre. Fortunately it turned a dark green colour so my veg plot should be ok without liming, as I think the time to...
    I managed to buy a ph kit for the princely sum of �£1.19 from my local garden centre. Fortunately it turned a dark green colour so my veg plot should be ok without liming, as I think the time to lime is autumn or winter rather than now. If you do do a test and the soil is acidic then I guess...
    I managed to buy a ph kit for the princely sum of �£1.19 from my local garden centre. Fortunately it turned a dark green colour so my veg plot should be ok without liming, as I think the time to lime is autumn or winter rather than now. If you...
    I managed to buy a ph kit for the princely sum of �£1.19 from my local garden centre. Fortunately it turned a dark green colour so my veg plot should be ok without liming, as I think the time to...
  13. ice


    sorry you miss understood me the brook is out front the ground i am looking at is round back, where i lived before although the water was further away we still got frogs and dragonflys in the...
    sorry you miss understood me the brook is out front the ground i am looking at is round back, where i lived before although the water was further away we still got frogs and dragonflys in the garden oh and a bat so i was hoping to attacted same wild life my garden there was more formal
    sorry you miss understood me the brook is out front the ground i am looking at is round back, where i lived before although the water was further away we still got frogs and dragonflys in the garden oh and a bat so i was hoping to attacted same...
    sorry you miss understood me the brook is out front the ground i am looking at is round back, where i lived before although the water was further away we still got frogs and dragonflys in the...
  14. my 3 boys

    Laurel hedging

    Best thing to do is to spray with water and then mulch the roots, keep spraying leaves till you either win , or you are sure they wont recover, they will take hard pruning so don t worry too much
    Best thing to do is to spray with water and then mulch the roots, keep spraying leaves till you either win , or you are sure they wont recover, they will take hard pruning so don t worry too much
    Best thing to do is to spray with water and then mulch the roots, keep spraying leaves till you either win , or you are sure they wont recover, they will take hard pruning so don t worry too much
    Best thing to do is to spray with water and then mulch the roots, keep spraying leaves till you either win , or you are sure they wont recover, they will take hard pruning so don t worry too much
  15. Paladin

    What do you think?

    :eek: How I wish I had such a feature in my plot. Don't think I would be too concerned with the planting :D Like I said ...shoot the goose!
    :eek: How I wish I had such a feature in my plot. Don't think I would be too concerned with the planting :D Like I said ...shoot the goose!
    :eek: How I wish I had such a feature in my plot. Don't think I would be too concerned with the planting :D Like I said ...shoot the goose!
    :eek: How I wish I had such a feature in my plot. Don't think I would be too concerned with the planting :D Like I said ...shoot the goose!
  16. mowgley

    Pricking out

    I would wait til the second leaves show on all of them - give them the best start. I usually have to thin my seedlings to stop them getting overcrowded, well before I start pricking out and potting up
    I would wait til the second leaves show on all of them - give them the best start. I usually have to thin my seedlings to stop them getting overcrowded, well before I start pricking out and potting up
    I would wait til the second leaves show on all of them - give them the best start. I usually have to thin my seedlings to stop them getting overcrowded, well before I start pricking out and potting up
    I would wait til the second leaves show on all of them - give them the best start. I usually have to thin my seedlings to stop them getting overcrowded, well before I start pricking out and potting up
  17. pumpkinsoup


    Boring is not a term I would use to describe fuchsia However until they start into growth, bare twigs, are bare twigs, are bare twigs :D
    Boring is not a term I would use to describe fuchsia However until they start into growth, bare twigs, are bare twigs, are bare twigs :D
    Boring is not a term I would use to describe fuchsia However until they start into growth, bare twigs, are bare twigs, are bare twigs :D
    Boring is not a term I would use to describe fuchsia However until they start into growth, bare twigs, are bare twigs, are bare twigs :D
  18. conks

    Very, very basics explained please

    agreed! :D
    agreed! :D
    agreed! :D
    agreed! :D
  19. buffalo


    it is not happy, are the leaves pale at all, does it bud and then they drop off? is it in the same pot and if so change the compost,[and move to bigger pot if needbe] using ericaceous compost,...
    it is not happy, are the leaves pale at all, does it bud and then they drop off? is it in the same pot and if so change the compost,[and move to bigger pot if needbe] using ericaceous compost, give it a feed of ericaceous liquid feed, including foliar spray The most likely explanation is aspect...
    it is not happy, are the leaves pale at all, does it bud and then they drop off? is it in the same pot and if so change the compost,[and move to bigger pot if needbe] using ericaceous compost, give it a feed of ericaceous liquid feed, including...
    it is not happy, are the leaves pale at all, does it bud and then they drop off? is it in the same pot and if so change the compost,[and move to bigger pot if needbe] using ericaceous compost,...
  20. morris28

    Fragrant Climbers

    Thanks Denrobium for the links.My Abelia x grandiflora is on the way.
    Thanks Denrobium for the links.My Abelia x grandiflora is on the way.
    Thanks Denrobium for the links.My Abelia x grandiflora is on the way.
    Thanks Denrobium for the links.My Abelia x grandiflora is on the way.

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